All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Updated a few of the backgrounds to be partially transparent
- This helps when people set busy backgrounds so that you can still see the background but read text too
- Updated the default event log filter to be on 'info' instead of 'All Levels'
- Added a top banner if Mythic loses network connection to inform the operator
- Added the ability to adjust a file's hosting from the tag search
- Updated Task links to be
to be clearer - Updated Callback links to be
to be clearer - Updated tab layout to expand vertically instead of horizontally as the number of open tabs grows
- Added new context menu item for active callbacks to allow reordering columns (saved to user preferences)
- Updated vertical navbar shortcut dialog to also allow easier reordering
- Updated active callbacks tabs to allow easier reordering
- Added more UI color customization options (including the ability to export / import user preferences)
- Added a GUI wizard for creating new workflows on the Eventing page
- Added a new configurable trigger per callback - checkins
- You can configure a workflow to kick off if a specific callback hasn't checked in for over X minutes
- The active callbacks table now shows icons for the above alert configuration and configured socks data
- Updated the file upload search page to included payloads
- this makes it easier to search across all uploaded files for hashes and UUIDs
- Updated the task's "View All Parameters" button to also show a variety of important timestamps associated with the task
- Updated the logging level of event notifications related to API usage to the "api" level so they can be filtered out
- Combined the callback table's reorder and visibility dialogs into one
- Fixed an issue with the response display that would error out with extra % signs silently and fail to display emoji
- Callback filters on the active callbacks table now apply to the callbacks graph view as well
- Updated the hamburger icon to be the same padding as the rest
- Removed the agent/c2 overview table from dashboard page
- Updated the side bar to have tooltips for the icons
- Updated the tasking bar for callbacks to auto-focus when selecting the tab
- Fixed an issue with the expanded callback page failing to render
- Updated the page header bars to be smaller
- Fixed an issue with the new vertical bar shortcut customization
- Adjusted the design of the vertical bar a bit
- Added a horizontal bar to the top to help separate pages from URL
- Fixed an issue where color wasn't being updated with callback table's dropdown arrow only context menu
- Added an experimental UI option to use a side navigation bar instead of a top one
- The side navbar allows you to edit/reorder your shortcuts
- Fixed an issue where tasks with no output would have a spinning circle forever
- Fixed an issue with wrong total counts for task output
- Fixed an issue with task tooltips being too long and not wrapping
- Re-ordered some of the buttons on the hamburger menu to bring more consistently used actions to the top
- Added the ability to color individual callbacks
- Added the ability to right-click a tab and collapse all the tasks within it
- Fixed an annoyance where clicking inside a modal and dragging out would close the modal
- Updated the UI to calculate server time_skew and update streaming accordingly
- Fixed an issue with searching tasks by callback ID that wouldn't allow searching of other task options
- Added a "host" field to callback search
- Updated the interactive tasking page to not always check status field
- Fixed a login bug after adding additional context to tracked local user state
- Fixing slight issues with pagination for task responses
- Fixed an issue with clashing parameter choices and dynamic query choices
- a parameter that has dynamic query parameter choices will populate the dropdowns in a modal
- a parameter that has dynamic query parameter choices AND choices defined will have the choices used on the command line with tab and the dynamic choices appear in the modal
- Fixed an issue where modal popups for command augmentation containers would look for the wrong payload type
- Updated UI to better handle pagination and streaming task responses
- Updated UI to fix bug with submitting payload description update
- Updated UI to fix bug with editing prior modal tasking via command line
- Fixed a bug for callback tokens not getting passed the .current property of the tracking ref
- Updated the payloads' page modal boxes to reduce blank space and provide the same text feel as task output
- Updated how invite links work in the UI allowing more flexibility
- Updated the main dashboard/home page to refresh every minute
- No longer need to refresh the page on updating your settings
- Added "payloads" search page
- Added commonFontFamily dropdown choice for people that want some common options when changing their preferences
- Fixed some of the alignment formatting for string cells in creating payloads/tasking
- Updated the preferences loading to take place on login
- Updated the initialization to save the defaults incase the database gets set to empty
- Updated some MythicTooltip pieces to forward some embedded styles
- Updated the string display dialog for browser script tables to match other text fields
- Updated user preferences to be stored outside of local storage
