diff --git a/.luacheckrc b/.luacheckrc
index d3e9ae0..9f30bd3 100644
--- a/.luacheckrc
+++ b/.luacheckrc
@@ -342,6 +342,7 @@ read_globals = {
diff --git a/Data/WarWithin/module.lua b/Data/WarWithin/module.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..784ddae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Data/WarWithin/module.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,1035 @@
+if WOW_PROJECT_ID == WOW_PROJECT_CLASSIC then return end -- classic misses expansion variables
+if LE_EXPANSION_LEVEL_CURRENT < (LE_EXPANSION_WAR_WITHIN or math.huge) then return end
+local core = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("SilverDragon")
+-- Handynotes imports
+minor transformations applied:
+s/(?<= ){ -- (.+)$/{\n\t\tlabel="$1",/g",
+-- Stub time!
+local ns = {
+ RegisterPoints = function(...)
+ core:RegisterHandyNotesData("WarWithin", ...)
+ end,
+ conditions = core.conditions,
+ MAXLEVEL = core.conditions.Level(80),
+ SUPERRARE = function(point)
+ local note = "This is a \"super rare\" which can drop higher level loot"
+ if point.note then
+ point.note = point.note .. "\n" .. note
+ else
+ point.note = note
+ end
+ return point
+ end,
+ atlas_texture = function(atlas, ...) return atlas end,
+ nodeMaker = function(defaults)
+ local meta = {__index = defaults}
+ return function(details)
+ details = details or {}
+ if details.note and defaults.note then
+ details.note = details.note .. "\n" .. defaults.note
+ end
+ local meta2 = getmetatable(details)
+ if meta2 and meta2.__index then
+ return setmetatable(details, {__index = MergeTable(CopyTable(defaults), meta2.__index)})
+ end
+ return setmetatable(details, meta)
+ end
+ end,
+ns.KHAZALGAR = 2274
+ns.DORNOGAL = 2339
+ns.ISLEOFDORN = 2248
+ns.HALLOWFALL = 2215
+ns.AZJKAHET = 2255
+ns.PROF_WW_ALCHEMY = 2871 -- spell:
+ns.PROF_WW_BLACKSMITHING = 2872 -- spell:423332
+ns.PROF_WW_COOKING = 2873 -- spell:
+ns.PROF_WW_ENCHANTING = 2874 -- spell:
+ns.PROF_WW_ENGINEERING = 2875 -- spell:
+ns.PROF_WW_FISHING = 2876
+ns.PROF_WW_INSCRIPTION = 2878 -- spell:
+ns.PROF_WW_JEWELCRAFTING = 2879 -- spell:
+ns.PROF_WW_LEATHERWORKING = 2880 -- spell:
+ns.PROF_WW_MINING = 2881
+ns.PROF_WW_TAILORING = 2883 -- spell:
+-- Rares
+local LOC_allkhazalgar = {[ns.KHAZALGAR]={},[ns.DORNOGAL]={},[ns.ISLEOFDORN]={},[ns.RINGINGDEEPS]={},[ns.HALLOWFALL]={},[ns.AZJKAHET]={},}
+-- Isle of Dorn
+ns.RegisterPoints(ns.ISLEOFDORN, {
+ [22985829] = {
+ label="Alunira",
+ criteria=68225,
+ quest=82196,
+ npc=219281,
+ loot={{223270, mount=2176}},
+ active={ns.conditions.Item(224025, 10), ns.conditions.Item(224026)},
+ note="Get 10x {item:224025:Crackling Shard} from zone mobs, combine into {item:224026:Storm Vessel}, use to break the shield",
+ vignette=6055,
+ --route={16606120,23205840},
+ },
+ [72043881] = {
