- Adding REST methods to manage new types of whizzml resources: scripts, executions and libraries.
- Adding REST methods to manage new type of resource: correlations.
- Adding REST methods to manage new type of resource: tests.
- Adding min and max values predictions for regression models and ensembles.
- Fixing bug: Fields object was not retrieving objective id from the resource info.
- Fixing bug: console messages failed when used with Python3 on Windows.
- Fixing bug: Removing id fields from the filter to select the anomalies listed in the Anomaly object from the origin dataset.
- Fixing bug: create_source method failed when unicode literals were used in args.
- Ensuring unique ordering in MultiVote categorical combinations (only needed in Python 3).
- Adapting code to handle uploading from String objects.
- Adding models creation new origin resources: clusters and centroids.
- Fixing bug in summarize method for local models. Ensuring unicode use and adding tests for generated outputs.
- Fixing bug in method to print the fields in the anomaly trees.
- Fixing bug in the create_source method for Python3. Creation failed when the tags argument was used.
- Adding median based predictions to ensembles.
- Fixing bug: multimodels median predictions failed.
- Adding support for median-based predictions in MultiModels.
- Python 3 added to supported Python versions.
- Test suite migrated to nose.
- Changing setup to ensure compatible Python and requests versions.
- Hiding warnings when SSL verification is disabled.
- Adding samples as Fields generator resources
- Changing the Ensemble object init method to use the max_models argument also when loading the ensemble fields to trigger garbage collection.
- Adding Google App Engine support for remote REST calls.
- Adding cache_get argument to Ensemble constructor to allow getting local model objects from cache.
- Adding lists of local models as argument for the local ensemble constructor.
- Adding distribution and median to ensembles' predictions output.
- Adding REST API calls for samples.
- Adding distribution units to the predict method output of the local model.
- Extending the predict method in local models to get multiple predictions.
- Changing the local model object to add the units used in the distribution and the add_median argument in the predict method.
- Adding the median as prediction for the local model object.
- Fixing bug: centroids failed when predicted from local clusters with summary fields.
- Improvements in docs presentation and content.
- Adding tree_CSV method to local model to output the nodes information in CSV format.
- Fixing bug: local ensembles were not retrieved from the stored JSON file.
- Adding the ability to construct local ensembles from any existing JSON file describing an ensemble structure.
- Source creation from inline data.
- Fixing bug: source upload failed in old Python versions.
- Refactoring the BigML class before adding the new project resource.
- Changing the ok and check_resource methods to download lighter resources.
- Fixing bug: cluster summarize for 1-centroid clusters.
- Fixing bug: adapting to new SSL verification in Python 2.7.9.
- Adding impurity to Model leaves, and a new method to select impure leaves.
- Fixing bug: the Model, Cluster and Anomaly objects had no resource_id attribute when built from a local resource JSON structure.
- Adding method in Anomaly object to build the filter to exclude anomalies from the original dataset.
- Basic code refactorization for initial resources structure.
- Adding BIGML_PROTOCOL, BIGML_SSL_VERIFY and BIGML_PREDICTION_SSL_VERIFY environment variables to change the default corresponding values in customized private environments.
- Fixing bug: summarize method breaks for clusters with text fields.
- Changing MultiModel class to return in-memory list of predictions.
- Improving Fields and including the new Cluster and Anomalies fields structures as fields resources.
- Improving ModelFields to filter missing values from input data.
- Forcing garbage collection in local ensemble to lower memory usage.
- Changing some Fields exceptions handling.
- Refactoring api code to handle create, update and delete methods dynamically.
- Adding connection info string for printing.
- Improving tests information.
- Adding the summarize and statistics_CSV methods to local cluster object.
- Adding the batch anomaly score REST API calls.
- Adding the anomaly detector and anomaly score REST API calls.
- Adding the local anomaly detector.
- Adding to local model predictions the ability to use the new missing-combined operators.
- Fixing bug in corner case of model predictions using proportional missing strategy.
- Adding the unique path to the first missing split to the predictions using proportional missing strategy.
- Improving the locale handling to avoid problems when logging to console under Windows.
- Adding stats method to Fields to show fields statistics.
- Adding api method to create a source from a batch prediction.
- Changing the create methods to check if origin resources are finished by downloading no fields information.
- Changing some variable names in the predict method (add_count, add_path) and the prediction structure to follow other bindigns naming.
- Building local model from a JSON model file.
- Predictions output can contain confidence, distribution, instances and/or rules.
- Fixing bug: download_dataset method did not return content when no filename was provided.
- Fixing bug: check valid parameter in distribution merge function.
- Adding downlod_dataset method to api to export datasets to CSV.
- Fixing bug: local clusters' centroid method crashes when text or categorical fields are not present in input data.
- Adding local cluster to produce centroid predictions locally.
- Adding shared urls to datasets.
- Fixing bug: error renaming variables.
- Adding the ability to change the remote server domain in the API connection constructor (for VPCs).
- Adding the ability to generate datasets from clusters.
