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File metadata and controls

123 lines (98 loc) · 5.45 KB


Clojars Project cljdoc badge Clojure Tests

A fully fledged Bugsnag exception reporting client for Clojure.

Originally forked from MicrosoftArchive


  • Automatically exposes ex-info data as metadata
  • Ring middleware included, attaches ring request map as metadata
  • Include snippet of code around stack trace lines
  • Mark in-project stack traces to hide frameworks
  • Pass along user IDs to Bugsnag

Releases and Dependency Information

A deployed copy of the most recent version of clj-bugsnag can be found on clojars. To use it, add the following as a dependency in your project.clj or deps.edn file:

Clojars Project

The next time you build your application, Leiningen or tools.deps should pull it automatically. Alternatively, you may clone or fork the repository to work with it directly.

Example Usage

Ring Middleware

(require '[clj-bugsnag.core :as bugsnag]
         '[clj-bugsnag.ring :as bugsnag.ring])

;; All keys besides :api-key are optional

  {:api-key "Project API key"
   ;; Defaults to "production"
   :environment "production"
   ;; Project namespace prefix, used to hide irrelevant stack trace elements
   :project-ns "your-project-ns-prefix"
   ;; A optional version for your app, this is displayed in bugsnag.
   ;; If not provided the latest git sha will be used - this means that
   ;; the git repo is available when you run your app.
   :version "your-app-version"
   ;; A optional function to extract a user object from a ring request map
   ;; Used to count how many users are affected by a crash
   :user-from-request (constantly {:id "shall return a map"})})

Manual Reporting

(require '[clj-bugsnag.core :as bugsnag])
;; Manual reporting using the notify function:

  (some-function-that-could-crash some-input)
  (catch Exception exception

    ;; `notify` with options map in which all keys are optional:
    ;; A full list of supported options
      {:api-key "Project API key"
       :project-ns "My service"
       :context "some-http-handler"
       :environment "dev"
       :version "v1.2.3"
       :severity "error"
       :suppress-bugsnag-response? true
       ;; Attach custom metadata to create tabs in Bugsnag:
       :meta {:input some-input}
       ;; Pass a user object to Bugsnag for better stats
       :user {:id ... :email ...}})))

    ;; If no api-key is provided, clj-bugsnag will fall back to BUGSNAG_KEY environment variable and bugsnagKey system property
    (bugsnag/notify exception)

    ;; Alternatively, if you do not want the HTTP response from Bugsnag
    ;; This function may be supplied the same map of options as well, but ignores `:suppress-bugsnag-response?`
    (bugsnag/notify-v2! exception)

By default, notify will return the HTTP response from Bugsnag. If you'd like to simply receive nil, as is the case with most common logging interfaces, you may set the :suppress-bugsnag-response? key in the option map to any truthy value.

Definitions of all option map keys are below:

  • :api-key - The BugSnag API key for your project. If this key is missing, the library will attempt to load the Environment variable BUGSNAG_KEY and the JVM Property bugsnagKey in this order. If all three values are nil, an exception will be thrown
  • :project-ns - The BugSnag project name you'd like to report the error to. Typically the artifact name. Defaults to \000
  • :context - The BugSnag 'context' in which an error occurred. Defaults to nil. See Bugsnag's documentation for more details
  • :group - The BugSnag 'group' an error occurred within. Defaults to the exception message for instances of clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo or the Class Name of the Exception
  • :severity - The severity of the error. Must be one of info, warning, and error. Defaults to error
  • :user - A string or map of data representing the active end user when the error occurred. Defaults to nil
  • :version - The application version running when the error was reported. Defaults to the git SHA when possible. Otherwise nil.
  • :environment - The deployment context in which the error occurred. Defaults to Production
  • :meta - A map of arbitrary metadata to associate to the error
  • :suppress-bugsnag-response? - A boolean toggle for this function's return value. When falsy, return the clj-http response from calling BugSnag's API When truthy, return nil- consistent with other logging interfaces and println Defaults to falsy.


Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure and the predecessor of this fork.