- Updated Tooltip from MUI to react-tooltip to speed things up a bit
- Fixed a bug when clicking to filter tasks on the command line
- Removed File as a tab-completable parameter on the CLI
- Updated tab-completes to use local choices over dynamic query parameters on CLI
- Fixed bug where right-clicking file browser tree and issuing "list" would list current callback host instead of selected file host
- Fixed bug where selecting "original callback" -> "list" would crash for file browser
- Fixed an alignment issue with trash icons
- Fixed a bug where you could only tab complete the first parameter's options on the command line
- Updated search page for processes to indicate if a process is marked as deleted or not
- Updated process browser to only show active processes
- Updated file browser right-click context menu
- Updated file browser table row action button to not duplicate what's in the context menu for the row
- Updated process browser info buttons
- Updated the Callback/Payload add/remove command dialogs to not show deleted commands
- Added label for select options when no options are available in task modals
- Updating the file extension syntax checker to better identify known text files without extensions
- ex: Makefile, Dockerfile
- Added new field to user settings for showing display parameters or original parameters when doing an up/down arrow through cli history
- Added a check to re-sync payload types when a new wrapper payload type is registered
- Updated the tab-complete ability for a parameter's
to support partial context - Updated callbacks table to locally save column widths locally
- Updated the eventlog page to have options to view only unresolved/resolved warnings
- Fixed some issues with the reverse search box in tasking
- Added an option to stop hosting a file via the host file dialog box
- Fixed but when deleting a tag causing an error
- Added banner_text and banner_color options to operations that applies to every page
- Added a timer for interactive task backdrop notification
- Fixed issue with ChooseMultiple options not being populated in modal based on command line with shift+enter
- Fixed an issue in interactive tasking with empty response being treated as a task
- Added ability to tab-out choices for ChooseOne, ChooseOneCustom, ChooseMultiple, TypedArray, Array fields
- Includes ones with dynamic query functions set
- Updated the modal transitions to 'none' to help in virtualized environments
- Added ability to tab through ChooseOne parameter type values on the command line
- Updated the default response fetch to 50 from 10 (still changeable in user settings)
- Truncating long command lines to 2 lines wrapped and the full text on hover after 2s
- Updated the copy command parameters speeddial function to also include the command name
- Updated a few of the text-based dialogs to use Ace editors instead of text boxes for more consistency
- Fixed an issue in light mode with the dropdown for the callbacks graph
- Updated the tasking UI buttons, console view, and split view to also pass along the payload_type field for tasking
- This helps with command augmentation containers know which version of a command to execute
- Fixed an issue with export saved c2 profile instances improperly representing dictionaries
- Updated the C2 config page to not miss keystrokes
- Updated the toast notifications to not accumulate when you're not looking at the tab
- Updated the toast notifications to dismiss all in queue when you click one
- Updated the nested menu layers to not get hidden behind toast notification's ZIndex
- Updated the C2 Profile/Container File viewer to more closely align with Plaintext views of tasking
- Updated some of the interactive terminal code parsing to start handling some non-ASNI Color cases
- Updated the C2 Profile start/stop button to disable between clicks so you can't accidentally spam it
- Updated C2 Profile debug output view to default to non-wrapped color processed data
- Added option to view standard output with ANSI colors processed
- Added a button to edit tags while looking at them
- Edited the HostFiles dialog to have an option for marking a file to be alerted or not on download
- Added a size field to the payloads detailed dialog table
- Updated min widths for fillWidth fields in tables to take at least 150 initially
- Updated auto-tasking for file browser to not apply at the root level
- Adjusted the file browser a bit to auto close folders with no data in them
- Adjusted the media render view to indicate if chunks are missing
- Fixed a bug where new file listings on blank data could result in a white screen
- Fixed an opacity bug with tag dragging
- Fixed the file browser tree context menu not showing the originating callback's id
- Fixed eventing create&test window doing a weird cursor replacement
- Updated the Eventing table to use the same table format as the callbacks table
- Added a test button for the eventing to check for some mistakes before uploading
- Updated the dropdown for actions in browser scripts to look better in light mode
- Updated the interactive tasking for search to be a bit better
- Updated interactive tasking to not scroll so much
- Added the option to use the limit_credentials_by_type field in command parameters to limit UI choices
Forced visible status on tag labels because they were getting hidden on tasks
