C# C++ C++/CLI invoke samples
- C# exe -> C++/CLI dll -> Native C++ dll
- C++/CLI exe -> C++/CLI dll -> Native C++ dll
- Native C++ exe -> Native C++ dll
unmanaged(win32/native C++/dll) <-- win32invoke(win32/native C++/console)
<-- CLIwrapper(C++/CLI/dll) <-- cliinvoke(C++/CLI/console)
<-- csharpcppinvokesample(C#/console)
<-- Wpfinvoke(C#/WPF)
- Visual Studio 2017 with C# (.Net Framework v4.7) + Native Cpp + Cpp/CLI support
- If you want to know how to use C# to invoke something like std::future/std::mutex/std::thread, please search
by yourself. [However, if you need an example, feel free to open an issue here]
- Chijun Sima
Copyright (c) 2017 Chijun Sima
Licensed under the MIT License.