diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 8c4ac90da..f38ae2c2c 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@ The `Unreleased` section name is replaced by the expected version of next releas
## [Unreleased]
### Added
+- now targets `Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos` v `3.1.1` (instead of `Microsoft.Azure.DocumentDB`[`.Core`] v 2.x) [#144](https://github.com/jet/equinox/pull/144)
### Changed
diff --git a/samples/Infrastructure/Infrastructure.fsproj b/samples/Infrastructure/Infrastructure.fsproj
index dca97c645..ec7bf948d 100644
--- a/samples/Infrastructure/Infrastructure.fsproj
+++ b/samples/Infrastructure/Infrastructure.fsproj
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
diff --git a/samples/Infrastructure/Storage.fs b/samples/Infrastructure/Storage.fs
index 0449989f4..35c7d21e1 100644
--- a/samples/Infrastructure/Storage.fs
+++ b/samples/Infrastructure/Storage.fs
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ module Cosmos =
type [] Arguments =
| [] VerboseStore
- | [] ConnectionMode of Equinox.Cosmos.ConnectionMode
+ | [] ConnectionMode of Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.ConnectionMode
| [] Timeout of float
| [] Retries of int
| [] RetriesWaitTimeS of float
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ module Cosmos =
| Database _ -> "specify a database name for store. (optional if environment variable EQUINOX_COSMOS_DATABASE specified)"
| Container _ -> "specify a container name for store. (optional if environment variable EQUINOX_COSMOS_CONTAINER specified)"
type Info(args : ParseResults) =
- member __.Mode = args.GetResult(ConnectionMode,Equinox.Cosmos.ConnectionMode.Direct)
+ member __.Mode = args.GetResult(ConnectionMode,Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.ConnectionMode.Direct)
member __.Connection = args.TryGetResult Connection |> defaultWithEnvVar "EQUINOX_COSMOS_CONNECTION" "Connection"
member __.Database = args.TryGetResult Database |> defaultWithEnvVar "EQUINOX_COSMOS_DATABASE" "Database"
member __.Container = args.TryGetResult Container |> defaultWithEnvVar "EQUINOX_COSMOS_CONTAINER" "Container"
diff --git a/samples/Tutorial/Sequence.fs b/samples/Tutorial/Sequence.fs
index cedd1a26c..36e6aa633 100644
--- a/samples/Tutorial/Sequence.fs
+++ b/samples/Tutorial/Sequence.fs
@@ -4,6 +4,17 @@ module Sequence
open System
+// shim for net461
+module Seq =
+ let tryLast (source : seq<_>) =
+ use e = source.GetEnumerator()
+ if e.MoveNext() then
+ let mutable res = e.Current
+ while (e.MoveNext()) do res <- e.Current
+ Some res
+ else
+ None
// NOTE - these types and the union case names reflect the actual storage formats and hence need to be versioned with care
module Events =
@@ -57,4 +68,4 @@ module Cosmos =
module RollingUnfolds =
let createService (context,cache) =
- createService (context,cache,AccessStrategy.RollingState Fold.snapshot)
\ No newline at end of file
+ createService (context,cache,AccessStrategy.RollingState Fold.snapshot)
diff --git a/samples/Tutorial/Tutorial.fsproj b/samples/Tutorial/Tutorial.fsproj
index a996d1247..f94548ffd 100644
--- a/samples/Tutorial/Tutorial.fsproj
+++ b/samples/Tutorial/Tutorial.fsproj
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
+ true
+ true
@@ -29,6 +31,9 @@
diff --git a/samples/Tutorial/Upload.fs b/samples/Tutorial/Upload.fs
index a37425ade..5de5e7a6b 100644
--- a/samples/Tutorial/Upload.fs
+++ b/samples/Tutorial/Upload.fs
@@ -4,6 +4,17 @@ module Upload
open System
open FSharp.UMX
+// shim for net461
+module Seq =
+ let tryLast (source : seq<_>) =
+ use e = source.GetEnumerator()
+ if e.MoveNext() then
+ let mutable res = e.Current
+ while (e.MoveNext()) do res <- e.Current
+ Some res
+ else
+ None
type PurchaseOrderId = int
and [] purchaseOrderId
module PurchaseOrderId =
@@ -38,7 +49,7 @@ module Fold =
let private evolve _ignoreState = function
| Events.IdAssigned e -> Some e.value