+ label="Tephratennae",
+ criteria=68229,
+ quest=81923,
+ npc=221126,
+ -- tameable=true, -- wasp
+ vignette=6112,
+ },
+ [57003460] = {
+ label="Warphorn",
+ criteria=68213,
+ quest=81894,
+ npc=219263,
+ loot={
+ 223341, -- Warphorn's Resilient Mane
+ 223342, -- Warphorn's Resilient Chestplate
+ 223343, -- Warphorn's Resilient Chainmail
+ 223344, -- Warphorn's Resilient Vest
+ },
+ route={57003460, 58403560, 58403680, 57803780, 56603840, 56003780, 56403660, loop=true,},
+ vignette=6044,
+ },
+ [48202703] = {
+ label="Kronolith, Might of the Mountain",
+ criteria=68220,
+ quest=81902,
+ npc=219270,
+ vignette=6051,
+ },
+ [74082756] = {
+ label="Shallowshell the Clacker",
+ criteria=68221,
+ quest=81903,
+ npc=219278,
+ vignette=6052,
+ },
+ [41137679] = {
+ label="Bloodmaw",
+ criteria=68214,
+ quest=81893,
+ npc=219264,
+ loot={
+ 223349, -- Wolf Packleader's Cowl
+ 223350, -- Wolf Packleader's Helm
+ 223351, -- Wolf Packleader's Hood
+ 223370, -- Wolf Packleader's Visor
+ },
+ vignette=6045,
+ },
+ [58766068] = {
+ label="Springbubble",
+ criteria=68212,
+ quest=81892,
+ npc=219262,
+ loot={
+ 223356, -- Shoulderpads of the Steamsurger
+ 223357, -- Spaulders of the Steamsurger
+ -- 223358, -- Mantle of the Steamsurger (name matches, but not listed?)
+ 223359, -- Epaulets of the Steamsurger
+ },
+ vignette=6043,
+ },
+ [62776842] = {
+ label="Sandres the Relicbearer",
+ criteria=68211,
+ quest=79685,
+ npc=217534,
+ loot={
+ 223376, -- Band of the Relic Bearer
+ },
+ vignette=6026,
+ },
+ [76403620] = {
+ label="Clawbreaker K'zithix",
+ -- [80003500]
+ criteria=68224,
+ quest=81920,
+ npc=221128,
+ vignette=6115,
+ },
+ [47946014] = {
+ label="Emperor Pitfang",
+ criteria=68215,
+ quest=81895,
+ npc=219265,
+ loot={
+ 223345, -- Viper's Stone Grips
+ 223346, -- Viper's Stone Handguards
+ 223347, -- Viper's Stone Mitts
+ 223348, -- Viper's Stone Gauntlets
+ },
+ vignette=6046,
+ note="At the bottom of the cave",
+ },
+ [25784503] = {
+ label="Escaped Cutthroat",
+ criteria=68218,
+ quest=81907,
+ npc=219266,
+ vignette=6049,
+ },
+ [73004010] = {
+ label="Matriarch Charfuria",
+ criteria=68231,
+ quest=81921,
+ npc=220890,
+ vignette=6114,
+ },
+ [57461625] = {
+ label="Tempest Lord Incarnus",
+ criteria=68219,
+ quest=81901,
+ npc=219269,
+ vignette=6050,
+ },
+ [53348006] = {
+ label="Gar'loc",
+ criteria=68217,
+ quest=81899,
+ npc=219268,
+ vignette=6048,
+ },
+ [57072279] = {
+ label="Twice-Stinger the Wretched",
+ criteria=68222,
+ quest=81904,
+ npc=219271,
+ -- tameable=true, -- blood beast
+ vignette=6053,
+ },
+ [36477505] = {
+ label="Rustul Titancap",
+ criteria=68210,
+ quest=78619,
+ npc=213115,
+ loot={
+ 223364, -- Wristwraps of the Titancap
+ 223365, -- Wristguards of the Titancap
+ 223366, -- Bracers of the Titancap
+ 223367, -- Cuffs of the Titancap
