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Documentation |
Helping future you |
Peter Hill |
documentation basics |
It happens to the best of us -- you come across some incomprehensible code and wonder "who on earth wrote this?" only to discover it was you, a mere six months ago. Writing documentation is one of those tasks that often feels like a bit of a chore, but is a vital skill for anyone writing software, and can help you avoid scenarios like the above.
- What is documentation?
- Why is documentation important?
- Types of documentation
- How to write documentation
- Function/variable names should be self-documenting (the what)
- Inline with the source code
- Detail why something is done a particular way
- "Private" documentation, not generally seen by users, but useful for developers
- Usually "out of source", but can be inline
- Detail what something does, and how it does it
- "Public" documentation, seen by users
- Everybody hates trying to use undocumented code
- Even worse trying to modify someone else's!
- Reduces time to get new users/developers up to speed
- Not just for other people, useful for you in six months
- Comments important to explain "magic"
- Can increase/mitigate "bus factor"
- Number of people needed to be hit by a bus before the project dies
- Detail gotchas and (hidden) assumptions
- Pull in new users!
- If they don't know what it does/how it works, how do they know it's what they want?
If it doesn't have documentation, no one knows how it works!
- Code should try and be as self-explanatory as possible
- Which is more understandable:
def calc(d):
return l, p
def fft(signal):
return frequency, phase
- Try to make names descriptive, rather than using symbols from equations
- Don't needlessly abbreviate names
might be obvious, buttemp_denom
- Functions/subroutines should generally be verbs ("do thing"), variables should be nouns ("this is a thing")
- Don't just repeat what the code does
- The code should make that obvious already
- Do explain reasons for doing something
# Numpy doesn't normalise FFT
frequency = rfft(signal)/len(signal)
- Do explain "magic"
- The below is the famous "fast inverse square root" code from Quake III
float Q_rsqrt( float number )
long i;
float x2, y;
const float threehalfs = 1.5F;
x2 = number * 0.5F;
y = number;
i = * ( long * ) &y; // evil floating point bit level hacking
i = 0x5f3759df - ( i >> 1 ); // what the fuck?
y = * ( float * ) &i;
y = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) ); // 1st iteration
// y = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) ); // 2nd iteration, this can be removed
return y;
- Every project should have a README!
- Details what the code is for
- Most web repos will render READMEs in pretty HTML
- Ideally also tells you how to get it up and running
- How to get access
- Where to download from
- How to install (including dependencies!)
- How to run tests/examples
- Signposts new users in directions of other sources of information
- FAQ, papers, forums, etc.
- Documents every (!) function, class and global variable
- Usually quite technical, but if documenting "public API", might need to be more readable
- In-source/in-line documentation useful for this
- Explain line-by-line a few simple examples
- Have a couple of different complexities
- Simplest possible use vs more advanced use
- If run from the command line, most users will expect
program --help
to output something useful - Should display:
- brief synopsis on what your program does
- how to run your program
- list of all command line options
- Python's builtin
module makes a lot of this easy- Similar tools for other languages, e.g. FLAP for Fortran
- Good example of documentation too!
- Similar tools for other languages, e.g. FLAP for Fortran
- Error messages are documentation too!
- Be clear and unambiguous:
ERROR: function call failed
ERROR: Couldn't calculate inverse Laplacian, input matrix singular (inverse.cpp: line 345)
- Markdown, reStructuredText are good examples
- Plain text files that can be compiled to other formats
- This talk written in Markdown, compiled to PDF with pandoc
- Simple formatting allows you to focus on content
- Export to appropriate format (e.g. HTML for web, PDF for hard copy)
- Most users are not likely to be experts
- Make sure to define terms when you first use them
- Preferably include a glossary
- Document the function right at the function definition
- Easier to update the documentation when changing code
- But still not automatic! Still needs effort to ensure it's in sync
- Some IDEs can display such documentation when e.g. hovering over function name
- Can have separate public/private documentation in header/source file (depending on language!)
- Not appropriate for everything
- General overview, how separate pieces fit together, should usually be out of source
- Built in to some languages like Python:
def foo(a, b):
Foos a and b together, returning a list of the results
//> Foos a and b together, returning a list of the results
std::list<result> foo(int a, int b) {
!! Foos a and b together, returning a list of the results
function(a, b) result(list)
- Take the in-source docs and compile into e.g. LaTeX, PDF, HTML
- HTML could then be put on your project website
- Most allow LaTeX equations directly in text
- Readthedocs can build your documentation automatically when pushing to web repo (GitHub, Bitbucket, etc.)
- Mainly designed for Python, but can be made to work with other languages too
- Name things well
- Write a README
- Write inline documentation
- Keep it up-to-date