let fold (state: State) (events: seq) : State =
- Seq.tryLast events |> Option.fold evolve state
+ events |> Seq.tryLast |> Option.fold evolve state
let decide (value : UploadId) (state : Fold.State) : Choice * Events.Event list =
match state with
@@ -67,4 +78,4 @@ module EventStore =
open Equinox.EventStore
let createService context =
let resolve = Resolver(context, Events.codec, Fold.fold, Fold.initial, access=AccessStrategy.LatestKnownEvent).Resolve
- create resolve
\ No newline at end of file
+ create resolve
diff --git a/src/Equinox.Cosmos/Cosmos.fs b/src/Equinox.Cosmos/Cosmos.fs
index 1b2edf0f5..b5c854ca5 100644
--- a/src/Equinox.Cosmos/Cosmos.fs
+++ b/src/Equinox.Cosmos/Cosmos.fs
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
open Equinox.Core
open FsCodec
-open Microsoft.Azure.Documents
+open Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos
open Newtonsoft.Json
open Serilog
open System
@@ -333,13 +333,8 @@ module Log =
let logPeriodicRate name count ru = log.Information("rp{name} {count:n0} = ~{ru:n0} RU", name, count, ru)
for uom, f in measures do let d = f duration in if d <> 0. then logPeriodicRate uom (float totalCount/d |> int64) (totalRc/d)
-type Container(client : Client.DocumentClient, databaseId, containerId) =
- let collectionUri = Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Client.UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri(databaseId, containerId)
- member __.Client = client
- member __.CollectionUri = collectionUri
-module private DocDb =
+module private MicrosoftAzureCosmosWrappers =
/// Extracts the innermost exception from a nested hierarchy of Aggregate Exceptions
let (|AggregateException|) (exn : exn) =
let rec aux (e : exn) =
@@ -351,28 +346,25 @@ module private DocDb =
/// CosmosDB Error HttpStatusCode extractor
let (|CosmosException|_|) (e : exn) =
match e with
- | AggregateException (:? DocumentClientException as ce) -> Some ce
+ | AggregateException (:? CosmosException as ce) -> Some ce
| _ -> None
- /// Map Nullable to Option
- let (|HasValue|Null|) (x:Nullable<_>) =
- if x.HasValue then HasValue x.Value
- else Null
- /// CosmosDB Error HttpStatusCode extractor
- let (|CosmosStatusCode|_|) (e : DocumentClientException) =
- match e.StatusCode with
- | HasValue x -> Some x
- | Null -> None
+ // CosmosDB Error HttpStatusCode extractor
+ let (|CosmosStatusCode|) (e : CosmosException) =
+ e.StatusCode
type ReadResult<'T> = Found of 'T | NotFound | NotModified
type Container with
- member container.TryReadItem(documentId : string, ?options : Client.RequestOptions): Async> = async {
+ member container.TryReadItem(partitionKey : PartitionKey, documentId : string, ?options : ItemRequestOptions): Async> = async {
let options = defaultArg options null
- let docLink = sprintf "%O/docs/%s" container.CollectionUri documentId
let! ct = Async.CancellationToken
- try let! item = async { return! container.Client.ReadDocumentAsync<'T>(docLink, options = options, cancellationToken = ct) |> Async.AwaitTaskCorrect }
- if item.StatusCode = System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotModified then return item.RequestCharge, NotModified
+ // TODO use TryReadItemStreamAsync to avoid the exception https://github.com/Azure/azure-cosmos-dotnet-v3/issues/692#issuecomment-521936888
+ try let! item = async { return! container.ReadItemAsync(documentId, partitionKey, requestOptions = options, cancellationToken = ct) |> Async.AwaitTaskCorrect }
+ // if item.StatusCode = System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotModified then return item.RequestCharge, NotModified
// NB `.Document` will NRE if a IfNoneModified precondition triggers a NotModified result
- else return item.RequestCharge, Found item.Document
+ // else
+ return item.RequestCharge, Found item.Resource
with CosmosException (CosmosStatusCode System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotFound as e) -> return e.RequestCharge, NotFound
