Astronomers conduct much of their reading online, but a good collection of books is always nice to have.
- Exoplanet Atmospheres (Seager)
- Exoplanets book.
- Protostars and Planets
- Small Exoplanets Occurrence and Envelope Structure(concise Review)
- Exoplanet Atmospheres Review:
- Planet formation of Super Earths, Review:
- Exoplanet Atomospheres at High Resolution
- Exoplanet Discovery:
- TRAPPIST discovery paper
- early kepler discovery paper
- exo-Earth discovery paper
- Bevington (link below is to free pdf)
- Baysian Statistics in Astronomy
- Planet occurrance (Advanced):
Data Analysis and Tools
- Python analysis book.
- Fitting data to a line (suprisingly advanced)
Examples of undergraduate research papers:
- "A Search for Planets around Barnard's star" UC Berkeley undergrad, Jiuen Choi
- Systemic Radial Velocities for ~2000 Planet Search Stars, UC Berkeley undergrad: Carly Chubak
- "Detection of Stars within 0.8" of Kepler Objects of Interest" UC Berkeley undergrad: Rea Kolbl
- "Precision Stellar Characterization of FGKM Stars using an Empirical Spectral Library" CalTech UG: Samuel Yee
- "HAT-P-11: Discovery of a Second Planet and a Clue to Understanding Exoplanet Obliquities" CalTech UG: Samuel Yee
- "Orbits for the Impatient: a Bayesian Rejection-sampling Method for Quickly Fitting the Orbits of Long-period Exoplanets" Brown UG: Sarah Blunt
- "Kepler-1649b: An Exo-Venus in the Solar Neighborhood" UC Berkeley undergrad, Isabel Angelo
- "A Case for an Atmosphere on Super-Earth 55 Cancri e" UC Berkeley undergrad, Isabel Angelo
- Exoplanet data analysis in python:
Readings by Week:
- Week1: Explanets Review
- week2: "Life Outside the Solar System" by Su-Shu Huang
- Week3: Life outside the solar system (Cont)
- Week4: Imposter Syndrome (Vivaldi)
- Week5: An Earth-sized Planet in the Habitable Zone of a Cool Star (Quintana et al. 2014)
- Week6: Quintana con't
- Week7: Imagine exoplanets (Bowler 2016), only certain sections.
- Week8: Bowler continued.
- Week9: No group paper
- Week10: No group paper