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Installation & Usage example in PowerShell 7

Joon Ro edited this page Aug 3, 2024 · 4 revisions

(This instruction is written by theuserbl)

Download the sources from github.

Input in Powershell the command $Env:PSModulePath and look in the directories, which are there listed.

In the directory you search for, are already directories like CimCmdlets, Microsoft.PowerShell.Archive and other. Go to this directory called Modules and input in the PowerShell mkdir Get-ChildItemColor Go then in the created directory Get-ChildItemColor and copy inside it the files in the src directory of github called FileInfo.ps1, Get-ChildItemColor.psd1, Get-ChildItemColor.psm1, Get-ChildItemColorTable.ps1, MatchInfo.ps1, ProcessInfo.ps1, PSColorHelper.ps1, ServiceController.ps1

Now input in the Powershell the command $PROFILE It outputs now the file, where the Powershell looks for initialization. If the directory to that file not exists, creating it. And if the file not exists, creating it, too. Now open the file in an text-editor like notepad.exe for example with notepad $PROFILE

Input there the lines

Import-Module Get-ChildItemColor
Set-Alias -Name dir -Value Get-ChildItemColor -Option AllScope
Set-Alias -Name ls -Value Get-ChildItemColorFormatWide

and save it.

Now start the PowerShell again. With the command dir you have a colord file list. With ls it is then in wide mode. And gci is still as default the old colorless output. You can also use the outwritten normal commands Get-ChildItemColor, Get-ChildItemColorFormatWide and Get-ChildItem.

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