+"""Tigramite plotting package."""
+# Author: Jakob Runge <jakobrunge@posteo.de>
+# License: GNU General Public License v3.0
+import numpy as np
+import matplotlib.transforms as transforms
+from matplotlib import pyplot, ticker
+from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter
+from copy import deepcopy
+import os
+# TODO: Add proper docstrings to internal functions...
+def _par_corr_trafo(cmi):
+ """Transformation of CMI to partial correlation scale."""
+ # Set negative values to small positive number
+ # (zero would be interpreted as non-significant in some functions)
+ if np.ndim(cmi) == 0:
+ if cmi < 0.:
+ cmi = 1E-8
+ else:
+ cmi[cmi < 0.] = 1E-8
+ return np.sqrt(1. - np.exp(-2. * cmi))
+def _par_corr_to_cmi(par_corr):
+ """Transformation of partial correlation to CMI scale."""
+ return -0.5 * np.log(1. - par_corr**2)
+def _myround(x, base=5, round_mode='updown'):
+ """Rounds x to a float with precision base."""
+ if round_mode == 'updown':
+ return base * round(float(x) / base)
+ elif round_mode == 'down':
+ return base * np.floor(float(x) / base)
+ elif round_mode == 'up':
+ return base * np.ceil(float(x) / base)
+ return base * round(float(x) / base)
+def _make_nice_axes(ax, where=None, skip=2, color=None):
+ """Makes nice axes."""
+ if where is None:
+ where = ['left', 'bottom']
+ if color is None:
+ color = {'left': 'black', 'right': 'black',
+ 'bottom': 'black', 'top': 'black'}
+ if type(skip) == int:
+ skip_x = skip_y = skip
+ else:
+ skip_x = skip[0]
+ skip_y = skip[1]
+ for loc, spine in ax.spines.items():
+ if loc in where:
+ spine.set_position(('outward', 5)) # outward by 10 points
+ spine.set_color(color[loc])
+ if loc == 'left' or loc == 'right':
+ pyplot.setp(ax.get_yticklines(), color=color[loc])
+ pyplot.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), color=color[loc])
+ if loc == 'top' or loc == 'bottom':
+ pyplot.setp(ax.get_xticklines(), color=color[loc])
+ elif loc in [item for item in ['left', 'bottom', 'right', 'top']
+ if item not in where]:
+ spine.set_color('none') # don't draw spine
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('unknown spine location: %s' % loc)
+ # ax.xaxis.get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False)
+ # turn off ticks where there is no spine
+ if 'top' in where and 'bottom' not in where:
+ ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('top')
+ ax.set_xticks(ax.get_xticks()[::skip_x])
+ elif 'bottom' in where:
+ ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom')
+ ax.set_xticks(ax.get_xticks()[::skip_x])
+ else:
+ ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('none')
+ ax.xaxis.set_ticklabels([])
+ if 'right' in where and 'left' not in where:
+ ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('right')
+ ax.set_yticks(ax.get_yticks()[::skip_y])
+ elif 'left' in where:
+ ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left')
+ ax.set_yticks(ax.get_yticks()[::skip_y])
+ else:
+ ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('none')
+ ax.yaxis.set_ticklabels([])
+ ax.patch.set_alpha(0.)
+def _get_absmax(val_matrix):
+ """Get value at absolute maximum in lag function array.
+ For an (N, N, tau)-array this comutes the lag of the absolute maximum
+ along the tau-axis and stores the (positive or negative) value in
+ the (N,N)-array absmax."""
+ absmax_indices = np.abs(val_matrix).argmax(axis=2)
+ i, j = np.indices(val_matrix.shape[:2])
+ return val_matrix[i, j, absmax_indices]
+def _add_timeseries(fig, axes, i, time, dataseries, label,
+ use_mask=False,
+ mask=None,
+ missing_flag=None,
+ grey_masked_samples=False,
+ data_linewidth=1.,
+ skip_ticks_data_x=1,
+ skip_ticks_data_y=1,
+ unit=None,
+ last=False,
+ time_label='',
+ label_fontsize=10,
+ color='black',
+ grey_alpha=1.,
+ ):
+ """Adds a time series plot to an axis.
+ Plot of dataseries is added to axis. Allows for proper visualization of
+ masked data.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ fig : figure instance
+ Figure instance.
+ axes : axis instance
+ Either gridded axis object or single axis instance.
+ i : int
+ Index of axis in gridded axis object.
+ time : array
+ Timelabel array.
+ dataseries : array-like
+ One-dimensional data series array of variable.
+ missing_flag : number, optional (default: None)
+ Flag for missing values in dataframe. Dismisses all time slices of
+ samples where missing values occur in any variable and also flags
+ samples for all lags up to 2*tau_max. This avoids biases, see section on
+ masking in Supplement of [1]_.
+ label : str
+ Variable label.
+ use_mask : bool, optional (default: False)
+ Whether to use masked data.
+ mask : array-like, optional (default: None)
+ Data mask where True labels masked samples.
+ grey_masked_samples : bool, optional (default: False)
+ Whether to mark masked samples by grey fills ('fill') or grey data ('data').
+ data_linewidth : float, optional (default: 1.)
+ Linewidth.
+ skip_ticks_data_x : int, optional (default: 1)
+ Skip every other tickmark.
+ skip_ticks_data_y : int, optional (default: 1)
+ Skip every other tickmark.
+ unit : str, optional (default: None)
+ Units of variable.
+ last : bool, optional (default: False)
+ Specifiy whether this is the last panel where also the bottom axis is
+ plotted.
+ time_label : str, optional (default: '')
+ Label of time axis.
+ label_fontsize : int, optional (default: 10)
+ Fontsize.
+ color : str, optional (default: black)
+ Line color.
+ grey_alpha : float, optional (default: 1.)
+ Opacity of line.
+ """
+ # axes[i].xaxis.get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False)
+ try:
+ ax = axes[i]
+ except:
+ ax = axes
+ if missing_flag is not None:
+ dataseries_nomissing = np.ma.masked_where(dataseries==missing_flag,
+ dataseries)
+ else:
+ dataseries_nomissing = np.ma.masked_where(
+ np.zeros(dataseries.shape),
+ dataseries)
+ if use_mask:
+ maskdata = np.ma.masked_where(mask, dataseries_nomissing)
+ if grey_masked_samples == 'fill':
+ ax.fill_between(time, maskdata.min(), maskdata.max(),
+ where=mask, color='grey',
+ interpolate=True,
+ linewidth=0., alpha=grey_alpha)
+ elif grey_masked_samples == 'data':
+ ax.plot(time, dataseries_nomissing,
+ color='grey', marker='.', markersize=data_linewidth,
+ linewidth=data_linewidth, clip_on=False,
+ alpha=grey_alpha)
+ ax.plot(time, maskdata,
+ color=color, linewidth=data_linewidth, marker='.',
+ markersize=data_linewidth, clip_on=False)
+ else:
+ ax.plot(time, dataseries_nomissing,
+ color=color, linewidth=data_linewidth, clip_on=False)
+ if last:
+ _make_nice_axes(ax, where=['left', 'bottom'], skip=(
+ skip_ticks_data_x, skip_ticks_data_y))
+ ax.set_xlabel(r'%s' % time_label, fontsize=label_fontsize)
+ else:
+ _make_nice_axes(
+ ax, where=['left'], skip=(skip_ticks_data_x, skip_ticks_data_y))
+ # ax.get_xaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False)
+ ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.0f'))
+ ax.label_outer()
+ ax.set_xlim(time[0], time[-1])
+ trans = transforms.blended_transform_factory(
+ fig.transFigure, ax.transAxes)
+ if unit:
+ ax.set_ylabel(r'%s [%s]' % (label, unit), fontsize=label_fontsize)
+ else:
+ ax.set_ylabel(r'%s' % (label), fontsize=label_fontsize)
+ # ax.text(.02, .5, r'%s [%s]' % (label, unit), fontsize=label_fontsize,
+ # horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center',
+ # rotation=90, transform=trans)
+ # else:
+ # ax.text(.02, .5, r'%s' % (label), fontsize=label_fontsize,
+ # horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center',
+ # rotation=90, transform=trans)
+ pyplot.tight_layout()
+[docs]def plot_timeseries(dataframe=None,
"""Create and save figure of stacked panels with time series.
dataframe : data object, optional
This is the Tigramite dataframe object. It has the attributes
dataframe.values yielding a np array of shape (observations T,
variables N) and optionally a mask of the same shape.
save_name : str, optional (default: None)
Name of figure file to save figure. If None, figure is shown in window.
fig_axes : subplots instance, optional (default: None)
Figure and axes instance. If None they are created as
fig, axes = pyplot.subplots(N,...)
figsize : tuple of floats, optional (default: None)
Figure size if new figure is created. If None, default pyplot figsize
is used.
var_units : list of str, optional (default: None)
Units of variables.
time_label : str, optional (default: '')
Label of time axis.
use_mask : bool, optional (default: False)
Whether to use masked data.
grey_masked_samples : bool, optional (default: False)
Whether to mark masked samples by grey fills ('fill') or grey data ('data').
data_linewidth : float, optional (default: 1.)
skip_ticks_data_x : int, optional (default: 1)
Skip every other tickmark.
skip_ticks_data_y : int, optional (default: 2)
Skip every other tickmark.
label_fontsize : int, optional (default: 10)
Fontsize of variable labels.
# Read in all attributes from dataframe
data = dataframe.values
mask = dataframe.mask
var_names = dataframe.var_names
missing_flag = dataframe.missing_flag
datatime = dataframe.datatime
T, N = data.shape
if var_units is None:
var_units = ['' for i in range(N)]
if fig_axes is None:
fig, axes = pyplot.subplots(N, sharex=True,
fig, axes = fig_axes
for i in range(N):
if mask is None:
mask_i = None
mask_i = mask[:, i]
_add_timeseries(fig=fig, axes=axes, i=i,
dataseries=data[:, i],
last=(i == N - 1),
fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15, top=.9, left=0.15, right=.95, hspace=.3)
if save_name is not None:
return fig, axes
+[docs]def plot_lagfuncs(val_matrix, name=None, setup_args={}, add_lagfunc_args={}):
"""Wrapper helper function to plot lag functions.
Sets up the matrix object and plots the lagfunction, see parameters in setup_matrix
and add_lagfuncs.
val_matrix : array_like
Matrix of shape (N, N, tau_max+1) containing test statistic values.
name : str, optional (default: None)
File name. If None, figure is shown in window.
setup_args : dict
Arguments for setting up the lag function matrix, see doc of
add_lagfunc_args : dict
Arguments for adding a lag function matrix, see doc of add_lagfuncs.
matrix : object
Further lag functions can be overlaid using the matrix.add_lagfuncs(val_matrix)
N, N, tau_max_plusone = val_matrix.shape
tau_max = tau_max_plusone - 1
matrix = setup_matrix(N=N, tau_max=tau_max, **setup_args)
# **{key: value for key, value in
# kwargs.items() if key
# in setup_matrix.__init__.func_code.co_varnames})
matrix.add_lagfuncs(val_matrix=val_matrix, **add_lagfunc_args)
# **{key: value for key, value in
# kwargs.items() if key
# in setup_matrix.add_lagfuncs.func_code.co_varnames})
if name is not None:
return matrix
+[docs]class setup_matrix():
"""Create matrix of lag function panels.
Class to setup figure object. The function add_lagfuncs(...) allows to plot
the val_matrix of shape (N, N, tau_max+1). Multiple lagfunctions can be
overlaid for comparison.
N : int
Number of variables
tau_max : int
Maximum time lag.
var_names : list, optional (default: None)
List of variable names. If None, range(N) is used.
figsize : tuple of floats, optional (default: None)
Figure size if new figure is created. If None, default pyplot figsize
is used.
minimum : int, optional (default: -1)
Lower y-axis limit.
maximum : int, optional (default: 1)
Upper y-axis limit.
label_space_left : float, optional (default: 0.1)
Fraction of horizontal figure space to allocate left of plot for labels.
label_space_top : float, optional (default: 0.05)
Fraction of vertical figure space to allocate top of plot for labels.
legend_width : float, optional (default: 0.15)
Fraction of horizontal figure space to allocate right of plot for
x_base : float, optional (default: 1.)
x-tick intervals to show.
y_base : float, optional (default: .4)
y-tick intervals to show.
plot_gridlines : bool, optional (default: False)
Whether to show a grid.
lag_units : str, optional (default: '')
lag_array : array, optional (default: None)
Optional specification of lags overwriting np.arange(0, tau_max+1)
label_fontsize : int, optional (default: 10)
Fontsize of variable labels.
def __init__(self, N, tau_max,
x_base=1., y_base=0.5,
self.tau_max = tau_max
self.labels = []
self.lag_units = lag_units
# if lag_array is None:
# self.lag_array = np.arange(0, self.tau_max + 1)
# else:
self.lag_array = lag_array
if x_base is None:
self.x_base = 1
self.x_base = x_base
self.legend_width = legend_width
self.legend_fontsize = legend_fontsize
self.label_space_left = label_space_left
self.label_space_top = label_space_top
self.label_fontsize = label_fontsize
self.fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=figsize)
self.axes_dict = {}
if var_names is None:
var_names = range(N)
plot_index = 1
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
self.axes_dict[(i, j)] = self.fig.add_subplot(N, N, plot_index)
# Plot process labels
if j == 0:
trans = transforms.blended_transform_factory(
self.fig.transFigure, self.axes_dict[(i, j)].transAxes)
self.axes_dict[(i, j)].text(0.01, .5, '%s' %
if i == 0:
trans = transforms.blended_transform_factory(
self.axes_dict[(i, j)].transAxes, self.fig.transFigure)
self.axes_dict[(i, j)].text(.5, .99, r'${\to}$ ' + '%s' %
# Make nice axis
self.axes_dict[(i, j)], where=['left', 'bottom'],
skip=(1, 1))
if x_base is not None:
self.axes_dict[(i, j)].xaxis.set_major_locator(
ticker.FixedLocator(np.arange(0, self.tau_max + 1,
if x_base / 2. % 1 == 0:
self.axes_dict[(i, j)].xaxis.set_minor_locator(
ticker.FixedLocator(np.arange(0, self.tau_max +
x_base / 2.)))
