Every feature should be composed from (at least) 2 modules:
- Api
- Implementation
This pattern improves compilation avoidance by allowing modules to depend only on the api modules. So implementation change won't require higher-level module to recompile as a result.
- Core/infrastructure - all code that is reused everywhere
- Core/ui - ui-related code like base fragments, themes, colors, components and so on
- Core/models - module that will store DTO and domain models. It can also store all mapping code (MapStruct as a proposal)
- Libraries/* - set of modules to handle particular tasks (like logging, database handling and so on)
- Features/* - set of modules that will implement a single domain-bound feature
- App - top level module that will use all of above. It should be as small as possible to improve compilation avoidance and build speed as a result
We are using gradle conventions that are shared in the composite build called build-logic