Stefan Spittank
In software projects, I repeatedly observe similar challenges that get in the way of a good user experience. I would like to share the three biggest ones with you.
Are you a developer who sometimes wonders what the hell these UX experts are actually doing and whether they are really needed? Or have you as a UXer ever been reduced to the role of the guy making things pretty in a project? As a PO, are you good at distinguishing between demands and requirements? Whether PO, UXer or developer: UX is a team task. The aim of the presentation is to show you concrete ways in which you can effectively - and jointly - contribute to creating a great user experience in everyday life.
I published the slides to this session on slideshare
Several of the topics we touched in this session are covered in videos, which Holger Grosse-Plankermann and I published on our YouTube channel Papperlapapp - Spaß mit Klammern.
Here is a playlist of the UX videos we've published on our channel.