The dataset was provided by Houston BikeShare that operates Houston BCycle, a bicycle sharing system.
The trip data is located in data/BikeShare Trips.
Main station data is here: data/StationsListing/Station List with suspensions.xlsx - May 2023 suspensions.csv
If helpful, here's some R code to combine csv's into one dataframe. It's a lot of data so feel free to adjust how much you read in at a time. By default it reads the data in as characters, so be sure to adjust the column types as needed.
combine_csvs <- function(folder_path) {
# Get list of file paths of eah csv
file_paths <- list.files(path = folder_path,
pattern = "*.csv",
full.names = TRUE)
data_list <- list()
# Read in each csv as a dataframe
for (file_path in file_paths) {
data <- read_csv(file_path, col_types = cols(.default = "c"))
data_list[[file_path]] <- data
data <- bind_rows(data_list)
df <- combine_csvs("data/BikeShareTrips/")
A google sheet that has on its right side demographics data calculated for bike stations This uses the "magic spreadsheet" shown here: