diff --git a/Equinox.sln b/Equinox.sln
index 2dc517ded..35ec02b97 100644
--- a/Equinox.sln
+++ b/Equinox.sln
@@ -75,6 +75,12 @@ Project("{6EC3EE1D-3C4E-46DD-8F32-0CC8E7565705}") = "Equinox.SqlStreamStore.Post
Project("{F2A71F9B-5D33-465A-A702-920D77279786}") = "Equinox.Core", "src\Equinox.Core\Equinox.Core.fsproj", "{3021659A-5CA4-4E06-AF00-2457ED3F105B}"
+Project("{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}") = "Fc", "Fc", "{63634A65-F668-4054-AAF5-AFD81C278F50}"
+Project("{F2A71F9B-5D33-465A-A702-920D77279786}") = "Domain", "samples\Fc\Domain\Domain.fsproj", "{6BD9ACAC-A3E2-42B5-9502-1A4BCCEE422E}"
+Project("{F2A71F9B-5D33-465A-A702-920D77279786}") = "Domain.Tests", "samples\Fc\Domain.Tests\Domain.Tests.fsproj", "{C4BAAAA6-4EF5-4F2A-A2A8-1FE8BDAF95E7}"
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU
@@ -181,6 +187,14 @@ Global
{3021659A-5CA4-4E06-AF00-2457ED3F105B}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{3021659A-5CA4-4E06-AF00-2457ED3F105B}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{3021659A-5CA4-4E06-AF00-2457ED3F105B}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
+ {6BD9ACAC-A3E2-42B5-9502-1A4BCCEE422E}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
+ {6BD9ACAC-A3E2-42B5-9502-1A4BCCEE422E}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
+ {6BD9ACAC-A3E2-42B5-9502-1A4BCCEE422E}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
+ {6BD9ACAC-A3E2-42B5-9502-1A4BCCEE422E}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
+ {C4BAAAA6-4EF5-4F2A-A2A8-1FE8BDAF95E7}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
+ {C4BAAAA6-4EF5-4F2A-A2A8-1FE8BDAF95E7}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
+ {C4BAAAA6-4EF5-4F2A-A2A8-1FE8BDAF95E7}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
+ {C4BAAAA6-4EF5-4F2A-A2A8-1FE8BDAF95E7}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
HideSolutionNode = FALSE
@@ -196,6 +210,9 @@ Global
{EC2EC658-3D85-44F3-AD2F-52AFCAFF8871} = {8CDE1CC3-8619-44DE-8B4D-4102CE476C35}
{8CDE1CC3-8619-44DE-8B4D-4102CE476C35} = {8F3EB30C-8BA3-4CC0-8361-0EA47C19ABB9}
{D82AAB2E-7264-421A-A893-63A37E5F08B6} = {8F3EB30C-8BA3-4CC0-8361-0EA47C19ABB9}
+ {63634A65-F668-4054-AAF5-AFD81C278F50} = {8F3EB30C-8BA3-4CC0-8361-0EA47C19ABB9}
+ {6BD9ACAC-A3E2-42B5-9502-1A4BCCEE422E} = {63634A65-F668-4054-AAF5-AFD81C278F50}
+ {C4BAAAA6-4EF5-4F2A-A2A8-1FE8BDAF95E7} = {63634A65-F668-4054-AAF5-AFD81C278F50}
GlobalSection(ExtensibilityGlobals) = postSolution
SolutionGuid = {177E1E7B-E275-4FC6-AE3C-2C651ECCF71E}
diff --git a/samples/Fc/Domain.Tests/Domain.Tests.fsproj b/samples/Fc/Domain.Tests/Domain.Tests.fsproj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..afc036013
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/Fc/Domain.Tests/Domain.Tests.fsproj
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ netcoreapp2.1
+ 5
+ Fc.Domain.Tests
+ false
diff --git a/samples/Fc/Domain.Tests/Infrastructure.fs b/samples/Fc/Domain.Tests/Infrastructure.fs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1c50bd69e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/Fc/Domain.Tests/Infrastructure.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+module Infrastructure
+open Serilog
+open System
+let (|Id|) (x : Guid) = x.ToString "N" |> FSharp.UMX.UMX.tag
+let inline mkId () = Guid.NewGuid() |> (|Id|)
+let (|Ids|) (xs : Guid[]) = xs |> Array.map (|Id|)
+let (|IdsAtLeastOne|) (Id x, Ids xs) = Seq.append xs (Seq.singleton x) |> Seq.toArray
+module EnvVar =
+ let tryGet k = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable k |> Option.ofObj
+module Cosmos =
+ let connect () =
+ | Some s,Some d,Some c ->
+ let appName = "Domain.Tests"
+ let discovery = Equinox.Cosmos.Discovery.FromConnectionString s
+ let connector = Equinox.Cosmos.Connector(TimeSpan.FromSeconds 5., 1, TimeSpan.FromSeconds 5., Serilog.Log.Logger)