if y_base is not None:
self.axes_dict[(i, j)].yaxis.set_major_locator(
np.arange(_myround(minimum, y_base, 'down'),
_myround(maximum, y_base, 'up') +
y_base, y_base)))
self.axes_dict[(i, j)].yaxis.set_minor_locator(
np.arange(_myround(minimum, y_base, 'down'),
_myround(maximum, y_base, 'up') +
y_base, y_base / 2.)))
self.axes_dict[(i, j)].set_ylim(
_myround(minimum, y_base, 'down'),
_myround(maximum, y_base, 'up'))
if j != 0:
self.axes_dict[(i, j)].get_yaxis().set_ticklabels([]) #label_outer()
self.axes_dict[(i, j)].set_xlim(0, self.tau_max)
if plot_gridlines:
self.axes_dict[(i, j)].grid(True, which='major',
dashes=(1, 1),
plot_index += 1
[docs] def add_lagfuncs(self, val_matrix,
"""Add lag function plot from val_matrix array.
val_matrix : array_like
Matrix of shape (N, N, tau_max+1) containing test statistic values.
sig_thres : array-like, optional (default: None)
Matrix of significance thresholds. Must be of same shape as
conf_matrix : array-like, optional (default: None)
Matrix of shape (, N, tau_max+1, 2) containing confidence bounds.
color : str, optional (default: 'black')
Line color.
label : str
Test statistic label.
two_sided_thres : bool, optional (default: True)
Whether to draw sig_thres for pos. and neg. values.
marker : matplotlib marker symbol, optional (default: '.')
markersize : int, optional (default: 5)
Marker size.
alpha : float, optional (default: 1.)
if label is not None:
self.labels.append((label, color, marker, markersize, alpha))
for ij in list(self.axes_dict):
i = ij[0]
j = ij[1]
maskedres = np.copy(val_matrix[i, j, int(i == j):])
self.axes_dict[(i, j)].plot(range(int(i == j), self.tau_max + 1),
linestyle='', color=color,
marker=marker, markersize=markersize,
alpha=alpha, clip_on=False)
if conf_matrix is not None:
maskedconfres = np.copy(conf_matrix[i, j, int(i == j):])
self.axes_dict[(i, j)].plot(range(int(i == j),
self.tau_max + 1),
maskedconfres[:, 0],
linestyle='', color=color,
markersize=markersize - 2,
alpha=alpha, clip_on=False)
self.axes_dict[(i, j)].plot(range(int(i == j),
self.tau_max + 1),
maskedconfres[:, 1],
linestyle='', color=color,
markersize=markersize - 2,
alpha=alpha, clip_on=False)
self.axes_dict[(i, j)].plot(range(int(i == j), self.tau_max + 1),
np.zeros(self.tau_max + 1 -
int(i == j)),
color='black', linestyle='dotted',
if sig_thres is not None:
maskedsigres = sig_thres[i, j, int(i == j):]
self.axes_dict[(i, j)].plot(range(int(i == j), self.tau_max + 1),
color=color, linestyle='solid',
linewidth=.1, alpha=alpha)
if two_sided_thres:
self.axes_dict[(i, j)].plot(range(int(i == j),
self.tau_max + 1),
-sig_thres[i, j, int(i == j):],
color=color, linestyle='solid',
linewidth=.1, alpha=alpha)
# pyplot.tight_layout()
[docs] def savefig(self, name=None):
"""Save matrix figure.
name : str, optional (default: None)
File name. If None, figure is shown in window.
# Trick to plot legend
if len(self.labels) > 0:
axlegend = self.fig.add_subplot(111, frameon=False)
# self.labels.append((label, color, marker, markersize, alpha))
for item in self.labels:
label = item[0]
color = item[1]
marker = item[2]
markersize = item[3]
alpha = item[4]
axlegend.plot([], [], linestyle='', color=color,
marker=marker, markersize=markersize,
label=label, alpha=alpha)
axlegend.legend(loc='upper left', ncol=1,
bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0., .1, 1.),
borderaxespad=0, fontsize=self.legend_fontsize
self.fig.subplots_adjust(left=self.label_space_left, right=1. -
top=1. - self.label_space_top,
hspace=0.35, wspace=0.35)
0.5, 0.01, r'lag $\tau$ [%s]' % self.lag_units,
horizontalalignment='center', fontsize=self.label_fontsize)
left=self.label_space_left, right=.95,
top=1. - self.label_space_top,
hspace=0.35, wspace=0.35)
0.55, 0.01, r'lag $\tau$ [%s]' % self.lag_units,
horizontalalignment='center', fontsize=self.label_fontsize)
if self.lag_array is not None:
assert self.lag_array.shape == np.arange(self.tau_max + 1).shape
for ij in list(self.axes_dict):
i = ij[0]
j = ij[1]
self.axes_dict[(i, j)].set_xticklabels(self.lag_array[::self.x_base])
if name is not None:
+def _draw_network_with_curved_edges(
+ fig, ax,
+ G, pos,
+ node_rings,
+ node_labels, node_label_size, node_alpha=1., standard_size=100,
+ standard_cmap='OrRd', standard_color='grey', log_sizes=False,
+ cmap_links='YlOrRd', cmap_links_edges='YlOrRd', links_vmin=0.,
+ links_vmax=1., links_edges_vmin=0., links_edges_vmax=1.,
+ links_ticks=.2, links_edges_ticks=.2, link_label_fontsize=8,
+ arrowstyle='simple', arrowhead_size=3., curved_radius=.2, label_fontsize=4,
+ label_fraction=.5, link_colorbar_label='link',
+ link_edge_colorbar_label='link_edge',
+ undirected_curved=False, undirected_style='solid',
+ network_lower_bound=0.2, show_colorbar=True,
+ ):
+ """Function to draw a network from networkx graph instance.
+ Various attributes are used to specify the graph's properties.
+ This function is just a beta-template for now that can be further
+ customized.
