Replace the following in a file called .gitconfig
or .gitconfig-team
at root of the project. Uncomment certain values.
Team Member Name
[email protected]
Have you | Can you:
- Create an empty .gitconfig in
root of repository - Copy as below.
- Commit to
- Confer with team if all team member can commits.
filemode = false
logallrefupdates = true
bare = false
sharedRepository = true
# Edit
[includeIf "gitdir:~/path/to/repo/"]
path = .gitconfig-team
# Edit
name = Team Member Name
# Edit
email = [email protected]
# username = {GitHUBID}
excludesfile = ~/.gitignore_global
[credential "Windows"]
# helper = manager
# helper = "C:/Program Files/Git/mingw64/bin/git-credential-manager-core.exe"
[credential ""]
# username = {GitHUBID}
[remote "origin"]
# Edit
url = [email protected]:organization/repo.git
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
[branch "main"]
remote = origin
merge = refs/heads/main
template = ~/.gitconfigs/.gitcommit.tmpl.txt
cleanup = default
# [rebase]
# autoSquash = true
# autoStash = true
# merging, not rebasing
rebase = false
ff = only
# ff = true # default, merge commits as needed,
# ff = false # always merge commits, more noise and activity
verbose = true
default = current
followTags = true
prune = true
pruneTags = true
postBuffer = 524288000
co = checkout
br = branch
ci = commit
st = status
: remove {...} and add in replaced actual value. | .gitconfig-team needs testing and editing before deployment.
Alternative Versioning Conventions
- An @iPoetDev prefered template for commits is as follows.
- Also can show from a command line approach More info needed
- Configure via
.- Edit per repo ./.gitconfig .. see below as follows.
- Copy the commit template and story under [~/git-configs/.gitcommit.tmpl.txt] locally.
- Download or copy the sample .gitcommit temaplate from ./.github/local-config/..
- Editing and configuration this will allow VSCode Template to appear the in commit window.
{gitmoji} type: (scope) Short description
branch: main | branch
tag: v.
PREVIOUSLOG 2024.08.dd v0.0.1-0000
CHANGELOG 2024.08.dd v.0.0.1-0000
--- . ---
🔸 bump: .v
- :
🔸 merge: .intent
- :
🔸 add: .intent
- :
🔸 modify: .intent
- :
🔸 edit: .intent
- :
🔸 remove: .intent
- :
opens: #
wip: #
resolves: #
seeAlso: #
Co-authored-by: @iPoetDev <[email protected]>
Commit First Line:
type: (scope) Short Description
{Keep Blank}
Branch: {main|branch-name}
Bump: {.v} & short reason for bump
PREVIOUSLOG 2024.08.dd v0.0.1-0000
CHANGELOG 2024.08.dd v0.0.1-0000
{Keep Blank}
--- . ---
{Full Description}
--- . ---
merge: {
}- :
add: {
}- :
modify: {
}- :
edit: {
}- :
remove: {
}- :
Connected Issues
- opens: #
- wip: #
- resolves: #
- see also: #
{Keep Blank}
{Keep Blank}
Co-authored-by: @GitHub_ID 2023.08.dd
Co-authored-by: @GitHub_ID 2023.08.dd
- Using VSCode extensions for standardised commit template design. The same template above can be applied via the settings.
- 🔗
- Commit messages can be editable in a customizable form.
- Standard Template
- Dynamic Template
- Editable Form Inputs
- This helps you to use a standardized format.
- Portable configuration to share settings with teammates.
- A huge textarea on a dedicated tab.
- Follows the Conventional Commits specification.
- Commit messages can be editable in a customizable form.
<intention|type> [scope?][:?] <message>
- intention|type: An emoji|text from the list.
- scope: An optional string that adds contextual information for the scope of the change.
- message: A brief explanation of the change.
- Separate between commit subject and commit body
Add a bit of spark for and suggestions for commit activity/intentions.
- 🎨 🎨 Improve structure / format of the code.
- ⚡️ ⚡ Improve performance.
- 🔥 🔥 Remove code or files.
- 🐛 🐛 Fix a bug.
- 🚑️ 🚑 Critical hotfix.
- ✨ ✨ Introduce new features.
- 📝 📝 Add or update documentation.
- 🚀 🚀 Deploy stuff.
- 💄 💄 Add or update the UI and style files.
- 🎉 🎉 Begin a project.
- ✅ ✅ Add, update, or pass tests.
- 🔒️ 🔒 Fix security or privacy issues.
- 🔐 🔐 Add or update secrets.
- 🔖 🔖 Release / Version tags.
- 🚨 🚨 Fix compiler / linter warnings.
- 🚧 🚧 Work in progress.
- 💚 💚 Fix CI Build.
- ⬇️ ⬇️ Downgrade dependencies.
- ⬆️ ⬆️ Upgrade dependencies.
- 📌 📌 Pin dependencies to specific versions.
- 👷 👷 Add or update CI build system.
- 📈 📈 Add or update analytics or track code.
- ♻️ ♻️ Refactor code.
- ➕ ➕ Add a dependency.
- ➖ ➖ Remove a dependency.
- 🔧 🔧 Add or update configuration files.
- 🔨 🔨 Add or update development scripts.
- 🌐 🌐 Internationalization and localization.
- ✏️ ✏️ Fix typos.
- 💩 💩 Write bad code that needs to be improved.
- ⏪️ ⏪ Revert changes.
- 🔀 🔀 Merge branches.
- 📦️ 📦 Add or update compiled files or packages.
- 👽️ 👽 Update code due to external API changes.
- 🚚 🚚 Move or rename resources (e.g.: files, paths, routes).
- 📄 📄 Add or update license.
- 💥 💥 Introduce breaking changes.
- 🍱 🍱 Add or update assets.
- ♿️ ♿ Improve accessibility.
- 💡 💡 Add or update comments in source code.
- 🍻 🍻 Write code drunkenly.
- 💬 💬 Add or update text and literals.
- 🗃️ 🗃️ Perform database related changes.
- 🔊 🔊 Add or update logs.
- 🔇 🔇 Remove logs.
- 👥 👥 Add or update contributor(s).
- 🚸 🚸 Improve user experience / usability.
- 🏗️ 🏗️ Make architectural changes.
- 📱 📱 Work on responsive design.
- 🤡 🤡 Mock things.
- 🥚 🥚 Add or update an easter egg.
- 🙈 🙈 Add or update a .gitignore file.
- 📸 📸 Add or update snapshots.
- ⚗️ ⚗️ Perform experiments.
- 🔍️ 🔍 Improve SEO.
- 🏷️ 🏷️ Add or update types.
- 🌱 🌱 Add or update seed files.
- 🚩 🚩 Add, update, or remove feature flags.
- 🥅 🥅 Catch errors.
- 💫 💫 Add or update animations and transitions.
- 🗑️ 🗑️ Deprecate code that needs to be cleaned up.
- 🛂 🛂 Work on code related to authorization, roles and permissions.
- 🩹 🩹 Simple fix for a non-critical issue.
- 🧐 🧐 Data exploration/inspection.
- ⚰️ ⚰️ Remove dead code.
- 🧪 🧪 Add a failing test.
- 👔 👔 Add or update business logic.
- 🩺 🩺 Add or update healthcheck.
- 🧱 🧱 Infrastructure related changes.
- 🧑💻 🧑💻 Improve developer experience.
- 💸 💸 Add sponsorships or money related infrastructure.
- 🧵 🧵 Add or update code related to multithreading or concurrency.
- 🦺 🦺 Add or update code related to validation.