This example shows how to get current date and time from NTP server.
#include <WiFi.h> |
#include "time.h" |
const char* ssid = "YOUR_SSID"; |
const char* password = "YOUR_PASSWORD"; |
const long gmtOffset_sec = 3600; |
const int daylightOffset_sec = 3600; |
const char* ntp_server = ""; |
void setup() { |
Serial.begin(9600); |
WiFi.begin(ssid, password); |
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { |
delay(500); |
Serial.print("."); |
} |
configTime(gmtOffset_sec, daylightOffset_sec, ntp_server); |
} |
void loop() { |
struct tm timeinfo; |
if (getLocalTime(&timeinfo)) { |
Serial.println(&timeinfo, "%A, %B %d %Y %H:%M:%S"); |
} |
delay(1000); |
} |
ESP32 NTP Client-Server: Get Date and Time (Arduino IDE)