+ },
+ vignette=5959,
+ note="Wanders the quarry",
+ },
+ [63994055] = {
+ label="Flamekeeper Graz",
+ criteria=68223,
+ quest=81905,
+ npc=219279,
+ loot={
+ 221244, -- Flamekeeper's Footpads
+ },
+ vignette=6054,
+ },
+ [50876984] = {
+ label="Plaguehart",
+ criteria=68216,
+ quest=81897,
+ npc=219267,
+ loot={
+ 221213, -- Shawl of the Plagued
+ 221247, -- Cavernous Critter Shooter
+ },
+ --tameable=true, -- stag
+ vignette=6047,
+ },
+ [69853847] = {
+ label="Sweetspark the Oozeful",
+ criteria=68230,
+ quest=81922,
+ npc=220883,
+ vignette=6113,
+ },
+ -- Violet Hold prisoners:
+ -- These all technically spawn exactly at 30915238
+ [29915238] = {
+ label="Kereke",
+ criteria=68227,
+ quest=82204,
+ npc=222378,
+ loot={
+ 226111, -- Arakkoan Ritual Staff
+ 226113, -- Kereke's Flourishing Sabre
+ },
+ vignette=6215,
+ note="Violet Hold Prisoner",
+ },
+ [30915238] = {
+ label="Zovex",
+ criteria=68226,
+ quest=82203,
+ npc=219284,
+ loot={
+ 226117, -- Dalaran Guardian's Arcanotool
+ 226118, -- Arcane Prisoner's Puncher
+ 226119, -- Arcane Sharpshooter's Crossbow
+ },
+ vignette=6058,
+ note="Violet Hold Prisoner",
+ },
+ [31915238] = {
+ label="Rotfist",
+ criteria=68228,
+ quest=82205,
+ npc=222380,
+ loot={
+ -- Going by the name, but not currently in the drops on wowhead...
+ 226112, -- Rotfist Flesh Carver
+ },
+ vignette=6216,
+ note="Violet Hold Prisoner",
+ },
+}, {
+ achievement=40435, -- Adventurer
+ns.RegisterPoints(ns.ISLEOFDORN, {
+ [31495529] = {
+ label="Malfunctioning Spire",
+ quest=81891,
+ npc=220068,
+ vignette=6073,
+ },
+ [46003180] = {
+ label="Rowdy Rubble",
+ quest=81515,
+ npc=220846,
+ vignette=6102,
+ },
+ [69204960] = {
+ label="Elusive Ironhide Maelstrom Wolf",
+ quest=nil,
+ npc=224515,
+ },
+-- Ringing Deeps
+ns.RegisterPoints(ns.RINGINGDEEPS, {
+ [52591991] = {
+ label="Automaxor",
+ criteria=69634,
+ quest=81674,
+ npc=220265,
+ vignette=6128,
+ },
+ [41361692] = {
+ label="Charmonger",
+ -- wowhead says 60802540 too
+ criteria=69632,
+ quest=81562,
+ npc=220267,
+ vignette=6104,
+ },
+ [42773508] = {
+ label="King Splash",
+ criteria=69624,
+ quest=80547,
+ npc=220275,
+ loot={
+ 223352, -- Waterskipper's Legplates
+ 223353, -- Waterskipper's Trousers
+ 223354, -- Waterskipper's Chain Leggings
+ 223355, -- Waterskipper's Leggings
+ },
+ --tameable=true, -- hopper
+ vignette=6088,
+ },
+ [66002840] = {
+ label="Candleflyer Captain",
+ criteria=69623,
+ quest=80505,
+ npc=220276,
+ loot={
+ 223360, -- Flying Kobold's Seatbelt (plate)
+ 223361, -- Flying Kobold's Seatbelt (cloth)
+ 223362, -- Flying Kobold's Seatbelt (mail)
+ 223363, -- Flying Kobold's Seatbelt (leather)
+ },
+ note="Patrols the area",
+ vignette=6080,
+ },
+ [50864651] = {
+ label="Cragmund",
+ criteria=69630,
+ quest=80560, -- 84042?
