Functions to deal with raster data representing environmental information
Changes in arguments:
- raster.template -> rename to v.template
- -> rename to
- folder -> rename to v.folder
- dynamic.vars -> rename to v.dynamic
- static.vars -> rename to v.static
- times -> rename to v.times
- -> rename to
- -> remove this option and keep it in a helper function
Functions to deal with occurrence data
Changes in argumets:
- variables -> find proper name for this argument after v_{} functions are ready
- n -> rename to n.background
- presence.only -> remove this option
- background -> remove this option
- restricted.background -> remove this option, link it to non-null restricted.background.buffer
- restricted.background.buffer -> restriction.radius?
- thinning -> remove this option, link it to non-null minimum.distance
- minimum.distance -> rename to same as in o_thinning(), maybe min.dist
This function should be paired with the function to test spatial correlation (testSpatialCorrelation()). Maybe o_thinning() should be s_thinning() and testSpatialCorrelation() should be s_spatial_cor(), so if there are variables with a high spatial correlation for the presences, the user can apply thinning and/or remove the offending variables. This should be done most likely before assessing multicollinearity.
Changes in arguments:
- variables -> find proper name for this argument after v_{} functions are ready
- minimum.distance -> rename to min.dist
- random.start -> remove this option, link to a non-null random.seed
- seed -> rename to random.seed
Functions for variable selection and reduction of multicollinearity