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1289 lines (941 loc) · 31.3 KB

File metadata and controls

1289 lines (941 loc) · 31.3 KB

API Spec Version 1

Table of Content:

Table of contents generated with markdown-toc

JSON Objects


  "id": 162,
  "username": "walter",
  "lastname": "White",
  "firstname": "Walter",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "passwordChange": false,
  "isAdmin": false


  "id": 6,
  "name": "green",
  "users": [
      "id": 161,
      "username": "allen",
      "lastname": "Burdon",
      "firstname": "Allen",
      "passwordChange": false,
      "isAdmin": false


  "id": 31,
  "title": "green event",
  "from": "2019-01-15T12:12",
  "to": "2019-01-15T13:13",
  "place": "GibmIT, Pratteln",
  "description": "1",
  "eventType": {
    "id": 1,
    "title": "foo",
    "color": "#FF0000"
  "defaultRegistrationState": {
    "id": 2,
    "name": "subscribed",
    "reasonRequired": true
  "groups": [
      "id": 6,
      "name": "green"

Note: The Event includes an Event Type, a Registration State and a list of Groups

Event Type

    "id": 1,
    "title": "Default",
    "color": "#ff0000"

Registration State

    "id": 1,
    "name": "Accepted",
    "requiresReason": false


    "eventId": 29,
    "userId": 160,
    "reason": "Sick",
    "registrationState": {
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Deregistered",
        "reasonRequired": true

Note Registration includes a Registration State

Extended Registration

This is an extended version of the registration object. It contains both information about the user and the registration.

  "id": 162,
  "username": "walter",
  "lastname": "White",
  "firstname": "Walter",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "passwordChange": false,
  "isAdmin": false,
  "registration": {
    "reason": "Sick",
    "registrationState": {
      "id": 1,
      "name": "Deregistered",
      "reasonRequired": true


  "event": 29,
  "user": 160,
  "auditor": 160,
  "hasAttended": false

Extended Presence

This is an extended version of the registration object. It contains both information about the user and the registration.

  "id": 162,
  "username": "walter",
  "lastname": "White",
  "firstname": "Walter",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "passwordChange": false,
  "isAdmin": false,
  "presence": {
    "auditor": 160,
    "hasAttended": false

Error Handling

HTTP Status Codes

The following errors may occur:

Status Code Name Description
400 Bad request The request
401 Unauthorized Request requires authentication but it isn't provided
403 Forbidden The user has no rights to access the requested URI
404 Resource Not Found The requested resource can't be found
500 Internal Server Error Something went wrong and should be logged

JSON Error Objects

Further details to the errors are provided as JSON Objects:

    "errors": {
        "authentication": "authentication required"


To authenticate use the following header:

Authorization: Bearer THESECRETJWTTOKEN

The token is first received by logging in. All routes except the login route require authorization. Additionally some routes can only be accessed by administrators.



POST /v1/login


Field Description Required Type
username The user's username ✔️ varchar(100)
password The user's password ✔️ varchar(255)

Example request data:

    "username": "jake",
    "password": "secure"

Returns: the user's token and the user data

    "token": "thesecrettoken",
    "user": {
        "id": 1,
    	"username": "jake",
    	"lastname": "Smith",
    	"firstname": "Jacob",
    	"email": "[email protected]",
        "isAdmin": true,
        "passwordChange": false

Access rights: no authentication required

Note: token is a jwt token used for authorization. See more:

User Routes

Create User

POST /v1/users


Field Description Required Type
username The user's username ✔️ varchar(100)
lastname The user's last name varchar(50)
firstname The user's first name ❌️ varchar(50)
email The user's email varchar(255)
password The user's initial password ✔️ varchar(255)
passwordChange does the user have to change the password ✔️ boolean(0 or 1)
isAdmin Whether the user is an administrator or not. Defaults to no admin boolean(0 or 1)

Example request data:

    "username": "jake",
    "lastname": "Smith",
    "firstname": "Jacob",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "password": "secure",
    "isAdmin": 1

