<-- previous rule | overview | next rule -->
Aligns key and non-key elements in the select list and their aliases.
- Align keyword KEY / VIRTUAL
- Align aliases
- Consider simple elements without alias (e.g. 'AnySource.AnyField') for alias position
- Consider complex elements without alias (but with calculations or 2+ dots) for alias position
- Consider all lines of multi-line elements for alias position
- Maximum start position of aligned aliases: [120] - Aliases that would start beyond this position are moved to the next line.
- Align textual comments from line start with elements
- Align commented-out code with active code
define view I_AnyView
as select from I_AnySource as AnyAlias
left outer join I_OtherSource as OtherAlias
on AnyAlias.AnyField = OtherAlias.AnyField
association [0..*] to I_ThirdSource as _ThirdAlias
on _ThirdAlias.AnyField = AnyAlias.AnyField
@ObjectModel.text.element: ['ThirdFieldAlias']
key AnyAlias.AnyField as AnyFieldAlias,
key AnyAlias.OtherField as OtherFieldAlias,
// non-key fields
OtherAlias.ThirdField as ThirdFieldAlias,
OtherAlias.FourthFieldWithLongName as FourthFieldAlias,
as FifthFieldAlias,
// complex element with multiple dots:
// calculated fields
// A textual comment like this one should not be at line start, but should be aligned with the elements.
// Only commented-out code should have comment signs at line start, so Ctrl+> can easily uncomment it.
cast(OtherAlias.ThirdField + OtherAlias.FourthFieldWithLongName + OtherAlias.FifthField as any_type) as CalculatedField,
// // Commented-out select list elements are also being aligned, as shown below. For this to work,
// // - their comment signs must be at the very start of the line (as Ctrl+< would produce them), and
// // - the commented-out element must not span multiple comment lines:
// key OtherAlias.CommentedOutField as CommentedOutFieldAlias,
//OtherAlias.OtherCommentedOutField as OtherCommentedOutFieldAlias,
// OtherAlias.CommentedOutFieldWithoutAlias,
// associations
union all
select from I_AnySource2 as AnyAlias
left outer join I_OtherSource2 as OtherAlias
on AnyAlias.AnyField = OtherAlias.AnyField
association [0..*] to I_ThirdSource2 as _ThirdAliasWithVeryLongName
on _ThirdAliasWithVeryLongName.AnyField = AnyAlias.AnyField
// key fields
key AnyAlias.AnyField as AnyFieldAlias,
key AnyAlias.OtherField as OtherFieldAlias,
// non-key fields
OtherAlias.ThirdField as ThirdFieldAlias,
OtherAlias.FourthFieldWithLongName as FourthFieldAlias,
OtherAlias.FifthField as FifthFieldAlias,
// calculated fields
cast(OtherAlias.ThirdField + OtherAlias.FourthFieldWithLongName + OtherAlias.FifthFieldWithLongName
+ OtherAlias.SixthField as any_type) as CalculatedField,
// key OtherAlias.CommentedOutField as CommentedOutFieldAlias,
//OtherAlias.OtherCommentedOutField as OtherCommentedOutFieldAlias,
// OtherAlias.CommentedOutFieldWithoutAlias,
// associations
Resulting code:
define view I_AnyView
as select from I_AnySource as AnyAlias
left outer join I_OtherSource as OtherAlias
on AnyAlias.AnyField = OtherAlias.AnyField
association [0..*] to I_ThirdSource as _ThirdAlias
on _ThirdAlias.AnyField = AnyAlias.AnyField
@ObjectModel.text.element: ['ThirdFieldAlias']
key AnyAlias.AnyField as AnyFieldAlias,
key AnyAlias.OtherField as OtherFieldAlias,
// non-key fields
OtherAlias.ThirdField as ThirdFieldAlias,
OtherAlias.FourthFieldWithLongName as FourthFieldAlias,
OtherAlias.FifthField as FifthFieldAlias,
// complex element with multiple dots:
// calculated fields
// A textual comment like this one should not be at line start, but should be aligned with the elements.
// Only commented-out code should have comment signs at line start, so Ctrl+> can easily uncomment it.
cast(OtherAlias.ThirdField + OtherAlias.FourthFieldWithLongName + OtherAlias.FifthField as any_type) as CalculatedField,
// // Commented-out select list elements are also being aligned, as shown below. For this to work,
// // - their comment signs must be at the very start of the line (as Ctrl+< would produce them), and
// // - the commented-out element must not span multiple comment lines:
// key OtherAlias.CommentedOutField as CommentedOutFieldAlias,
// OtherAlias.OtherCommentedOutField as OtherCommentedOutFieldAlias,
// OtherAlias.CommentedOutFieldWithoutAlias,
// associations
union all
select from I_AnySource2 as AnyAlias
left outer join I_OtherSource2 as OtherAlias
on AnyAlias.AnyField = OtherAlias.AnyField
association [0..*] to I_ThirdSource2 as _ThirdAliasWithVeryLongName
on _ThirdAliasWithVeryLongName.AnyField = AnyAlias.AnyField
// key fields
key AnyAlias.AnyField as AnyFieldAlias,
key AnyAlias.OtherField as OtherFieldAlias,
// non-key fields
OtherAlias.ThirdField as ThirdFieldAlias,
OtherAlias.FourthFieldWithLongName as FourthFieldAlias,
OtherAlias.FifthField as FifthFieldAlias,
// calculated fields
cast(OtherAlias.ThirdField + OtherAlias.FourthFieldWithLongName + OtherAlias.FifthFieldWithLongName
+ OtherAlias.SixthField as any_type) as CalculatedField,
// key OtherAlias.CommentedOutField as CommentedOutFieldAlias,
// OtherAlias.OtherCommentedOutField as OtherCommentedOutFieldAlias,
// OtherAlias.CommentedOutFieldWithoutAlias,
// associations