copyright | lastupdated | keywords | subcollection | ||
2024-10-09 |
applications in code engine, apps in code engine, http requests in code engine, deploy apps in code engine, app workloads in code engine, deploying workloads in code engine, application, app, memory, cpu, environment variables |
codeengine |
{: #access-service}
After your app deploys, you can access it through a URL. {: shortdesc}
From the console, your application URL is available from the components page and on the application details page.
From the CLI, run the ibmcloud ce app get
command to find the URL of your app. To have the command output only the URL of the app, specify the --output url
option with the app get
{: #access-app-details}
Find details about your app from the console or with the CLI. {: shortdesc}
{{}} has quotas for apps and revisions of the apps within a project and app limits, such as memory and CPU. For more information about {{}} limits, see Limits and quotas for {{}}. {: important}
{: #access-appdetails-ui}
Details about your app are available in the console from the app page by clicking the name of your app from the list of applications within your project. You can view information about the running instances of your application and its revisions, configuration details, and endpoint settings of the app.
{: #access-appdetails-cli}
To view details of your app with the CLI, use the app get
command. For a complete listing of options, see the ibmcloud ce app get
{: shortdesc}
For example, the following app get
command displays details about the myapp
ibmcloud ce app get --name myapp
{: pre}
Example output
Name: myapp
ID: abcdefgh-abcd-abcd-abcd-1a2b3c4d5e6f
Project Name: myproject
Project ID: 01234567-abcd-abcd-abcd-abcdabcd1111
Age: 2m4s
Created: 2021-09-09T14:01:02-04:00
Cluster Local URL: http://myapp.abcdabcdabc.svc.cluster.local
Console URL:
Status Summary: Application deployed successfully
Environment Variables:
Type Name Value
Literal CE_APP myapp
Literal CE_PROJECT_ID abcdefgh-abcd-abcd-abcd-1a2b3c4d5e6f
Literal CE_REGION us-south
Literal CE_SUBDOMAIN abcdabcdab
Resource Allocation:
CPU: 1
Ephemeral Storage: 400M
Memory: 4G
Age: 100s
Latest: true
Traffic: 100%
Image: (pinned to d6fd55)
Running Instances: 1
Concurrency: 100
Maximum Scale: 10
Minimum Scale: 0
Timeout: 300
Type OK Age Reason
ConfigurationsReady true 86s
Ready true 60s
RoutesReady true 60s
Type Reason Age Source Messages
Normal Created 102s service-controller Created Configuration "myapp"
Normal Created 102s service-controller Created Route "myapp"
Name Revision Running Status Restarts Age
myapp-00001-deployment-699c45ddd-c25rm myapp-00001 1/2 Terminating 0 102s
{: screen}
{: #app-status}
The following table shows the possible status that your application might have.
Status | Description |
Deploying | The application is deploying. Deployment time includes the time before the app is scheduled as well as time to download images over the network, which can take a while. |
Ready | The application is deployed and ready to use. |
Ready (with warnings) | The deployment of a new application revision failed, but the original deployment is available. |
Failed | The application deployment terminated, and at least one instance terminated in failure. The instance either exited with nonzero status or was terminated by the system. |
Unknown | For some reason, the state of the application cannot not be obtained, typically due to an error in communicating with the host. |
{: caption="Application status" caption-side="bottom"} |