- Couchbase Connect Keynote 2016 - GitTalent
- GitTalent Data Model
- Testing Spring Data Couchabse with TestContainers
- Gittalent Unit Test with Couchbase, Spring boot and TestContainers
- Building a FrontEnd for Gittalent
- Dynamic Trick
- GitTalent Integration Tests with TestContainers
- The 5 Ways GitTalent Queries Couchbase
- GitTalent Search Features
- Couchbase and GithubArchive import
- Gittalent and Couchbase Analytics
- CI/CD pipeline
- Couchbase Monitoring
- GitTalent Front-end
This post is part of a series about GitTalent, an application driven for the sole purpose of giving Couchbase Connect’s attendee an awesome keynote demo. To list all the GitTalent post, please use the GitTalent Tag.
If you were at Couchbase Connect or followed the keynote online, you might have seen an application called GitTalent during Perry’s demo. This application was developped specificaly for that demo and we will dissect it during this blog series. The first part of the serie is about the architechture of GitTalent,
If you did not however follow the keynote (which is fine, it’s your right, replay is here), GitTalent is an application that let’s you find the best developer talent on Github. So we need to store some data from Github into Couchbase and present it in a meaningful, searchable way.
One of the goal of this demo was to make sure developers could identify to it. We also wanted to do something fun and as painless as possible. So this made us go into a safe and well known choice: Spring Boot and Angular. And because we are crazy like that we chose Angular 2 even if the official release wan’t out yet when we started :D But everything went mostly fine.
Because we are using Spring and Couchbase, we can use Spring Data Couchbase. It gives us a repository abstraction, great to store traditional entities object. On top of Spring Data modules comes Spring Data Rest wich will expose those repositories automatically as REST APIs. Let’s add Spring HATEOAS to make sure our APIs follow the HATEOAS principle. And to make sure we can test and see what’s going on easily we can throw in the Spring Data REST - HAL Browser. With this we get everything we need to start creating entities that represent our Github Data. We will use Spring MVC for customs enpoints.
That data can be entered manually by a user or automatically from Github using it’s REST API. Koshuke did a great client, easy to use and based on OKHttp. So we’ll use this to import the data.
Of course this data will be stored in Couchbase. We will leverage the many possiblities offered by Couchbase Server to read or write documents. A recap here:
CRUD operations with Key/Value
Partial Document update with the SubDocument API
SQL queries for JSON documents with N1QL
Fulltext search with Bleve’s integration Couchbase FTS
Analytics queries like strong aggregation thanks to CBAS
Talking about analytics, another dataset will be used to provide a great amount of data with githubarchive. We’ll go a little more in details on this import on a later post. As we are using SPring Boot autoconfig, we’ll use the default tomcat server for our backend.
Of course everything here is Backend APIs, users still cannot see anything. The web framework we chose is Angular2 served by an nginx server. AS it’s not the same different than the server we will provide the necesssary CORS configuration to allow the application to work safely. We’ll use angular-cli as build tool and ng2-charts for our wonderful graphs.
So far we have two different applications for Frontend and Backend. Part of our requirement if you have seen the demo is to make sure we can run continuous integration and deployment. Being a rather classic Java developer, I have chosen to use Jenkins and start with a very manual process with everything going through SSH.
Right now this should give you a rough overview of what we’ll be achieve and how. Next posts will details implementation.
This post is part of a series about GitTalent, an application driven for the sole purpose of giving Couchbase Connect’s attendee an awesome keynote demo. To list all the GitTalent post, please use the GitTalent Tag.
In part 1 of this series about GIttalent we gave a brief overview of the architecture and the application itself. This new post is dedicated to explaining the Data Model and our usage of the Spring Framework.
One of the great benefit of using Spring Boot is autoconfiguration. They
provide a wide range of modules and integrate with many existing
software like databases. And Couchbase is one the DBs they support.