Fixed bad variable name when checking status of updating c2 profile config
Added the option for ctrl+Enter and cmd/windows+Enter to add new lines when issuing tasking
- Fixed a bug in file browser where file display wouldn't disappear
- Updated interactive display to not show prompt when not main tasking
- Updated context menu for tables to be at the location of the cursor
- Fixed a bug in args parsing via the command line that would lose an argument
- Updated the text display for file browser when needing to list out file contents
- Added a button to view a payload's detailed table from a callback's detailed table
- Added ini syntax highlighting options
- Fixed an invalid check for command id causing a crash on the tasking console view with help/clear tasks
- Updated normal interact button based on your preferred style of interacting
- Added better error handling for null values when sorting tables
- Added default value when opening tabs from right clicking
- Added an auto-scroll to the bottom of a tasking/split tasking panel when opening it initially
- Added a user setting for preferred interact option (accordion, split, or console)
- Added option to double-click callback table row to auto open tasking tab
- Initial updates for the process browser to better represented displayed data
- Updates to process browser to indicate fetching new content
- Updates to process browser for expand/collapse all button
- Fixed an issue with file browser context menu available through modals
- Added highlighting for .sh files
- Fixed an issue where auto-tasking wouldn't fire for paths that didn't already exist
- Updated dark mode file browser selection colors to be easier to see with info icons
- Updated file browser to show errored task for failed paths to make it easier to see errors
- Added a toast notification on file browser task errors
- Fixed context menu in mythic tree to not disappear when new data comes in
- Fixed context menus to not shrink and scroll when at the bottom of the screen
- Fixed an issue where trailing slashes on the file browser wouldn't auto-populate data
- Fixed an issue where double data might open when clicking to expand a folder in the file browser tree view
- Fixed issue with 1-2s delay showing callback data as blank with new loading message
- Added context menu options for the file browser and callbacks table
- Added option in file browser to control/cmd click multiple rows at once
- Major updates to how the file browser works - typing in the bar at the top only fetches data, not issues tasks
- there's a new option on the table to auto-issue tasks for folders that don't have data (off by default)
- Adjusted the border bounds for a few elements in the UI to minimize blank space
- Added a right-click context menu to the active callbacks table
- Added a sub-menu structure to the active callbacks menu to keep the menu from getting too long
- Added an option to open multiple callback tabs at once
- updated the file preview window to display additional context and change names of tabs slightly
- fixed a bug that resulted in double "FilePreviewed" tags in the UI
- updated the sizes of file browser icons to stay consistent
- updated body of file browser table to provide context about if there's no data loaded or collected
- updated border bounds for interactive tasks
- fixed checkbox alignment in file searches
- moved location of file preview to info column in file browser to maintain text alignment in filenames
- Fixed issue in showing egress pathing in UI for 2+ linked nodes
- Fixed the lack of auto-scrolling for console display style
- Updated the proxy search page to hide stopped proxies by default
- Updated the proxy search page to have custom button on rpfwd proxies to manually test connectivity (5s timeout)
- Updated table columns and handle drag animations
- Updated task search to default to command + parameters with a separate option for just command
- Updated the 'download' option in file previews to not be a long button
- Updated indicator for eventing to be with the taskID instead of username
- Fixed the create credential dialog while issuing tasks using the old graphql mutation
- Fixed a duplicating issue when trying to up/down arrow through tasking
- Added button to auto-format output as JSON for text views and update mode to JSON
- small fix for browser script tables with titles not having column handles properly aligned
- Adjusted file previews to provide download, string preview, hex preview, and media preview all at once via tabs
- updated file searching to use new preview options
- fixed file/process browsers to support column resizing
- updated mythic-cli to add option for setting mythic_server to host based networking (vs bridge)
- Fixed an issue with adjusting table columns
- fixed an issue with download history not working in the file browser
- updated file browser download history options with file, hex, and string previews
- updated the new tag dialog to move the "new" down as a "plus" sign
- updated comments on tasks to appear inline (with cut off elipsis)
- fixed browser scripts not toggling
- fixed condensed view browser script for numbers not showing up
- saved preferences for user changing panel sizes on active callbacks page
- saved preferences for user filtering tables on active callbacks page
- adjusted tooltip timer to be .75s instead of 1s
