Flip32F4 and AirBotF4 are essentially the same. Both are based on the OP Revolution design, with some changes and addons.
For boards with a SDCARD holder, use AIRBOTF4SD. Otherwise, use AIRBOTF4.
LED strip has been changed to MCU pin PB6, which is connected to designated LED signal pin on most Airbot/FLIP32 F4 boards. Try rewiring your LEDs to the pin.
If you choose to keep the current wiring, you can do so by entering the CLI command
resource motor 5 none
resource led_strip a1
With dual gyro variant of the AirbotF4 and FLIP32F4 (e.g. FLIP32-F4-DUAL GYRO EDITION), gyro to use can be selected by CLI variable gyro_to_use
set gyro_to_use = 0 # Selects MPU6000
set gyro_to_use = 1 # Selects ICM2060x
Applicable to post-3.1.7 builds
Board | Serial RX | Inverter CLI Command |
Airbot F4 MPU9250 | UART1 | resource inverter 1 a10 |
Airbot F4 Nano | UART3 | resource inverter 3 a8 |
Airbot F4 Dual Gyro | UART6 | resource inverter 6 d2 (default for AIRBOTF4SD target) |