+ | CosmosException (CosmosStatusCode System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotModified as e) -> return e.RequestCharge, NotModified
// NB while the docs suggest you may see a 412, the NotModified in the body of the try/with is actually what happens
| CosmosException (CosmosStatusCode System.Net.HttpStatusCode.PreconditionFailed as e) -> return e.RequestCharge, NotModified }
@@ -455,14 +447,13 @@ function sync(req, expIndex, expEtag) {
type [] Exp = Version of int64 | Etag of string | Any
let private run (container : Container, stream : string) (exp, req: Tip)
: Async = async {
- let sprocLink = sprintf "%O/sprocs/%s" container.CollectionUri sprocName
- let opts = Client.RequestOptions(PartitionKey=PartitionKey stream)
let ep = match exp with Exp.Version ev -> Position.fromI ev | Exp.Etag et -> Position.fromEtag et | Exp.Any -> Position.fromAppendAtEnd
let! ct = Async.CancellationToken
- let! (res : Client.StoredProcedureResponse) =
- container.Client.ExecuteStoredProcedureAsync(sprocLink, opts, ct, box req, box ep.index, box (Option.toObj ep.etag)) |> Async.AwaitTaskCorrect
- let newPos = { index = res.Response.n; etag = Option.ofObj res.Response.etag }
- return res.RequestCharge, res.Response.conflicts |> function
+ let args = [| box req; box ep.index; box (Option.toObj ep.etag)|]
+ let! (res : Scripts.StoredProcedureExecuteResponse) =
+ container.Scripts.ExecuteStoredProcedureAsync(sprocName, PartitionKey stream, args, cancellationToken = ct) |> Async.AwaitTaskCorrect
+ let newPos = { index = res.Resource.n; etag = Option.ofObj res.Resource.etag }
+ return res.RequestCharge, res.Resource.conflicts |> function
| null -> Result.Written newPos
| [||] when newPos.index = 0L -> Result.Conflict (newPos, Array.empty)
| [||] -> Result.ConflictUnknown newPos
@@ -509,44 +500,43 @@ function sync(req, expIndex, expEtag) {
unfolds |> Seq.mapi (fun offset x -> { i = baseIndex + int64 offset; c = x.EventType; d = x.Data; m = x.Meta; t = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow } : Unfold)
module Initialization =
- open System.Linq
type [] Provisioning = Container of rus: int | Database of rus: int
- let adjustOffer (c:Client.DocumentClient) resourceLink rus = async {
- let offer = c.CreateOfferQuery().Where(fun r -> r.ResourceLink = resourceLink).AsEnumerable().Single()
- let! _ = c.ReplaceOfferAsync(OfferV2(offer,rus)) |> Async.AwaitTaskCorrect in () }
- let private createDatabaseIfNotExists (client:Client.DocumentClient) dName maybeRus =
- let opts = Client.RequestOptions(ConsistencyLevel = Nullable ConsistencyLevel.Session)
- maybeRus |> Option.iter (fun rus -> opts.OfferThroughput <- Nullable rus)
- client.CreateDatabaseIfNotExistsAsync(Database(Id=dName), options = opts) |> Async.AwaitTaskCorrect
- let private createOrProvisionDatabase (client:Client.DocumentClient) dName mode = async {
+ let adjustOfferC (c:Container) rus = async {
+ let! ct = Async.CancellationToken
+ let! _ = c.ReplaceThroughputAsync(rus, cancellationToken = ct) |> Async.AwaitTaskCorrect in () }
+ let adjustOfferD (d:Database) rus = async {
+ let! ct = Async.CancellationToken
+ let! _ = d.ReplaceThroughputAsync(rus, cancellationToken = ct) |> Async.AwaitTaskCorrect in () }
+ let private createDatabaseIfNotExists (client:CosmosClient) dName maybeRus = async {
+ let! ct = Async.CancellationToken
+ let! dbr = client.CreateDatabaseIfNotExistsAsync(id=dName, throughput = Option.toNullable maybeRus, cancellationToken=ct) |> Async.AwaitTaskCorrect
+ return dbr.Database }
+ let private createOrProvisionDatabase (client:CosmosClient) dName mode = async {
match mode with
| Provisioning.Database rus ->
let! db = createDatabaseIfNotExists client dName (Some rus)
- return! adjustOffer client db.Resource.SelfLink rus
+ do! adjustOfferD db rus
| Provisioning.Container _ ->
let! _ = createDatabaseIfNotExists client dName None in () }
