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Debugger Support for Multi-Module Enclaves

This document describes extensions to the Debugger Contract to support debugging enclaves comprised of multiple modules.


Currently, enclaves are built as a single module - a special elf executable that is loaded by OE SDK's enclave loader. Since enclaves are loaded by a special loader, unlike normal executables and shared libraries that are loaded by the platform's loader (e.g /lib64/, the debugger does not natively know how to load symbols for enclaves. Therefore, the host side OE SDK runtime invokes following functions to enable the debugger to locate and debug an enclave. The following functions perform necessary house-keeping tasks and then call hook functions to interact with the debugger.

  • oe_result_t oe_debug_notify_enclave_created(oe_debug_enclave_t* enclave)

    This function is called immediately after an enclave has been loaded into memory, but before it has been initialized/begun execution. The debugger uses the oe_debug_enclave_t structure to load the symbols and mark a region of program memory as being taken up by the enclave:

      typedef struct _debug_enclave_t
          uint64_t magic;
          uint64_t version;
          // Pointer to next enclave
          // See "Attaching the debugger" section below
          struct _debug_enclave_t* next;
          const char* path;
          uint64_t path_length;
          const void* base_address;
          uint64_t size;
          // Enclave's TCS information.
          struct _sgx_tcs** tcs_array;
          uint64_t tcs_count;
          uint64_t flags;
      } oe_debug_enclave_t;

    The path and path_length fields tell the debugger the path to the enclave's ELF binary. The elf binary is expected to contain the debugging information, if any, for the enclave. oegdb currently does not support debugging enclaves whose debugging information has been stripped and moved to a separate .dbg file.

    The base_address field tells the debugger the memory address at which the enclave has been loaded. The size field is not that important since the debugger can figure out the size of relevant sections fom the ELF binary. The field is retained for making oe_debug_enclave_t complete for describing an enclave. The debugger associates the memory region [base_address, base_address+size) with the enclave.

  • oe_result_t oe_debug_notify_enclave_terminated(oe_debug_enclave_t* enclave)

    This function is called immediately after an enclave has been terminated and its memory has been deallocated. The debugger unloads the symbols for the enclave and dissociates the memory region from the enclave.

The debugger gains control and responds to the above notifications in the following ways:

  • Linux

    The debugger sets hidden breakpoints in the hook functions associated with the above notifications. oe_debug_notify_enclave_created performs necessary house-keeping tasks and then calls the following empty hook function:

    OE_EXPORT void oe_debug_enclave_created_hook(
        const oe_debug_enclave_t* enclave)

    Similary, oe_debug_notify_enclave_terminated performs necessary house-keeping tasks and calls oe_debug_notify_enclave_terminated_hook:

    OE_EXPORT void oe_debug_enclave_terminated_hook(
        const oe_debug_enclave_t* enclave)

    These hook functions are exported so that the debugger can find them even without debug symbols, and set hidden breakpoints. When these functions are called, the breakpoints are hit and the debugger gets control. The debugger then reads the oe_debug_enclave_t parameter to handle the notification.

  • Windows

    From Visual Studio Debugger team: "In Windows, symbols are almost always found in separate PDB files instead of being embedded within the DLL. And it is easy to get into situations where symbols are not available. That makes relying on the debugger setting breakpoints (via symbol data) a lot more fragile." The debugger is instead notified of events by raising exceptions using the RaiseException API.

    oe_debug_enclave_created_hook raises the following exception:

          ULONG_PTR args[1] = {(ULONG_PTR)enclave};
            0, // dwFlags
            1, // number of args

    whereas oe_debug_enclave_terminated_hook raises:

          ULONG_PTR args[1] = {(ULONG_PTR)enclave};
            0, // dwFlags
            1, // number of args

    The Windows debuggers (Visual Studio and WinDbg) consume the OE_DEBUGRT_ENCLAVE_CREATED_EVENT and OE_DEBUGRT_ENCLAVE_TERMINATED_EVENT events. Upon receiving the events, the debuggers invoke the appropriate infrastructure to enable debugging the module.

