1.3.0 - 2025-01-28
- Fix SQL2Struct SQLCreateTableStatement ClassCastException bug. #31
- Support Switch Tag mode. #32
1.2.10 - 2024-09-29
- Fix SQL2Struct copy and paste bug.
- Fix SQL2Struct comment line break bug.
- Bump guava
1.2.9 - 2024-08-22
- Fixed unsigned data type
- Supoort goframe WhereBuilder
- upgrade libraries
1.2.8 - 2023-12-29
- Fixed data type uppercase issue
- Handle SQL that cannot be converted to a Struct
- upgrade guava 33.0.0-jre
- upgrade jsqlparser 4.8
1.2.7 - 2023-12-05
- Fixed PSI and index do not match. The function of locating the Struct table name has been migrated to an experimental option, with the default setting of search disabled.
1.2.6 - 2023-12-02
- upgrade libraries
- Fixed PSI and index do not match
1.2.5 - 2023-09-10
- upgrade libraries
- Fixed PSI and index do not match
1.2.4 - 2023-08-13
- Use VfsUtilCore.iterateChildrenRecursively
- Use ProjectUtil.guessProjectDir()
- Use Strings.toSnakeCase instead of com.google.common.base.CaseFormat && plugin.xml use postStartupActivity
- Remove log
- Use com.intellij.lang.annotation.Annotator instead of com.intellij.codeInsight.daemon.impl.HighlightVisitor #12
- Remove plugin.xml projectService node
- Use StartupActivity instead of ProjectManagerListener
- Fix Dao Completion
- Fix ScannedPath
- Fix FileChooserDescriptor.chooseMultiple
1.2.3 - 2023-08-07
- Fix "com.intellij.diagnostic.PluginException: Cannot init component state"
1.2.2 - 2023-08-06
- When using the DAO tool to generate a model, the field names are directly used as saved in the DAO. #9
1.2.1 - 2023-07-25
- Support Inline Conditions.
- Fix GoFrame ORM unsupported syntax.
- Fix Outdated stub in index Exception.
1.2.0 - 2023-07-15
- Support GoFrame ORM.
- Support Go ORM Tags Live Template.
- Refactor Code Completion. Better Performance!
- Refactor GoORMHelper Cache Manager.
1.1.0 - 2023-07-04
- Assisted code completion with @Table annotation.
- Support ORM's table method.
- Fix SQL to Struct error.
1.0.2 - 2023-07-04
- Fix the verify SQL exception.
1.0.1 - 2023-07-03
- Fix the issue where the scanning paths in the settings cannot utilize the delete, move up, move down, and other functions.
- Abstract the core path of the ORM into a common class.
- Implement multi-language support, currently supporting Chinese, English, Japanese, and Korean languages.
- Separate the plugin description.
1.0.0 - 2023-07-02
- ORM Code Completion
- SQL to Struct