+ """
+ from matplotlib.patches import FancyArrowPatch, Circle
+ ax.spines['left'].set_color('none')
+ ax.spines['right'].set_color('none')
+ ax.spines['bottom'].set_color('none')
+ ax.spines['top'].set_color('none')
+ ax.set_xticks([])
+ ax.set_yticks([])
+ N = len(G)
+ def draw_edge(ax, u, v, d, seen, arrowstyle='simple', directed=True):
+ # avoiding attribute error raised by changes in networkx
+ if hasattr(G, 'node'):
+ # works with networkx 1.10
+ n1 = G.node[u]['patch']
+ n2 = G.node[v]['patch']
+ else:
+ # works with networkx 2.4
+ n1 = G.nodes[u]['patch']
+ n2 = G.nodes[v]['patch']
+ if directed:
+ rad = -1.*curved_radius
+# facecolor = d['directed_color']
+# edgecolor = d['directed_edgecolor']
+ if cmap_links is not None:
+ facecolor = data_to_rgb_links.to_rgba(d['directed_color'])
+ else:
+ if d['directed_color'] is not None:
+ facecolor = d['directed_color']
+ else:
+ facecolor = standard_color
+ if d['directed_edgecolor'] is not None:
+ edgecolor = data_to_rgb_links_edges.to_rgba(
+ d['directed_edgecolor'])
+ else:
+ if d['directed_edgecolor'] is not None:
+ edgecolor = d['directed_edgecolor']
+ else:
+ edgecolor = standard_color
+ width = d['directed_width']
+ alpha = d['directed_alpha']
+ if (u, v) in seen:
+ rad = seen.get((u, v))
+ rad = (rad + np.sign(rad) * 0.1) * -1.
+ arrowstyle = arrowstyle
+ link_edge = d['directed_edge']
+ linestyle = 'solid'
+ linewidth = 0.
+ if d.get('directed_attribute', None) == 'spurious':
+ facecolor = 'grey'
+ # linestyle = 'dashed'
+ else:
+ rad = undirected_curved * curved_radius
+ if cmap_links is not None:
+ facecolor = data_to_rgb_links.to_rgba(d['undirected_color'])
+ else:
+ if d['undirected_color'] is not None:
+ facecolor = d['undirected_color']
+ else:
+ facecolor = standard_color
+ if d['undirected_edgecolor'] is not None:
+ edgecolor = data_to_rgb_links_edges.to_rgba(
+ d['undirected_edgecolor'])
+ else:
+ if d['undirected_edgecolor'] is not None:
+ edgecolor = d['undirected_edgecolor']
+ else:
+ edgecolor = standard_color
+ width = d['undirected_width']
+ alpha = d['undirected_alpha']
+ arrowstyle = 'simple,head_length=0.0001'
+ link_edge = d['undirected_edge']
+ linestyle = undirected_style
+ linewidth = 0.
+ if d.get('undirected_attribute', None) == 'spurious':
+ facecolor = 'grey'
+ # linestyle = 'dashed'
+ # print d['undirected_attribute']
+ if link_edge:
+ # Outer arrow
+ e = FancyArrowPatch(n1.center, n2.center, # patchA=n1,patchB=n2,
+ arrowstyle=arrowstyle,
+ connectionstyle='arc3,rad=%s' % rad,
+ mutation_scale=3 * width,
+ lw=0.,
+ alpha=alpha,
+ color=edgecolor,
+ # zorder = -1,
+ clip_on=False,
+ patchA=n1, patchB=n2)
+ ax.add_patch(e)
+ # Inner arrow
+ # print linestyle
+ e = FancyArrowPatch(n1.center, n2.center, # patchA=n1,patchB=n2,
+ arrowstyle= arrowstyle, #arrowstyle,
+ connectionstyle='arc3,rad=%s' % rad,
+ mutation_scale=width,
+ lw=linewidth,
+ alpha=alpha,
+ linestyle=linestyle,
+ color=facecolor,
+ clip_on=False,
+ patchA=n1, patchB=n2
+ )
+ ax.add_patch(e)
+ if d['label'] is not None and directed:
+ # Attach labels of lags
+ trans = None # patch.get_transform()
+ path = e.get_path()
+ verts = path.to_polygons(trans)[0]
+ if len(verts) > 2:
+ label_vert = verts[1, :]
+ l = d['label']
+ string = str(l)
+ ax.text(label_vert[0], label_vert[1], string,
+ fontsize=link_label_fontsize,
+ verticalalignment='center',
+ horizontalalignment='center')
+ return rad
+ # Fix lower left and upper right corner (networkx unfortunately rescales
+ # the positions...)
+ # c = Circle((0, 0), radius=.01, alpha=1., fill=False,
+ # linewidth=0., transform=fig.transFigure)
+ # ax.add_patch(c)
+ # c = Circle((1, 1), radius=.01, alpha=1., fill=False,
+ # linewidth=0., transform=fig.transFigure)
+ # ax.add_patch(c)
+ ##
+ # Draw nodes
+ ##
+ node_sizes = np.zeros((len(node_rings), N))
+ for ring in list(node_rings): # iterate through to get all node sizes
+ if node_rings[ring]['sizes'] is not None:
+ node_sizes[ring] = node_rings[ring]['sizes']
+ else:
+ node_sizes[ring] = standard_size
+ max_sizes = node_sizes.max(axis=1)
+ total_max_size = node_sizes.sum(axis=0).max()
+ node_sizes /= total_max_size
+ node_sizes *= standard_size
+# print 'node_sizes ', node_sizes
+ # start drawing the outer ring first...
+ for ring in list(node_rings)[::-1]:
+ # print ring
+ # dictionary of rings: {0:{'sizes':(N,)-array, 'color_array':(N,)-array
+ # or None, 'cmap':string, 'vmin':float or None, 'vmax':float or None}}
+ if node_rings[ring]['color_array'] is not None:
+ color_data = node_rings[ring]['color_array']
+ if node_rings[ring]['vmin'] is not None:
+ vmin = node_rings[ring]['vmin']
+ else:
+ vmin = node_rings[ring]['color_array'].min()
+ if node_rings[ring]['vmax'] is not None:
+ vmax = node_rings[ring]['vmax']
+ else:
+ vmax = node_rings[ring]['color_array'].max()
+ if node_rings[ring]['cmap'] is not None:
+ cmap = node_rings[ring]['cmap']
+ else:
+ cmap = standard_cmap
+ data_to_rgb = pyplot.cm.ScalarMappable(
+ norm=None, cmap=pyplot.get_cmap(cmap))
+ data_to_rgb.set_array(color_data)
+ data_to_rgb.set_clim(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
+ colors = [data_to_rgb.to_rgba(color_data[n]) for n in G]
+ if node_rings[ring]['colorbar']:
+ # Create colorbars for nodes
+ # cax_n = pyplot.axes([.8 + ring*0.11,
+ # ax.figbox.bounds[1]+0.05, 0.025, 0.35], frameon=False) #
+ # setup colorbar axes.
+ # setup colorbar axes.
