Releases: jerryc127/hexo-theme-butterfly
- 適配 hexo 7.0.0
- 當瀏覽器不支持代碼複製時,提示不顯示的 bug
- 設置 click_to_scroll 後, 點擊標題中的鏈接無法正確跳轉的 bug
- 切換評論時,控制枱報 loadOtherComment 沒有定義的 bug
- sidebar ui 微調
- 避免因為沒有更新配置而報錯的問題
- 更新插件版本
- Adapted to hexo 7.0.0
- Fixed a bug where the prompt for unsupported code copying was not displayed
- Fixed a bug where clicking on links in the title did not navigate correctly when click_to_scroll was enabled
- Fixed a bug where the console reported an undefined loadOtherComment when switching comments
- Fine-tuned the sidebar UI
- Avoided error messages due to missing configuration updates
- Updated plugin versions
更改 rightside-bottom 為 rightside_bottom
- rightside-bottom: + rightside_bottom:
重構 gallery 標籤外掛
更改依賴, 由 nk-o/flickr-justified-gallery 改為 egjs-infinitegrid
CDN: option: - # flickr_justified_gallery_js: - # flickr_justified_gallery_css: + # egjs_infinitegrid:
-ClickShowText: +clickShowText: enable: false text: - I - LOVEeeeeeeeeeeeee - YOU fontSize: 15px random: true mobile: false CDN: option: - ClickShowText: + clickShowText:
reward: enable: false + text: QR_code:
aside: + card_post_series: + enable: true + orderBy: 'date' # Order by title or date + order: -1 # Sort of order. 1, asc for ascending; -1, desc for descending
增加 series 系列文章標籤外掛
+series: + enable: true + orderBy: 'title' # Order by title or date + order: 1 # Sort of order. 1, asc for ascending; -1, desc for descending + number: true
移除 addthis 分享
-addThis: - enable: false - pubid:
getScript 增加 attribute 配置
+# Stretches the lines so that each line has equal width(文字向兩側對齊,對最後一行無效) +text_align_justify: true
preconnect 根據 CDN 配置引入
移除 anchor 的 button, 直接點擊標題跳轉
anchor: - button: - enable: false - always_show: false - icon: # the unicode value of Font Awesome icon, such as '\3423' auto_update: false # when you scroll in post, the URL will update according to header id. + # Click the headline to scroll and update the anchor + click_to_scroll: false
更改 headline 的 hover 效果
- 修復網站為子目錄時,pjax 跳轉 404 錯誤
- 修復夜間模式下,小屏幕的 toc 滾動條顏色不明顯的 bug
- 修復設置字體超過 17px 時,toc 裏面的邊框異常的 bug
- 修復 float 浮動佈局導致評論寬度異常的 bug
- 修復當設置搜索文件為xml時,搜索 < 和 > 沒有結果的 bug
- 修復主頁滾動, 頂部圖特效有延遲的 bug
- 修復圖片附屬文字在 note 標籤外掛裏的位置與圖片重疊的 bug
- 首頁社交圖標左右邊距調整
- 代碼優化
- tabs 標籤外掛的回到頂部箭頭位置調整
- 更新 plugin.yml
- 重構 main.js 代碼
- 優化 pjax 下的性能
- 優化手機端 toc 打開和關閉特效
- 文章進入特效改為 transform, 優化 stylus
- 目錄側邊欄出現滾動條時,元素不會被擠壓
- 處理 waline 的 url 後面多 / 導致跨域的問題
- 優化語言文件部分用詞
- disqus 和 disqusjs 的評論數獲取不到時,顯示為 0
- disqusjs 的評論數改為 api 獲取
- tabs content 裏最後一個元素 margin-bottom 改為 0
- 移除 noscript
Breaking Changes
.- rightside-bottom: + rightside_bottom:
Refactored the
tag plugin.-
Changed the implementation.
Images are now loaded only when they are scrolled into view.
Changed the dependency from
.CDN: option: - # flickr_justified_gallery_js: - # flickr_justified_gallery_css: + # egjs_infinitegrid:
-ClickShowText: +clickShowText: enable: false text: - I - LOVEeeeeeeeeeeeee - YOU fontSize: 15px random: true mobile: false CDN: option: - ClickShowText: + clickShowText:
Changed the position of the sticky icon to the left of the title.
