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Niels Braczek edited this page Dec 3, 2015 · 2 revisions

Custom Fields


Custom fields will get implemented as a horizontal component.


As a horizontal component, custom fields are provided for any existing and future vertical component.


This is a collection of statements and comments on Glip regarding custom fields.

George Wilson

caveat I haven't looked at the code at all. But Is there a need for basic custom fields in Joomla core? might be worth looking at for the custom fields in J4

Niels Braczek

Seems to be the right approach (modifying JForm on the fly)

George Wilson

Exactly. As I say I've never used this or looked at code. But based on their description it sounds like it does the right things

Niels Braczek

I had a short look at the code. It's of course not orthogonal yet, but it can serve as a good starting point.

Nicholas Dionysopoulos

Yup. That's pretty much what I had in mind.

@2015-09-05 05:05