Friday, 2021/11/05
3:00 pm ET
Terrell Russell, Dave Fellinger, Alan King, Kory Draughn, Justin James, Deep Patel (NIEHS), Illyoung Choi (CyVerse), Tony Edgin (CyVerse), Nirav Merchant (CyVerse)
- RENCI Update
- Designed and built a python flask app, but it would require admin account
- Then learned anonymous could GenQuery for which logical collection (not a data object) is associated with an existing ticket
- So...
- REST C++ API 0.9.0 will have full ticket support
- Need to confirm "anonymous:" with empty password creates correct auth header - REST C++ needs to learn about 'anonymous' special user
- Hope this means that Minio can just catch this ticket value and use as "ticket:kjsdfkjsdfkjdfkjaskjas" in the minio login form.
- CyVerse Update
- Tested parallel upload with 4.2.10 in container - success
- Will start testing minio integration
- Go-irodsclient on windows also worked well
- Interested in packaging for windows/mac/linux
- Gateway will use 'anonymous' to query for associated target collection
- iquest "select TICKET_COLL_NAME where TICKET_ID = 'xxxxxx'"
- Then use ticket access to drop user into that collection in minio GUI
- Next Meeting - Friday, Dec 3
Mental Model - App wants to put data into S3
- App gets s3 credentials from Amazon or someone else...
- App talks to s3 via s3 protocol
- Data is now in s3
Actual Model - App wants to put data in iRODS (but still thinks it's s3)
- App goes to ticketbooth (gets s3 credentials, actually just "ticket"/idfhiuer398343984tiuh
- App talks to minIO via s3 protocol (with "ticket"/idfhiuer398343984tiuh)
- Data is now in iRODS
So maybe our code is only an overlay over the existing REST API?
Candidate REST endpoints...
- Create (new ticket)
- Authentication - iRODS credentials
- Requires
- Collection fullpath
- Actions
- Generates a ticket (GUID)
- puts the GUID as AVU on the collection
- Returns
- Resolve (ticket to collection) (for MinIO / other GUIs)
- Authentication - not sure… none? Admin?
- If none… can none run a genquery?
- Can a ticket provide genquery permission? Instead of read/write?
- No
- Solution… ticketbooth deploy requires an admin account
- Would only be used here, to do this lookup/resolve
- Because minIO isn't iRODS authenticated itself...
- Requires
- Actions
- GenQuery to lookup collection via GUID
- Returns
- Collection fullpath
- Authentication - not sure… none? Admin?
- Revoke (my ticket)
- Authentication - iRODS credentials
- Requires
- Actions
- Deletes ticket
- Returns
- success
- List (all (my) existing tickets)
- Authentication - iRODS credentials
- Requires
- Nothing
- Actions
- GenQuery for my tickets
- Returns
- List of GUIDs?
- Ticketbooth is authenticated?
- iRODS credentials?
- Does it need admin credentials?
- Seems we need to know that joe is asking for a ticket for joe's collection.
If this is a subset/clone of ?
- It would not need more than host, zone, port in a config file
- Perfect to be dockerized
- Nginx reverse proxy... to four endpoints?
- Docker-compose can do it all?
- Deployment really could be just 'docker-compose up' with 3 environment variables... does that cover TLS/SSL to iRODS? a certificate?
- Resolve endpoint apparently needs an admin account... so we're back to a config file with rodsadmin/password...
Use case, we want to encode the fullpath in the ticketvalue
- So GUI doesn't have to hit 'resolve', which would have required the ticketbooth to have admin account information
- Can we just use a JWT to hold the fullpath? And then gateway-irods.go can decode the JWT with a shared secret and know where to navigate?
- TicketBooth and MinIO will share a secret
- Ticketbooth - can hold the secret in the config file
- MinIO - secret can be an ENV or docker mount (from a config file)
Candidate REST endpoints...
- Create (new ticket)
- Authentication - iRODS credentials
- Requires
- Collection fullpath
- Actions
- Generates a ticket (JWT, which encodes fullpath, via shared secret)
- Returns
- Revoke (my ticket)
- Authentication - iRODS credentials
- Requires
- Actions
- Deletes ticket
- Returns
- Success
- List (all (my) existing tickets)
- Authentication - iRODS credentials
- Requires
- Nothing
- Actions
- GenQuery for my tickets
- Returns
- List of JWTs?
If this is true...
- No rodsadmin required for ticketbooth app
- Config file just has
- Zone, port, host
- Shared secret
- SSL stuff? Other irods environment things?
- Config file just has
- MinIO just gets shared secret
- Nothing special happens in iRODS Server, ... doesn't have to be the latest server, this is vanilla stuff.
Why do we need fullpath?
- Only for GUIs
- CLIs supply a fullpath directly
- mc cp mylocalfile.txt s3://bucketname/prefix1/2/3/filename.txt
- access/secret
- Draws a page, drops me somewhere...? But where...
- With a ticket... it shouldn't drop me at the root... or my home collection, i don't have one (not a iRODS user)...
- so it has to 'resolve' or 'decode' my fullpath... and drop me there, and draw a directory (collection) tree.
Made a repository…
Can it just be a Python Flask app?
- MVP is a single endpoint
- /create
- Other two endpoints are nice-to-haves
- /revoke
- /list
- Easy to dockerize
- Single config_file
Developed the s3 ticketbooth flask app...
- determined it looks extremely similar/identical to the tickets section of the C++ REST API
- C++ REST API just needs more flexibility/functionality for the ticket endpoint
- more knobs for uses/bytes/expiry/etc.
So... added the functionality to the C++ REST API
Will probably abandon/archive the new repository for S3 Ticketbooth