Formal verification involves the use of logical and computational methods to establish claims that are expressed in precise mathematical terms. These can include ordinary mathematical theorems, as well as claims that pieces of hardware or software, network protocols, and mechanical and hybrid systems meet their specifications. In practice, there is not a sharp distinction between verifying a piece of mathematics and verifying the correctness of a system: formal verification requires describing hardware and software systems in mathematical terms, at which point establishing claims as to their correctness becomes a form of theorem proving. Conversely, the proof of a mathematical theorem may require a lengthy computation, in which case verifying the truth of the theorem requires verifying that the computation does what it is supposed to do.
The gold standard for supporting a mathematical claim is to provide a proof, and twentieth-century developments in logic show most if not all conventional proof methods can be reduced to a small set of axioms and rules in any of a number of foundational systems. With this reduction, there are two ways that a computer can help establish a claim: it can help find a proof in the first place, and it can help verify that a purported proof is correct.
Automated theorem proving focuses on the “finding” aspect. Resolution theorem provers, tableau theorem provers, fast satisfiability solvers, and so on provide means of establishing the validity of formulas in propositional and first-order logic. Other systems provide search procedures and decision procedures for specific languages and domains, such as linear or nonlinear expressions over the integers or the real numbers. Architectures like SMT (“satisfiability modulo theories”) combine domain-general search methods with domain-specific procedures. Computer algebra systems and specialized mathematical software packages provide means of carrying out mathematical computations, establishing mathematical bounds, or finding mathematical objects. A calculation can be viewed as a proof as well, and these systems, too, help establish mathematical claims.
Automated reasoning systems strive for power and efficiency, often at the expense of guaranteed soundness. Such systems can have bugs, and it can be difficult to ensure that the results they deliver are correct. In contrast, interactive theorem proving focuses on the “verification” aspect of theorem proving, requiring that every claim is supporting by a proof in a suitable axiomatic foundation. This sets a very high standard: every rule of inference and every step of a calculation has to be justified by appealing to prior definitions and theorems, all the way down to basic axioms and rules. In fact, most such systems provide fully elaborated “proof objects” that can be communicated to other systems and checked independently. Constructing such proofs typically requires much more input and interaction from users, but it allows us to obtain deeper and more complex proofs.
The Lean Theorem Prover aims to bridge the gap between interactive and automated theorem proving, by situating automated tools and methods in a framework that supports user interaction and the construction of fully specified axiomatic proofs. The goal is to support both mathematical reasoning and reasoning about complex systems, and to verify claims in both domains.
The Lean project was launched by Leonardo de Moura at Microsoft Research Redmond in 2012. It is an ongoing, long-term effort, and much of the potential for automation will be realized only gradually over time. Lean is released under the Apache 2.0 license, a permissive open source license that permits others to use and extend the code and mathematical libraries freely.
There are currently two ways to use Lean. The first is to run it from the web: a Javascript version of Lean, a standard library of definitions and theorems, and an editor are actually downloaded to your browser and run there. This provides a quick and convenient way to begin experimenting with the system.
The second way to use Lean is to install and run it natively on your computer. The native version is much faster than the web version, and is more flexible in other ways, too. It comes with an Emacs mode that offers powerful support for writing and debugging proofs, and is much better suited for serious use.
This book is designed to teach you to develop and verify proofs in Lean. Much of the background information you will need in order to do this is not specific to Lean at all. To start with, we will explain the logical system that Lean is based on, a version of dependent type theory that is powerful enough to prove almost any conventional mathematical theorem, and expressive enough to do it in a natural way. We will explain not only how to define mathematical objects and express mathematical assertions in dependent type theory, but also how to use it as a language for writing proofs.
In fact, Lean supports two versions on dependent type theory. The first is a variant of a system known as the Calculus of Inductive Constructions\cite{Coquand1988,pfenning:paulin:mohring:89}, or CIC. This is the system used by Lean’s standard library, and is the focus of this tutorial. The second version of dependent type theory implements an axiomatic framework for homotopy type theory, which we will discuss in a later chapter.
Because fully detailed axiomatic proofs are so complicated, the challenge of theorem proving is to have the computer fill in as many of the details as possible. We will describe various methods to support this in dependent type theory. For example, we will discuss term rewriting, and Lean’s automated methods for simplifying terms and expressions automatically. Similarly, we will discuss methods of elaboration and type inference, which can be used to support flexible forms of algebraic reasoning.
Finally, of course, we will discuss features that are specific to Lean, including the language with which you can communicate with the system, and the mechanisms Lean offers for managing complex theories and data.
If you are reading this book within Lean’s online tutorial system, you will see a copy of the Lean editor at right, with an output buffer beneath it. At any point, you can type things into the editor, press the “play” button, and see Lean’s response. Notice that you can resize the various windows if you would like.
Throughout the text you will find examples of Lean code like the one below:
theorem and_commutative (p q : Prop) : p ∧ q → q ∧ p :=
assume Hpq : p ∧ q,
have Hp : p, from and.elim_left Hpq,
have Hq : q, from and.elim_right Hpq,
show q ∧ p, from and.intro Hq Hp
-- END
Once again, if you are reading the book online, you will see a button that reads “try it yourself.” Pressing the button copies the example into the Lean editor with enough surrounding context to make the example compile correctly, and then runs Lean. We recommend running the examples and experimenting with the code on your own as you work through the chapters that follow.