- Source Milvus support version: 2.3.0+
- Target Milvus support version: 2.2+
workMode: milvus2x # work mode:milvus2x->milvus2x
bufferSize: 500 # Read source data rows in each time read from Source Milvus.
meta: # meta part
mode: config # 'config' mode means will get meta config from this config file itself.
version: 2.3.0 # Source Milvus version
collection: src_coll_name # migrate data from this source collection
source: # source milvus connection info
endpoint: {milvus2x_domain}:{milvus2x_port}
username: xxxx
password: xxxxx
target: # target milvus collection info
endpoint: {milvus2x_domain}:{milvus2x_port}
username: xxxx
password: xxxxx
you can place the migration.yaml to configs/ directory, then tool will auto read config from the configs/migration.yaml when you execute cmd:
./milvus-migration start
or you can place the migration.yaml to any directory, then will read config from --config
param path when execute cmd
like below:
./milvus-migration start --config=/{YourConfigFilePath}/migration.yaml
migration success when you see the print log like below:
[INFO] [migration/milvus2x_starter.go:79] ["=================>JobProcess!"] [Percent=100]
[INFO] [migration/milvus2x_starter.go:27] ["[Starter] migration Milvus2X to Milvus2X finish!!!"] [Cost=94.877717375]
[INFO] [starter/starter.go:109] ["[Starter] Migration Success!"] [Cost=94.878243583]
[INFO] [cleaner/none_cleaner.go:17] ["[None Cleaner] not need clean files"] [mode=]
[INFO] [cmd/start.go:32] ["[Cleaner] clean file success!"]
if you want to verify the migration data result, you can use Attu see source collection already in your target Milvus. Attu
- if you don't migration all the source collection fields to the target Milvus, you can add fields config in meta part to specify the need migration fields.
- btw, you at least need migration the PrimaryKey and Vector type field to target Milvus.
fields: # optional configuration, only migration below source collection fields to target milvus:
- name: id
- name: title_vector
- name: reading_time
- if you want to customize target collection properties, you can add below config in your meta part
milvus: #below info are target collection optional configuration:
collection: target_coll_name # If not, the source collection name will be used.
closeDynamicField: false # If not, the source collection DynamicField prop will be used.
shardNum: 2 # If not, the source collection ShardNum prop will be used.
consistencyLevel: Customized # If not, the source collection consistencyLevel prop will be used.
- if you want to customize source or target milvus grpc connection request or receive message max size, you can add below config like:
maxCallRecvMsgSize: 67108864
maxCallSendMsgSize: 268435456
maxCallRecvMsgSize: 67108864
maxCallSendMsgSize: 268435456