- Fixing bug when using api.ok method for centroids and batch centroids.
- Docs and test updates.
- Adding REST methods to manage clusters, centroids and batch centroids.
- Adding the average_confidence method to local models.
- Fixing bug in pprint for predictions with input data keyed by field names.
- Changing Fields object constructor to accept also source, dataset or model resources.
- Changing error message when create_source calls result in http errors to standarize them.
- Simplifying create_prediction calls because now API accepts field names as input_data keys.
- Adding missing_counts and error_counts to report the missing values and error counts per field in the dataset.
- Adding error to regression local predictions using proportional missing strategy.
- Adding proportional missing strategy to MultiModel and solving tie breaks in remote predictions.
- Adding new output options to model's python, rules and tableau outputs: ability to extract the branch of the model leading to a certain node with or without the hanging subtree.
- Adding HTTP_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS error handling in REST API calls.
- Adding Tableau-ready ouput to local model code generators.
- Fixing getters: getter for batch predictions was missing.
- Improving BaseModel and Model. If they receive a partial model structure with a correct model id, the needed model resource is downloaded and stored (if storage is enabled in the given api connection).
- Improving local ensemble. Adding a new fields attribute that contains all the fields used in its models.
- Adding a summarize method to local ensembles with data distribution and field importance information.
- Fixes bug in regressions predictions with ensembles and plurality without confidence information. Predictions values were not normalized.
- Updating copyright information.
- Fixes bug in create calls: the user provided args dictionaries were updated inside the calls.
- Changing the source for ensemble field importance computations.
- Fixes bug in http_ok adding the valid state for updates.
- Adding more info to error messages in REST methods.
- Adding new missing fields strategy in predict method.
- Fixes bug in shared models: credentials where not properly set.
- Adding batch predictions REST methods.
- Fixes bug in local ensembles with more than 200 fields.
- Fixes bug in summarize method of local models: field importance report crashed.
- Fixes bug in status method of the BigML connection object: status for async uploads of source files crashed while uploading.
- Adding threshold combiner to MultiModel objects.
- Adding a function printing field importance to ensembles.
- Changing Model to add a lightweight BaseModel class with no Tree information.
- Adding function to get resource type from resource id or structure.
- Adding resource type checks to REST functions.
- Adding threshold as new combination method for local ensembles.
- Fixes duplication changing field names in local model if they are not unique.
- Adds the environment variables and adapts the create_prediction method to create predictions using a different prediction server.
- Support for shared models.
- Adds text analysis local predict function
- Modifies outputs for text analysis: rules, summary, python, hadoop
- Fixes temporarily problems in predictions for regression models and ensembles
- Adds en-gb to the list of available locales, avoiding spurious warnings
- Changes warning logger level to info
- Adds fields method to retrieve only preferred fields
- Fixes error message when no valid resource id is provided in check_resource
- Fixes check_resource method that was not using query-string data
- Add list of models as argument in Ensemble constructor
- MultiModel has BigML connection as a new optional argument
- Fixes Multimodel list_models method
- Fixes check_resource method for predictions
- Adds local configuration environment variable BIGML_DOMAIN replacing BIGML_URL and BIGML_DEV_URL
- Refactors Ensemble and Model's predict method
- Adds splits in datasets to generate new datasets
- Adds evaluations for ensembles
- REST API methods for model ensembles
- New method returning the leaves of tree models
- Improved error handling in GET methods
- Adds combined confidence to combined predictions
- Fixes get_status for resources that have no status info
- Fixes bug: public datasets, that should be downloadable, weren't
- Fixes bug: no status info in public models, now shows FINISHED status code
- Adds more file-like objects (e.g. stdin) support in create_source input
- Refactoring Fields pair method and Model predict method to increase
- Adds some more locale aliases
- Adds evaluation api functions
- New prediction combination method: probability weighted
- Refactors MultiModels lists of predictions into MultiVote
- Multimodels partial predictions: new format
- Improved locale management
- Adds new features to MultiModel to allow local batch predictions
- Improved combined predictions
- Adds local predictions options: plurality, confidence weighted
- Warning message to inform of locale default if verbose mode
- Fix locale code for windows
- Fix remote predictions for input data containing fields not included in rules
- Tiny fixes
- Fix local predictions for input data containing fields not included in rules
- Overall clean up
- A few tiny fixes
- Multi models to generate predictions from multiple local models
- Adds hadoop-python code generation to create local predictions
- Fix Python generation
- Add a debug flag to log https requests and responses
- Type conversion in fields pairing
- Fix missing distribution field in new models
- Add new Field class to deal with BigML auto-generated ids
- Add by_name flag to predict methods to avoid reverse name lookups
- Add summarize method in models to generate class grouped printed output
- Development Mode
- Remote Sources
- Bigger files streamed with Poster
- Asynchronous Uploading
- Local Models
- Local Predictions
- Rule Generation
- Python Generation
- Overall clean up
- Initial release for the "andromeda" version of BigML.io.