Attaching the debugger

It is possible to attach the debugger to an application that has already created enclaves. In such a scenario, the debugger has missed the chance to be notified of enclave creation since it wasn't debugging the program when the enclave was created. To allow the debugger to load symbols for enclave after the fact, the host-side runtime maintains a global list of loaded enclaves:

When an enclave is loaded, it is added to the list, and when an enclave is unloaded, it is removed from the list.

OE_DEBUGRT_EXPORT extern oe_debug_enclave_t* oe_debug_enclaves_list;

The oe_debug_enclave_list is exported so that the debugger can find this list without symbols. Upon attaching to a program, the debugger is expected to iterate through this list and load symbols for the enclaves in the list. The debugger will process the list only once - when attaching to a program or when loading a memory dump (see "Analyzing crash-dumps" below).

Adding an enclave to oe_debug_enclaves_list and notifying the debugger via the hook functions are not atomic operations, and the order in which they are performed lead to different edge-cases.

  • Order 1

    1. Add enclave to oe_debug_enclaves_list
    2. Call oe_debug_enclave_created_hook.

    The debugger may attach to the running program between steps 1 and 2. In this case, upon attaching, the debugger would process the list and load symbols for the enclave. The debugger will be notified again about the same enclave when the hook is called in step 2. This leads to double-notification.

  • Order 2

    1. Call oe_debug_enclave_created_hook.
    2. Add enclave to oe_debug_enclaves_list

    The debugger may attach to the running program between steps 1 and 2. In this case, the debugger has missed the hook when it was invoked. The debugger processes the global list which does not contain the enclave. Later when the enclave is added to the list in step 2, the debugger does not reprocess the list. This leads to a lost enclave.

To avoid lost enclaves, Order 1 is preferred and the debugger is expected to ignore double-notifications for enclave creation.

Similarly, during enclave termination, the enclave is first removed from the list and then oe_debug_enclave_terminated_hook is called. This ensures that even if the debugger attaches between the two steps, it would not accidentally retain and enclave that has been terminated.

Analyzing crash-dumps

Loading up a crash-dump is quite similar to attaching to a running program, for the purposes of this discussion. If the global enclave list has been captured in the dump and is not corrupt, then the debugger can easily find it in the dump since it is an exported symbol. It can then load the debug symbols for the enclaves by processing the list.

Note: At this point only WinDbg locks down crash-dump support for enclaves. Though it might work in oedgb and VS, it has not been extensively tested or locked down.

Use-cases for Multi-Module Enclaves

There are a few implementations of multi-module enclaves based on OE SDK:

The debugger changes required to support multi-module enclaves are quite similar in the above three implementations. The following proposal formally incorporates the necessary debugger changes into the Debugger Contract.

Debugger Contract Extensions to Support Multi-Module Enclaves

The following oe_debug_module_t structure captures the information necessary to debug a module:

    typedef struct _debug_module_t
        // Magic value at start of the structure.
        uint64_t magic;
        // Structure version.
        uint64_t version;

        // Next item in list of modules.
        struct _debug_module_t* next;

        // Path of module's ELF binary.
        char* path;
        uint64_t path_length;

        // Memory region where the enclave has been loaded.
        uint64_t base_address;
        uint64_t size;
    } oe_debug_module_t;

The path and path_length together specify the path of the module's ELF binary. The base_address and size together specify the memory region where the enclave has been loaded.

The following notification functions are used to notify the debugger about the loading and unloading of a module. Just like enclave creation/termination notification functions, the module load/unload notification functions perform necessary house-keeping tasks and then call the corresponding hook functions.

  • oe_result_t oe_debug_notify_module_loaded(oe_debug_module_t* module)

    This function is called by the SDK's host-runtime after a module has been loaded, but before it has been initialized. A module is initialized by invoking its constructor functions. It does not matter whether the module has been relocated or not before the debugger is notified about the module.

    In situations where a module may be dynamically loaded by an enclave, as is the case when SGX LKL/openlibos launch applications within the enclave, this notification function is called by the SDK's enclave-side runtime prior to the initialization of the module.

  • oe_result_t oe_debug_notify_module_unloaded(oe_debug_module_t* module)

    This function is called by the SDK runtimes (host-side or enclave-side), after a module has been unloaded.