- auto scroll to selected callback in the top panel of active callbacks when selecting corresponding tab
- unhighlight callback when tab is closed
- highlight active tab to mirror highlighting of table row
- updated tabs to reduce extra space
- adjusted auto scrolling of tasks to not happen unless you're scrolled to the bottom already
- using the old callbacks table view, the callback you're interacting with will be highlighted
- tasks are auto expanded on the single task view page
- the file browser now has some "history" for the last 20 folders visited with forward/backward arrows
- the file browser now has an "up" button to go up one folder in addition to double clicking a folder to go down one
- fixed an issue where sometimes a task's output browser script wouldn't render
- condensed the views of tables in browser scripts, file browser, process browser, and active callbacks table to be able to view more at once
- removed agent icons from the active callbacks table and replaced with text of payload type name to make things cleaner when compact
- updated interactive callback controls to have a different background color to make the input fields more obvious
- adjusted task displays to link to both task and callbacks along with tooltips on hover
- fixed an issue where you could do multiple context menues in the file browser tree view
- fixed pty's command history to reset after issuing a task so that it's more consistent
- Fixed a bug with exporting payload configs due to a back-end name change of the graphql query
- Fixed a bug with viewing c2 profile parameters in the UI
- Fixed an issue with array values not getting parsed properly when getting set from saved instances in payload creation
- If you select a pre-created profile instance when generating a payload, then the associated c2 profile is toggled on automatically
- Fixed an issue with array values getting parsed for the saved instance dialog and create payloads
- Fixed a bug that wasn't hiding callbacks in the UI until a page refresh
- Added an option to search files by UUID
- Fixed a few searches that used callback id instead of display id resulting in confusing results
- Added an option to search callbacks by payload type
- Added an option to search callback by display id
- Fixed issue with filtering browser script tables with experimental new table failing to render
- Updated the rendering of the experimental table to properly sort "Streaming Now" at the top
- Updated callback select to be sorted descending
- Fixed bug with browser scripts tasking the wrong callback for dynamic query parameters
- Added additional checks around the slider on the homepage dashboard to hopefully catch some errors
- Fixed the download link color when generating payloads to match normal text colors
- Updated processes browser to help address pid-reuse and cyclic references based on old PID values
- Updated checks in callback table for 3rd party service agents
- Added more files to the
browserscript and files search page that are represented as "text" - Updated table's dictionary display buttons to break all words and enable word-wrap
- Updated graphs with more than 50 nodes to be hidden by default and shown after consent
- Updated graph de-selection to be a right-click context menu so that you can't accidentally unselect
- Updated graph selection to allow hiding everything except what's currently selected
- Fixed an issue on file search pages where the expand icon wouldn't work and clicking text wouldn't auto-expand
- Updated graph views to allow you to select multiple nodes
- Updated graph views to highlight the currently selected nodes
- Updated browserscript graphs to allow you to highlight/hide single edges at a time
- Updated browserscript graphs to allow custom edge actions in addition to node actions
- Updated browserscript "task" buttons to specify "selectCallback"
- This allows scripts to expose functionality to other callbacks besides the one currently displaying data
- Updated homepage to show timezone selection for chart of activity
- Fixed a bug where the download link for an uploaded file wasn't working
- Added token tracking to the file browser
- Fixed an issue with the experimental table when a size value was 0
- Fixed an issue where opening the process browser wouldn't go to that host's data automatically
- Updated FileBrowser tree to accept clicks anywhere
- Updated FileBrowser tree to accept contextMenu anywhere
- Added an export and import button for saved c2 configuration instances
- Fixed a bug in the new experimental tables where new callbacks would make all entries offset and wrong until refresh
- Updated
browserscript to supportoverlay_img
for superimposing two icons on top of each other- Updated list of graph icons to include
- Updated list of graph icons to include
- Updated the experimental callbacks table to save state in a way that's usable with the old table
- Added new ability to render graphs with browser scripts in the format:
- {graph: {nodes: [], edges: [], group_by: ""} }
- nodes have
- a unique
string field - a
dictionary to configure the display of the node - an
field which is either a URL to an image to render or one of the following strings:- group, computer, user, lan, language, list, container, help
- This list of available icons will grow over time. If you have a request from, just let me know!