+ let connection = connector.Connect(appName,discovery) |> Async.RunSynchronously
+ let context = Equinox.Cosmos.Context(connection,d,c)
+ let cache = Equinox.Cache (appName, 10)
+ context,cache
+ | s,d,c ->
+ failwithf "Connection, Database and Container EQUINOX_COSMOS_* Environment variables are required (%b,%b,%b)"
+ (Option.isSome s) (Option.isSome d) (Option.isSome c)
+/// Adapts the XUnit ITestOutputHelper to be a Serilog Sink
+type TestOutputAdapter(testOutput : Xunit.Abstractions.ITestOutputHelper) =
+ let formatter = Serilog.Formatting.Display.MessageTemplateTextFormatter("{Timestamp:HH:mm:ss.fff zzz} [{Level:u3}] {Message}{Properties}{NewLine}{Exception}", null);
+ let writeSerilogEvent logEvent =
+ use writer = new System.IO.StringWriter()
+ formatter.Format(logEvent, writer)
+ let messageLine = string writer
+ testOutput.WriteLine messageLine
+ System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write messageLine
+ interface Serilog.Core.ILogEventSink with member __.Emit logEvent = writeSerilogEvent logEvent
+/// Creates a Serilog Log chain emitting to the cited Sink (only)
+let createLogger sink =
+ Serilog.LoggerConfiguration()
+// .MinimumLevel.Debug()
+ .Destructure.FSharpTypes()
+ .WriteTo.Sink(sink)
+ .CreateLogger()
diff --git a/samples/Fc/Domain.Tests/LocationEpochTests.fs b/samples/Fc/Domain.Tests/LocationEpochTests.fs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8a4e14a4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/Fc/Domain.Tests/LocationEpochTests.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+module LocationEpochTests
+open FsCheck.Xunit
+open Location.Epoch
+open Swensen.Unquote
+let interpret delta _balance =
+ match delta with
+ | 0 -> (),[]
+ | delta -> (),[Events.Delta { value = delta }]
+let validateAndInterpret expectedBalance delta balance =
+ test <@ expectedBalance = balance @>
+ interpret delta balance
+let verifyDeltaEvent delta events =
+ let dEvents = events |> List.filter (function Events.Delta _ -> true | _ -> false)
+ test <@ interpret delta (Unchecked.defaultof<_>) = ((),dEvents) @>
+let [] properties carriedForward delta1 closeImmediately delta2 close =
+ (* Starting with an empty stream, we'll need to supply the balance carried forward, optionally we apply a delta and potentially close *)
+ let initialShouldClose _state = closeImmediately
+ let res,events = sync (Some carriedForward) (validateAndInterpret carriedForward delta1) initialShouldClose Folds.initial
+ let cfEvents events = events |> List.filter (function Events.CarriedForward _ -> true | _ -> false)
+ let closeEvents events = events |> List.filter (function Events.Closed -> true | _ -> false)
+ let state1 = Folds.fold Folds.initial events
+ let expectedBalance = carriedForward + delta1
+ // Only expect closing if it was requested
+ let expectImmediateClose = closeImmediately
+ test <@ Option.isSome res.result
+ && expectedBalance = res.balance @>
+ test <@ [Events.CarriedForward { initial = carriedForward }] = cfEvents events
+ && (not expectImmediateClose || 1 = Seq.length (closeEvents events)) @>
+ verifyDeltaEvent delta1 events
+ (* After initializing, validate we don't need to supply a carriedForward, and don't produce a CarriedForward event *)
+ let shouldClose _state = close
+ let { isOpen = isOpen; result = worked; balance = bal },events = sync None (validateAndInterpret expectedBalance delta2) shouldClose state1
+ let expectedBalance = if expectImmediateClose then expectedBalance else expectedBalance + delta2
+ test <@ [] = cfEvents events
+ && (expectImmediateClose || not close || 1 = Seq.length (closeEvents events)) @>
+ test <@ (expectImmediateClose || close || isOpen)
+ && expectedBalance = bal @>
+ if not expectImmediateClose then
+ test <@ Option.isSome worked @>
