At first, you need to store static terrain data in MongoDB with running the following commands.
Please run the following commands in separate terminals.
# MongoDB manager
ros2 launch tms_db_manager init_db:=true
# Terrain
ros2 launch tms_sd_terrain input/terrain/static/pointcloud2:=/demo2/terrain/static
# Static terrain
ros2 launch tms_ss_terrain_static filename:=demo.pcd filename_mesh:=demo.ply filename_dem:=demo.npy voxel_size:=0.1 octree_depth:=8 density_th:=0.1 fill_nan_type:=avg resolution:=0.1
ros2 bag play -l ./src/ros2_tms_for_construction/demo/demo2/rosbag2_1
If the following message appears on the terminal where tms_sd_terrain is executed, stop the terminal playing rosbag.
Static terrain info was received!
Then, run the following commands to store other data in MongoDB.
# Odometry
ros2 launch tms_sp_machine input/odom:=/demo2/odom machine_name:=demo_machine
# Ground 2D map
ros2 launch tms_sd_ground input/occupancy_grid:=/demo2/map_2d ground_name:=demo_ground
# Terrain
ros2 launch tms_sd_terrain input/terrain/dynamic/pointcloud2:=/demo2/terrain/dynamic
ros2 bag play ./src/ros2_tms_for_construction/demo/demo2/rosbag2_2
After the end of rosbag, please check whether the data is stored to fs.chunks, fs.files, machine and sensor collection in your MongoDB.
GUI tool of MongoDB like a MongoDB Compass is easy to check them.
Here is an example. It may be a little different than yours, but as long as it is roughly the same, you should be fine.