mops add evm-proof-verifier
Add the repository to package-set.dhall
let additions = [
{ name = "evm-proof-verifier"
, version = "main"
, repo = ""
, dependencies = [ "base", "rlp", "sha3", "merkle-patricia-trie" ],
{ name = "merkle-patricia-trie"
, version = "master"
, repo = ""
, dependencies = [ "base", "rlp", "sha3" ],
{ name = "rlp"
, version = "master"
, repo = ""
, dependencies = [] : List Text
{ name = "sha3"
, version = "master"
, repo = ""
, dependencies = [] : List Text
] : List Package
and to the dependencies in vessel.dhall
dependencies = [ "base", "evm-proof-verifier" ],
compiler = Some "0.8.3"
This package consists 2 main components, and, and utilities. Here is the example and you can learn more in tests.
import Bloom "mo:evm-proof-verifier/Bloom";
import Converter "mo:evm-proof-verifier/Converter";
import Debug "mo:base/Debug";
import Verifier "mo:evm-proof-verifier/Verifier";
import Utils "mo:evm-proof-verifier/Utils";
// Verify Proof
let #ok(storageProof) = Converter.toStorageProof(
// proof data
storageHash = "1f2e8062...",
stroageProof = [{key = "0", proof = ["f90211a0c1c1ab..."], value = "5772..."}, ... ],
// index of proof to verify
) else ...;
let #ok(result_bool) = Verifier.verifyMerkleProof(storageProof) else ...
// Test Bloom
let bool = Bloom.test(logsBloomBytesArr, Utils.padBytes(topicByteArr, 32));
All test cases can be executed using the Makefile.
make test
Helper scripts to get proof data.
git clone
cd evm-proof-verifier-motoko
pnpm install
cp .env.example .env
pnpm run ts-node scripts/getProof.ts
You need to fill env vars and parameters before running scripts,
const address = "0x...";
const keys = ["0x..."];
const block = "latest"; // tag or number or hash