All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning and Keep a changelog.
- removed passwd_encrypt tool source code from httpapi_exporter: created a new stand-alone package passwd_encrypt. Passwd_encrypt is still installed when building and added to the released archiv.
- updated prometheus/exporter-toolkit to 0.13.0 (log => log/slog)
- renamed entrypoint /healthz to /health : response format depends on "accept" header (application/json, text/plain, text/html default)
- updated entrypoint /status, /loglevel /targets /config: response format depends on "accept" header (application/json, text/plain, text/html default)
- added cmd line --model_name to perform test with model and uri in dry-run mode
- added out format for passwd_encrypt that can be cut/pasted into config file.
- added InvalidLogin error cases: no cipher (auth_key not provided) or (invalid auth_key). For those cases if target is up, metrics for collectors status will return code 2; invalid_login
- added GET /loglevel to retrieve current level, add POST /loglevel[/level] to set loglevel to level directly
- added debug message for basic auth (auth_config.mode=basic) and bearer (auth_config.mode=token)
- loglevel link in landing page
- fixed typos
- upgrade go version and modules, security fixed (
- fixed minor bug with basic auth, remove unused vars ...
- fixed typos.
- reorganized contribs dirs
rename attribute "auth_mode" to auth_config in query_action and target definition:
targets: # default target is used as a pattern for exporter queries with target name not defined locally. - name: default scheme: https host: set_later => auth_mode: # mode: basic|token|[anything else:=> user defined login script] mode: script user: usrNetScalerSupervision password: "/encrypted/base64_encrypted_password_by_passwd_crypt_cmd" collectors: - ~.*_metrics
targets: # default target is used as a pattern for exporter queries with target name not defined locally. - name: default scheme: https host: set_later auth_name: prometheus_encrypted auth_config: # mode: basic|token|[anything else:=> user defined login script] mode: script user: usrNetScalerSupervision password: "/encrypted/base64_encrypted_password_by_passwd_crypt_cmd" collectors: - ~.*_metrics
add POST /reload and /loglevel entry points to respectively do a reloadConfig and increase loglevel.
build a specific windows code version without SIGUSR2 signal (used for loglevel cycling).
- added support for env vars in auth_config #1 : included from branch dev_issued_1
- upgraded to go 1.22.2
- upgraded to latest modules' version
- fixed cookie sessions (bug found with arubacx cnx)
- added contribs arubacx-os
- upgraded to go 1.22
- upgraded to latest modules' version
fix panic when var is not found for metric
fix target parsing when exporter is used in proxy mode: allow formats
- target=host.domain : use default scheme and default port
- target=host.domain:port : use default scheme
added status value for collector_status metric :
- 0: error
- 1: ok
- 2: invalid log
- 3: timeout
added new "template" format: $varname that allow a direct accept to variable in symbols table. it is easier to use this format for loop interaction. e.g.:
loop: "{{ .item.list | toRawJson }}"
can be replaced by: e.g.:
loop: $item.list
added a new template func "lookupAddr" to retrive DNS hostname from ip address.
adapt contribs (netscaler/veeam) with new features.
- fixed var evaluation (set_fact with template)
- fixed type evalution for cookies and header
- (beta) add set_stats action to store vars (and values) from collector into target global symbols table, so they are persistent accross several runs; used to get config datas only once or at periodic time.
- updated go version to 1.21.5
- updated contrib netscaler (lb services, ssl services, rename metrics from system collector)
- fixed template panic: add recover
- add auth_key argument for cli in dry_mode
- add log.level cycling with signal USER2
- add Authconfig, dynamic targets
- fix logout with cookies set
- fix clear script calls
- fix global scrape timeout detection
- fix scrape timeout by target
- fix global cookies (always appended)
- config reload with signal HUP.
- minor bugfixes (log)
- bugfixes
- use standard prometheus args web.listen-address and web.config.file for https
- add server start_time in /status page
- modify http server routing process
- Initial release