If you need to tag folks on an issue or PR, you will generally want to tag the owners (not the lead) for area to which the change or issue is closest to. For areas which are large and can be operating system or architecture specific it's better to tag owners of OS or Architecture.
Note: Editing this file doesn't update the mapping used by the @msftbot
issue notification bot to tag owners. Some area owners prefer not to get those notifications. To update those notifications, contact any one of @danmoseley
, @jeffschw
, @marek-safar
, @ericstj
, @karelz
, or @jeffhandley
; they have permissions to update msftbot
configuration. If you're a community member interested in these notifications, you won't appear in this table but we can add you to notifications - just let us know.
Area | Lead | Owners (area experts to tag in PR's and issues) | Notes |
area-AssemblyLoader-coreclr | @agocke | @agocke @vitek-karas @vsadov | |
area-AssemblyLoader-mono | @SamMonoRT | @lambdageek | |
area-Build-mono | @steveisok | @akoeplinger | |
area-Codeflow | @dotnet/dnr-codeflow | @dotnet/dnr-codeflow | Used for automated PR's that ingest code from other repos |
area-Codegen-AOT-mono | @SamMonoRT | @vargaz | |
area-CodeGen-coreclr | @JulieLeeMSFT | @BruceForstall @dotnet/jit-contrib | |
area-Codegen-Interpreter-mono | @SamMonoRT | @BrzVlad | |
area-Codegen-JIT-mono | @SamMonoRT | @vargaz | |
area-Codegen-LLVM-mono | @SamMonoRT | @imhameed | |
area-Codegen-meta-mono | @SamMonoRT | @vargaz | |
area-CoreLib-mono | @steveisok | @vargaz | |
area-CrossGen/NGEN-coreclr | @mangod9 | @dotnet/crossgen-contrib | |
area-crossgen2-coreclr | @mangod9 | @trylek @dotnet/crossgen-contrib | |
area-Debugger-mono | @lewing | @thaystg @radical | |
area-DependencyModel | @ericstj | @eerhardt @maryamariyan @tarekgh |
area-Diagnostics-coreclr | @tommcdon | @tommcdon | |
area-EnC-mono | @marek-safar | @lambdageek | Hot Reload on WebAssembly, Android, iOS, etc |
area-ExceptionHandling-coreclr | @mangod9 | @janvorli | |
area-Extensions-Caching | @ericstj | @eerhardt @maryamariyan @tarekgh | Consultants: @adamsitnik |
area-Extensions-Configuration | @ericstj | @eerhardt @maryamariyan @tarekgh | |
area-Extensions-DependencyInjection | @ericstj | @eerhardt @maryamariyan @tarekgh | |
area-Extensions-FileSystem | @jeffhandley | @adamsitnik @carlossanlop @jozkee | Consultants: @eerhardt |
area-Extensions-Hosting | @ericstj | @eerhardt @maryamariyan @tarekgh | |
area-Extensions-HttpClientFactory | @karelz | @dotnet/ncl | |
area-Extensions-Logging | @ericstj | @eerhardt @maryamariyan @tarekgh | |
area-Extensions-Options | @ericstj | @eerhardt @maryamariyan @tarekgh | |
area-Extensions-Primitives | @ericstj | @eerhardt @maryamariyan @tarekgh | |
area-GC-coreclr | @mangod9 | @Maoni0 | |
area-GC-mono | @SamMonoRT | @BrzVlad | |
area-Host | @agocke | @jeffschwMSFT @vitek-karas @vsadov | Issues with dotnet.exe including bootstrapping, framework detection, hostfxr.dll and hostpolicy.dll |
area-HostModel | @agocke | @vitek-karas | |
area-ILTools-coreclr | @JulieLeeMSFT | @BruceForstall @dotnet/jit-contrib | |
area-ILVerification | @JulieLeeMSFT | @BruceForstall @dotnet/jit-contrib | |
area-Infrastructure | @agocke | @jeffschwMSFT @dleeapho | |
area-Infrastructure-coreclr | @agocke | @jeffschwMSFT @trylek | |
area-Infrastructure-installer | @dleeapho | @dleeapho @NikolaMilosavljevic | |
area-Infrastructure-libraries | @ericstj | @safern | Covers:
area-Infrastructure-mono | @steveisok | @directhex | |
area-Interop-coreclr | @jeffschwMSFT | @jeffschwMSFT @AaronRobinsonMSFT | |
area-Interop-mono | @marek-safar | @lambdageek | |
area-Meta | @danmoseley | @ericstj @jeffhandley | Cross-cutting concerns that span many or all areas, including project-wide code/test patterns and documentation. |
area-Microsoft.CSharp | @jaredpar | @cston @333fred | Archived component - limited churn/contributions (see #27790) |
area-Microsoft.Extensions | @ericstj | @eerhardt @maryamariyan @tarekgh | |