There is not much you need to do when starting a new Spring project. It
fits in three simple words start … spring … io. So go on
start.spring.io and select the modules you want to use in your project
and click on generate. What you get as a result is a project you can
directly import in your favorite IDE. Then to configure an access to
Couchbase you have to add one property to you applicaiton.properties
Now we are able to inject all the Couchbase Bean automatically provided by Couchbase. Notice that contrary to many other store, it does not require a dependency to the Spring Data module but just having Spring boot and the Couchbase SDK on your classpath.
package com.couchbase.demo; import com.couchbase.client.java.Bucket; import org.springframework.boot.CommandLineRunner; import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication; import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean; @SpringBootApplication public class CrmApplication { public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication.run(CrmApplication.class, args); } @Bean CommandLineRunner commandLineRunner(final Bucket bucket) throws Exception { return args -> { System.out.println(bucket.get("docKey")); }; } }
This is a very minimal example of what you can build with Spring Boot and Couchbase. We are now entering the GitTalent use case. We need to store Developers profiles with their metadatas like the repositories they have created, we need to store the Organizations they belong to and the Github Issues they might have open.
Enter Spring Data Couchbase, an Object Document Mapper, You define entities through POJO and store them through a repository abstraction.
Each developer atribute will be represented by a field of your POJO. To be taken into account it requires the @Document class annotation. Here’s a simplified example:
@Document public class Developer { @Id private String key; private String id; private String type = "developer"; private List<String> organizations; private Long createdAt; public Developer(){ } // getters and setters }
Notice also the usage of the @Id anntation. It’s here to specify that the String field key will be used as key of the document(because as you may know Couchbase is first and foremost a Key/Value store). This class as it is currently can be stored by Spring Data using either the repositories or the low level template like so:
@Bean CommandLineRunner commandLineRunner(final CouchbaseTemplate couchbaseTemplate) throws Exception { return args -> { Developer developer = new Developer(); developer.setId("id"); developer.setKey("id"); couchbaseTemplate.save(developer); developer = couchbaseTemplate.findById("id", Developer.class); }; }
This work but having to specify the class for deserialization saddens me, and it should make you sad too. Because there is a better way to do this, a way that offer other interesting features.
Enter repositories, the coolest abstraction for storing these entities:
package com.gittalent.repositories; import com.gittalent.model.Developer; import org.springframework.data.couchbase.repository.CouchbasePagingAndSortingRepository; public interface DeveloperRepository extends CouchbasePagingAndSortingRepository<Developer, String> { }
Yes all we need is an interface that extends another interface called CouchbasePagingAndSortingRepository. Developer because this repository is dedicated to storing Developer entities and String because it’s the type of the field used as id or key.
This slightly changes our previous example to:
@Bean CommandLineRunner commandLineRunner(final DeveloperRepository developerRepository) throws Exception { return args -> { Developer developer = new Developer(); developer.setId("id"); developer.setKey("id"); developerRepository.save(developer); developer = developerRepository.findOne("id"); }; }
All of this might not seem super powerful right now but I assure you it is. Lots of good things happen at runtime. You don’t need to write any implementation code. All the methods from the interfaces are handled automatically by the Spring framework. They use query derivation to do so.
Also, because we have selected Spring Data Rest and Spring Data HATEOAS, every repository are exposed through an automaticaly generated API. And it’s fairly easy to test because it shows up with a web console by default available at http://localhost:8080/
All of this isn’t super interesting because right now data has to be
created manually. As explained in the previous post we are going to use
this cool github library to import data automatically. The first thing
to do is initiate a connection to the Github API. By the default the
credentials will be fetched from a .github
file in the user home
directory. You can either use your login and password or an oauth token
as explained here.
public GitHub initGithub() { String tmpDirPath = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir"); File cacheDirectoryParent = new File(tmpDirPath); File cacheDirectory = new File(cacheDirectoryParent, "okhttpCache"); if (!cacheDirectory.exists()) { cacheDirectory.mkdir(); } Cache cache = new Cache(cacheDirectory, 100 * 1024 * 1024); try { return GitHubBuilder.fromCredentials() .withRateLimitHandler(RateLimitHandler.WAIT) .withAbuseLimitHandler(AbuseLimitHandler.WAIT) .withConnector(new OkHttpConnector(new OkUrlFactory(new OkHttpClient().setCache(cache)))) .build(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
The next step is to start querying users and importing them. Here’s an example to import all the github developers that have more than 10000 followers.
