This is a tutorial for reproducing all experiments in our research. There are five steps, including:
- Preparing the data
- Training the model
- Applying ScoreCAM
- Summarizing the MHC-I-peptide connection
- Analysis
Prepare the training, decoy, validation, and benchmark datasets. Several public datasets are needed, including:
- ligand elution assay: extract from IEDB (
- binding assay: extract from IEDB (
- UniProt (
python3 \
--ms_data ${LIGAND_ELUTION_DATA} \
--assay_data ${BINDING_DATA} \
--uniprot ${UNIPROT_DATA} \
--encoding_method onehot \
--train_decoy_times 10 \
--test_decoy_times 2 \
--output_dir ${DATA_DIR}
To reproduce MHCfovea, users can download the dataset from Mendeley Data ( Then, use the BuildDataset function in the to build pytorch dataset.
Train the CNN-based model for binding prediction. In this process, users will obtain 18 models as an ensemble model. Essential data:
- One-hot encoding of MHCI sequence: downloaded from Mendeley Data
- Dataframe directory: contains csv files from step 1
- Dataset directory: contains pytorch datasets from step 1
for i in {1,6,11,16,21,26,31,36,41,46,51,56,61,66,71,76,81,86};
python3 \
--mhc_encode_file ${MHC_ENCODE_FILE} \
--dataframe_dir ${DATA_DIR}/dataframe \
--dataset_dir ${DATA_DIR}/onehot \
--decoy_num $i,$((i+1)),$((i+2)),$((i+3)),$((i+4)) \
--encoding_method onehot \
--model_file \
--method classification \
--batch_size 32 \
--num_epochs 30 \
--optim_lr 1e-4 \
--optim_weight_decay 1e-4 \
--output_dir ${TRAIN_RESUILT_DIR}
Apply ScoreCAM on the models and training data to extract important positions of peptides or alleles
First, users have to predict the binding probability of experimental measurements of the training datset.
python3 \
--mhc_file ../data/MHCI_res182_seq.json \
--rank_file ../data/score_rank.csv \
--peptide_dataframe ${DATA_DIR}/dataframe/train_hit.csv \
--peptide_dataset ${DATA_DIR}/onehot/ \
--encoding_method onehot \
--model_file \
--model_state_dir ${TRAIN_RESUILT_DIR}/model_state \
--model_num 18 \
--output_dir ${TRAIN_PREDICT_DIR} \
--seqlogo_threshold 0.9 \
--save_tmp \
Then, apply ScoreCAM on both peptide and allele parts.
for i in {1,6,11,16,21,26,31,36,41,46,51,56,61,66,71,76,81,86};
python3 \
--mhc_encode_file ${MHC_ENCODE_FILE} \
--dataframe_file ${TRAIN_PREDICT_DIR}/tmp_prediction.csv \
--dataset_file ${DATA_DIR}/onehot/ \
--predict_col decoy_${i} \
--predict_threshold 0.9 \
--encode onehot \
--model_path \
--model_state_path ${TRAIN_RESUILT_DIR}/model_state/decoy_${i}.tar \
--mhc_target_layers 2 \
--epitope_target_layers 0 \
--pre_mhc_len 182 \
--pre_epitope_len 15 \
--post_mhc_len 182 \
--post_epitope_len 15 \
--cam_list ScoreCAM \
--outdir ${CAM_RESULT_DIR}
echo "Decoy ${i} Complete"
echo "======================================================"
Summarize the connection between MHC-I alleles and binding peptides
First, predict the binding probability of all MHC-I alleles against 254,742 peptides (including all ligand elution data and some decoy peptides whose number was the same as ligand elution data of the benchmark dataset).
The peptide dataset and results can be downloaded from Mendeley Data. The pytorch dataset can be also built via the BuildDataset function in the
python3 \
--mhc_file ../data/MHCI_res182_seq.json \
--rank_file ../data/score_rank.csv \
--peptide_dataframe ${ALLELE_EXPANSION_DIR}/peptides.csv \
--peptide_dataset ${ALLELE_EXPANSION_DIR}/ \
--encoding_method onehot \
--model_file \
--model_state_dir ${TRAIN_RESUILT_DIR}/model_state \
--output_dir ${ALLELE_EXPANSION_DIR} \
--seqlogo_threshold 0.9 \
--mhc_allele_groups ${ALLELE_GROUPS}
- This is related to Supplementary Fig. 2 in the manuscript.
- Data analysis
- This is related to Fig. 2 and Supplementary Fig. 3 in the manuscript.
- Performance analysis
- This is related to Supplementary Fig. 9 in the manuscript.
- Memorization analysis
- This is related to Fig. 3 and Supplementary Fig. 5 in the manuscript.
- ScoreCAM analysis
- This is related to Fig. 4,5 and Supplementary Fig. 4,6,7,8 in the manuscript.
- Summarization analysis
- This is related to Fig. 6 in the manuscript.
- Multi-cluster analysis