- let private createContainerIfNotExists (client:Client.DocumentClient) dName (def: DocumentCollection) maybeRus =
- let dbUri = Client.UriFactory.CreateDatabaseUri dName
- let opts = match maybeRus with None -> Client.RequestOptions() | Some rus -> Client.RequestOptions(OfferThroughput=Nullable rus)
- client.CreateDocumentCollectionIfNotExistsAsync(dbUri, def, opts) |> Async.AwaitTaskCorrect
- let private createOrProvisionContainer (client: Client.DocumentClient) (dName, def: DocumentCollection) mode = async {
+ let private createContainerIfNotExists (d:Database) (cp:ContainerProperties) maybeRus = async {
+ let! ct = Async.CancellationToken
+ let! c = d.CreateContainerIfNotExistsAsync(cp, throughput=Option.toNullable maybeRus, cancellationToken=ct) |> Async.AwaitTaskCorrect
+ return c.Container }
+ let private createOrProvisionContainer (d:Database) (cp:ContainerProperties) mode = async {
match mode with
| Provisioning.Database _ ->
- let! _ = createContainerIfNotExists client dName def None in ()
+ return! createContainerIfNotExists d cp None
| Provisioning.Container rus ->
- let! container = createContainerIfNotExists client dName def (Some rus) in ()
- return! adjustOffer client container.Resource.SelfLink rus }
+ let! c = createContainerIfNotExists d cp (Some rus)
+ do! adjustOfferC c rus
+ return c }
let private createStoredProcIfNotExists (c:Container) (name, body): Async = async {
- try let! r = c.Client.CreateStoredProcedureAsync(c.CollectionUri, StoredProcedure(Id = name, Body = body)) |> Async.AwaitTaskCorrect
+ try let! r = c.Scripts.CreateStoredProcedureAsync(Scripts.StoredProcedureProperties(id=name, body=body)) |> Async.AwaitTaskCorrect
return r.RequestCharge
with CosmosException ((CosmosStatusCode sc) as e) when sc = System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Conflict -> return e.RequestCharge }
- let private mkContainerProperties idFieldName partitionKeyFieldName =
- // While the v2 SDK and earlier portal versions admitted 'fixed' collections where no Partition Key is defined, we follow the recent policy
- // simplification of having a convention of always defining a partition key
- let pkd = PartitionKeyDefinition()
- pkd.Paths.Add(sprintf "/%s" partitionKeyFieldName)
- DocumentCollection(Id = idFieldName, PartitionKey = pkd)
- let private createBatchAndTipContainerIfNotExists (client: Client.DocumentClient) (dName,cName) mode : Async =
+ let private mkContainerProperties containerName partitionKeyFieldName =
+ ContainerProperties(id = containerName, partitionKeyPath = sprintf "/%s" partitionKeyFieldName)
+ let private createBatchAndTipContainerIfNotExists (client: CosmosClient) (dName,cName) mode : Async =
let def = mkContainerProperties cName Batch.PartitionKeyField
def.IndexingPolicy.IndexingMode <- IndexingMode.Consistent
def.IndexingPolicy.Automatic <- true
@@ -555,35 +545,33 @@ function sync(req, expIndex, expEtag) {
// NB its critical to index the nominated PartitionKey field defined above or there will be runtime errors
for k in Batch.IndexedFields do def.IndexingPolicy.IncludedPaths.Add(IncludedPath(Path = sprintf "/%s/?" k))
- createOrProvisionContainer client (dName, def) mode
+ createOrProvisionContainer (client.GetDatabase dName) def mode
let createSyncStoredProcIfNotExists (log: ILogger option) container = async {
let! t, ru = createStoredProcIfNotExists container (sprocName,sprocBody) |> Stopwatch.Time
match log with
| None -> ()
| Some log -> log.Information("Created stored procedure {sprocId} in {ms}ms rc={ru}", sprocName, (let e = t.Elapsed in e.TotalMilliseconds), ru) }
- let private createAuxContainerIfNotExists client (dName,cName) mode : Async =
+ let private createAuxContainerIfNotExists (client: CosmosClient) (dName,cName) mode : Async =
let def = mkContainerProperties cName "id" // as per Cosmos team, Partition Key must be "/id"
// TL;DR no indexing of any kind; see https://github.com/Azure/azure-documentdb-changefeedprocessor-dotnet/issues/142