+ cax_n = pyplot.axes([0.05, ax.figbox.bounds[1] + 0.02 +
+ ring * 0.11,
+ 0.4, 0.025 +
+ (len(node_rings) == 1) * 0.035],
+ frameon=False)
+ cb_n = pyplot.colorbar(
+ data_to_rgb, cax=cax_n, orientation='horizontal')
+ try:
+ cb_n.set_ticks(np.arange(_myround(vmin,
+ node_rings[ring]['ticks'], 'down'), _myround(
+ vmax, node_rings[ring]['ticks'], 'up') +
+ node_rings[ring]['ticks'], node_rings[ring]['ticks']))
+ except:
+ print ('no ticks given')
+ cb_n.outline.remove()
+ # cb_n.set_ticks()
+ cax_n.set_xlabel(
+ node_rings[ring]['label'], labelpad=1,
+ fontsize=label_fontsize)
+ else:
+ colors = None
+ vmin = None
+ vmax = None
+ for n in G:
+ # if n==1: print node_sizes[:ring+1].sum(axis=0)[n]
+ if type(node_alpha) == dict:
+ alpha = node_alpha[n]
+ else:
+ alpha = 1.
+ if colors is None:
+ ax.scatter(pos[n][0], pos[n][1],
+ s=node_sizes[:ring + 1].sum(axis=0)[n] ** 2,
+ facecolors=standard_color,
+ edgecolors=standard_color, alpha=alpha,
+ clip_on=False, linewidth=.1, zorder=-ring)
+ else:
+ ax.scatter(pos[n][0], pos[n][1],
+ s=node_sizes[:ring + 1].sum(axis=0)[n] ** 2,
+ facecolors=colors[n], edgecolors='white',
+ alpha=alpha,
+ clip_on=False, linewidth=.1, zorder=-ring)
+ if ring == 0:
+ ax.text(pos[n][0], pos[n][1], node_labels[n],
+ fontsize=node_label_size,
+ horizontalalignment='center',
+ verticalalignment='center', alpha=alpha)
+ if node_rings[ring]['sizes'] is not None:
+ # Draw reference node as legend
+ ax.scatter(0., 0., s=node_sizes[:ring + 1].sum(axis=0).max() ** 2,
+ alpha=1., facecolors='none', edgecolors='grey',
+ clip_on=False, linewidth=.1, zorder=-ring)
+ if log_sizes:
+ ax.text(0., 0., ' ' * ring + '%.2f' %
+ (np.exp(max_sizes[ring]) - 1.),
+ fontsize=node_label_size,
+ horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center')
+ else:
+ ax.text(0., 0., ' ' * ring + '%.2f' % max_sizes[ring],
+ fontsize=node_label_size,
+ horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center')
+ ##
+ # Draw edges of different types
+ ##
+ # First draw small circles as anchorpoints of the curved edges
+ for n in G:
+ # , transform = ax.transAxes)
+ size = standard_size*.3
+ c = Circle(pos[n], radius=size, alpha=0., fill=False, linewidth=0.)
+ ax.add_patch(c)
+ # avoiding attribute error raised by changes in networkx
+ if hasattr(G, 'node'):
+ # works with networkx 1.10
+ G.node[n]['patch'] = c
+ else:
+ # works with networkx 2.4
+ G.nodes[n]['patch'] = c
+ # Collect all edge weights to get color scale
+ all_links_weights = []
+ all_links_edge_weights = []
+ for (u, v, d) in G.edges(data=True):
+ if u != v:
+ if d['directed'] and d['directed_color'] is not None:
+ all_links_weights.append(d['directed_color'])
+ if d['undirected'] and d['undirected_color'] is not None:
+ all_links_weights.append(d['undirected_color'])
+ if d['directed_edge'] and d['directed_edgecolor'] is not None:
+ all_links_edge_weights.append(d['directed_edgecolor'])
+ if d['undirected_edge'] and d['undirected_edgecolor'] is not None:
+ all_links_edge_weights.append(d['undirected_edgecolor'])
+ if cmap_links is not None and len(all_links_weights) > 0:
+ if links_vmin is None:
+ links_vmin = np.array(all_links_weights).min()
+ if links_vmax is None:
+ links_vmax = np.array(all_links_weights).max()
+ data_to_rgb_links = pyplot.cm.ScalarMappable(
+ norm=None, cmap=pyplot.get_cmap(cmap_links))
+ data_to_rgb_links.set_array(np.array(all_links_weights))
+ data_to_rgb_links.set_clim(vmin=links_vmin, vmax=links_vmax)
+ # Create colorbars for links
+# cax_e = pyplot.axes([.8, ax.figbox.bounds[1]+0.5, 0.025, 0.35],
+# frameon=False) # setup colorbar axes.
+ # setup colorbar axes.
+ if show_colorbar:
+ cax_e = pyplot.axes([0.55, ax.figbox.bounds[1] + 0.02, 0.4, 0.025 +
+ (len(all_links_edge_weights) == 0) * 0.035],
+ frameon=False)
+ cb_e = pyplot.colorbar(
+ data_to_rgb_links, cax=cax_e, orientation='horizontal')
+ try:
+ cb_e.set_ticks(np.arange(_myround(links_vmin, links_ticks, 'down'),
+ _myround(links_vmax, links_ticks, 'up') +
+ links_ticks, links_ticks))
+ except:
+ print ('no ticks given')
+ cb_e.outline.remove()
+ # cb_n.set_ticks()
+ cax_e.set_xlabel(
+ link_colorbar_label, labelpad=1, fontsize=label_fontsize)
+ if cmap_links_edges is not None and len(all_links_edge_weights) > 0:
+ if links_edges_vmin is None:
+ links_edges_vmin = np.array(all_links_edge_weights).min()
+ if links_edges_vmax is None:
+ links_edges_vmax = np.array(all_links_edge_weights).max()
+ data_to_rgb_links_edges = pyplot.cm.ScalarMappable(
+ norm=None, cmap=pyplot.get_cmap(cmap_links_edges))
+ data_to_rgb_links_edges.set_array(np.array(all_links_edge_weights))
+ data_to_rgb_links_edges.set_clim(
+ vmin=links_edges_vmin, vmax=links_edges_vmax)
+ # Create colorbars for link edges
+# cax_e = pyplot.axes([.8+.1, ax.figbox.bounds[1]+0.5, 0.025, 0.35],
+# frameon=False) # setup colorbar axes.
+ # setup colorbar axes.