Access rights: authentication required, user has to be an admin

Returns: the User

List Users

GET /v1/users


Field Description Required Type
group Get all users by group id numeric

Access rights: authentication required, user has to be an admin

Returns: List of queried Users

Get Current User

GET /v1/user

Parameters: none

Access rights: authentication required

Returns: the User

Get User

GET /v1/users/{id}

Parameters: none

Access rights: authentication required, user has to be an admin

Returns: the User

Update User

PUT /v1/users/{id}


Field Description Required Type
username The new username varchar(100)
lastname The new last name varchar(50)
firstname The new first name varchar(50)
email The new email varchar(255)
password The new password varchar(255)
isAdmin The new admin state boolean(0 or 1)
passwordChange does the user have to change the password boolean(0 or 1)

Example request data:

    "username": "jake2",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "password": "moresecure"

Access rights: authentication required, user has to be an admin

Returns: the User

Delete User

DELETE /v1/users/{id}

Parameters: none

Access rights: authentication required, user has to be an admin

Returns: Status 204 or errors

Change Password

PUT /v1/user/change-password


Field Description Required Type
password The user's current password varchar(255)
newPassword The new password to set varchar(255)

Access rights: authentication required

Returns: Success or errors

Event Routes

Create Event

POST /v1/events


Field Description Required Type
title The title of the event ✔️ varchar(50)
description Description of the event varchar(255)
from The begin date of the event ✔️ Date in the ISO format: Y-m-d\TH:i
to The end date of the event ✔️ Date in the ISO format: Y-m-d\TH:i
place Where the event takes place varchar(50)
eventType The id of the event type this event has ✔️ numeric
defaultRegistrationState The id of the registration state that is used as default for this event. ✔️ numeric
groups An array of group ids that are assigned to the event ✔️ Array of numbers

Example request data:

  "title": "GA",
  "description": "General Assembly",
  "from": "2018-11-28T10:00:00Z",
  "to": "2018-11-29T18:00:00Z",
  "eventType": 3,
  "defaultRegistrationState": 2,
  "groups": [1, 4]

Access rights: authentication required, user has to be an admin

Returns: the Event

List Events

GET /v1/events/


Field Description Required Type
group To get all events by the group id numeric
eventType To get all events by type id numeric
limit Limit the amount of events retrieved numeric
offset Skip the fist x events numeric
all List events of all users/groups (works only as ks only as admin) bool
elapsed List also elapsed events bool

Example request:

GET /v1/events?limit=5&offset=10&eventType=1&all=1&elapsed=1

Access rights: authentication required
Note: all is only considered if the user is an admin. Otherwise an 401 is returned.

List of queried Events of all groups in which the user has a membership, sorted ascending by their start date (The near-time events are listed first).
By default (without the elapsed parameter set), only current and upcoming events are selected.

Get Event

GET /v1/events/{id:[0-9]+}

Parameters: none

Access rights: authentication required
Note: An admin can access every event but a user can only access events of groups in which he has a membership.

Returns: the Event

Update Event

PUT /v1/events/{id}


Field Description Required Type
title The title of the event varchar(50)
description Description of the event varchar(255)
from The begin date of the event Date in the ISO format: Y-m-d\TH:i
to The end date of the event Date in the ISO format: Y-m-d\TH:i
place Where the event takes place varchar(50)
eventType The id of the event type this event has numeric
defaultRegistrationState The id of the registration state that is used as default for this event. numeric
groups An array of group ids that are assigned to the event Array of numbers

Example request data:

  "title": "GA",
  "description": "General Assembly",
  "from": "2018-11-28T10:00:00Z",
  "to": "2018-11-29T18:00:00Z",
  "groups": [1, 4]

Access rights: authentication required, user has to be an admin

Returns: the Event

Delete Event

DELETE /v1/events/{id}

Parameters: none

Access rights: authentication required, user has to be an admin

When an Event is deleted, all associated registrations and presences are also deleted.
So be careful and ask the user twice if he really wants to delete an Event.

