Releases: johnno1962/InjectionIII
macOS 11 Big-Sur release candidate, use "-Xlinker -interposable”
4th release candidate for macOS 11 (Big Sur) or previous macOS versions. You must add "-Xlinker -interposable” to your project's “Other Linker Flags” for injection of Swift methods to work. Use taskbar menu item Help/README to see how to erase body Content type to inject SwiftUI reliably. The binary expires 31st Dec 2020.
macOS 11 Big-Sur release candidate, use "-Xlinker -interposable”
3rd release candidate for macOS 11 (Big Sur). You must add "-Xlinker -interposable” to your project's "other linker flags”. Use menu item Help/README to see how to erase body Content type for use with SwiftUI.
macOS 11 Big-Sur release candidate, use "-Xlinker -interposable”
2nd release candidate for macOS 11 (Big Sur) using dyld_dynamic_interpose. You must add "-Xlinker -interposable” to your project's "other linker flags”. Superseded by 3rd release candidate 2.2BS3.
macOS 11 Big-Sur release candidate
Release candidate for macOS 11 (Big Sur)
InjectionIII now includes a server for "Remote" which allows you to control a
iDevice from your Desktop during testing. Consult the on the repo
for details. It also includes an improved version of "SwiftTrace" which now logs
argument values during app tracing.
Sixth time luckier.
Resolves problem with LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS.
Fifth time lucky
Minor bug fixes to Remote, SwiftTrace and XprobePlugin
Overhaul of SwiftTrace formatting and path quoting
'~' gets quoted (#227) Merging now as minor followup change
2.0 with updated Remote and SwiftTrace
Minor updates/bug fixes to SwiftTrace (#225) Merging now for _another_ release candidate.
Video capture from Remote device refreshed
2.0RC2 Tweak to (#223)