public void importDeveloperByFollowers() { PagedSearchIterable<GHUser> followers = github.searchUsers().followers(">10000").list(); followers.forEach( ghUser -> { String developerId = String.valueOf(ghUser.getId()); Developer developer = new Developer(); Date createdAt = ghUser.getCreatedAt(); developer.setCreatedAt(createdAt.getTime()); developer.setId(developerId); developerRepository.save(developer); }); }
The Github API gives us access to a lot more data. You can find the complete model on our github repository here. Everything is ready to start storing Developer, Github issues and organizations. Next post will be about how to test this and introduce some interesting validation use cases.
This post is part of a series about GitTalent, an application driven for the sole purpose of giving Couchbase Connect’s attendee an awesome keynote demo. To list all the GitTalent post, please use the GitTalent Tag.
In a previous series of blog posts I explained how to use TestContainers for your Java Junit tests. Some of the issues we did not address were about how to test N1QL, create your own buckets, index etc… This post will be about building Spring Data Couchbase test cases and cover theses questions we left out.
One of the limitations we currently have on Couchbase Server is that you cannot change some of the default port. This is a problem with Docker as it’s changing ports only notified otherwise. This can be great because it means you can have several Couchbase instances running on the same machine. But unfortunately won’t work so some ports will have to be fixed. This can be declared fairly easily with TestContainers using the addFixedExposedPort method.
@Override protected void configure() { addExposedPorts(8091, 11207, 11210, 11211, 18091, 18092, 18093); addFixedExposedPort(8092, 8092); addFixedExposedPort(8093, 8093); addFixedExposedPort(8094, 8094); addFixedExposedPort(8095, 8095); setWaitStrategy(new HttpWaitStrategy().forPath("/ui/index.html#/")); }
With that out of the way, our Java SDK will be able to connect to N1QL.
The goal here is to create an abstract test case that will be used by any class that needs a Couchbase instance and Spring Data Couchbase configured. It starts as in the previous posts by instantiating a CouchbaseContainer field. Since we are testing Spring Data we configure support for Index, Query and let’s throw in FTS for later.
To make sure this class will run tests for your application, add the @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) annotation. And to make sure your application configuration is tested as well as our custom configuration, add @SpringBootTest(classes = \{GittalentBackendApplication.class, AbstractSPDataTestConfig.CouchbaseTestConfig.class}).
Now talking about custom configuration, what do we need? We want to override the default Couchbase configuration of the app. To do so we need to implement a CouchbaseConfigurer. This interface defines all the bean needed for Spring Data Couchbase to work properly. It provides instances for CouchbaseEnvironment, ClusterInfo, Cluster and Bucket.
They will all come from our CouchbaseContainer setup before running the tests. So we need to make sure that the Container is running and ready before intializing all the beans. This can be achieve by adding an init() method annotated with @PostConstruct. This will allow us to first make sure the container is running, then setup additional stuff. In the following example we setup a bucket called default and setup the Index type to be MOI.