+ cax_e = pyplot.axes(
+ [0.55, ax.figbox.bounds[1] + 0.05 + 0.1, 0.4, 0.025],
+ frameon=False)
+ cb_e = pyplot.colorbar(
+ data_to_rgb_links_edges, cax=cax_e, orientation='horizontal')
+ try:
+ cb_e.set_ticks(np.arange(_myround(links_edges_vmin,
+ links_edges_ticks, 'down'),
+ _myround(links_edges_vmax,
+ links_edges_ticks, 'up') +
+ links_edges_ticks,
+ links_edges_ticks))
+ except:
+ print ('no ticks given')
+ cb_e.outline.remove()
+ # cb_n.set_ticks()
+ cax_e.set_xlabel(
+ link_edge_colorbar_label, labelpad=1, fontsize=label_fontsize)
+ # Draw edges
+ seen = {}
+ for (u, v, d) in G.edges(data=True):
+ if u != v:
+ if d['directed']:
+ seen[(u, v)] = draw_edge(ax, u, v, d, seen, arrowstyle, directed=True)
+ if d['undirected'] and (v, u) not in seen:
+ seen[(u, v)] = draw_edge(ax, u, v, d, seen, directed=False)
+ # pyplot.tight_layout()
+ pyplot.subplots_adjust(bottom=network_lower_bound)
+[docs]def plot_graph(val_matrix,
"""Creates a network plot.
This is still in beta. The network is defined either from True values in
link_matrix, or from thresholding the val_matrix with sig_thres. Nodes
denote variables, straight links contemporaneous dependencies and curved
arrows lagged dependencies. The node color denotes the maximal absolute
auto-dependency and the link color the value at the lag with maximal
absolute cross-dependency. The link label lists the lags with significant
dependency in order of absolute magnitude. The network can also be plotted
over a map drawn before on the same axis. Then the node positions can be
supplied in appropriate axis coordinates via node_pos.
val_matrix : array_like
Matrix of shape (N, N, tau_max+1) containing test statistic values.
var_names : list, optional (default: None)
List of variable names. If None, range(N) is used.
fig_ax : tuple of figure and axis object, optional (default: None)
Figure and axes instance. If None they are created.
figsize : tuple
Size of figure.
sig_thres : array-like, optional (default: None)
Matrix of significance thresholds. Must be of same shape as val_matrix.
Either sig_thres or link_matrix has to be provided.
link_matrix : bool array-like, optional (default: None)
Matrix of significant links. Must be of same shape as val_matrix. Either
sig_thres or link_matrix has to be provided.
save_name : str, optional (default: None)
Name of figure file to save figure. If None, figure is shown in window.
link_colorbar_label : str, optional (default: 'MCI')
Test statistic label.
node_colorbar_label : str, optional (default: 'auto-MCI')
Test statistic label for auto-dependencies.
link_width : array-like, optional (default: None)
Array of val_matrix.shape specifying relative link width with maximum
given by arrow_linewidth. If None, all links have same width.
link_attribute : array-like, optional (default: None)
String array of val_matrix.shape specifying link attributes.
node_pos : dictionary, optional (default: None)
Dictionary of node positions in axis coordinates of form
node_pos = {'x':array of shape (N,), 'y':array of shape(N)}. These
coordinates could have been transformed before for basemap plots.
arrow_linewidth : float, optional (default: 30)
vmin_edges : float, optional (default: -1)
Link colorbar scale lower bound.
vmax_edges : float, optional (default: 1)
Link colorbar scale upper bound.
edge_ticks : float, optional (default: 0.4)
Link tick mark interval.
cmap_edges : str, optional (default: 'RdBu_r')
Colormap for links.
vmin_nodes : float, optional (default: 0)
Node colorbar scale lower bound.
vmax_nodes : float, optional (default: 1)
Node colorbar scale upper bound.
node_ticks : float, optional (default: 0.4)
Node tick mark interval.
cmap_nodes : str, optional (default: 'OrRd')
Colormap for links.
node_size : int, optional (default: 20)
Node size.
arrowhead_size : int, optional (default: 20)
Size of link arrow head. Passed on to FancyArrowPatch object.
curved_radius, float, optional (default: 0.2)
Curvature of links. Passed on to FancyArrowPatch object.
label_fontsize : int, optional (default: 10)
Fontsize of colorbar labels.
alpha : float, optional (default: 1.)
node_label_size : int, optional (default: 10)
Fontsize of node labels.
link_label_fontsize : int, optional (default: 6)
Fontsize of link labels.
lag_array : array, optional (default: None)
Optional specification of lags overwriting np.arange(0, tau_max+1)
network_lower_bound : float, optional (default: 0.2)
Fraction of vertical space below graph plot.
show_colorbar : bool
Whether to show colorbars for links and nodes.
import networkx
if fig_ax is None:
fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=figsize)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, frame_on=False)
fig, ax = fig_ax
if sig_thres is None and link_matrix is None:
raise ValueError("Need to specify either sig_thres or link_matrix")
elif sig_thres is not None and link_matrix is None:
link_matrix = np.abs(val_matrix) >= sig_thres
if link_width is not None and not np.all(link_width >= 0.):
raise ValueError("link_width must be non-negative")
N, N, dummy = val_matrix.shape
tau_max = dummy - 1
if var_names is None:
var_names = range(N)
# Define graph links by absolute maximum (positive or negative like for
# partial correlation)
# val_matrix[np.abs(val_matrix) < sig_thres] = 0.
net = _get_absmax(val_matrix * link_matrix)
G = networkx.DiGraph(net)
node_color = np.zeros(N)
# list of all strengths for color map
all_strengths = []
# Add attributes, contemporaneous and directed links are handled separately
for (u, v, dic) in G.edges(data=True):
# average lagfunc for link u --> v ANDOR u -- v
if tau_max > 0:
# argmax of absolute maximum
argmax = np.abs(val_matrix[u, v][1:]).argmax() + 1
argmax = 0
if u != v:
# For contemp links masking or finite samples can lead to different
# values for u--v and v--u
# Here we use the maximum for the width and weight (=color)
# of the link
# Draw link if u--v OR v--u at lag 0 is nonzero
# dic['undirected'] = ((np.abs(val_matrix[u, v][0]) >=
# sig_thres[u, v][0]) or
# (np.abs(val_matrix[v, u][0]) >=
# sig_thres[v, u][0]))
dic['undirected'] = (link_matrix[u,v,0] or link_matrix[v,u,0])
dic['undirected_alpha'] = alpha
# value at argmax of average
if np.abs(val_matrix[u, v][0] - val_matrix[v, u][0]) > .0001:
print("Contemporaneous I(%d; %d)=%.3f != I(%d; %d)=%.3f" % (
u, v, val_matrix[u, v][0], v, u, val_matrix[v, u][0]) +
" due to conditions, finite sample effects or "
"masking, here edge color = "
"larger (absolute) value.")