def.IndexingPolicy.Automatic <- false
def.IndexingPolicy.IndexingMode <- IndexingMode.None
- createOrProvisionContainer client (dName,def) mode
- let init log (client : Client.DocumentClient) (dName,cName) mode skipStoredProc = async {
+ createOrProvisionContainer (client.GetDatabase dName) def mode
+ let init log (client: CosmosClient) (dName,cName) mode skipStoredProc = async {
do! createOrProvisionDatabase client dName mode
- do! createBatchAndTipContainerIfNotExists client (dName,cName) mode
- let container = Container(client,dName,cName)
+ let! container = createBatchAndTipContainerIfNotExists client (dName,cName) mode
if not skipStoredProc then
do! createSyncStoredProcIfNotExists (Some log) container }
- let initAux (client: Client.DocumentClient) (dName,cName) rus = async {
- // Hardwired for now (not sure if CFP can store in a Database-allocated as it would need to be supplying partition keys)
+ let initAux (client: CosmosClient) (dName,cName) rus = async {
+ // Hardwired for now (not sure if CFP can store in a Database-allocated as it would need to be supplying partion keys)
let mode = Provisioning.Container rus
do! createOrProvisionDatabase client dName mode
return! createAuxContainerIfNotExists client (dName,cName) mode }
module internal Tip =
let private get (container : Container, stream : string) (maybePos: Position option) =
- let ac = match maybePos with Some { etag=Some etag } -> Client.AccessCondition(Type=Client.AccessConditionType.IfNoneMatch, Condition=etag) | _ -> null
- let ro = Client.RequestOptions(PartitionKey=PartitionKey stream, AccessCondition = ac)
- container.TryReadItem(Tip.WellKnownDocumentId, ro)
+ let ro = match maybePos with Some { etag=Some etag } -> ItemRequestOptions(IfNoneMatchEtag=etag) | _ -> null
+ container.TryReadItem(PartitionKey stream, Tip.WellKnownDocumentId, ro)
let private loggedGet (get : Container * string -> Position option -> Async<_>) (container,stream) (maybePos: Position option) (log: ILogger) = async {
let log = log |> Log.prop "stream" stream
let! t, (ru, res : ReadResult) = get (container,stream) maybePos |> Stopwatch.Time
@@ -612,25 +600,24 @@ module internal Tip =
| ReadResult.Found tip -> return Result.Found (Position.fromTip tip, Enum.EventsAndUnfolds tip |> Array.ofSeq) }
module internal Query =
- open Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Linq
open FSharp.Control
- let private mkQuery (container : Container, stream : string) maxItems (direction: Direction) startPos =
+ let private mkQuery (container : Container, stream: string) maxItems (direction: Direction) startPos : FeedIterator=
let query =
let root = sprintf "SELECT c.id, c.i, c._etag, c.n, c.e FROM c WHERE c.id!=\"%s\"" Tip.WellKnownDocumentId
let tail = sprintf "ORDER BY c.i %s" (if direction = Direction.Forward then "ASC" else "DESC")
match startPos with
- | None -> SqlQuerySpec(sprintf "%s %s" root tail)
+ | None -> QueryDefinition(sprintf "%s %s" root tail)
| Some { index = positionSoExclusiveWhenBackward } ->
let cond = if direction = Direction.Forward then "c.n > @startPos" else "c.i < @startPos"
- SqlQuerySpec(sprintf "%s AND %s %s" root cond tail, SqlParameterCollection [SqlParameter("@startPos", positionSoExclusiveWhenBackward)])
- let qro = new Client.FeedOptions(PartitionKey = PartitionKey stream, MaxItemCount=Nullable maxItems)
- container.Client.CreateDocumentQuery(container.CollectionUri, query, qro).AsDocumentQuery()
+ QueryDefinition(sprintf "%s AND %s %s" root cond tail).WithParameter("@startPos", positionSoExclusiveWhenBackward)
+ let qro = new QueryRequestOptions(PartitionKey = Nullable(PartitionKey stream), MaxItemCount=Nullable maxItems)
+ container.GetItemQueryIterator(query, requestOptions = qro)
// Unrolls the Batches in a response - note when reading backwards, the events are emitted in reverse order of index
- let private handleResponse direction (streamName: string) startPos (query: IDocumentQuery) (log: ILogger)