Event Type Routes

Create Event Type

POST /v1/event-types


Field Description Required Type
title The title of the event type ✔️ varchar(50)
color The color used for this event type ✔️ hex-rgb-color

Example request data:

    "title": "Default",
    "color": "#ff0000"

Access rights: authentication required, user has to be an admin

Returns: the Event Type

List Event Types

GET /v1/event-types

Parameters: none

Access rights: authentication required

Returns: List of all event types

Get Event Type

GET /v1/event-types/{id}

Parameters: none

Access rights: authentication required

Returns: the Event Type

Update Event Type

PUT /v1/event-types/{id}


Field Description Required Type
title The title of the event type varchar(50)
color The color used for this event type hex-rgb-color

Example request data:

    "title": "Default",
    "color": "#ff0000"

Access rights: authentication required, user has to be an admin

Returns: the Event Type

Delete Event Type

DELETE /v1/event-types/{id}

Parameters: none

Access rights: authentication required, user has to be an admin

Note: Event types can only be deleted when they currently aren't in use.

Returns: Status 204 or errors

Group Routes

Create Group

POST /v1/groups


Field Description Required Type
name The name of the group ✔️ varchar(45)

Example request data:

    "name": "Members"

Access rights: authentication required, user has to be an admin

Returns: the Group

List Groups

GET /v1/groups?users={{withUsers}}


Field Description Required Type
users List also elapsed events bool

Access rights: authentication required

Returns: List of all groups

Get Group

GET /v1/groups/{id}

Parameters: none

Access rights: authentication required

Returns: the Group

Update Group

PUT /v1/groups/{id}


Field Description Required Type
name The new name varchar(45)

Example request data:

    "name": "Users"

Access rights: authentication required, user has to be an admin

Returns: the Group

Delete Group

DELETE /v1/groups/{id}

Parameters: none

Access rights: authentication required, user has to be an admin

Returns: 204 or errors

Join Group

POST /v1/groups/{id}/join


Field Description Required Type
users One or more users to join the group array with id's (numeric)

Example request data:

    "users": [1, 42]

Access rights: authentication required, user has to be an admin

Returns: A group and errors with all invalid user id's which could not be added.

    "group": {
        "id": 5,
        "name": "Admin",
        "users": []
    "errors": {
        "invalidUsers": [5,10]

Leave Group

DELETE /v1/groups/{id}/leave


Field Description Required Type
users One or more users to leave the group ✔️ array with id's (numeric)

Example request data:

    "users": [1]

Note: If any of the given user id's should be invalid, there is no notification about this.

Access rights: authentication required, user has to be an admin

Returns: the Group

Registration State Routes

Create Registration State

POST /v1/registration-state


Field Description Required Type
name The name varchar(255)
reasonRequired If a reason / excuse is mandatory boolean(0 or 1)

Example request data:

    "name": "Accepted",
    "reasonRequired": 1

Access rights: authentication required, user has to be an admin

Returns: the [Registration State](#Registration State)

Update Registration State

PUT /v1/registration-state/{id}


Field Description Required Type
name The name varchar(255)
reasonRequired If a reason / excuse is mandatory boolean(0 or 1)

Example request data:

    "name": "Accepted",
    "reasonRequired": 0

Access rights: authentication required, user has to be an admin

Returns: the [Registration State](#Registration State)

List Registration States

GET /v1/registration-state/

Parameters: none

Access rights: authentication required

Returns: List of all event types

Get Registration State

GET /v1/registration-state/{id}

Parameters: none

Access rights: authentication required

Returns: the Registration State

Delete Registration State

DELETE /v1/registration-state/{id}

Parameters: none

Access rights: authentication required, user has to be an admin

Returns: 204 or errors

Registration Routes

Get Registration from Event

GET /v1/registration/{eventId}/{userId}

Parameters: none

Access rights: authentication required

Returns: the Registration

Create Registration

POST /v1/registration


Field Description Required Type
eventId The event's id ✔️ numeric
userId The user's id numeric
reason The reason for the registration varchar(80)
registrationState Registration State's id numeric

Example request data:

    "eventId": 1,
    "userId": 24,
    "reason": "Ill",
    "registrationState": {
      "id": 1,
      "name": "Declined",
      "requiresReason": true

When no registration state is delivered, the default registration state of the event is used. When the default registration state of the event requires a reason, but no reason is delivered, then it will create a default reason which equals the registration state name.