dic['undirected_color'] = _get_absmax(
np.array([[[val_matrix[u, v][0],
val_matrix[v, u][0]]]])).squeeze()
if link_width is None:
dic['undirected_width'] = arrow_linewidth
dic['undirected_width'] = link_width[
u, v, 0] / link_width.max() * arrow_linewidth
if link_attribute is None:
dic['undirected_attribute'] = None
dic['undirected_attribute'] = link_attribute[
u, v, 0]
# # fraction of nonzero values
dic['undirected_style'] = 'solid'
# else:
# dic['undirected_style'] = link_style[
# u, v, 0]
if tau_max > 0:
# True if ensemble mean at lags > 0 is nonzero
# dic['directed'] = np.any(
# np.abs(val_matrix[u, v][1:]) >= sig_thres[u, v][1:])
dic['directed'] = np.any(link_matrix[u,v,1:])
dic['directed'] = False
dic['directed_alpha'] = alpha
if link_width is None:
# fraction of nonzero values
dic['directed_width'] = arrow_linewidth
dic['directed_width'] = link_width[
u, v, argmax] / link_width.max() * arrow_linewidth
if link_attribute is None:
# fraction of nonzero values
dic['directed_attribute'] = None
dic['directed_attribute'] = link_attribute[
u, v, argmax]
# value at argmax of average
dic['directed_color'] = val_matrix[u, v][argmax]
# Sorted list of significant lags (only if robust wrt
# d['min_ensemble_frac'])
if tau_max > 0:
lags = np.abs(val_matrix[u, v][1:]).argsort()[::-1] + 1
sig_lags = (np.where(link_matrix[u, v,1:])[0] + 1).tolist()
lags, sig_lags = [], []
if lag_array is not None:
dic['label'] = str([lag_array[l] for l in lags if l in sig_lags])[1:-1]
dic['label'] = str([l for l in lags if l in sig_lags])[1:-1]
# Node color is max of average autodependency
node_color[u] = val_matrix[u, v][argmax]
dic['undirected_attribute'] = None
dic['directed_attribute'] = None
dic['directed_edge'] = False
dic['directed_edgecolor'] = None
dic['undirected_edge'] = False
dic['undirected_edgecolor'] = None
# If no links are present, set value to zero
if len(all_strengths) == 0:
all_strengths = [0.]
if node_pos is None:
pos = networkx.circular_layout(deepcopy(G))
# pos = networkx.spring_layout(deepcopy(G))
pos = {}
for i in range(N):
pos[i] = (node_pos['x'][i], node_pos['y'][i])
if cmap_nodes is None:
node_color = None
node_rings = {0: {'sizes': None, 'color_array': node_color,
'cmap': cmap_nodes, 'vmin': vmin_nodes,
'vmax': vmax_nodes, 'ticks': node_ticks,
'label': node_colorbar_label, 'colorbar': show_colorbar,
fig=fig, ax=ax,
G=deepcopy(G), pos=pos,
# dictionary of rings: {0:{'sizes':(N,)-array, 'color_array':(N,)-array
# or None, 'cmap':string,
# 'vmin':float or None, 'vmax':float or None, 'label':string or None}}
node_labels=var_names, node_label_size=node_label_size,
node_alpha=alpha, standard_size=node_size,
standard_cmap='OrRd', standard_color='orange',
cmap_links=cmap_edges, links_vmin=vmin_edges,
links_vmax=vmax_edges, links_ticks=edge_ticks,
cmap_links_edges='YlOrRd', links_edges_vmin=-1., links_edges_vmax=1.,
links_edges_ticks=.2, link_edge_colorbar_label='link_edge',
arrowstyle='simple', arrowhead_size=arrowhead_size,
curved_radius=curved_radius, label_fontsize=label_fontsize,
# label_fraction=label_fraction,
# undirected_style=undirected_style
# fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=.9, bottom=.25, top=.95)
# savestring = os.path.expanduser(save_name)
if save_name is not None:
return fig, ax
+[docs]def plot_time_series_graph(val_matrix,
"""Creates a time series graph.
This is still in beta. The time series graph's links are colored by
val_matrix : array_like
Matrix of shape (N, N, tau_max+1) containing test statistic values.
var_names : list, optional (default: None)
List of variable names. If None, range(N) is used.
fig_ax : tuple of figure and axis object, optional (default: None)
Figure and axes instance. If None they are created.
figsize : tuple
Size of figure.
sig_thres : array-like, optional (default: None)
Matrix of significance thresholds. Must be of same shape as val_matrix.
Either sig_thres or link_matrix has to be provided.
link_matrix : bool array-like, optional (default: None)
Matrix of significant links. Must be of same shape as val_matrix. Either
sig_thres or link_matrix has to be provided.
save_name : str, optional (default: None)
Name of figure file to save figure. If None, figure is shown in window.
link_colorbar_label : str, optional (default: 'MCI')
Test statistic label.
link_width : array-like, optional (default: None)
Array of val_matrix.shape specifying relative link width with maximum
given by arrow_linewidth. If None, all links have same width.
order : list, optional (default: None)
order of variables from top to bottom.
arrow_linewidth : float, optional (default: 30)
vmin_edges : float, optional (default: -1)
Link colorbar scale lower bound.
vmax_edges : float, optional (default: 1)
Link colorbar scale upper bound.
edge_ticks : float, optional (default: 0.4)
Link tick mark interval.
cmap_edges : str, optional (default: 'RdBu_r')
Colormap for links.
node_size : int, optional (default: 20)
Node size.
arrowhead_size : int, optional (default: 20)
Size of link arrow head. Passed on to FancyArrowPatch object.
curved_radius, float, optional (default: 0.2)
Curvature of links. Passed on to FancyArrowPatch object.
label_fontsize : int, optional (default: 10)
Fontsize of colorbar labels.
alpha : float, optional (default: 1.)
node_label_size : int, optional (default: 10)
Fontsize of node labels.
link_label_fontsize : int, optional (default: 6)
Fontsize of link labels.
label_space_left : float, optional (default: 0.1)
Fraction of horizontal figure space to allocate left of plot for labels.
label_space_top : float, optional (default: 0.)
Fraction of vertical figure space to allocate top of plot for labels.
network_lower_bound : float, optional (default: 0.2)
Fraction of vertical space below graph plot.
undirected_style : string, optional (default: 'dashed')
Style of undirected contemporaneous links.