+ verifyDeltaEvent delta2 events
+let [] ``codec can roundtrip`` event =
+ let ee = Events.codec.Encode(None,event)
+ let ie = FsCodec.Core.TimelineEvent.Create(0L, ee.EventType, ee.Data)
+ test <@ Some event = Events.codec.TryDecode ie @>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/samples/Fc/Domain.Tests/LocationSeriesTests.fs b/samples/Fc/Domain.Tests/LocationSeriesTests.fs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1bd09a28d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/Fc/Domain.Tests/LocationSeriesTests.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+module LocationSeriesTests
+open FsCheck.Xunit
+open FSharp.UMX
+open Swensen.Unquote
+open Location.Series
+let [] properties c1 c2 =
+ let events = interpretActivateEpoch c1 Folds.initial
+ let state1 = Folds.fold Folds.initial events
+ let epoch0 = %0
+ match c1, events, toActiveEpoch state1 with
+ // Started events are not written for < 0
+ | n, [], activeEpoch when n < epoch0 ->
+ test <@ None = activeEpoch @>
+ // Any >=0 value should trigger a Started event, initially
+ | n, [Events.Started { epochId = ee }], Some activatedEpoch ->
+ test <@ n >= epoch0 && n = ee && n = activatedEpoch @>
+ // Nothing else should yield events
+ | _, l, _ ->
+ test <@ List.isEmpty l @>
+ let events = interpretActivateEpoch c2 state1
+ let state2 = Folds.fold state1 events
+ match toActiveEpoch state1, c2, events, toActiveEpoch state2 with
+ // Started events are not written for < 0
+ | None, n, [], activeEpoch when n < epoch0 ->
+ test <@ None = activeEpoch @>
+ // Any >= 0 epochId should trigger a Started event if first command didnt do anything
+ | None, n, [Events.Started { epochId = ee }], Some activatedEpoch ->
+ let eEpoch = %ee
+ test <@ n >= epoch0 && n = eEpoch && n = activatedEpoch @>
+ // Any higher epochId should trigger a Started event (gaps are fine - we are only tying to reduce walks)
+ | Some s1, n, [Events.Started { epochId = ee }], Some activatedEpoch ->
+ let eEpoch = %ee
+ test <@ n > s1 && n = eEpoch && n > epoch0 && n = activatedEpoch @>
+ // Nothing else should yield events
+ | _, _, l, _ ->
+ test <@ List.isEmpty l @>
+let [] ``codec can roundtrip`` event =
+ let ee = Events.codec.Encode(None,event)
+ let ie = FsCodec.Core.TimelineEvent.Create(0L, ee.EventType, ee.Data)
+ test <@ Some event = Events.codec.TryDecode ie @>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/samples/Fc/Domain.Tests/LocationTests.fs b/samples/Fc/Domain.Tests/LocationTests.fs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..736cdf08f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/Fc/Domain.Tests/LocationTests.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+module LocationTests
+open FsCheck.Xunit
+open FSharp.UMX
+open Location
+open Swensen.Unquote
+open System
+module Location =
+ open Equinox.MemoryStore
+ module Series =
+ let resolve store = Resolver(store, Series.Events.codec, Series.Folds.fold, Series.Folds.initial).Resolve
+ module Epoch =
+ let resolve store = Resolver(store, Epoch.Events.codec, Epoch.Folds.fold, Epoch.Folds.initial).Resolve
+ module MemoryStore =
+ let createService (zeroBalance, shouldClose) store =
+ let maxAttempts = Int32.MaxValue
+ let series = Series.create (Series.resolve store) maxAttempts
+ let epochs = Epoch.create (Epoch.resolve store) maxAttempts
+ create (zeroBalance, shouldClose) (series, epochs)
+let run (service : LocationService) (IdsAtLeastOne locations, deltas : _[]) = Async.RunSynchronously <| async {
+ let runId = mkId () // Need to make making state in store unique when replaying or shrinking
+ let locations = locations |> Array.map (fun x -> % (sprintf "%O_%O" runId x))
+ let updates = deltas |> Seq.mapi (fun i x -> locations.[i % locations.Length], x) |> Seq.cache
+ (* Apply random deltas *)
+ let adjust delta (bal : Epoch.Folds.Balance) =