+ npc=220269,
+ loot={
+ 221205, -- Vest of the River
+ },
+ vignette=6090,
+ },
+ [55060843] = {
+ label="Deepflayer Broodmother",
+ criteria=69636,
+ quest= 80536,
+ npc=220286,
+ note="Flys around anticlockwise",
+ route={
+ 55060843, 53000880, 49560836, 49121007, 45290955, 43790822, 42650871, 44220973, 44331083, 45151312,
+ 43171750, 48681919, 53022244, 53751761, 56091023,
+ loop=true,
+ },
+ vignette=6082,
+ },
+ [49556619] = {
+ label="Aquellion",
+ criteria=69625,
+ quest=80557,
+ npc=220274,
+ loot={
+ 223340, -- Footguards of Shallow Waters
+ 223371, -- Slippers of Shallow Waters
+ 223372, -- Sabatons of Shallow Waters
+ 223373, -- Treads of Shallow Waters
+ },
+ vignette=6089,
+ },
+ [52022657] = {
+ label="Zilthara",
+ criteria=69629,
+ quest=80506,
+ npc=220270,
+ vignette=6079,
+ },
+ [57903813] = {
+ label="Coalesced Monstrosity",
+ criteria=69633,
+ quest=81511,
+ npc=220266,
+ vignette=6101,
+ },
+ [46701209] = {
+ label="Terror of the Forge",
+ criteria=69628,
+ quest=80507,
+ npc=220271,
+ vignette=6081,
+ note="Walking in the lava",
+ },
+ [47074696] = {
+ label="Kelpmire",
+ criteria=69635,
+ quest=81485,
+ npc=220287,
+ vignette=6099,
+ },
+ [57025480] = {
+ label="Rampaging Blight",
+ criteria=69626,
+ quest=81563,
+ npc=220273,
+ loot={
+ 223401, -- Corrupted Earthen Wristwraps
+ 223402, -- Corrupted Earthen Wristguards
+ 223403, -- Corrupted Earthen Binds
+ 223404, -- Corrupted Earthen Cuffs
+ },
+ vignette=6105,
+ },
+ [71654629] = {
+ label="Trungal",
+ criteria=69631,
+ quest=80574,
+ npc=220268,
+ note="Kill the {npc:220615:Root of Trungal} to spawn",
+ path={72534569, 72844444},
+ vignette=6126,
+ },
+ [68224378] = {
+ label="Spore-infused Shalewing",
+ criteria=69638,
+ quest=81652,
+ npc=221217,
+ vignette=6121,
+ note="Flies around",
+ },
+ [65364949] = {
+ label="Hungerer of the Deeps",
+ criteria=69639,
+ quest=81648,
+ npc=221199,
+ vignette=6119,
+ },
+ [67085262] = {
+ label="Disturbed Earthgorger",
+ criteria=69640,
+ quest=80003,
+ npc=218393,
+ vignette=6031,
+ },
+ [66716881] = {
+ label="Deathbound Husk",
+ criteria=69627,
+ quest=81566,
+ npc=220272,
+ loot={
+ 223368, -- Twisted Earthen Signet
+ },
+ vignette=6106,
+ note="In cave",
+ path=67056796,
+ },
+ [12009000] = {
+ label="Lurker of the Deeps",
+ criteria=69637,
+ quest=81633,
+ npc=220285,
+ loot={
+ {223501, mount=2205}, -- Regurgitated Mole Reins
+ },
+ vignette=6110,
+ },
+}, {
+ achievement=40837, -- Adventurer
+-- Hallowfall
+ns.RegisterPoints(ns.HALLOWFALL, {
+ [23005922] = {
+ label="Lytfang the Lost",
+ criteria=69710,
+ quest=81756,
+ npc=221534,
+ vignette=6145,
+ },
+ [63402880] = {
+ label="Moth'ethk",
+ criteria=69719,
+ quest=82557,
+ npc=206203,
+ loot={
+ 211973, -- Spider-Touched Bag
+ },
+ vignette=5958,
+ },