Added the ability to customize the text of the reward button.
reward: enable: false + text: QR_code:
Added support for displaying series posts in the right panel.
aside: + card_post_series: + enable: true + orderBy: 'date' # Order by title or date + order: -1 # Sort of order. 1, asc for ascending; -1, desc for descending
Added support for displaying series posts using the series tag plugin.
+series: + enable: true + orderBy: 'title' # Order by title or date + order: 1 # Sort of order. 1, asc for ascending; -1, desc for descending + number: true
Removed the addthis sharing plugin.
-addThis: - enable: false - pubid:
Added an icon before the text in the copyright section.
Added the ability to configure attributes for getScript.
Added support for left and right alignment of article text.
+# Stretches the lines so that each line has equal width(文字向兩側對齊,對最後一行無效) +text_align_justify: true
Added support for preconnecting to the CDN based on configuration.
Removed the button for anchors and made the title clickable to jump to the anchor.
anchor: - button: - enable: false - always_show: false - icon: # the unicode value of Font Awesome icon, such as '\3423' auto_update: false # when you scroll in post, the URL will update according to header id. + # Click the headline to scroll and update the anchor + click_to_scroll: false
Changed the hover effect of headlines.
- Fixed a bug where pjax would return a 404 error when the website was in a subdirectory.
- Fixed a bug where the scrollbar color was not clear on small screens in dark mode.
- Fixed a bug where the border in the TOC was abnormal when the font size was greater than 17px.
- Fixed a bug where the width of comments was abnormal in float layout.
- Fixed a bug where searching for < and > did not return results when the search file was XML.
- Fixed a bug where the top image effect on the homepage was delayed during scrolling.
- Fixed a bug where the caption of an image overlapped with the image in the note tag plugin.
- Adjusted the left and right margins of social icons on the homepage.
- Optimized the code.
- Adjusted the position of the "back to top" arrow in the tabs tag plugin.
- Updated plugin.yml.
- efactored the code in main.js.
- Optimized performance under pjax.
- Optimized the opening and closing effects of the TOC on mobile devices.
- Changed the article entry effect to use transform and optimized the stylus.
- Prevented elements from being squeezed when the sidebar has a scrollbar.
- Fixed a cross-domain issue caused by extra slashes in the URL for Waline.
- Improved the wording in some language files.
- Displayed "0" when the comment count could not be obtained for Disqus and Disqusjs.
- Changed the method of obtaining the comment count for Disqusjs to use the API.
- Removed the bottom margin of the last element in the tabs content.
- Removed the noscript tag.
4.9.0 (2023/06/06)
適配 mermaid v10
大於 2000px 時,顯示區域增大
可配置 header 和 footer 是否添加黑色半透遮罩
+# Add mask to header or footer (為 header 或 footer 添加黑色半透遮罩) +mask: + header: true + footer: true
artalk 最新評論改為 api 直接調用
waline 最新評論和評論數改為 api 直接調用
適配新版 artalk
- 修復 行內 mathjax 出現滾動條的 bug
- 修復當 top_img 為顏色時, 閲讀模式的頂部依舊顯示顏色的 bug
- 修復配置 subtitle 的 sub 沒有生效的 bug
- 更新 hexo-renderer-stylus
- hr 的美化優化,避免影響第三方插件佈局
- 優化 mediumZoom
- 首頁微調
- 當配置了最新評論時,沒有配置評論時,不會再報錯
- tidio,crisp,daovoice,messenger 和 chatra 代碼優化
Breaking Change