+ let private handleResponse direction (streamName: string) startPos (query: FeedIterator) (log: ILogger)
: Async[] * Position option * float> = async {
let! ct = Async.CancellationToken
- let! t, (res : Client.FeedResponse) = query.ExecuteNextAsync(ct) |> Async.AwaitTaskCorrect |> Stopwatch.Time
+ let! t, (res : FeedResponse) = query.ReadNextAsync(ct) |> Async.AwaitTaskCorrect |> Stopwatch.Time
let batches, ru = Array.ofSeq res, res.RequestCharge
let events = batches |> Seq.collect (fun b -> Enum.Events(b, startPos, direction)) |> Array.ofSeq
let (Log.BatchLen bytes), count = events, events.Length
@@ -644,9 +631,9 @@ module internal Tip =
let maybePosition = batches |> Array.tryPick Position.tryFromBatch
return events, maybePosition, ru }
- let private run (log : ILogger) (readSlice: IDocumentQuery -> ILogger -> Async[] * Position option * float>)
+ let private run (log : ILogger) (readSlice: FeedIterator -> ILogger -> Async[] * Position option * float>)
(maxPermittedBatchReads: int option)
- (query: IDocumentQuery)
+ (query: FeedIterator)
: AsyncSeq[] * Position option * float> =
let rec loop batchCount : AsyncSeq[] * Position option * float> = asyncSeq {
match maxPermittedBatchReads with
@@ -787,13 +774,13 @@ open Equinox.Core
open Equinox.Cosmos.Store
open FsCodec
open FSharp.Control
-open Microsoft.Azure.Documents
+open Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos
open Serilog
open System
open System.Collections.Concurrent
/// Defines policies for retrying with respect to transient failures calling CosmosDb (as opposed to application level concurrency conflicts)
-type Connection(client: Client.DocumentClient, []?readRetryPolicy: IRetryPolicy, []?writeRetryPolicy) =
+type Connection(client: CosmosClient, []?readRetryPolicy: IRetryPolicy, []?writeRetryPolicy) =
member __.Client = client
member __.TipRetryPolicy = readRetryPolicy
member __.QueryRetryPolicy = readRetryPolicy
@@ -968,11 +955,10 @@ type Containers(categoryAndIdToDatabaseContainerStream : string -> string -> str
let genStreamName categoryName streamId = if categoryName = null then streamId else sprintf "%s-%s" categoryName streamId
Containers(fun categoryName streamId -> databaseId, containerId, genStreamName categoryName streamId)
- member internal __.Resolve(client, categoryName, id, init) : (Container*string) * (unit -> Async) option =
+ member internal __.Resolve(client : CosmosClient, categoryName, id, init) : (Container*string) * (unit -> Async) option =
let databaseId, containerName, streamName = categoryAndIdToDatabaseContainerStream categoryName id
let init = match disableInitialization with Some true -> None | _ -> Some init
- let mkWrapped (db,containerName) = ContainerWrapper(Container(client,db,containerName), ?initContainer = init)
- let wrapped = wrappers.GetOrAdd((databaseId,containerName), mkWrapped)
+ let wrapped = wrappers.GetOrAdd((databaseId,containerName), fun (d,c) -> ContainerWrapper(client.GetContainer(d, c), ?initContainer = init))
/// Pairs a Gateway, defining the retry policies for CosmosDb with a Containers map defining mappings from (category,id) to (databaseId,containerId,streamName)
@@ -1091,15 +1077,6 @@ type Discovery =
UriAndKey (Uri uri, key)
| _ -> invalidArg "connectionString" "unrecognized connection string format; must be `AccountEndpoint=https://...;AccountKey=...=;`"
-type ConnectionMode =
- /// Default mode, uses Https - inefficient as uses a double hop
- | Gateway
- /// Most efficient, but requires direct connectivity
- | Direct
- // More efficient than Gateway, but suboptimal
- | DirectHttps
type Connector
( /// Timeout to apply to individual reads/write round-trips going to CosmosDb
requestTimeout: TimeSpan,
@@ -1135,34 +1112,34 @@ type Connector
let sanitizedName = name.Replace('\'','_').Replace(':','_') // sic; Align with logging for ES Adapter
log.ForContext("Uri", uri).Information("CosmosDb Connection Name {connectionName}", sanitizedName)
- /// ClientOptions (ConnectionPolicy with v2 SDK) for this Connector as configured
+ /// ClientOptions for this Connector as configured
member val ClientOptions =
- let co = Client.ConnectionPolicy.Default
+ let maxAttempts, maxWait, timeout = Nullable maxRetryAttemptsOnRateLimitedRequests, Nullable maxRetryWaitTimeOnRateLimitedRequests, requestTimeout
+ let co = CosmosClientOptions(MaxRetryAttemptsOnRateLimitedRequests = maxAttempts, MaxRetryWaitTimeOnRateLimitedRequests = maxWait, RequestTimeout = timeout)
match mode with
- | None | Some ConnectionMode.Gateway -> co.ConnectionMode <- Client.ConnectionMode.Gateway // default; only supports Https
- | Some ConnectionMode.DirectHttps -> co.ConnectionMode <- Client.ConnectionMode.Direct; co.ConnectionProtocol <- Client.Protocol.Https // Https is default when using Direct
- | Some ConnectionMode.Direct -> co.ConnectionMode <- Client.ConnectionMode.Direct; co.ConnectionProtocol <- Client.Protocol.Tcp
- co.RetryOptions <-
- Client.RetryOptions(
- MaxRetryAttemptsOnThrottledRequests = maxRetryAttemptsOnRateLimitedRequests,
- MaxRetryWaitTimeInSeconds = (Math.Ceiling(maxRetryWaitTimeOnRateLimitedRequests.TotalSeconds) |> int))
- co.RequestTimeout <- requestTimeout
- co.MaxConnectionLimit <- defaultArg gatewayModeMaxConnectionLimit 1000
+ | Some ConnectionMode.Direct -> co.ConnectionMode <- ConnectionMode.Direct
+ | None | Some ConnectionMode.Gateway | Some _ (* enum total match :( *) -> co.ConnectionMode <- ConnectionMode.Gateway // default; only supports Https
+ match gatewayModeMaxConnectionLimit with
+ | Some _ when co.ConnectionMode = ConnectionMode.Direct -> invalidArg "gatewayModeMaxConnectionLimit" "Not admissible in Direct mode"
+ | x -> co.GatewayModeMaxConnectionLimit <- defaultArg x 1000
+ match defaultConsistencyLevel with
+ | Some x -> co.ConsistencyLevel <- Nullable x
+ | None -> ()
+ // TODO translate
+// if defaultArg bypassCertificateValidation false then
+// let inhibitCertCheck = new System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler(ServerCertificateCustomValidationCallback = fun _ _ _ _ -> true)
+// co.TransportClientHandlerFactory <- inhibitCertCheck
- /// Yields a DocumentClient configured per the specified strategy
+ /// Yields a CosmosClient configured and connected the requested `discovery` strategy
member __.CreateClient
( /// Name should be sufficient to uniquely identify this connection within a single app instance's logs
name, discovery : Discovery,
/// true to inhibit logging of client name
- []?skipLog) : Client.DocumentClient =
+ []?skipLog) : CosmosClient =
let (Discovery.UriAndKey (databaseUri=uri; key=key)) = discovery
if skipLog <> Some true then logName uri name
- let consistencyLevel = Nullable(defaultArg defaultConsistencyLevel ConsistencyLevel.Session)
- if defaultArg bypassCertificateValidation false then
- let inhibitCertCheck = new System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler(ServerCertificateCustomValidationCallback = fun _ _ _ _ -> true)
- new Client.DocumentClient(uri, key, inhibitCertCheck, __.ClientOptions, consistencyLevel) // overload introduced in 2.2.0 SDK
- else new Client.DocumentClient(uri, key, __.ClientOptions, consistencyLevel)
+ new CosmosClient(string uri, key, __.ClientOptions)
/// Yields a Connection configured per the specified strategy
member __.Connect
@@ -1173,7 +1150,8 @@ type Connector
/// true to inhibit logging of client name
[]?skipLog) : Async = async {
let client = __.CreateClient(name, discovery, ?skipLog=skipLog)
- if skipOpen <> Some true then do! client.OpenAsync() |> Async.AwaitTaskCorrect
+ // TODO validate this is equivalent to forcing a connect
+ if skipOpen <> Some true then let! _ = client.ReadAccountAsync() |> Async.AwaitTaskCorrect in ()
return Connection(client, ?readRetryPolicy=readRetryPolicy, ?writeRetryPolicy=writeRetryPolicy) }
namespace Equinox.Cosmos.Core
