###Boot systems into different targets manually
systemctl list-units --type=target --all
- view full list of targetssystemctl get-default
- get default run-levelsystemctl isolate multi-user.target
- change to multi-user (RL 3)systemctl isolate graphical.target
- switch to graphical (RL 5)systemctl set-default graphical.target
- set default to graphical
###Identify CPU/memory intensive processes, adjust with renice & kill
- open up new tab
nice -n -10 yes
- start basic process with a nice level of -10top
- view nice level of existing programsrenice [-n] priority [-g|-p|-u] identifiers (group, pid, user)
renice -n 5 -p 1701
- change priority to procrenice -n 5 -g wheel
- change priority by grouprenice -n 5 -u johnny
- change priority by user
####Start, stop and pause a process
kill (-SIGSTOP | -19) pid
- suspend process to be continued laterkill (-SIGCONT | -18) pid
- continue a process that was suspendedkill (-SIGTERM | -15) pid
- kill a process, can be gracefully caughtkill (-SIGKILL | -9) pid
- kill a process, cannot be caught
####Start, stop and check status of network services
systemctl status name.service
- check status- same format for service: start, stop, restart, reload, enable
systemctl enable name.service
- enable service at boot