Debugger Handling of Module Load/Unload Notifications

  • Linux Similar to enclave load/unload, the debugger sets internal breakpoints in corresponding hook functions.

    oe_debug_notify_module_loaded calls the following hook function after adding the module to the enclave's list of modules.

    OE_EXPORT void oe_debug_module_loaded_hook(
        const oe_debug_module_t* module)

    The debugger sets a hidden breakpoint within the hook function. When the breakpoint is triggered, debugger gets control and reads the module information from oe_debug_module_t structure. It loads the symbols for the module from the module's binary file which is expected to exist at the path specified by the path member in oe_debug_module_t. The debugger associates the memory region [module-base-address, module-size) with the module.

    oe_debug_nofity_module_unloaded calls the following hook function after removing the module from the enclave's list of modules.

    OE_EXPORT void oe_debug_module_unloaded_hook(
        const oe_debug_module_t* module)

    The debugger sets a hidden breakpoint within the hook function. Upon getting control, the debugger dissociates the memory region [module-base-address, module-size) from the module, and unloads symbols for the module.

  • Windows

    • Host Side

      The SDK host-side runtime uses the RaiseException Windows API to communicate with the debugger. oe_debug_notify_module_loaded raises the following exception:

          ULONG_PTR args[1] = {(ULONG_PTR)module};
            0, // dwFlags
            1, // number of args

      whereas oe_debug_notify_module_terminated raises:

         ULONG_PTR args[1] = {(ULONG_PTR)module};
           0, // dwFlags
           1, // number of args
    • Enclave side

      OE SDK enclaves are ELF binaries and therefore it is possible to use the same strategy on both Linux and Windows hosts.

      The two functions oe_debug_notify_module_loaded and oe_debug_nofity_module_unloaded are defined within enclaves as well. These function invoke the corresponding hook function oe_debug_module_loaded_hook and oe_debug_module_unloaded_hook. The hook functions are exported which allows the debugger to find and put breakpoints in then even if debug symbols are not present.

      For ELF enclaves, a function can be exported via __attribute__((visibility=default)) where as for PE enclaves a function can be exported via __dllexport.

      The debugger is expected to read the parameter directly from the register as per the ABI. For ELF enclaves, the parameter is therefore available in RDI register whereas for PE enclaves the parameter is available in RCX register.

      An alternate approach of using int $3 instruction to notify the Windows Debugger was discussed, but it was abandonded in favor of the above simpler implementation that works for both ELF and PE enclaves.

      A future goal would be to see if such an unified strategy could be used for all debugger notifications. That is, have the debugger use breakpoints in exported functions instead of RaiseException. Given the tight timelines involved for supporting FIPS crypto, investigating feasibility of an unified strategy shall be done at a later date.

The Debugger Contract version is incremented to 2 to reflect the addition of the notification functions.

The host-side runtime will set oe_debugger_contract_version to 2 during program startup. If an older debugger is used to debug a multi-module enclave, then it will see that the contract version is 2, and advise the user to upgrade the debugger.

Attaching the debugger

In order to enable the debugger to discover modules in the scenario where the debugger is attached after the modules have been loaded, a list of modules is maintained in the oe_debug_enclave_t data structure.

typedef struct _debug_enclave_t
    uint64_t magic;

    uint64_t version;

    struct _debug_enclave_t* next;

    const char* path;
    uint64_t path_length;

    const void* base_address;
    uint64_t size;

    struct _sgx_tcs** tcs_array;
    uint64_t num_tcs;

    uint64_t flags;

    // New field added to the end
    oe_debug_module_t modules;
} oe_debug_enclave_t;

For each enclave in the global enclave list, the debugger will also process the list of modules, if any, that has been loaded in addition to the primary module. The debugger will process the modules list for an enclave only once.

Similar to enclave creation/termination the order of adding/removing from the list and invoking the hooks matters.

oe_debug_notify_module_added adds the module to the enclave's list of modules and then invokes oe_debug_module_loaded_hook. The debugger is expected to ignore double notifications for the module.

oe_debug_notify_module_unloaded removes the module from the enclave's list of modules and then invokes oe_debug_module_unloaded_hook.

Analysing crash dumps

When a crash dump is loaded, the debugger will process the modules list for each enclave in the global list, just as in the scenario when the debugger is attached.
