The label resources are related to a category. The base path for them is{categoryId}/labels
for the label related to the template categorie.{videoId}/categories/#{categoryId}/labels
for the category attached to a video.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
id* | Long |
The label id. | Generated at creation |
value* | String |
The label value. | EMPTY |
abbreviation* | String |
The label abriaviation. Should not be more than 2-3 characters. | EMPTY |
description | String |
The label description. | EMPTY |
category* | category as JSON Object |
Parent category of this label. | EMPTY |
settings | String |
Dictionnary of diverse metadata related to the label. | NULL |
+ | logging attributes |
- Add a new label to a category
- Get a label
- Get all labels from a category
- Update a label
- Delete a label
Add the given label to the category with id categoryId. The label id must not be given . Anyway it will be overwritten.
Method | Path | Parameters | HTTP Response |
POST | /videos/#{videoId}/categories/#{categoryId}/labels or /categories/#{categoryId}/labels | NONE | 201 Created : Resource created, 400 Bad request : Request not valid, 401 Unauthorized : Operation not authorized for the user, 409 conflict : Resource already exist, 500 Internal server error : Error happened on the server side. |
Location parameter in header give the URI from the new resource.
id: 1,
abreviation: ':)',
description: 'Label for happiness',
color: '44FF',
picture: '/images/labels/happy.png',
value: 'Happy',
category: {
id: 23,
name: 'Feelings',
description: 'Category containing the feelings visible in the video',
access: 1,
updated_by: 123,
updated_at: 32421410,
created_by: 123,
created_at: 32421410,
Get a label with the id labelId
Method | Path | Parameters | HTTP Response |
GET | /videos/#{videoId}/categories/#{categoryId}/labels or /categories/#{categoryId}/labels/#{labelId} | NONE | 200 Ok : Resource returned, 401 Unauthorized : Operation not authorized for the user, 404 Not found : Resource not found, 500 Internal server error : Error happened on the server side. |
id: 1,
abreviation: ':)',
description: 'Label for happiness',
color: '44FF',
picture: '/images/labels/happy.png',
value: 'Happy',
category: {
id: 23,
name: 'Feelings',
description: 'Category containing the feelings visible in the video',
access: 1,
updated_by: 123,
updated_at: 32421410,
created_by: 123,
created_at: 32421410,
Query labels from a category.
Method | Path | Parameters | HTTP Response |
GET | /videos/#{videoId}/categories/#{categoryId}/labels or /categories/#{categoryId}/labels | list queries parameters | 200 Ok : Resources returned, 401 Unauthorized : Operation not authorized for the user, 404 Not found : Resource not found, 500 Internal server error : Error happened on the server side. |
By default, the labels list should be sorted by value.
count: 2, // Result length
offset: 0, // Offset parameter to use in case of pagination needs
elements: {
0: {
id: 1,
abreviation: ':)',
description: 'Label for happiness',
color: '44FF',
picture: '/images/labels/happy.png',
value: 'Happy',
category: {
id: 23,
name: 'Feelings',
description: 'Category containing the feelings visible in the video',
access: 0,
updated_by: 123,
updated_at: 32421410,
created_by: 123,
created_at: 32421410,
1: {
id: 22,
abreviation: ':(',
description: 'Label for sadness',
color: '88EE',
picture: '/images/labels/sad.png',
value: 'Sad',
category: {
id: 23,
name: 'Feelings',
description: 'Category containing the feelings visible in the video',
access: 1,
updated_by: 123,
updated_at: 32421410,
created_by: 123,
created_at: 32421410,
Update the label with the given labelId or create a new one with this labelId.
Method | Path | Parameters | HTTP Response |
PUT | /videos/#{videoId}/categories/#{categoryId}/labels or /categories/#{categoryId}/labels/#{labelId} | NONE | 200 Ok : Resource modified, 201 created : Resource created, 304 Not Modified : Resource not modified, 400 Bad request : Request not valid, 401 Unauthorized : Operation not authorized for the user, 404 Not found : Resource not found, 500 Internal server error : Error happened on the server side. |
Send the resource parameters as query parameters.
Return the status code corresponding the operation done and the Location in the header if resource created.
id: 1,
abreviation: ':)',
description: 'Label for happiness',
color: '44FF',
picture: '/images/labels/happy.png',
value: 'Happy',
category: {
id: 23,
name: 'Feelings',
description: 'Category containing the feelings visible in the video',
access: 0,
updated_by: 123,
updated_at: 32423910,
created_by: 123,
created_at: 32421410,
Delete the label with id labelId.
Method | Path | Parameters | HTTP Response |
DELETE | /videos/#{videoId}/categories/#{categoryId}/labels or /categories/#{categoryId}/labels/#{labelId} | NONE | 204 No content : Resource deleted, 401 Unauthorized : Operation not authorized for the user, 404 Not found : Resource not found. |
< Rest API documentation [1]: rest-get-parameters