add undo/redo <- -> functionality to revert changes (ctrl z, shift ctrl z)
projects[ { projectId:'asdads' projectName: 'My first Project' filepath: "/.../...", duration: fps: currentTime: svEl:{} svString:'' lastEdit: '2/2/22', } ]
Essential features:
- timeline shrink/expand without step dependency
- add attrs from elsList directly
- delete, edit kfs individually
- handle multiple projects
- handle multiple anims from the same project
[] - make functionality to parse lines to curves to morph properly, or other workaround [] - edit attributes
[] - Import / export: [] - Load projects from directory [] - Save projects [] - Export to SVG + CSS [] - Export to Giff
[] - Add multiple animations handler for the same project
[] - Use css to replace svg attributes like x, y, height, width, path, etc
[x] - TODO IMPORTANT: Get model like is on els list right now but on store and send to both elsList and to kfViewer.
[] - Store the last state of the svg element to compare with the updated svg and get the attributes that should be animated in order to only animate them instead of creating kf for all attrs
[] - Add button to record or stop recording kfs, and remove the create kf button maybe.
[] - When creating a keyframe if is not on second zero and zero has not kf val, then set a default value on zero (the value to set on zero should be the last state)
[] - Convert stdDeviation to blur and apply directly to el, because stdDeviation is not a css prop and therefore can't be animated
[] - Add keyframe CRUD
[x] - Show attributes and keyframes of attributes in animViewer
[x] - Make kfviewer update on create keyframe