As this is a collection of minor changes to Mr. Fayzullin's original work, it is released under identical terms as his Z80 code:
- You can use these resources for any non-profit purposes, as long as you make a proper reference to [Mr. Fayzullin].
- You cannot use any of these resources to gain profit. This includes using them in commercial projects, putting them onto companion CDs, etc. If you want to use my work in a commercial project, please, contact [Mr. Fayzullin] to negotiate the terms.
- You cannot distribute these resources yourself, through your own WWW or FTP sites, even if they are non-profit. It is ok to have them as part of your non-profit software though.
- If you use my code for your own project, please, let [Mr. Fayzullin] know about it.
- The above license terms are incompatible with GPL. Thus, you should avoid making the source code from this page and any derived code part of a GPLed project.