Compile time specification of JSON-RPC methods making it unnecessary to convert JSON to its according params/result/error type.
struct foo_params
int foo_a{};
std::string foo_b{};
template <>
struct glz::meta<foo_params>
using T = foo_params;
static constexpr auto value{glz::object("foo_a", &T::foo_a, "foo_b", &T::foo_b)};
struct foo_result
bool foo_c{};
std::string foo_d{};
bool operator==(const foo_result& rhs) const noexcept { return foo_c == rhs.foo_c && foo_d == rhs.foo_d; }
template <>
struct glz::meta<foo_result>
using T = foo_result;
static constexpr auto value{glz::object("foo_c", &T::foo_c, "foo_d", &T::foo_d)};
struct bar_params
int bar_a;
std::string bar_b;
template <>
struct glz::meta<bar_params>
using T = bar_params;
static constexpr auto value{glz::object("bar_a", &T::bar_a, "bar_b", &T::bar_b)};
struct bar_result
bool bar_c{};
std::string bar_d{};
bool operator==(const bar_result& rhs) const noexcept { return bar_c == rhs.bar_c && bar_d == rhs.bar_d; }
template <>
struct glz::meta<bar_result>
using T = bar_result;
static constexpr auto value{glz::object("bar_c", &T::bar_c, "bar_d", &T::bar_d)};
namespace rpc = glz::rpc;
auto main(int, char**) -> int {
rpc::server<rpc::server_method_t<"foo", foo_params, foo_result>,
rpc::server_method_t<"bar", bar_params, bar_result>>
rpc::client<rpc::client_method_t<"foo", foo_params, foo_result>,
rpc::client_method_t<"bar", bar_params, bar_result>>
// One long living callback per method for the server
server.on<"foo">([](foo_params const& params) -> glz::expected<foo_result, rpc::error> {
// access to member variables for the request `foo`
// params.foo_a
// params.foo_b
return foo_result{.foo_c = true, .foo_d = "new world"};
// Or return an error:
// return glz::unexpected(rpc::error(rpc::error_e::server_error_lower, "my error"));
server.on<"bar">([](bar_params const& params) -> glz::expected<bar_result, rpc::error> {
return bar_result{.bar_c = true, .bar_d = "new world"};
std::string uuid{"42"};
// One callback per client request
auto [request_str, inserted] = client.request<"foo">(
foo_params{.foo_a = 1337, .foo_b = "hello world"},
[](glz::expected<foo_result, rpc::error> value, rpc::jsonrpc_id_type id) -> void {
// Access to value and/or id
// request_str: R"({"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"foo","params":{"foo_a":1337,"foo_b":"hello world"},"id":"42"})"
// send request_str over your communication protocol to the server
// you can assign timeout for the request in your event loop
auto timeout = [uuid, &client]() {
decltype(auto) map = client.get_request_map<"foo">();
if (map.contains(id));
// Call the server callback for method `foo`
// Returns response json string since the request_str can withold batch of requests.
// If the request is a notification (no `id` in request) a response will not be generated.
// For convenience, you can serialize the response yourself and get the responses as following:
// auto response_vector =<decltype(server)::raw_call_return_t>("...");
// std::string response = glz::write_json(response_vector);
std::string response =;
assert(response ==
R"({"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":{"foo_c":true,"foo_d":"new world"},"id":"42"})");
// Call the client callback for method `foo` with the provided results
// This will automatically remove the previously assigned callback;
// This would return an internal error since the `id` is still not in the request map
auto err =;
Thanks to jbbjarnason