+ [44011639] = {
+ label="The Perchfather",
+ criteria=69711,
+ quest=81791,
+ npc=221648,
+ loot={
+ 221229, -- Perchfather's Cuffs
+ },
+ vignette=6151,
+ },
+ [56466897] = {
+ label="The Taskmaker",
+ criteria=69708,
+ quest=80009,
+ npc=218444,
+ vignette=6033,
+ },
+ [31205464] = {
+ label="Grimslice",
+ criteria=69706,
+ quest=81761,
+ npc=221551,
+ loot={
+ 223397, -- Abyssal Hunter's Girdle
+ -- assumed:
+ 223398, -- Abyssal Hunter's Sash
+ 223399, -- Abyssal Hunter's Chain
+ 223400, -- Abyssal Hunter's Cinch
+ },
+ route={
+ 31205464, 33235598, 32725814, 34135728, 34525751, 35085894, 35655746, 36495657, 36945464,
+ 36555280, 35625156, 35055029, 34555186, 34135204, 32725119, 33235334,
+ r=0, g=1, b=1,
+ loop=true,
+ },
+ vignette=6146,
+ note="Patrols clockwise",
+ },
+ [43622993] = {
+ label="Strength of Beledar",
+ criteria=69713,
+ quest=81849,
+ npc=221690, -- Rage of Beledar
+ vignette=6153,
+ },
+ [57046436] = {
+ label="Ixlorb the Spinner",
+ criteria=69704,
+ quest=80006,
+ npc=218426,
+ loot={
+ 223374, -- Nerubian Weaver's Gown
+ 223379, -- Nerubian Weaver's Chestplate
+ 223380, -- Nerubian Weaver's Chainmail
+ 223381, -- Nerubian Weaver's Vest
+ },
+ vignette=6032, -- Ixlorb the Weaver
+ },
+ [62401320] = {
+ label="Murkspike",
+ criteria=69728,
+ quest=82565,
+ npc=220771,
+ vignette=6123,
+ },
+ [63643204] = {
+ label="Deathpetal",
+ criteria=69721,
+ quest=82559,
+ npc=206184,
+ loot={
+ 211967, -- Large Sealed Crate
+ },
+ vignette=6078,
+ },
+ [72136436] = {
+ label="Deepfiend Azellix",
+ criteria=69703,
+ quest=80011,
+ npc=218458,
+ loot={
+ 223393, -- Deepfiend Spaulders
+ 223394, -- Deepfiend Pauldrons
+ 223395, -- Deepfiend Shoulderpads
+ 223396, -- Deepfiend Shoulder Shells
+ },
+ vignette=6035,
+ },
+ [64401880] = {
+ label="Duskshadow",
+ criteria=69724,
+ quest=82562,
+ npc=221179,
+ vignette=6122,
+ },
+ [36687172] = {
+ label="Funglour",
+ criteria=69707,
+ quest=81881,
+ npc=221767,
+ loot={
+ 223377, -- Ancient Fungarian's Fingerwrap
+ },
+ vignette=6157,
+ },
+ [35953546] = {
+ label="Sir Alastair Purefire",
+ criteria=69714,
+ quest=81853,
+ npc=221708,
+ vignette=6154,
+ },
+ [43410990] = {
+ label="Horror of the Shallows",
+ criteria=69712,
+ quest=81836,
+ npc=221668,
+ loot={
+ 221211, -- Grasp of the Shallows
+ },
+ vignette=6152,
+ note="Very long patrol",
+ route={
+ 43410990,43870879,44520774,45250767,45970726,45540662,44870677,44270749,43710858,43230977,42781094,42351213,41981324,41631452,41391580,41051714,40501821,39731909,38871990,38132054,37392117,36652173,35992256,35292353,34632446,33992545,33422650,32912763,32492891,32153010,31783130,30933154,29993162,29123191,28213204,27343238,26553287,26513416,26813550,27393654,27983757,28633853,29403934,30173998,30764092,30984221,30594339,29814381,28934419,28064452,27194486,26364534,25664611,24954700,24144768,23314830,23274858,22464885,21604925,20774968,19904976,19565105,20285138,20865040,21614971,22474926,