- a
dictionary- the
dictionary must have alabel
string that's displayed with the node and any other fields you want
- the
- a unique
- group_by can either be
for now, but this will expand in time
- Updated graphs to allow you to click on a node and view just that node's edges
- Updated the browserscripts page to show the agent's icon instead of just name to make it easier to find what you're looking for
- Fixed an issue with displaying Media output types that would crash the screen due to a missing property
- Fixed an issue with the task multiple dialog not issuing multiple back-to-back tasks
- Updated the active callbacks table with the new table when the experimental feature is set
- Added tab-complete options for the
command - Updated tab-complete ordering to be based off of a command parameter's ui_position
- Fixed an issue with auto scrolling when paginating
- Fixed a bug where if multiple commands were possible from a button in the UI, selecing one would close but not issue the task
- Added 'secrets' to user's settings page
- Fixed scroll issue where only the first bit of output would scroll and then stop
- Updated graph views to show nodes without edges as well
- Updated the new experimental table to support background coloring for full table cells
- Fixed a bug with multiple dynamic choice options sometimes not setting all values
- Adjusted the syntax highlighter and wrap options for plaintext output to be hidden by default with a small button
- Updated download text links in snack actions to be normal text color instead of blue
- Added syntax highlighter and wrap option to plaintext output
- Added a little buffer above the task input field so it's a bit more obvious when the last task's output is done
- Fixed a bug where multiple browserscript elements would be aligned horizontally instead of vertically
- Fixed a bug where cancelling a dialog modal would prevent future dialog modals until page refresh
- Added new features for tagging data:
- Tag data values can now be formatted in partial markdown for additional configuration options
- The following format is available:
"key": "[display data](url){:target=\"_blank\"}"
- This is displayed as a clickable link text "display data" that opens a new page to
- This is displayed as a clickable link text "display data" that opens a new page to
- The following format is available:
"key": "[display data](url){:target=\"api\",:color=\"success\"}"
- This is displayed as a colored webhook icon that hits the url api with a GET request to
and has "display data" next to it
- This is displayed as a colored webhook icon that hits the url api with a GET request to
- The following format is available:
- Tag data values can now be formatted in partial markdown for additional configuration options
- Fixed a bug with clicking users/hosts on the main home dashboard page going to a blank search page
- Fixed a bug with the default value checks for saved user settings in the localStorage
- Added a new
type for browser scripting to render pdfs, images, and text inline with tasking- The following render inline: "png", "jpg", "gif", "jpeg", "pdf"
- The following render as text: "txt", "ps1", "php", "json", "yml", "yaml", "config", "cfg", "go"
- More file extensions will be added over time, please open PRs or issues to add more formats
- Formats must be able to natively render in Google Chrome and Firefox, so something like a docx won't work
- Added a new
button on the files page to render pdfs, images, and syntax highlighted text - Added a new user setting to disable automatic rendering of media types (requires a manual click each time)
- Updated tooltips to not display immediately, to follow the cursor, and go away faster, so they don't interfere with clicking as much
- Added new
toggle per-operator in their settings page to try out new experimental features- added a new experimental feature for a different kind of table to be rendered for BrowserScript Tables
- Updated size of top/side icons to make it easier for people to navigate
- Moved the dark/light mode toggle from the size to a dedicated icon on top
- Updated the normal
blue plus
for tasks to agrey cog
that's on the far right of tasks- this should clean up the standard output when looking through tasks
- Updated to not show pagination information for task output unless there's more than one page
- Updated rendering for the search page to not implicitly render all other tabs for increased performance
- Fixed an issue with mismatched command parameter name, cli_name, and display_name not auto populating with modals