移除 gitter
-# gitter -# -gitter: - enable: false - room:
CDN option 部分參數名字修改
CDN: option: - # algolia_search_v4: - # instantsearch_v4: - # fancybox_css_v4: - # fancybox_v4: - # fontawesomeV6: + # algolia_search: + # instantsearch: + # fancybox_css: + # fancybox: + # fontawesome:
social 可配置 顏色
支持 abcjs 樂譜渲染
+# abcjs (樂譜渲染) +# See +# --------------- +abcjs: + enable: false + per_page: true
適配 typed.js 新版本
Algolia 搜索,點擊文章內容也會跳轉到相應頁面
# Local search local_search: enable: false # Preload the search data when the page loads. preload: false + # Show top n results per article, show all results by setting to -1 + top_n_per_article: 1 + # Unescape html strings to the readable one. + unescape: false CDN:
升級 fancybox 到 v5
更新 facebook js 版本
CDN 配置了 version 為 true, 本地鏈接也會加上版本號
支持自定義 giscus 評論系統的 JS 地址
CDN: option: + giscus: xxxxx
# dark mode darkmode: + # Set the light mode time. The value is between 0 and 24. If not set, the default value is 6 and 18 + start: # 8 + end: # 22
- 修復 safari 下,搜索內容被系統搜索框遮擋的 bug
- 修復 fullpage loading 顯示滾動條的 bug
- 修復 card_tags.color: true 時遇到 limit 失效問題
- 修復設置圖片時,圖片後綴大寫而導致識別錯誤的 bug
- 修復開啟 archor 後, pace.js 會隨着 archor 添加而觸發的問題
- 當瀏覽器寬度大於2000px時,卡片寬度由 1500px 改為 1700px
- 當沒有開啟 beautify 時, hr 顯示默認的樣式
- 手機 safari 橫屏時,網頁全屏幕顯示
- 社交圖標的 hover 旋轉180度
- 優化 viewport seo
- 代碼優化
card_tags 可配置 orderby 和 order
aside: card_tags: enable: true limit: 40 # if set 0 will show all color: false + orderby: random # Order of tags, random/name/length + order: 1 # Sort of order. 1, asc for ascending; -1, desc for descending sort_order: # Don't modify the setting unless you know how it works
標籤頁支持配置 orderby 和 order 參數
添加 docsearch
+# Docsearch +# +docsearch: + enable: false + appId: + apiKey: + indexName: + option:
gallery 標籤外掛增加 json 獲取
- 修復 card_author 和 card_announcement 設為 false 後,aside 卡片沒有間距的 bug
- artalk 最新評論無法加載
- 修復 waline 在 pjax 模式下 css 沒有加載的 bug
- 修復本地搜索,部分符號無法搜索的 bug
- getCSS 重構
- 滾動條變小
Breaking Change
可配置 typed.js 的參數
subtitle: - # Effect Speed Options (打字效果速度參數) - startDelay: 300 # time before typing starts in milliseconds - typeSpeed: 150 # type speed in milliseconds - backSpeed: 50 # backspacing speed in milliseconds - # loop (循環打字) - loop: true + # Customize typed.js (配置typed.js) + # + typed_option:
- 修復 typeJSFn 重複賦值的 bug
- 修復固定狀態欄後,標題有陰影的 bug
- 修復 gallery 標籤將圖片鏈接截斷導致404無法加載圖片的 bug
- 修復開啟導航欄固定後,點擊部分滾動向上的按鈕,滾動的目標部分被導航欄遮擋的 bug
- 修復固定導航欄後,toc 被遮擋的 bug
- 切換簡繁時,會改變 html 的 lang 屬性
Breaking Change
cover 的顯示優化 #1101
當 cover 設置為 false,或者沒有獲取到 cover 的值時,文章頁相關推薦和分頁按鈕背景顯示為主題色
toc: + scroll_percent: true
+# show scroll percent in scroll-to-top button +rightside_scroll_percent: true
cover 可設置顏色/漸變色 等配置
default_cover 可配置顏色
導航欄設置:隱藏博客名字 / 設置 logo / 設置固定導航欄 # 1150 #1104
+nav: + logo: # image + display_title: true + fixed: false # fixed navigation bar
不蒜子可配置 CDN #1132
gallery 標簽外掛增加圖片懶加載,增加 lazyload rowHeight 和 limit 屬性配置
更新 plugins.yml
- 修復 hexo-log 讀取不到的 bug #1102
- 修復使用本地搜索時,輸入特殊符號沒有顯示結果的 bug
- 修復頂部圖和 footer 配置帶有/的顏色參數時,無法顯示顏色的 bug
- 修復閲讀模式下,代碼塊的背景顏色仍顯示彩色背景的 bug (自定義代碼塊) #1139
- 修復開啟懶加載後,再使用 flink_url 的方式引入友鏈數據,友鏈頭像有可能不顯示的 bug #1146
- 修復 pjax 下, waline js 會重複加載的 bug
- 日期設置相對日期時,文章的日期格式和最新評論的日期格式統一為 年月日
- 修復使用本地搜索時,輸入特殊符號沒有顯示結果的 bug
- 鼠標移動到分頁時,文章分頁按鈕增加説明文字
- 文章頁的頂部圖顯示次序為 top_img > cover > default_top_img
- 修改配置文件註釋
- 優化搜索結果顯示滾動條位置
- 搜索結果換行時不會拆分單詞顯示
- canonical 的鏈接根據配置生成
移除 cnzz 分析
-# CNZZ Analytics -# -cnzz_analytics: