This document is a collection of API endpoints for this repository. It will explain the endpoints and how to use them. The endpoints are grouped into sections based on the path. The method, parameters, and response are described below.
Postman collection : Here
- Home
Method: GET Endpoint: / Parametes: None Response: - httpStatusOk: 200 - message: Yes! I am alive! - type: string
- Pods
Method: GET Endpoint: /pods Parametes: - namespace: <namespace> - containerDetails: <true/false> Response: - httpStatusOk: 200 - message: List of pods - type: array
- Namespace
Method: GET Endpoint: /namespace Parametes: None Response: - httpStatusOk: 200 - message: List of namespaces - type: array
- Deployments
Method: GET Endpoint: /deployments Parametes: - namespace: <namespace> Response: - httpStatusOk: 200 - message: List of deployments - type: array
- ConfigMaps
Method: GET Endpoint: /configmaps Parametes: - namespace: <namespace> Response: - httpStatusOk: 200 - message: List of configmaps - type: array
- Services
Method: GET Endpoint: /services Parametes: - namespace: <namespace> Response: - httpStatusOk: 200 - message: List of services - type: array
- Events
Method: GET Endpoint: /events Parametes: - namespace: <namespace> Response: - httpStatusOk: 200 - message: List of events - type: array
- Secrets
Method: GET Endpoint: /secrets Parametes: - namespace: <namespace> Response: - httpStatusOk: 200 - message: List of secrets - type: array
- ReplicationControllers
Method: GET Endpoint: /replicationcontrollers Parametes: - namespace: <namespace> Response: - httpStatusOk: 200 - message: List of replicationcontrollers - type: array
- DaemonSets
Method: GET Endpoint: /daemonsets Parametes: - namespace: <namespace> Response: - httpStatusOk: 200 - message: List of daemonsets - type: array
- Pod Logs
Method: GET Endpoint: /podlogs Parametes: - namespace: <namespace> - pod: <pod> Response: - httpStatusOk: 200 - message: Pod logs - type: string
- Create Namespace
Method: POST Endpoint: /createNamespace Parametes: - namespace: <namespace> Response: - httpStatusOk: 200 - message: Namespace created - type: string
- Delete Namespace
Method: DELETE Endpoint: /deleteNamespace Parametes: - namespace: <namespace> Response: - httpStatusOk: 200 - message: Namespace deleted - type: string
- Delete Deployment
Method: DELETE Endpoint: /deleteDeployment Parametes: - namespace: <namespace> - deployment: <deployment> Response: - httpStatusOk: 200 - message: Deployment deleted - type: string
- Delete Service
Method: DELETE Endpoint: /deleteService Parametes: - namespace: <namespace> - service: <service> Response: - httpStatusOk: 200 - message: Service deleted - type: string
- Delete ConfigMap
Method: DELETE Endpoint: /deleteConfigMap Parametes: - namespace: <namespace> - configmap: <configmap> Response: - httpStatusOk: 200 - message: ConfigMap deleted - type: string
- Delete Secret
Method: DELETE Endpoint: /deleteSecret Parametes: - namespace: <namespace> - secret: <secret> Response: - httpStatusOk: 200 - message: Secret deleted - type: string
- Delete ReplicationController
Method: DELETE Endpoint: /deleteReplicationController Parametes: - namespace: <namespace> - replicationcontroller: <replicationcontroller> Response: - httpStatusOk: 200 - message: ReplicationController deleted - type: string
- Delete DaemonSet
Method: DELETE Endpoint: /deleteDaemonSet Parametes: - namespace: <namespace> - daemonset: <daemonset> Response: - httpStatusOk: 200 - message: DaemonSet deleted - type: string
- Delete Pod
Method: DELETE Endpoint: /deletePod Parametes: - namespace: <namespace> - pod: <pod> Response: - httpStatusOk: 200 - message: Pod deleted - type: string
- Delete Event
Method: DELETE Endpoint: /deleteEvent Parametes: - namespace: <namespace> - event: <event> Response: - httpStatusOk: 200 - message: Event deleted - type: string
The Container will not have the YAML file preloaded on the container. You can download them using
Method: POST Endpoint: /apply Parametes: - filepath: <filepath> Response: - httpStatusOk: 200 - message: YAML/JSON file applied - type: string
- Helm Repo Add
Method: POST Endpoint: /helmRepoAdd Parametes: - url: <url> - repoName: <repo> Response: - httpStatusOk: 200 - message: Repo added - type: string
- Helm Repo Update
Method: GET Endpoint: /helmRepoUpdate Parameters: None Response: - httpStatusOk: 200 - message: Repo updated - type: string
- Helm Install
Method: POST Endpoint: /helmInstall Parametes: - chartName: <chart> - chartVersion: <version> - namespace: <namespace> - values: <values> Response: - httpStatusOk: 200 - message: Helm installed - type: string
- Helm Delete
Method: DELETE Endpoint: /helmDelete Parametes: - name : <chart-name> - namespace: <namespace> Response: - httpStatusOk: 200 - message: Helm deleted - type: string
🚧 More Routes under Construction👷
Thanks for your patience! 🥰