An incredible, beautifully designed racing flight controller.
This flight controller was designed for performance and features an integrated 12V/5V regulated power distribution board (PDB). Simply connect power to the board and fly!
- MCU: STM32F405RTG6
- IMU: ICM-20608-G (SPI).
- IMU Interrupt: Yes
- BARO: No
- VCP: Yes
- Hardware UARTS: 3
- OSD: No
- Blackbox: Optional
- PPM/UART Shared: UART6
- Battery Voltage Sensor: Yes, Onboard Voltage sensor.
- Integrated Voltage Regulator: Yes
- Brushed Motor Mosfets: No
- Buttons: 1 - DFU
- Micro USB for STMicro VCP
- Serial or PPM input
- Supports up to 4 ESCs
- Tactile button for booting to STM bootloader
- Built in SmartPort inverter(UART3)
- Built in SBUS inverter (UART6)
- Supports BLHeli Passthrough
- Supports WS2812 Led Strips
- Supports 12V and 5V output
This board is currently in development and can be preordered at Thrust-UAV.
This hardware is currently closed source, previous iterations may become open source.