- Fixed an issue with bad date parsing when creating agents
- Updated the description for agent debug messaging to be clearer what it's referring to
- Updated the Settings page to offer an ability to modify global settings
- You must be an admin to do this
- Currently, you can only toggle on/off the agent debug message setting
- Updated the event page to allow filtering on the message level (all, warning, info, debug)
- Added tooltips on the c2 profiles page
- Updated the typed array modal to properly add in new element's values
- Updated the recent checkins count on the dashboard
- Updated the dashboard page to have more links to the search pages based on what you click
- Updated the console view for a callback to move the speeddial button closer to the task itself
- Updated home page to be a dashboard page
- Updated analytics button on operations page to redirect to dashboard page
- Fixed the context menu "manually add edge" for graph views
- Added context menu for C2 path dialog from callback table view
- Fixed a bug in split tasking when fetching information about subtasks causing an error
- Added initial functionality for a "console"-like view of tasks
- This has no accordions, but still processes browser scripts so are subject to double scroll bars
- Fixed popper click-away functionality to close when selecting other dropdowns so you don't have multiple overlapping
- Adjusted tasking so valid uuid values for "File" types to prevent needing to re-submit files
- Updated the main C2 Profile/Payload Types page to be a table instead of a series of cards
- Fixed toast notifications to be centered and stretch
- fixed an issue with task multiple double converting parsed tasking data to strings
- fixed an issue with the new task multiple last checkin time
- added an
column to the task multiple and hide multiple dialogs
- updated the task multiple and hide multiple dialogs
- Added a
Hide Task Errors
option to task filtering on the active callbacks page - Added option to
all selected commands in the task filtering dialog on the active callbacks page - Added per-user UI settings to enable showing IP, Hostname, and Callback Groups with each task
- Added the
Callback ID
andCallback Group
search option to the Task search page - Adjusted the task search page to return tasks where the most recent is first (similar to the callbacks search page)
- Fixed the single task view that wasn't getting the nearby tasks correctly
- Updated the Settings page to not allow admins to unset their own admin status, active status, or delete themselves
- Updated the Settings page to allow the hide/show of deleted operators
- Fixed a bug with the ChooseMultiple type for payload building
- Updated the operator settings update username/password modal to be more clear
- Updated payload creation to allow not selecting a C2 Profile (with acceptance prompt)
- Updated callback dialog to modify groupings to sort existing groups in order
- When right-clicking or clicking a task button within the File Browser or Process Browser, new options are available
- You can task your current callback or the callback that initially reported the information you're seeing
- Updated some CSS quirks with shadows
- Added a new column for the main active callbacks table for the groups associated with the callback
- Updated the callbacks table to not filter last checkin time (only sort)
- Updated the callback's table filter entries to do lowercase matching on both the cell value and input value
- Updated Callback search page to limit the number of IPs shown and add a Groups column
- Updated Callback metadata modal to also show Group membership
- Added Group search to callback search page
- Updated
displays to include the callback number as a clickable link - Updated
search page to show Groups along with Host information for files uploaded/downloaded - Updated
search page to show Task, Callback, Host, and Group information - Updated
search page to handle non-UTF8 encoded strings without errors - Updated
search page to show group information - Updated
search page to show group information
- Updated File browser and process browsers to sort groups and hosts
- Fixed a UI bug with sorting IP addresses in the active callbacks table
- Added a feature to save edited tab descriptions so they're reloaded when the tab is opened again
- Fixed UI bug from previous step that didn't get updated
- Fixed UI bug after database migrations for Mythic v3.2.0 where mythictree data with NULL callback data wasn't getting shown
- Added in new
