The Frsky F3 flight controller integrated Frsky's X8R Receiver,OSD and SD Card in one board. This board can select to use MPU6050 or MPU6000(Now the board is mounted with MPU6050).This board has no problem running fast loop times and ESC protocols. There is an On Screen Display (OSD) chip directly connected to the main processor (MCU). And the FC connect to the Receiver with SBUS and S.Port inner. You no longer need to mount another Reciver,and you can transimit FC's messages to Remote by Betaflight. For maximum ease of use, some FrskyF3's board has an onboard PDB up to 6s with a battery XT60 JACK.Just plug your battery straight into the flight controller and you're ready to go!
MCU: STM32F3 IMU: MPU6050(I2C) [--MPU6000 (SPI)] IMU Interrupt: Yes VCP: Yes Hardware UARTS: 3(UART2-->SBUS UART3-->S.PORT) OSD: BFOSD Blackbox: SD Card Battery Voltage Sensor: yes Integrated Voltage Regulator: Yes, supports up to 6S, 1AMP Brushed Motor Mosfets: No Buttons: 2 (1: DFU, 2:Receiver Bind)
Current Sensor: PB2 BlHeli passthrough: Yes WS2811 Led Strip: Yes Transponder: Yes Beeper: Inverted Receiver: Frsky X8R RSSI:SBUS channel 8
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Frsky Co.Lt
add Receiver with FC on one board