@RunWith(SpringRunner.class) @SpringBootTest(classes = {GittalentBackendApplication.class, AbstractSPDataTestConfig.CouchbaseTestConfig.class}) public abstract class AbstractSPDataTestConfig { public static final String clusterUser = "Administrator"; public static final String clusterPassword = "password"; @ClassRule public static CouchbaseContainer couchbaseContainer = new CouchbaseContainer() .withFTS(true) .withIndex(true) .withQuery(true) .withClusterUsername(clusterUser) .withClusterPassword(clusterPassword); @Configuration static class CouchbaseTestConfig implements CouchbaseConfigurer { private CouchbaseContainer couchbaseContainer; @PostConstruct public void init() throws Exception { couchbaseContainer = AbstractSPDataTestConfig.couchbaseContainer; BucketSettings settings = DefaultBucketSettings.builder() .enableFlush(true).name("default").quota(100).replicas(0).type(BucketType.COUCHBASE).build(); settings = couchbaseCluster().clusterManager(clusterUser, clusterPassword).insertBucket(settings); couchbaseContainer.callCouchbaseRestAPI("/settings/indexes", "indexerThreads=0&logLevel=info&maxRollbackPoints=5&storageMode=memory_optimized", "Administrator", "password"); waitForContainer(); } public void waitForContainer(){ CouchbaseWaitStrategy s = new CouchbaseWaitStrategy(); s.withBasicCredentials(clusterUser, clusterPassword); s.waitUntilReady(couchbaseContainer); } @Override @Bean public CouchbaseEnvironment couchbaseEnvironment() { return couchbaseContainer.getCouchbaseEnvironnement(); } @Override @Bean public Cluster couchbaseCluster() throws Exception { return couchbaseContainer.geCouchbaseCluster(); } @Override @Bean public ClusterInfo couchbaseClusterInfo() throws Exception { Cluster cc = couchbaseCluster(); ClusterManager manager = cc.clusterManager(clusterUser, clusterPassword); return manager.info(); } @Override @Bean public Bucket couchbaseClient() throws Exception { return couchbaseContainer.geCouchbaseCluster().openBucket("default"); } } }
Once we have this abstract test case, all we have to do next is create a class that extends it and start writing tests! Here we can inject Services from our application as well as a lower level Bucket. What you see in this test is first a call to an importer service that create documents. Then we create an Index on the default bucket and test a query on it.
public class GitTalentGHImportTests extends AbstractSPDataTestConfig { @Autowired private GithubImportService githubImportService; @Autowired private Bucket bucket; @Test public void importDevAdvocateTeam(){ githubImportService.importOneDeveloper("ldoguin"); N1qlQueryResult result = bucket.query(N1qlQuery.simple("CREATE PRIMARY INDEX ON default")); N1qlQuery query = N1qlQuery.simple("SELECT * FROM default WHERE developerInfo.username = 'ldoguin'"); result = bucket.query(query); N1qlQueryRow row = result.rows().next(); Assert.assertNotNull(row); } }
As you can see once the Abstract test case is created, the amount of code is really minimal and correspond exactly to what you want to test.
This post is part of a series about GitTalent, an application driven for the sole purpose of giving Couchbase Connect’s attendee an awesome keynote demo. To list all the GitTalent post, please use the GitTalent Tag.
A question that often to our ears is how to run tests with Couchbase? Well first there are different ways to run test. Let’s say Unit and Integration tests. Today we are going to talk specifically about unit tests. Most people will tell you that testing complicated(to many people complicated start with just one DB, some however run a full cluster and additional microservices) setup in Unit tests is not necessary. Mocking works great and you don’t necessarily have to have a database running during those tests.
Mocking can sometimes be tedious. Lots of people in the SQL world use an embeded Database like HSQL to avoid it. Some NoSQL can also start embeded easily like Cassandra or MongoDB. It’s however really difficult to do with Couchbase. Difficult does not mean impossible and there are lots of diffent options depending on the language, framework, build tools you are using. In our case it’s Java, Spring and Maven.
This trio already gives several possibilities. You could create a maven plugin that starts and setup Couchabse before the test phase and shuts it down afterwards. You could also use Maven exec to run some complex, platform dependant scripts to do the same things. Or you could use a wonderful library called TestContainers.
I have already written about Testcontainers in previous blog posts. It allows you to run Docker containers or Docker Compose scripts before running your unit tests. What we are effectively doing here is using Docker as a common runtime for our test infrastructure. Docker works the same way on every platform so no need to maintain different scripts or implements different system in a maven plugin. It will work the same way on a developer laptop or on a CI machine. Only drawback is that your tests are now Docker dependant. But personaly I can live with that.
We left the previous blog post with a developer repository. Will it work? Let’s find out. This is a very simple test. We create our own Developer, save it with the repository then retrieve it with the Bucket. Everything is injected automatically because yay Spring. As a reminder, Spring autoconfig kicks in but you need to have a running Couchbase instance somewhere and this is where TestContainers comes in. For more details about TestContainers and Spring Data Couchbase please see the following post.
