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File metadata and controls

122 lines (93 loc) · 4.36 KB

Lesson Plans

Recommended Prerequisite Knowledge

Ill just cover these ideas as they come up if there is a problem.

Strikethrough = insured coverage before lesson

  • components and props
  • importing other components
    • maybe from within folders (index.js with the name of the folder being what gets imported)
  • values rendered within components
  • using className on elements (dont use class)
  • idea of functions as first class citizens (maybe infered)


Keep the live-code-predone open to the side for reference; not sure if this will be good or not, but dont want to mess anything up

1. create and setup the project from the beginning

  1. make folder live-code
  2. initilize using npx create-next-app
  3. add tailwind with npm install tailwindcss postcss
    • postcss.config.js and populate
    • tailwind.css and populate
      • remove other css files in styles folder
    • add tailwind line to _app.js
  4. move source content to a src folder
    • eveything except .next and node_modules
  5. create a components folder

2. add some convienience components

  1. make a component that centers everything on the page components/Center.js
    • className: flex items-center justify-center h-screen
  2. make a component that stacks all of the items on the page components/Stack.js
    • className: flex flex-col text-center items-center
  3. make the root element of the index page the Center component

pre 3. hooks

Required Topics

  • allow us to make our site interactive
  • taping into what is called the lifecycle of the components we make
    • mounting
    • updating, via looking for changes
      • when the something on the component has changed and needs to be updated visualy
    • unmounting
  • The rules of hooks
    • when you can use a hook
      • within a function component (in the outermost scope)
      • within a custom hook (in the scope of another function)
    • when you cannot use a hook
      • within a conditional

3. useState

Required Topics

  • store values on the page that are persistant between page renders
  • useState function returns a list of two values
    • the value that the useState holds
    • and a function that allows use to change the value stored
      • can take a new value
      • or can take a function that returns a new value, with the first argument being the current state
  • only change the value through the function
    • if not then the page will not rerender when the value changes
  • lists const [list, setList] = useState([])
    • appending a value: setList([...list, new_value])
    • removing a value (using filter or slice)
  • objects const [obj, setObj] = useState({})
    • add/change property: setObj({...obj, key: value})

Lesson Order

  1. start by showing useState with a button that can increment a number state
    • Button classes: bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-700 text-white font-bold p-2 rounded
  2. then modify it to flip a boolean value with the button
    • !flipped
  3. remove the button and state, and go over input elements (for forms)
    • value prop
    • onChange prop (
    • Input classes: border-2 border-gray-300 rounded-md p-1

4. useEffect

Required Topics

  • cause something to happen as a response to change in the component (this can be state or a definition)
  • second parameter is an optional list of what to respond to
    • * nothing *: runs on every re-render
    • []: runs when the component is mounted
    • [value]: runs when value changes (shallowly, objects get remade every render)
  • you can return a function from the first parameter function that gets called whenever the first effect needs to be cleaned up
    • for []: occurs when the component unmounts
    • for [value]: occurs after the value has changed once the effect is run at least once

Maybe go over setInterval and clearInterval

Lesson Order


5. The Game

Lesson Order

  1. root element is a Stack
  2. current question number display
    • classes: text-4xl mb-2
  3. current question display
    • classes: text-7xl font-bold mb-10
  4. component for repsonse input AnswerInput
    1. start with elements
      1. outer div
      2. input
      3. submission button