area-Microsoft.VisualBasic | @jaredpar | @cston @333fred | Archived component - limited churn/contributions (see #27790) |
area-Microsoft.Win32 | @ericstj | @safern | Including System.Windows.Extensions |
area-NativeAOT-coreclr | @agocke | @MichalStrehovsky @jkotas | |
area-PAL-coreclr | @mangod9 | @janvorli | |
area-PAL-libraries | @jeffhandley | @bartonjs @GrabYourPitchforks | |
area-Performance-mono | @SamMonoRT | @SamMonoRT | |
area-R2RDump-coreclr | @mangod9 | @trylek | |
area-ReadyToRun-coreclr | @mangod9 | @trylek | |
area-Serialization | @HongGit | @StephenMolloy @HongGit | Packages:
area-Setup | @dleeapho | @NikolaMilosavljevic @dleeapho | Distro-specific (Linux, Mac and Windows) setup packages and msi files |
area-Single-File | @agocke | @vitek-karas @vsadov | |
area-Snap | @dleeapho | @dleeapho @leecow @MichaelSimons | |
area-System.Buffers | @jeffhandley | @michaelgsharp @tannergooding | Consultants: @GrabYourPitchforks |
area-System.CodeDom | @ericstj | @buyaa-n @joperezr @steveharter | |
area-System.Collections | @jeffhandley | @eiriktsarpalis @krwq @layomia | Excluded:
area-System.ComponentModel | @ericstj | @eerhardt @maryamariyan @tarekgh | |
area-System.ComponentModel.Composition | @jeffhandley | @eerhardt @maryamariyan @tarekgh | |
area-System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations | @ajcvickers | @lajones @ajcvickers | Included:
area-System.Composition | @jeffhandley | @eerhardt @maryamariyan @tarekgh | |
area-System.Configuration | @ericstj | @buyaa-n @joperezr @steveharter | |
area-System.Console | @jeffhandley | @adamsitnik @carlossanlop @jozkee | Consultants: @GrabYourPitchForks |
area-System.Data | @ajcvickers | @ajcvickers @davoudeshtehari @david-engel |
area-System.Data.Odbc | @ajcvickers | @ajcvickers | |
area-System.Data.OleDB | @ajcvickers | @ajcvickers | |
area-System.Data.SqlClient | @David-Engel | @davoudeshtehari @david-engel @jrahnama | Archived component - limited churn/contributions (see https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/introducing-the-new-microsoftdatasqlclient/) |
area-System.Diagnostics | @tommcdon | @tommcdon | |
area-System.Diagnostics-coreclr | @tommcdon | @tommcdon | |
area-System.Diagnostics-mono | @lewing | @thaystg @radical | |
area-System.Diagnostics.Activity | @tommcdon | @eerhardt @maryamariyan @tarekgh | |
area-System.Diagnostics.EventLog | @ericstj | @safern | |
area-System.Diagnostics.Metric | @tommcdon | @noahfalk | |
area-System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter | @ericstj | @safern | |
area-System.Diagnostics.Process | @jeffhandley | @adamsitnik @carlossanlop @jozkee | |
area-System.Diagnostics.Tracing | @tommcdon | @noahfalk @tommcdon @safern @tarekgh | Included:
area-System.Diagnostics.TraceSource | @ericstj | @safern | |
area-System.DirectoryServices | @ericstj | @buyaa-n @joperezr @steveharter | Consultants: @BRDPM @grubioe @jay98014 |
area-System.Drawing | @ericstj | @safern | |
area-System.Dynamic.Runtime | @jaredpar | @cston @333fred | Archived component - limited churn/contributions (see #27790) |
area-System.Formats.Asn1 | @jeffhandley | @bartonjs @GrabYourPitchforks | |
area-System.Formats.Cbor | @jeffhandley | @bartonjs @GrabYourPitchforks | Consultants: @eiriktsarpalis |
area-System.Globalization | @ericstj | @eerhardt @maryamariyan @tarekgh | |
area-System.IO | @jeffhandley | @adamsitnik @carlossanlop @jozkee | |
area-System.IO.Compression | @jeffhandley | @adamsitnik @carlossanlop @jozkee |
area-System.IO.Pipelines | @kevinpi | @davidfowl @halter73 @jkotalik | |
area-System.Linq | @jeffhandley | @eiriktsarpalis @krwq @layomia | |
area-System.Linq.Expressions | @jaredpar | @cston @333fred | Archived component - limited churn/contributions (see #27790) |
area-System.Linq.Parallel | @jeffhandley | @adamsitnik @carlossanlop @jozkee | Consultants: @stephentoub @kouvel |
area-System.Management | @ericstj | @safern | WMI |
