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autorecon -ct 2 -cs 2 -vv -o outputdir localhost
autorecon -t targets.txt — only-scans-dir
  • -ct (concurrent targets)
  • -o custom output directory location.
  • -cs limits the number of concurent scans per target
  • Auto recon will create and store the results in the /results directory.

General Enumeration Figure out the Hosts and Services Running


  • Netdiscover is an active/passive reconnaissance tool that uses ARP to find live hosts on a local network.
  • Netdiscover actively searches for live hosts on the network by broadcasting ARP requests like a router.
  • By default netdiscover operates in active mode, however you can use it in passive mode with -p. With passive move it will not broadcast anything.
  • Note: ARP is unable to cross network boundaries or over any VPN connection
netdiscover -r


  • I have no time to read, just give me the nmap scanning meta.
nmap -sS x.x.x.x -p- --min-rate 10000
nmap -A -T5 x.x.x.x -p- -vv
nmap --script=scriptname.nse x.x.x.x -vv

Ping Scan -sn Option

  • -sn tells nmap to perform host discovery only without any additional port scanning and prints out details of any hosts that responded.
nmap -sn
  • nmap also has the -Pn option which will disable the host discovery stage altogether on a scan. The -Pn option is best used in combination with other scans.

TCP Connect Scan

  • The TCP connect scan in Nmap is the alternative TCP scan to use when a SYN scan is not an option.
  • TCP connect scan should be used when nmap does not have raw packet privileges which is required for a SYN scan.
nmap -sT [target host]


  • Does not complete the 3 way handshake
nmap -sS [target host]

UDP Port Scanning

  • Always check for UDP ports will pick up DNS, NTP, SNMP
nmap -sU [target host]
nmap -sU -F [target host]

Fingerprint Services

  • To figure out what services are running on target ports we use:
nmap -sV [target ip address]
  • The following command will use nmap port scan to detect the service and OS:
nmap -sV -O [target ip address]
  • Can also use the -A option in Nmap. The A stands for aggressive scan options and enables OS detection, script scanning and traceroute.
nmap -A [target ip address]

Scanning port ranges with Nmap

  • By default nmap will only scan the most 1000 common ports. To override the default use the -p
nmap -p 1-100 [target host]
nmap -p 137-139,445 [target host]


  • Web Application Vulnerability scan:
nmap --script=http-vuln*
  • Location of scripts
  • Scripts are sorted by protocol, can sort by service
ls -l /usr/share/nmap/scripts/ftp*
  • Nmap script help
nmap --script-help ftp-anon
  • Nmap script execution
nmap --script=[script name] [target host]
  • The following command executes a script names http-robots.txt on port 80:
nmap --script=http-robots.txt.nse [target host]

Detecting Linux Version from nmap SSH output

  • If ssh is running on the target, and it can fingerprint the service you have a good chance of detecting the operating system version:
22/tcp   open  ssh     OpenSSH 8.2p1 Ubuntu 4ubuntu0.5 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
| ssh-hostkey: 
|   3072 29:dd:8e:d7:17:1e:8e:30:90:87:3c:c6:51:00:7c:75 (RSA)
|   256 80:a4:c5:2e:9a:b1:ec:da:27:64:39:a4:08:97:3b:ef (ECDSA)
|_  256 f5:90:ba:7d:ed:55:cb:70:07:f2:bb:c8:91:93:1b:f6 (ED25519)

Vulnerability Scanning

  • Good nmap command
nmap -T4 -n -sC -sV -p- -oN nmap-versions --script='*vuln*' [ip]
nmap -p 80 --script=all $ip - Scan a target using all NSE scripts. May take an hour to complete.
nmap -p 80 --script=*vuln* $ip - Scan a target using all NSE vuln scripts.
nmap -p 80 --script=http*vuln* $ip  - Scan a target using all HTTP vulns NSE scripts.
nmap -p 21 --script=ftp-anon $ip/24 - Scan entire network for FTP servers that allow anonymous access.
nmap -p 80 --script=http-vuln-cve2010-2861 $ip/24 - Scan entire network for a directory traversal vulnerability. It can even retrieve admin's password hash.