+ let value = max -bal delta
+ if value = 0 then 0, []
+ else value, [Location.Epoch.Events.Delta { value = value }]
+ let! appliedDeltas = seq { for loc,x in updates -> async { let! _,eff = service.Execute(loc, adjust x) in return loc,eff } } |> Async.Parallel
+ let expectedBalances = Seq.append (seq { for l in locations -> l, 0}) appliedDeltas |> Seq.groupBy fst |> Seq.map (fun (l,xs) -> l, xs |> Seq.sumBy snd) |> Set.ofSeq
+ (* Verify loading yields identical state *)
+ let! balances = seq { for loc in locations -> async { let! bal,() = service.Execute(loc,(fun _ -> (),[])) in return loc,bal } } |> Async.Parallel
+ test <@ expectedBalances = Set.ofSeq balances @> }
+let [] ``MemoryStore properties`` maxEvents args =
+ let store = Equinox.MemoryStore.VolatileStore()
+ let zeroBalance = 0
+ let maxEvents = max 1 maxEvents
+ let shouldClose (state : Epoch.Folds.OpenState) = state.count > maxEvents
+ let service = Location.MemoryStore.createService (zeroBalance, shouldClose) store
+ run service args
+type Cosmos(testOutput) =
+ let context,cache = Cosmos.connect ()
+ let log = testOutput |> TestOutputAdapter |> createLogger
+ do Serilog.Log.Logger <- log
+ let [] properties maxEvents args =
+ let zeroBalance = 0
+ let maxEvents = max 1 maxEvents
+ let shouldClose (state : Epoch.Folds.OpenState) = state.count > maxEvents
+ let service = Location.Cosmos.createService (zeroBalance, shouldClose) (context,cache,Int32.MaxValue)
+ run service args
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/samples/Fc/Domain/Domain.fsproj b/samples/Fc/Domain/Domain.fsproj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bb4316193
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/Fc/Domain/Domain.fsproj
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ netstandard2.0
+ 5
+ Fc.Domain
diff --git a/samples/Fc/Domain/Infrastructure.fs b/samples/Fc/Domain/Infrastructure.fs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7a1bfa843
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/Fc/Domain/Infrastructure.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+namespace global
+open FSharp.UMX // see https://github.com/fsprojects/FSharp.UMX - % operator and ability to apply units of measure to Guids+strings
+type LocationId = string
+and [] locationId
+module LocationId =
+ let parse (value : string) : LocationId = %value
+ let toString (value : LocationId) : string = %value
+type LocationEpochId = int
+and [] locationEpochId
+module LocationEpochId =
+ let parse (value : int) : LocationEpochId = %value
+ let next (value : LocationEpochId) : LocationEpochId = % (%value + 1)
+ let toString (value : LocationEpochId) : string = string %value
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/samples/Fc/Domain/Location.fs b/samples/Fc/Domain/Location.fs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..30518cae5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/Fc/Domain/Location.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+namespace Location
+type Wip<'R> = Pending of decide : (Epoch.Folds.Balance -> 'R*Epoch.Events.Event list) | Complete of 'R
+/// Manages a Series of Epochs, with a running total being carried forward to the next Epoch when it's Closed
+type LocationService internal (zeroBalance, shouldClose, series : Series.Service, epochs : Epoch.Service) =
+ let rec execute locationId originEpochId =
+ let rec aux epochId balanceToCarryForward wip = async {
+ let decide state = match wip with Complete r -> r,[] | Pending decide -> decide state
+ match! epochs.Sync(locationId, epochId, balanceToCarryForward, decide, shouldClose) with
+ | { balance = bal; result = Some res; isOpen = true } ->
+ if originEpochId <> epochId then
+ do! series.ActivateEpoch(locationId, epochId)
+ return bal, res
+ | { balance = bal; result = Some res } ->
