Get events
Get events
$ box events
-e, --enterprise Get enterprise events
-h, --help Show CLI help
-q, --quiet Suppress any non-error output to stderr
-s, --save Save report to default reports folder on disk
-t, --token=token Provide a token to perform this call
-v, --verbose Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
-y, --yes Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
--as-user=as-user Provide an ID for a user
--bulk-file-path=bulk-file-path File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
--created-after=created-after Return enterprise events that occurred after a time. Use a timestamp or
shorthand syntax 0t, like 5w for 5 weeks. If not used, defaults to 5 days
before the end date
--created-before=created-before Return enterprise events that occurred before a time. Use a timestamp or
shorthand syntax 0t, like 5w for 5 weeks. If not used, defaults to now
--csv Output formatted CSV
--event-types=event-types Return enterprise events filtered by event types. Format using a comma
--fields=fields Comma separated list of fields to show
--json Output formatted JSON
--limit=limit The maximum number of items to return
--no-color Turn off colors for logging
--save-to-file-path=save-to-file-path Override default file path to save report
--stream-position=stream-position The location in the event stream from which you want to start receiving events
$ box events:get
box events
box events --enterprise --created-after 2019-01-01
See code: src/commands/events/index.js
Poll the event stream
$ box events:poll
-e, --enterprise Get enterprise events
-h, --help Show CLI help
-q, --quiet Suppress any non-error output to stderr
-s, --save Save report to default reports folder on disk
-t, --token=token Provide a token to perform this call
-v, --verbose Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
-y, --yes Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
--as-user=as-user Provide an ID for a user
--bulk-file-path=bulk-file-path File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
--csv Output formatted CSV
--end-date=end-date Return enterprise events that occured before this time. Use a timestamp or
shorthand syntax 00t, like 05w for 5 weeks.
--event-types=event-types Return enterprise events filtered by event types. Format using a comma
--fields=fields Comma separated list of fields to show
--json Output formatted JSON
--no-color Turn off colors for logging
--polling-interval=polling-interval Number of seconds to wait before polling for new events. Default is 60 seconds.
--save-to-file-path=save-to-file-path Override default file path to save report
--start-date=start-date Return enterprise events that occured after this time. Use a timestamp or
shorthand syntax 00t, like 05w for 5 weeks. If not used, defaults to now
See code: src/commands/events/poll.js