import networkx
if fig_ax is None:
fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=figsize)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, frame_on=False)
fig, ax = fig_ax
if sig_thres is None and link_matrix is None:
raise ValueError("Need to specify either sig_thres or link_matrix")
elif sig_thres is not None and link_matrix is None:
link_matrix = np.abs(val_matrix) >= sig_thres
if link_width is not None and not np.all(link_width >= 0.):
raise ValueError("link_width must be non-negative")
N, N, dummy = val_matrix.shape
tau_max = dummy - 1
max_lag = tau_max + 1
if var_names is None:
var_names = range(N)
if order is None:
order = range(N)
if set(order) != set(range(N)):
raise ValueError("order must be a permutation of range(N)")
def translate(row, lag):
return row * max_lag + lag
# Define graph links by absolute maximum (positive or negative like for
# partial correlation)
tsg = np.zeros((N * max_lag, N * max_lag))
tsg_attr = np.zeros((N * max_lag, N * max_lag))
for i, j, tau in np.column_stack(np.where(link_matrix)):
# print '\n',i, j, tau
# print np.where(nonmasked[:,j])[0]
for t in range(max_lag):
if (0 <= translate(i, t - tau) and
translate(i, t - tau) % max_lag <= translate(j, t) % max_lag):
# print translate(i, t-tau), translate(j, t), val_matrix[i,j,tau]
tsg[translate(i, t - tau), translate(j, t)
] = val_matrix[i, j, tau]
tsg_attr[translate(i, t - tau), translate(j, t)
] = val_matrix[i, j, tau]
G = networkx.DiGraph(tsg)
# node_color = np.zeros(N)
# list of all strengths for color map
all_strengths = []
# Add attributes, contemporaneous and directed links are handled separately
for (u, v, dic) in G.edges(data=True):
dic['directed_attribute'] = None
if u != v:
if u % max_lag == v % max_lag:
dic['undirected'] = True
dic['directed'] = False
dic['undirected'] = False
dic['directed'] = True
dic['undirected_alpha'] = alpha
dic['undirected_color'] = _get_absmax(
np.array([[[tsg_attr[u, v],
tsg_attr[v, u]]]])
dic['undirected_width'] = arrow_linewidth
dic['directed_alpha'] = alpha
dic['directed_width'] = arrow_linewidth
# value at argmax of average
dic['directed_color'] = tsg_attr[u, v]
dic['label'] = None
dic['directed_edge'] = False
dic['directed_edgecolor'] = None
dic['undirected_edge'] = False
dic['undirected_edgecolor'] = None
# If no links are present, set value to zero
if len(all_strengths) == 0:
all_strengths = [0.]
posarray = np.zeros((N * max_lag, 2))
for i in range(N * max_lag):
posarray[i] = np.array([(i % max_lag), (1. - i // max_lag)])
pos_tmp = {}
for i in range(N * max_lag):
# for n in range(N):
# for tau in range(max_lag):
# i = n*N + tau
pos_tmp[i] = np.array([((i % max_lag) - posarray.min(axis=0)[0]) /
(posarray.max(axis=0)[0] -
((1. - i // max_lag) -
posarray.min(axis=0)[1]) /
(posarray.max(axis=0)[1] -
pos = {}
for n in range(N):
for tau in range(max_lag):
pos[n * max_lag + tau] = pos_tmp[order[n] * max_lag + tau]
node_rings = {0: {'sizes': None, 'color_array': None,
'label': '', 'colorbar': False,
# ] for v in range(max_lag)]
node_labels = ['' for i in range(N * max_lag)]
fig=fig, ax=ax,
G=deepcopy(G), pos=pos,
# dictionary of rings: {0:{'sizes':(N,)-array, 'color_array':(N,)-array
# or None, 'cmap':string,
# 'vmin':float or None, 'vmax':float or None, 'label':string or None}}
node_labels=node_labels, node_label_size=node_label_size,
node_alpha=alpha, standard_size=node_size,
standard_cmap='OrRd', standard_color='grey',
cmap_links=cmap_edges, links_vmin=vmin_edges,
links_vmax=vmax_edges, links_ticks=edge_ticks,
cmap_links_edges='YlOrRd', links_edges_vmin=-1., links_edges_vmax=1.,
links_edges_ticks=.2, link_edge_colorbar_label='link_edge',
arrowstyle='simple', arrowhead_size=arrowhead_size,
curved_radius=curved_radius, label_fontsize=label_fontsize,
link_colorbar_label=link_colorbar_label, undirected_curved=True,
for i in range(N):
trans = transforms.blended_transform_factory(
fig.transFigure, ax.transData)
ax.text(label_space_left, pos[order[i] * max_lag][1],
'%s' % str(var_names[order[i]]), fontsize=label_fontsize,
horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center',
for tau in np.arange(max_lag - 1, -1, -1):
trans = transforms.blended_transform_factory(
ax.transData, fig.transFigure)
if tau == max_lag - 1:
ax.text(pos[tau][0], 1.-label_space_top, r'$t$',
verticalalignment='top', transform=trans)
ax.text(pos[tau][0], 1.-label_space_top,
r'$t-%s$' % str(max_lag - tau - 1),
horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='top',
# fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=.98, bottom=.25, top=.9)
# savestring = os.path.expanduser(save_name)
if save_name is not None:
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ from tigramite.independence_tests import ParCorr
+ import tigramite.data_processing as pp
+ np.random.seed(42)
+ val_matrix = np.random.rand(3,3,4)
+ link_matrix = np.abs(val_matrix) > .7
+ # print link_matrix
+ data = np.random.randn(100,3)
+ mask = np.random.randint(0, 2, size=(100,3))
+ dataframe = pp.DataFrame(data, mask=mask)
+ # data = np.random.randn(100, 3)
+ # datatime = np.arange(100)
+ # mask = np.zeros(data.shape)
+ # mask[:int(len(data)/2)]=True
+ # data[:,0] = -99.
+ # plot_lagfuncs(val_matrix=val_matrix,
+ # setup_args={'figsize':(10,10),
+ # 'label_space_top':0.05,
+ # 'label_space_left':0.1,
+ # 'x_base':1, 'y_base':5,
+ # 'var_names':range(3),
+ # 'lag_array':np.array(['a%d' % i for i in range(4)])},
+ # name='test.pdf',
+ # )
+ # plot_timeseries(
+ # dataframe=dataframe,
+ # save_name='/home/rung_ja/Downloads/test.pdf',
+ # fig_axes=None,
+ # var_units=None,
+ # time_label='years',
+ # use_mask=True,
+ # grey_masked_samples='data',
+ # data_linewidth=1.,
+ # skip_ticks_data_x=1,
+ # skip_ticks_data_y=1,
+ # label_fontsize=8,
+ # figsize=(3.375, 3.),
+ # )
+ # lagmat = setup_matrix(3, 3, range(3), lag_units = 'months')
+ # lagmat.add_lagfuncs(
+ # val_matrix=val_matrix,
+ # # sig_thres=None,
+ # # link_matrix=link_matrix
+ # )
+ # lagmat.savefig()
+ # fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(4, 3), frameon=False)
+ # ax = fig.add_subplot(111, frame_on=False)
+ plot_graph(
+ figsize=(3, 3),
+ val_matrix=val_matrix,
+ sig_thres=None,
+ link_matrix=link_matrix,
+ var_names=range(len(val_matrix)),
+ save_name='/home/rung_ja/Downloads/test.pdf',
+ )
+ # plot_time_series_graph(
+ # val_matrix=val_matrix,
+ # sig_thres=None,
+ # link_matrix=link_matrix,
+ # var_names=range(len(val_matrix)),
+ # undirected_style='dashed',
+ # )
+ # pyplot.show()