+ let successorEpochId = LocationEpochId.next epochId
+ return! aux successorEpochId (Some bal) (Wip.Complete res)
+ | { balance = bal } ->
+ let successorEpochId = LocationEpochId.next epochId
+ return! aux successorEpochId (Some bal) wip }
+ aux
+ member __.Execute(locationId, decide) = async {
+ let! activeEpoch = series.Read locationId
+ let originEpochId, epochId, balanceCarriedForward =
+ match activeEpoch with
+ | None -> LocationEpochId.parse -1, LocationEpochId.parse 0, Some zeroBalance
+ | Some activeEpochId -> activeEpochId, activeEpochId, None
+ return! execute locationId originEpochId epochId balanceCarriedForward (Wip.Pending decide)}
+module Helpers =
+ let create (zeroBalance, shouldClose) (series, epochs) =
+ LocationService(zeroBalance, shouldClose, series, epochs)
+module Cosmos =
+ let createService (zeroBalance, shouldClose) (context, cache, maxAttempts) =
+ let series = Series.Cosmos.createService (context, cache, maxAttempts)
+ let epochs = Epoch.Cosmos.createService (context, cache, maxAttempts)
+ create (zeroBalance, shouldClose) (series, epochs)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/samples/Fc/Domain/LocationEpoch.fs b/samples/Fc/Domain/LocationEpoch.fs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a76b7807d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/Fc/Domain/LocationEpoch.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+module Location.Epoch
+// NOTE - these types and the union case names reflect the actual storage formats and hence need to be versioned with care
+module Events =
+ type CarriedForward = { initial : int }
+ type Delta = { value : int }
+ type Event =
+ | CarriedForward of CarriedForward
+ | Closed
+ | Delta of Delta
+ interface TypeShape.UnionContract.IUnionContract
+ let codec = FsCodec.NewtonsoftJson.Codec.Create()
+ let [] categoryId = "LocationEpoch"
+module Folds =
+ type Balance = int
+ type OpenState = { count : int; value : Balance }
+ type State = Initial | Open of OpenState | Closed of Balance
+ let initial = Initial
+ let evolve state event =
+ match event, state with
+ | Events.CarriedForward e, Initial -> Open { count = 0; value = e.initial }
+ | Events.Delta e, Open bal -> Open { count = bal.count + 1; value = bal.value + e.value }
+ | Events.Closed, Open { value = bal } -> Closed bal
+ | Events.CarriedForward _, (Open _|Closed _ as x) -> failwithf "CarriedForward : Unexpected %A" x
+ | Events.Delta _, (Initial|Closed _ as x) -> failwithf "Delta : Unexpected %A" x
+ | Events.Closed, (Initial|Closed _ as x) -> failwithf "Closed : Unexpected %A" x
+ let fold = Seq.fold evolve
+/// Holds events accumulated from a series of decisions while also evolving the presented `state` to reflect the pended events
+type private Accumulator() =
+ let acc = ResizeArray()
+ member __.Ingest state : 'res * Events.Event list -> 'res * Folds.State = function
+ | res, [] -> res, state
+ | res, [e] -> acc.Add e; res, Folds.evolve state e
+ | res, xs -> acc.AddRange xs; res, Folds.fold state (Seq.ofList xs)
+ member __.Accumulated = List.ofSeq acc
+type Result<'t> = { balance : Folds.Balance; result : 't option; isOpen : bool }
+let sync (balanceCarriedForward : Folds.Balance option) (decide : (Folds.Balance -> 't*Events.Event list)) shouldClose state : Result<'t>*Events.Event list =
+ let acc = Accumulator()
+ // We always want to have a CarriedForward event at the start of any Epoch's event stream
+ let (), state =
+ acc.Ingest state <|
+ match state with
+ | Folds.Initial -> (), [Events.CarriedForward { initial = Option.get balanceCarriedForward }]
+ | Folds.Open _ | Folds.Closed _ -> (), []
+ // Run, unless we determine we're in Closed state
+ let result, state =
+ acc.Ingest state <|
+ match state with
+ | Folds.Initial -> failwith "We've just guaranteed not Initial"
