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pyshpool is for multiprocessing (especially using multiple nodes in parallel) in HPC by shell/python! Welcome aboard!

The current release version for pyshpool is v2.2 and v2.5.1 for pyshNode-static. Arm with pyshpool, feel free to enjoy yourself.

copyright by

Table of Contents

├── inpTaskList.dat
├── poolRunShell-static
├── poolRunShell-v2.2
├── previousVersion
│   ├── pyshNodesV22-static
│   ├── pyshNodesV23-static
│   ├── pyshNodesV24-static
│   └── pyshNodesV242-static
├── pyshNodeV251-static
├── shellPoolv2.2
└── src
    └── fishpool_free.jpeg

Released version

  • python version V2.2

To use the python, you need to make sure that multiprocessing is installed in your python environment. To install the multiprocessing, please turn to this site.

  • shell version V2.2

There is no prerequisite for shell version. U can enjoy pyshpool directly.

  • pyshpool static version

You don't have to install any prerequisites for the pyshpool-static version and you just run the codes by one line command to enjoy yourself.

  • pyshSplit (Updated: 2023-10-04)

Since for some clusters, the multinodes is not efficient enough (for queueing) and the pyshSplit is revised for the multiple jobs based on the single node. The input task list will be splited into the defined number of the jobs, and each job will be a single-node batch for the computation purpose.

  • pyshNode static version (Updated: VersionV2.5.1 2022-01-24)

You don't have to install any prerequisites for the pyshNode version and you just run the codes by one line command to enjoy yourself. Make sure pyshpool-static is in the same folder with pyshNode-static. The command is quite similar to slurm script.

  • pyshNode4 (Updated: VersionV2.6.1 2024-10-29)

Since the V4.0 of HPC is much more powerful, the default parameters have been updated and the accountName is updated for multi-node version. Make sure pyshpool-static is in the same folder with pyshNode-static with chmod of 777!

  • pyshNode4-multipleThread (Updated: VersionV2.7.1 2025-02-02)

Since the V4.0 of HPC is much more powerful, the default parameters have been updated and the accountName is updated for multi-node version. Since some tasks are efficient in multiple threads instead of multiple processes, the multipleThread version is updated Make sure pyshpool-static is in the same folder with pyshNode-static with chmod of 777!

-p <str:partitionName>[general]
-J <str:>[multiNode]
-N <int:nodeNumber>[2]
-n <int:taskPerNode>[24]
-e <str:email>[NULL]
-w <str:nodelist>[NULL]
-i <inpTaskList>[inpTaskList.dat]
-A <str:>[accountName]


--partition[-p] <str:partitionName>[general]
--job-name[-J] <str:>[multiNode]
--nodes[-N] <int:nodeNumber>[2]
--ntasks[-n] <int:taskPerNode>[24]
--mail-user[-e] <str:email>[NULL]
--nodelist[-w] <str:nodelist>[NULL]
--inputTaskList[-i] <inpTaskList>[inpTaskList.dat]
--account[-A] <str:>[accountName]

These varivables are the same with sbatch
--partition[-p] <str:partitionName>[general]
--job-name[-J] <str:>[multiNode]
--nodes[-N] <int:nodeNumber>[2]
--ntasks[-n] <int:taskPerNode>[24]
--nodelist[-w] <str:nodelist>[NULL]
--mail-user[-e] <str:email>[NULL]

<inpTaskList> is a list of your tasks and please try to
use the absolute path in the list.

Updated in 2022-01-24: Remove the two default settings ACCOUNT, QOS. They are very strong and may lead to errors in other hpc platform.

How to run pyshpool in two steps?

Without further description, you can enjoy multiprocess freely in HPC (high performance computing) by shell/python in two steps.

  1. make sure pyshpool is executive

chmod 777 pyshpool

  1. run the one-line-command to enjoy yourself

./pyshpool -c CPUNUM -i inputList

What is input job list?

The input job list is your job command delimited by '\n'. For detailed information, please use help information or the document. The input job list or the running task list may be like the followings:

# command + args (outputs/logs)
bash 1 > log1.log
bash 2 > log2.log
bash 3 > log3.log
bash 4 > log4.log
bash 5 > log5.log
bash 6 > log6.log
bash 7 > log7.log
bash 8 > log8.log
bash 9 > log9.log
bash 10 > log10.log

Notes (Updated in 2022-01-24): If you are using some dependencies to run your programs, the absolute path for the command is recommended. Alternatively, you can use the binary dependncies without absolute path or load your environments in the same line as your programs.

Hand-on example on running pyshNode

If you are familiar with parallel/xargs/tee command, you will have very little time to command on pyshNode.

  1. Clone this github

git clone

  1. Check the executive pyshpool and the demo script list

chmod 777 poolRunShell-static; chmod 777 pyshNodes-static cat head inpTaskList.dat

You will get

seudoRunningTime=$((1 + $RANDOM % 10))
echo "Running program $seudoRunningTime s"
sleep $seudoRunningTime


bash 1 > log1.log
bash 2 > log2.log
bash 3 > log3.log
bash 4 > log4.log
bash 5 > log5.log
bash 6 > log6.log
bash 7 > log7.log
bash 8 > log8.log
bash 9 > log9.log
bash 10 > log10.log
  1. Run one-command pyshNode and enjoy your self

./pyshOnNodes -p general -J demoPyshNodes -N 2 -n 24 -i inpTaskList.dat # forHpc2

./pyshOnNodes -p cpu-share -J demoPyshNodes -N 2 -n 40 -i inpTaskList.dat # forHpc3

How to develop the pyshpool?

Just email in github@jligm-hash to give you access.