+ r=0,g=0,b=1,
+ },
+ },
+ [73405259] = {
+ label="Sloshmuck",
+ criteria=69709,
+ quest=79271,
+ npc=215805,
+ vignette=5988,
+ },
+ [52132682] = {
+ label="Murkshade",
+ criteria=69705,
+ quest=80010,
+ npc=218452,
+ loot={
+ 223382, -- Murkshade Grips
+ 223383, -- Murkshade Handguards
+ 223384, -- Murkshade Gloves
+ 223385, -- Murkshade Gauntlets
+ },
+ vignette=6034,
+ note="Underwater",
+ },
+ [67562316] = {
+ label="Croakit",
+ criteria=69722,
+ quest=82560,
+ npc=214757,
+ vignette=6125,
+ --tameable=true, -- hopper
+ },
+ [57304858] = {
+ label="Pride of Beledar",
+ criteria=69715,
+ quest=81882,
+ npc=221786,
+ vignette=6159,
+ -- tameable=true, -- stag
+ },
+ [70001500] = {
+ label="Crazed Cabbage Smacker",
+ criteria=69720,
+ quest=82558,
+ npc=206514,
+ vignette=6120,
+ note="UNKNOWN LOCATION. Objective of {questname:76588}, so presumably in the NE near the keyflames",
+ },
+ [71501500] = {
+ label="Toadstomper",
+ criteria=69723,
+ quest=82561,
+ npc=207803,
+ vignette=6084,
+ note="UNKNOWN LOCATION. Objective of {questname:76588}, so presumably in the NE near the keyflames",
+ },
+ [73001500] = {
+ label="Finclaw Bloodtide",
+ criteria=69727,
+ quest=82564,
+ npc=207780, -- also 220492?
+ loot={},
+ vignette=6085,
+ note="UNKNOWN LOCATION. Objective of {questname:76588}, so presumably in the NE near the keyflames",
+ },
+ [74501500] = {
+ label="Ravageant",
+ criteria=69726,
+ quest=82566,
+ npc=207826,
+ vignette=6124,
+ note="UNKNOWN LOCATION. Objective of {questname:76588}, so presumably in the NE near the keyflames",
+ },
+ --[[
+ [] = {
+ label="Brineslash",
+ criteria=69718,
+ quest=80486,
+ npc=220159,
+ vignette=6075,
+ },
+ [] = {
+ label="Parasidious",
+ criteria=69725,
+ quest=82563,
+ npc=206977,
+ vignette=6361,
+ },
+ --]]
+}, {
+ achievement=40851,
+-- Beledar's Spawn
+ns.RegisterPoints(ns.HALLOWFALL, {
+ [25825754] = {},
+ [32673962] = {},
+ [37207191] = {},
+ [37744585] = {},
+ [38382474] = {},
+ [42733133] = {},
+ [45252569] = {},
+ [47015504] = {},
+ [48853197] = {},
+ [50514857] = {},
+ [51427080] = {},
+ [54833679] = {},
+ [58034885] = {},
+ [60451862] = {},
+ [61380753] = {},
+ [62823857] = {},
+ [68123014] = {},
+ [71976558] = {},
+ [72066566] = {},
+ [72804152] = {},
+}, {
+ achievement=40851,
+ criteria=69716,
+ quest=81763,
+ npc=207802,
+ loot={{223315, mount=2192}}, -- Beledar's Spawn
+ requires=ns.conditions.MajorFaction(ns.FACTION_ARATHI, 23),
+ active=ns.conditions.QuestComplete(82998), -- attunement
+ note="Buy and use {item:224553:Beledar's Attunement} from {majorfaction:2570:Hallowfall Arathi} to access",
+ vignette=6359, -- also 6118?