area-System.Memory | @jeffhandley | @adamsitnik @carlossanlop @jozkee | Consultants: @GrabYourPitchforks |
area-System.Net | @karelz | @dotnet/ncl | Included:
area-System.Net.Http | @karelz | @dotnet/ncl | |
area-System.Net.Quic | @karelz | @dotnet/ncl | |
area-System.Net.Security | @karelz | @dotnet/ncl | |
area-System.Net.Sockets | @karelz | @dotnet/ncl | |
area-System.Numerics | @jeffhandley | @michaelgsharp @tannergooding | |
area-System.Numerics.Tensors | @jeffhandley | @michaelgsharp @tannergooding | |
area-System.Reflection | @ericstj | @buyaa-n @joperezr @steveharter | |
area-System.Reflection-mono | @SamMonoRT | @lambdageek | MonoVM-specific reflection and reflection-emit issues |
area-System.Reflection.Emit | @ericstj | @buyaa-n @joperezr @steveharter | Consultants: @GrabYourPitchforks |
area-System.Reflection.Metadata | @ericstj | @buyaa-n @joperezr @steveharter | Consultants: @GrabYourPitchforks @tmat |
area-System.Resources | @ericstj | @buyaa-n @joperezr @steveharter | Consultants: @tarekgh |
area-System.Runtime | @jeffhandley | @michaelgsharp @tannergooding | Included:
area-System.Runtime.Caching | @HongGit | @StephenMolloy @HongGit | |
area-System.Runtime.CompilerServices | @ericstj | @buyaa-n @joperezr @steveharter | |
area-System.Runtime.InteropServices | @jeffschwMSFT | @AaronRobinsonMSFT @jkoritzinsky | Excluded:
area-System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript | @lewing | @kjpou1 | |
area-System.Runtime.Intrinsics | @jeffhandley | @michaelgsharp @tannergooding | Consultants: @echesakovMSFT @kunalspathak |
area-System.Security | @jeffhandley | @bartonjs @GrabYourPitchforks | |
area-System.ServiceModel | @HongGit | @HongGit @mconnew | Repo: https://github.com/dotnet/WCF Packages:
area-System.ServiceModel.Syndication | @HongGit | @StephenMolloy @HongGit | |
area-System.ServiceProcess | @ericstj | @safern | |
area-System.Speech | @danmoseley | @danmoseley | |
area-System.Text.Encoding | @jeffhandley | @bartonjs @GrabYourPitchforks | Consultants: @tarekgh |
area-System.Text.Encodings.Web | @jeffhandley | @bartonjs @GrabYourPitchforks | |
area-System.Text.Json | @jeffhandley | @eiriktsarpalis @krwq @layomia | Consultants: @steveharter |
area-System.Text.RegularExpressions | @ericstj | @buyaa-n @joperezr @steveharter | Consultants: @stephentoub |
area-System.Threading | @mangod9 | @kouvel | |
area-System.Threading.Channels | @ericstj | @buyaa-n @joperezr @steveharter | Consultants: @stephentoub |
area-System.Threading.Tasks | @ericstj | @buyaa-n @joperezr @steveharter | Consultants: @stephentoub |
area-System.Transactions | @HongGit | @HongGit | |
area-System.Xml | @jeffhandley | @eiriktsarpalis @krwq @layomia | |
area-Threading-mono | @SamMonoRT | @lambdageek | |
area-TieredCompilation-coreclr | @mangod9 | @kouvel | |
area-Tracing-coreclr | @tommcdon | @sywhang @josalem | |
area-Tracing-mono | @steveisok | @lateralusX | |
area-TypeSystem-coreclr | @mangod9 | @davidwrighton @MichalStrehovsky @janvorli @mangod9 | |
area-UWP | @tommcdon | @jashook | UWP-specific issues including Microsoft.NETCore.UniversalWindowsPlatform and Microsoft.Net.UWPCoreRuntimeSdk |
area-VM-coreclr | @mangod9 | @mangod9 | |
area-VM-meta-mono | @SamMonoRT | @lambdageek |
Operating System | Lead | Owners (area experts to tag in PR's and issues) | Description |
os-alpine | |||
os-android | @steveisok | @akoeplinger | |
os-freebsd | |||
os-mac-os-x | |||
os-maccatalyst | @steveisok | ||
os-ios | @steveisok | @vargaz | |
os-tvos | @steveisok | @vargaz |
Architecture | Lead | Owners (area experts to tag in PR's and issues) | Description |
arch-wasm | @lewing | @lewing @BrzVlad |
The repo has a number of community members carrying the triager role. While not necessarily associated with a specific area, they may assist with labeling issues and pull requests. Currently, the following community members are triagers:
- @huoyaoyuan
- @SingleAccretion
- @tmds
- @vcsjones