+ | Folds.Open { value = bal } -> let r,es = decide bal in Some r,es
+ | Folds.Closed _ -> None, []
+ // Finally (iff we're `Open`, have run a `decide` and `shouldClose`), we generate a Closed event
+ let (balance, isOpen), _ =
+ acc.Ingest state <|
+ match state with
+ | Folds.Initial -> failwith "Can't be Initial"
+ | Folds.Open ({ value = bal } as openState) when shouldClose openState -> (bal, false), [Events.Closed]
+ | Folds.Open { value = bal } -> (bal, true), []
+ | Folds.Closed bal -> (bal, false), []
+ { balance = balance; result = result; isOpen = isOpen }, acc.Accumulated
+type Service internal (resolve, ?maxAttempts) =
+ let log = Serilog.Log.ForContext()
+ let (|AggregateId|) (locationId, epochId) =
+ let id = sprintf "%s_%s" (LocationId.toString locationId) (LocationEpochId.toString epochId)
+ Equinox.AggregateId(Events.categoryId, id)
+ let (|Stream|) (AggregateId id) = Equinox.Stream(log, resolve id, maxAttempts = defaultArg maxAttempts 2)
+ member __.Sync<'R>(locationId, epochId, prevEpochBalanceCarriedForward, decide, shouldClose) : Async> =
+ let (Stream stream) = (locationId, epochId)
+ stream.Transact(sync prevEpochBalanceCarriedForward decide shouldClose)
+let create resolve maxAttempts = Service(resolve, maxAttempts)
+module Cosmos =
+ open Equinox.Cosmos
+ let resolve (context,cache) =
+ let cacheStrategy = CachingStrategy.SlidingWindow (cache, System.TimeSpan.FromMinutes 20.)
+ Resolver(context, Events.codec, Folds.fold, Folds.initial, cacheStrategy, AccessStrategy.LatestKnownEvent).Resolve
+ let createService (context,cache,maxAttempts) =
+ create (resolve (context,cache)) maxAttempts
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/samples/Fc/Domain/LocationSeries.fs b/samples/Fc/Domain/LocationSeries.fs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e75ccb9b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/Fc/Domain/LocationSeries.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+module Location.Series
+// NOTE - these types and the union case names reflect the actual storage formats and hence need to be versioned with care
+module Events =
+ type Started = { epochId : LocationEpochId }
+ type Event =
+ | Started of Started
+ interface TypeShape.UnionContract.IUnionContract
+ let codec = FsCodec.NewtonsoftJson.Codec.Create()
+ let [] categoryId = "LocationSeries"
+module Folds =
+ type State = LocationEpochId
+ let initial = LocationEpochId.parse -1
+ let evolve _state = function
+ | Events.Started e -> e.epochId
+ let fold = Seq.fold evolve
+let interpretActivateEpoch epochId (state : Folds.State) =
+ [if state < epochId then yield Events.Started { epochId = epochId }]
+let toActiveEpoch state =
+ if state = Folds.initial then None else Some state
+type Service internal (resolve, ?maxAttempts) =
+ let log = Serilog.Log.ForContext()
+ let (|AggregateId|) id = Equinox.AggregateId(Events.categoryId, LocationId.toString id)
+ let (|Stream|) (AggregateId id) = Equinox.Stream(log, resolve id, maxAttempts = defaultArg maxAttempts 2)
+ member __.Read(locationId) : Async =
+ let (Stream stream) = locationId
+ stream.Query toActiveEpoch
+ member __.ActivateEpoch(locationId,epochId) : Async =
+ let (Stream stream) = locationId
+ stream.Transact(interpretActivateEpoch epochId)
+let create resolve maxAttempts = Service(resolve, maxAttempts)
+module Cosmos =
+ open Equinox.Cosmos
+ let resolve (context,cache) =
+ let cacheStrategy = CachingStrategy.SlidingWindow (cache, System.TimeSpan.FromMinutes 20.)
+ let opt = Equinox.ResolveOption.AllowStale
+ fun id -> Resolver(context, Events.codec, Folds.fold, Folds.initial, cacheStrategy, AccessStrategy.LatestKnownEvent).Resolve(id,opt)
+ let createService (context, cache, maxAttempts) =
+ create (resolve (context,cache)) maxAttempts
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