+-- Deathtide
+local deathtide = ns.nodeMaker{
+ achievement=40851,
+ criteria=69717,
+ quest=81880,
+ level=80, -- required to loot the offering/jar
+ns.RegisterPoints(ns.HALLOWFALL, {
+ [44744241] = {
+ label="Deathtide",
+ npc=221753,
+ loot={
+ 223921, -- Ever-Oozing Signet
+ 225997, -- Earthen Adventurer's Spaulders (zone-wide?)
+ },
+ vignette=6156,
+ active=ns.conditions.Item(220123), -- Ominous Offering
+ note="Create an {item:220123:Ominous Offering} to summon",
+ },
+}, deathtide{})
+ns.RegisterPoints(ns.HALLOWFALL, {
+ -- Jar of Mucus
+ [48001668] = {route={48001668, 44744241, highlightOnly=true}},
+}, deathtide{
+ label="{item:220124}",
+ loot={220124},
+ texture=ns.atlas_texture("playerpartyblip",{r=0,g=1,b=1,}),
+ minimap=true,
+ note="Take to {npc:221753} @ 44.7,42.4",
+ns.RegisterPoints(ns.HALLOWFALL, {
+ -- Offering of Pure Water
+ [28925120] = {route={28925120, 44744241, highlightOnly=true}},
+ [34185782] = {route={34185782, 44744241, highlightOnly=true}},
+ [34365357] = {route={34365357, 44744241, highlightOnly=true}},
+ [43451413] = {route={43451413, 44744241, highlightOnly=true}},
+ [50094966] = {route={50094966, 44744241, highlightOnly=true}},
+ [53771913] = {route={53771913, 44744241, highlightOnly=true}},
+ [55142344] = {route={55142344, 44744241, highlightOnly=true}},
+}, deathtide{
+ label="{item:220122}",
+ loot={220122},
+ texture=ns.atlas_texture("playerpartyblip",{r=0,g=0,b=1,}),
+ minimap=true,
+ note="Take to {npc:221753} @ 44.7,42.4",
+ns.RegisterPoints(ns.HALLOWFALL, {
+ [62650611] = {
+ label="Radiant-Twisted Mycelium",
+ quest=nil, -- 76588 defender of the flame
+ npc=214905,
+ vignette=5984,
+ },
+-- Azj-Kahet
+ns.RegisterPoints(ns.AZJKAHET, {
+ [65201896] = {
+ label="Kaheti Silk Hauler",
+ -- [62404140, 68205360]
+ criteria=69659,
+ quest=81702,
+ npc=221327,
+ vignette=6134,
+ route={65201896, 65142033, 63122532, 62492877, 61882919},
+ note="Slowly wanders back and forth",
+ },
+ [76585780] = {
+ label="XT-Minecrusher 8700",
+ criteria=69660,
+ quest=81703,
+ npc=216034,
+ vignette=6131,
+ },
+ [47204320] = {
+ label="Abyssal Devourer",
+ -- [47204320, 47204380]
+ criteria=69651,
+ quest=81695,
+ npc=216031,
+ loot={
+ 223390, -- Leggings of Dark Hunger
+ 223391, -- Legguards of Dark Hunger
+ },
+ vignette=6129,
+ },
+ [68876480] = {
+ label="Maddened Siegebomber",
+ criteria=69663,
+ quest=81706,
+ npc=216044,
+ vignette=6138,
+ route={
+ 68876480, 69006715, 67206730, 65596605, 63576530, 61636444, 61006640,
+ 62106844, 64256750, 65356414, 66936243,
+ loop=true,
+ },
+ note="Patrols around the area, fighting other mobs",
+ },
+ [34574106] = {
+ label="Vilewing",
+ -- [36004480, 36204400, 36404580, 36604660, 36804320, 36804580, 37004540]
+ criteria=69656,
+ quest=81700,
+ npc=216037,
+ loot={
+ 223386, -- Vilewing Crown
+ 223387, -- Vilewing Chain Helm