for callbacks to split file browser and process browser data more logically - Fixed a bug where changing operations wouldn't update active callbacks table until refresh
- Fixed zIndex issue for task response speeddials not being over the backdrop
- Added the "File" parameter type to the UI for C2 Profiles
- Updated payload details, saved c2 instances, and payload builds to reflect new "File" parameter types
- Fixed overflowing toast notifications causing information to get cut off
- Fixed a UI bug where clicking on a build step status would always say status as "Error" even if the icon was success
- Fixed an issue where hitting enter from a popup modal would add an extra newline to the tasking field
- Upgraded various react components
- Fixed an issue with failed renders when parameters change type but old values are inspected for payload configurations
- Removed animations from split tasking
- Fixed an issue with date pickers not showing up after Mui/React upgrade
- Fixed the toast notifications to not display if the level is debug
- Fixed an issue with fetching/deleting saved c2 profile parameter instances that wasn't filtered by C2 profile
- Updated the toast notification when compiling payloads to be updated for Skip steps
- Fixed the tracking in the interactive task responses to properly update when switching between multiple interactive tasks
- Updated to React18
- Updated graphing library to react-flow
- Updated to incorporate TypedArray fields
- Updated File search table
- Updated graphs to support multiple egress channels
- Updated event feed view and made event feed searchable
- Updated to support shift+tab doing a backwards cycle for commands and parameters
- Added new task_response:interactive view for interactive tasking
- Updated to support filtering on last checkin
- Added split-tasking view as a callback dropdown option
- Fixed an issue with the select all checkbox that would try to download deleted files
- Updated the c2 profiles / payload types page to be less busy
- Updated the tasking modal dynamic query functions to carry over info between parameter groups if parameters with the same names exist
- Updated the tasking modal to carry over info between parameter groups if parameters with the same names exist
- Updated the file download/upload search to use checkboxes and have a toggle for all of them
- Updated the subscription when creating a new payload to have the notification go away when the subscription stops
- Updated the payload build notification to have a close button instead of a silence button
- Removed the extra "task" button for mass tasking - just hit enter or use the already existing task button
- Updated the hide multiple callback view to not hide one at a time, but instead do a mass hide
- Updated the task multiple view to provide a normal CLI interface for tasking (based on the callback you selected to mass task from)
- Updated the task multiple view to issue a mass tasking instead of one at a time
- Updated local time displays to use
when interpreting a 12 clock to prevent weird 00:12pm issues - Fixed an issue with process browsing sort functions that didn't properly look up data in process metadata
- Updated file browser to highlight folders that have known children so it's easier to track
- Updated payload building page to not cache query for payload types
- Updated active callbacks table to have a button for adjusting IP instead of right clicking
- Updated c2 profile page's stdout viewer to not cache queries
- Removed the
tag on download links as they appeared to cause weird network errors
- Updated process browser to optionally show user, architecture, and session information
- Fixed the browser scripts page to not allow "delete"
- Fixed some issues with searching tag data across operations; now you can search via tag name or data within a tag
- Fixed issue with extra parameter when searching tag data
- Fixed issue with MITRE ATT&CK and filtering on tags
- Tasking to add a link manually in the graph view wasn't filtering on only active callbacks
- Fixed an issue with the graph view where autosizing would break the ability to right-click nodes
- Fixed an issue where up-arrow to a command from a modal and then typing a new command (without clearing first) would cause a parsing error
- Adjusted tasking_location to get sent even when there are 0 parameters in the UI
- Removed the page reloading when changing current operation
- Added a clear all and dismiss when building payloads for toast notifications
- Fixed a bug where timestamps weren't getting properly converted to local time in file browsers