This is a sample application of a rest api that uses the spring boot integration module of the Java OpenDocument Converter (JODConverter) project to offer document conversion capabilities. The goal was to emulate a LibreOffice Online server that would support the customization of custom (known) load/store properties.
Hint: The exposed REST-API interface imitates the LibreOffice-Online REST interface (/lool), you could think of this example as an LibreOffice-Online server.
This being a LibreOffice-Online server, you can talk to the REST api using jodconverter-remote (LO online client). (-c parameter
See here for an improved version, meaning production ready, of this project!
First, build the project:
gradlew :samples:spring-boot-rest:build
Then, run:
gradlew :samples:spring-boot-rest:bootRun
Once started, use your favorite browser and visit this page:
You can also ge the openapi specs from
Happy conversions!!