@@ -1350,4 +1328,4 @@ module Events =
/// Obtains the `index` from the current write Position
let getNextIndex (ctx: Context) (streamName: string) : Async =
- ctx.Sync(ctx.CreateStream streamName) |> stripPosition
\ No newline at end of file
+ ctx.Sync(ctx.CreateStream streamName) |> stripPosition
diff --git a/src/Equinox.Cosmos/Equinox.Cosmos.fsproj b/src/Equinox.Cosmos/Equinox.Cosmos.fsproj
index df7f0f958..e8b1ad7bf 100644
--- a/src/Equinox.Cosmos/Equinox.Cosmos.fsproj
+++ b/src/Equinox.Cosmos/Equinox.Cosmos.fsproj
@@ -27,8 +27,9 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/Equinox.Cosmos.Integration/CosmosFixtures.fs b/tests/Equinox.Cosmos.Integration/CosmosFixtures.fs
index e03f7c005..0240c7d04 100644
--- a/tests/Equinox.Cosmos.Integration/CosmosFixtures.fs
+++ b/tests/Equinox.Cosmos.Integration/CosmosFixtures.fs
@@ -34,4 +34,4 @@ let containers =
let createCosmosContext connection batchSize =
let gateway = Gateway(connection, BatchingPolicy(defaultMaxItems=batchSize))
- Context(gateway, containers)
\ No newline at end of file
+ Context(gateway, containers)
diff --git a/tests/Equinox.Cosmos.Integration/Equinox.Cosmos.Integration.fsproj b/tests/Equinox.Cosmos.Integration/Equinox.Cosmos.Integration.fsproj
index 84b0cc9ad..d23f3f845 100644
--- a/tests/Equinox.Cosmos.Integration/Equinox.Cosmos.Integration.fsproj
+++ b/tests/Equinox.Cosmos.Integration/Equinox.Cosmos.Integration.fsproj
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
diff --git a/tools/Equinox.Tool/Program.fs b/tools/Equinox.Tool/Program.fs
index 78372342f..c668ca3b5 100644
--- a/tools/Equinox.Tool/Program.fs
+++ b/tools/Equinox.Tool/Program.fs
@@ -334,11 +334,10 @@ module SqlInit =
| _ -> failwith "please specify a `ms`,`my` or `pg` endpoint" }
module CosmosStats =
- type Equinox.Cosmos.Store.Container with
+ type Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Container with
- member container.QueryValue<'T>(sqlQuery : string, ?options) =
- let options = defaultArg options null
- let query : seq<'T> = container.Client.CreateDocumentQuery<'T>(container.CollectionUri, sqlExpression = sqlQuery, feedOptions = options) :> _
+ member container.QueryValue<'T>(sqlQuery : string) =
+ let query : seq<'T> = failwith "TODO translate" //container.ReadItemAsync(sqlQuery) :> _
query |> Seq.exactlyOne
let run (log : ILogger, verboseConsole, maybeSeq) (args : ParseResults) = async {
match args.TryGetSubCommand() with
@@ -347,7 +346,7 @@ module CosmosStats =
let doS = doS || (not doD && not doE) // default to counting streams only unless otherwise specified
let inParallel = args.Contains Parallel
let! _storeLog,conn,dName,cName = CosmosInit.conn (log,verboseConsole,maybeSeq) sargs
- let container = Equinox.Cosmos.Store.Container(conn.Client,dName,cName)
+ let container = conn.Client.GetDatabase(dName).GetContainer(cName)
let ops =
[ if doS then yield "Streams", """SELECT VALUE COUNT(1) FROM c WHERE c.id="-1" """
if doD then yield "Documents", """SELECT VALUE COUNT(1) FROM c"""
@@ -355,7 +354,7 @@ module CosmosStats =
log.Information("Computing {measures} ({mode})", Seq.map fst ops, (if inParallel then "in parallel" else "serially"))
ops |> Seq.map (fun (name,sql) -> async {
log.Debug("Running query: {sql}", sql)
- let res = container.QueryValue(sql, Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Client.FeedOptions(EnableCrossPartitionQuery=true))
+ let res = container.QueryValue(sql)
log.Information("{stat}: {result:N0}", name, res)})
|> if inParallel then Async.Parallel else Async.ParallelThrottled 1 // TOCONSIDER replace with Async.Sequence when using new enough FSharp.Core
|> Async.Ignore
@@ -436,4 +435,4 @@ let main argv =
with e -> log.Debug(e, "Fatal error; exiting"); reraise ()
with :? Argu.ArguParseException as e -> eprintfn "%s" e.Message; 1
| Storage.MissingArg msg -> eprintfn "%s" msg; 1
- | e -> eprintfn "%s" e.Message; 1
\ No newline at end of file
+ | e -> eprintfn "%s" e.Message; 1