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Hands on Object-Oriented Programming
Peter Hill
objects Python practical

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is one of the major paradigms in programming. Last week, I gave an intro talk on the main principles of OOP, contrasting it to other programming paradigms like imperative and functional programming. We also looked at some examples of using OOP in Python, Fortran and C++. This week, we're getting our hands dirty actually writing some OOP from scratch in Python.


  • Classes and Instances
  • Abstraction
  • Encapsulation
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism

Code shamelessly stolen from

Recap on OOP

The Four Pillars

  • Abstraction: hide the details
  • Encapsulation: protect the details
  • Inheritance: things can be a subtype of another thing
  • Polymorphism: things can act like other things

Before we begin...

$ tar xvf inventory_tests.tar
  • Install pytest:
$ pip3 install --user pytest
  • You might need to add the following to your PATH:
$ export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH
$ which pytest

Classes and Instances

Inventories and Items

  • Make a file
  • Let's start with a very simple class:
class Item:
    """A generic item

    name : str
        The name of the item

    def __init__(self, name): = name

if __name__ == "__main__":
    sword = Item("Sword")
    falafel = Item("Falafel")


Then run it:

$ python3 ./
<__main__.Item object at 0x...>
<__main__.Item object at 0x...>

The 0x... is the address in memory of the instance

More useful printing

Let's add the "magic method" __str__ which converts an object to a string:

class Item:
    def __str__(self):
  • Now what happens when you run the file?


  • We're going to be making a container for Items, so will need to know how big they are
  • Give Items a size attribute
  • Add the size in __str__ so we know how big the Item is when we print it
    • Hint: the tests are looking for something like "size 2"
  • Don't forget to update the docstring for Item
  • Download the tests from ... and run pytest -q to check your work


  • The __repr__ method returns a string that can reproduce the object using eval:
    • eval(repr(Item("Falafel", 1))) == Item("Falafel", 1)
  • Add the __repr__ method
  • Also add a test_repr_pack method to to check __repr__ works
    • Hint: You might also add __eq__ to test for equality

Inheritance and Polymorphism

Different types of Items

  • All Items have a name and a size
  • Items are kind of abstract though, and different Items do different things
  • What do all good games need? Weapons and food!
class Weapon(Item):

class Food(Item):


sword = Weapon("Sword", 8)
falafel = Food("Falafel", 1)


isinstance(sword, Weapon) # True
isinstance(sword, Food)   # False
isinstance(sword, Item)   # True
  • pass tells Python to do nothing
    • We've essentially made two aliases for Item
  • isinstance tells us if an object is an instance of a particular type
  • Let's do something a little fancy to tell the difference:
class Item:
    def __str__(self):
        class_name = self.__class__.__name__
        return ("{} is a {} of size {}".format(, class_name, self.size)
  • __class__ is the class object of an object

    • In Python, everything is an object!
  • __name__ is the name of the class

  • print(sword) is now a bit more informative

Specialising subtypes

  • If Weapons and Food behaved completely identically, we wouldn't need to subclass them
  • Let's give a power attribute to Weapons:
class Weapon(Item):
    """An Item suitable for fighting with

    name : str
        The name of the item
    size : int
        How many spaces in a Pack the Item takes up
    power : int, float
        How much damage the Weapon does
    def __init__(self, name, size, power): = name
        self.size = size
        self.power = power
  • Here we are overriding the __init__ method from Item
  • When we make a new Weapon, we now call Weapon.__init__ instead of Item.__init__
  • But aren't we just repeating code from Item.__init__?
  • What if we had a whole chain of inheritance?
  • super() is the answer: this essentially gets the parent type of our object:
class Weapon(Item):
    def __init__(self, name, size, power):
        super().__init__(name, size)
        self.power = power

    def __str__(self):
        return "{} and power {}".format(super().__str__(), self.power)
  • What about entirely new methods?
class Weapon(Item):
    def attack(self):
        """Attack wildly

        print("You attack for {} damage!".format(self.power))
  • We can attack with Weapons, but not with a generic Item:
sword = Weapon("Sword", 8, 4)
falafel = Food("Falafel", 1, 12)

# This is ok

# This is not!


  • Add a potency attribute to Food
  • Add a eat method to Food that prints a string that says you heal "potency health"
  • Don't forget the docstrings!
  • Check your work by running pytest -q


  • Make a subclass of Weapon called RangedWeapon that has a range attribute
  • Override the attack method to take a distance argument that reduces the power to zero outside of range
    • Hint: use super() to call Weapon.attack with the adjusted power
  • Don't forget to add tests to check your work

Abstraction and Encapsulation

Putting the Items away

  • Making a pack that can store items
  • Has a list that we can add items to
  • We'll want some control over what items we store
    • e.g. make sure they are items, and we don't overfill the pack
  • add and remove methods
  • we're encapsulating the data, protecting it from direct modification
class Pack:
    def __init__(self, capacity):
        self.capacity = capacity
        # Single underscore to mark this as "private"
        self._contents = []

    def add(self, item):
        """Add an Item to the Pack

        item : Item
            An Item to store in the pack

  • We've encapsulated the container to hide the implementation detail of how Items are actually stored
    • _contents is hidden
  • Prevents direction modification of the _contents
  • Allows us to change the implementation details later, providing we don't change the interface (add(self, item))

More useful

  • A Pack has a capacity: we can't put infinite Items in it
  • Pack.add should check we can store an Item before letting us do so!
  • Let's add a method for finding out how much stuff we've got in our Pack:
class Pack:
    def space_used(self):
        """Returns the total size of the items in this Pack

        total_size = 0
        for item in self._contents:
            total_size += item.size
        return total_size
  • We've abstracted over the details of calculating how much space we've used in the Pack
  • This goes hand-in-hand with the encapsulation of _contents


  • Implement space_left, is_full and is_empty
    • Hint: space_left should return an integer, and is_full/empty should return True or False
  • Add a check to add to make sure we only put Weapons and Food in the Pack
    • Hint: what do they have in common?
  • Add a check to add to make sure there's enough space to fit the Item in the Pack
    • Hint: raise a ValueError if there isn't
  • Check your work by running pytest -q


  • Implement has_item which takes a string and returns True if there is an Item of that name in the Pack
  • Implement remove which takes a string, and if there's an Item of that name in the Pack, remove it from _contents and return the Item
    • Hint: you probably want enumerate and list.pop
  • Don't forget to add tests and check your work

Other things to do!

  • Change _content to a dictionary with the Item name as the key, and a tuple containing the Item and how many there are as the value