+ 223388, -- Vilewing Cap
+ 223405, -- Vilewing Visor
+ },
+ vignette=6132,
+ },
+ [61242731] = {
+ label="Webspeaker Grik'ik",
+ criteria=69655,
+ quest=81699,
+ npc=216041,
+ loot={223369}, -- Webspeaker's Spiritual Cloak
+ vignette=6135,
+ },
+ [70732146] = {
+ label="Cha'tak",
+ criteria=69661,
+ quest=81704,
+ npc=216042,
+ vignette=6136,
+ note="Cave behind the waterfall",
+ },
+ [58056233] = {
+ label="Enduring Gutterface",
+ criteria=69664,
+ quest=81707,
+ npc=216045,
+ vignette=6139,
+ },
+ [69996920] = {
+ label="Monstrous Lasharoth",
+ criteria=69662,
+ quest=81705,
+ npc=216043,
+ vignette=6137,
+ },
+ [43763953] = {
+ label="Rhak'ik",
+ -- [44803880, 44803980, 45204440]
+ criteria=69653,
+ quest=81694,
+ npc=221032,
+ vignette=6130, -- Stronghold Scouts
+ note="Patrols with {npc:216032:Khak'ik}",
+ },
+ --[[ -- with Rhak'ik:
+ [44803980] = {
+ label="Khak'ik",
+ -- [44803980, 45003780, 45403660]
+ criteria=69653,
+ quest=81694,
+ npc=216032,
+ vignette=6130,
+ },
+ --]]
+ [37944285] = {
+ label="Ahg'zagall",
+ criteria=69654,
+ quest=78905,
+ npc=214151,
+ vignette=5973,
+ },
+ [64600352] = {
+ label="Umbraclaw Matra",
+ criteria=69668,
+ quest=82037,
+ npc=216051,
+ vignette=6186,
+ },
+ [62940509] = {
+ label="Kaheti Bladeguard",
+ criteria=69670,
+ quest=82078,
+ npc=216052, -- Skirmisher Sa'ztyk
+ vignette=6204,
+ note="Patrols the area",
+ },
+ [64590667] = {
+ label="Deepcrawler Tx'kesh",
+ criteria=69669,
+ quest=82077,
+ npc=222624,
+ vignette=6203,
+ },
+}, {
+ achievement=40840, -- Adventurer
+ levels=true,
+ns.RegisterPoints(2256, {
+ label="Azj-Kahet Lower",
+ [64768691] = {
+ label="Harvester Qixt",
+ criteria=69667,
+ quest=82036,
+ npc=216050,
+ vignette=6185,
+ },
+ [61938973] = {
+ label="The Oozekhan",
+ criteria=69666,
+ quest=82035,
+ npc=216049,
+ vignette=6184,
+ },
+ [67458318] = {
+ label="Jix'ak the Crazed",
+ criteria=69665,
+ quest=82034,
+ npc=216048,
+ vignette=6183,
+ },
+}, {
+ achievement=40840, -- Adventurer
+ levels=true,
+ns.RegisterPoints(ns.CITYOFTHREADS, {
+ [36404160] = {
+ label="The Groundskeeper",
+ criteria=69657,
+ quest=81634,
+ npc=216038,
+ vignette=6111,
+ },
+ [67165840] = {
+ label="Xishorr",
+ criteria=69658,
+ quest=81701,
+ npc=216039,
+ vignette=6133,
+ },
+}, {
+ achievement=40840, -- Adventurer
+ parent=true, levels=true, translate={[2256]=true},
+ns.RegisterPoints(ns.AZJKAHET, {
+ [62796618] = {
+ label="Tka'ktath",
+ quest=82289,
+ npc=216046,
+ loot={
+ {225952, quest=83627}, -- Vial of Tka'ktath's Bloo
+ -- {224150, mount=2222}, -- Siesbarg
+ },
+ vignette=6265,
+ note="Begins a quest chain leading to the mount {item:224150:Siesbarg}",
+ },
+}, {levels=true,})
diff --git a/Data/module.xml b/Data/module.xml
index 605112f..226137f 100644
--- a/Data/module.xml
+++ b/Data/module.xml
@@ -10,4 +10,5 @@