Planned features.
- Migrate mini haskell - A compiler for a subset of Haskell to Combinatory Logic, use TypeClass
- Migrate Compiler Quest - Self hosted compiler
- Migrate Mini-Haskell Project - A "Mini-Haskell" functional programming language
- Migrate prelude from PureScript
- Check other things from
- Migrate Haskell to Lazy K compiler - use Stream, not IO
- Migrate Duet - A tiny language, a subset of Haskell (with type classes) aimed at aiding teachers teach Haskell
- Migrate helium and LVM - small educable compiler
- Migrate hs2bf - very easy, use external parser for Haskell98
- Migrate Fay - A proper subset of Haskell that compiles to JavaScript.
- Migrate HscMain - it is possible tu fork GHC?
- Migrate Typing Haskell in Haskell - partially used by hs2lazyk
- Migrate Poly
- Migrate ProtoHaskell
- Migrate Let's Build a Compiler (in Haskell)
- Migrate Types and Programming Languages
- Use hint - A Haskell interpreter built on top of the GHC API
You can propose feature by GitHub.
For more see ROADMAP.