Access rights: authentication required

Returns: the Registration

Get Registration

GET /v1/registration/{{eventId}}/{{userId}}


Field Description Required Type
eventId The event's id ✔️ numeric
userId The user's id numeric

Access rights: authentication required

Returns: the Registration

Update Registration

PUT /v1/registration/{eventId}/{userId}


Field Description Required Type
reason The reason for the registration varchar(80)
registrationState Registration State's id numeric

Example request data:

    "reason": "Sick",
    "registrationState": 1

Access rights: authentication required

Returns: the Registration

Delete Registration

DELETE /v1/registration/{eventId}/{userId}


Field Description Required Type
eventId The event's id ✔️ numeric
userId The user's id numeric

Access rights: authentication required

Returns: HTTP 204 status code when successful

Get Registrations

GET /v1/events/{eventId}/registrations


Field Description Required Type
eventId The event's id ✔️ numeric

Access rights: admin

Returns: Event and list of Extended Registrations


  "event": {
    "id": 31,
    "title": "green event",
    "from": "2019-01-15T12:12",
    "to": "2019-01-15T13:13",
    "place": "GibmIT, Pratteln",
    "description": "1",
    "eventType": {
      "id": 1,
      "title": "foo",
      "color": "#FF0000"
    "defaultRegistrationState": {
      "id": 2,
      "name": "subscribed",
      "reasonRequired": true
    "groups": [
        "id": 6,
        "name": "green"
  "registrations": [
      "id": 162,
      "username": "walter",
      "lastname": "White",
      "firstname": "Walter",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "passwordChange": false,
      "isAdmin": false,
      "registration": {
        "reason": "Sick",
        "registrationState": {
          "id": 1,
          "name": "Deregistered",
          "reasonRequired": true

Presence Routes

Create Presence

POST /v1/presence


Field Description Required Type
event The event's id ✔️ numeric
user The user's id numeric
hasAttended True if the user as attended at the event boolean(0 or 1)

Access rights: admin

Returns: Presence

Get Presence

GET /v1/presence/{eventId}/{userId}/{auditorId}


Field Description Required Type
eventId The event's id ✔️ numeric
userId The user's id numeric
auditorId The auditor's id numeric

For different auditors there can exists different presence entrys as may more than one is performing attendance checks.

Access rights: admin

Returns: Presence

Update Presence

PUT /v1/presence/{eventId}/{userId}/{auditorId}


Field Description Required Type
event The event's id ✔️ numeric
user The user's id numeric
auditorId The auditor's id numeric
hasAttended True if the user as attended at the event boolean(0 or 1)

Example request data:

    "hasAttended": 0

For different auditors there can exists different presence entrys as may more than one is performing attendance checks.

Access rights: admin

Returns: Presence

Delete Presence

DELETE /v1/presence/{eventId}/{userId}/{auditorId}


Field Description Required Type
event The event's id ✔️ numeric
auditorId The auditor's id numeric
user The user's id numeric

Access rights: admin

Returns: HTTP 204 status code when successful

Presences Routes

Create Presences

POST /v1/events/{eventId}/presences


Field Description Required Type
eventId The event's id ✔️ numeric
presences An array where each object contains an userId and hasAttended array

Example request data:

    "user": 12,
    "hasAttended": 1
    "user": 13,
    "hasAttended": 0

For different auditors there can exists different presence entrys as may more than one is performing attendance checks.

Access rights: admin

Returns: Event and list of Extended Presences

Get Presences

GET /v1/events/{eventId}/presences


Field Description Required Type
eventId The event's id ✔️ numeric

Access rights: admin

Returns: Event and list of Extended Presences

Update Presences

PUT /v1/events/{eventId}/presences


Field Description Required Type
eventId The event's id ✔️ numeric
presences An array where each object contains an userId and hasAttended array

Example request data:

    "user": 12,
    "hasAttended": 1
    "user": 13,
    "hasAttended": 0

For different auditors there can exists different presence entrys as may more than one is performing attendance checks.

Access rights: admin

Returns: Event and list of Extended Presences

Delete Presences

DELETE /v1/events/{eventId}/presences


Field Description Required Type
eventId The event's id ✔️ numeric
users An array of user id's array

Example request data:

[1, 2, 3]

For different auditors there can exists different presence entrys as may more than one is performing attendance checks.

Access rights: admin

Returns: 204 if successful

TODO: User Meta