If everything is setup accordingly, your test can be really focused and to the point:
public class GittalentBackendApplicationTests extends AbstractSPDataTestConfig { @Autowired private DeveloperRepository developerRepository; @Autowired private Bucket bucket; @Test public void testRepository() throws Exception { Developer developer = new Developer(); DeveloperInfo developerInfo = new DeveloperInfo(); developer.setId("alovelace"); developerInfo.setFirstName("Ada"); developerInfo.setLastName("Lovelace"); developerRepository.save(developer); JsonDocument doc = bucket.get("alovelace"); Assert.assertNotNull(doc); } }
Now we can test a basic Respository implementation. But this is fairly simple, there isn’t much to test. Let’s try something a bit more advanced.
Hibernate validation allow us to declare constraints on entities. For instance if we want to make sure that the field username is never null, we have to add the @NotNull annotation. There are others validators you can use to limit the size of a field or make sure it follows a particular pattern. Have a look at the built-in list here. If you don’t find what you need just know you can build your own validators.
@Valid DeveloperInfo developerInfo @NotNull private String username;
To male sure validation occurs, we need to define a validator Bean as follow:
@Bean public LocalValidatorFactoryBean validator() { return new LocalValidatorFactoryBean(); }
With that, everything else will be wired up automatically by Spring Boot. No need to define a specific validation listener like we needed with vanilla Spring. Which means we can start testing validation. What we want is to expect a failure when the field username is null. Testing failure just require us to precise what Exception we are expecting. This is done by giving it as parameter of the @Test annotation:
@Test(expected=ConstraintViolationException.class) public void testDevValidation() { Developer developer = new Developer(); DeveloperInfo developerInfo = new DeveloperInfo(); developer.setId("alovelace"); developerInfo.setFirstName("Ada"); developerInfo.setLastName("Lovelace"); developer.setDeveloperInfo(developerInfo); developerRepository.save(developer); }
As you can see here we are not setting the username field. This will fail, and the test will succeed because of the expected flag of the test annotation. With this you should have a good idea on how to test Spring Data Couchbase projects.
This post is part of a series about GitTalent, an application driven for the sole purpose of giving Couchbase Connect’s attendee an awesome keynote demo. To list all the GitTalent post, please use the GitTalent Tag.
When we started working on the keynote demo, we took the decision of working with modern, recent technologies. So we devided on Angular2 for the frontend. Which wasn’t even GA at the time. But it actually went great. So in this post I’ll tell you a little more details on what we did, and more specifically how we made it work with the Backend. Kudos to Nic Raboy for doing most of the work and architecture on this one!
Easy way to start an Angular2 app these days is to use
angular-cli. To use it you can install it
globally using npm -g install angular-cli
or use this very cool
Docker image that angular-cli and
allow you to mount your angular folder. Just run
docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd)/angular:/project -u $(id -u):$(id -g) metal3d/ng build
With that you can scaffold your project with ng new my-fancy-app
cd my-fancy-app
and ng serve
. Now you can open your angular project
in your IDE and start browsing it at http://localhost:4200. Each
modification you do will trigger an automatic build and refresh. You are
now ready to work and start adding new content. I won’t go into more
details on the frontend part yet and will now concentrate on the
interaction with the backend.
There are mainly two things we need to make it work. We need to make sure the backend URL can change on the frontend site to adapt to different envrionments like test, staging, production etc.. The other thing is to handle security correctly. You need to make sure that your app can fetch resources from other website. You can do this by setting up a proper CORS configuration.
The Spring folks have planned everything to save us the headache of setting headers manuely in filters. The following code is based on this blog post. I strongly invite you to read it as it describes why CORS and how it’s handled by the Spring framework.
So basically all you need is a configuration that will setup a new
default filter for all the request. Declare a new CorsConfiguration
object and set the allowed origin. The allowed origin is the URL of the
website making the query to the backend. As this URL can change
depending on your setup (test, staging, preproduction, production
etc..), it’s better to make it configurable. This is why we have a
field annotated with @Value. This annotation basically
transform this field into a property with a default value. The default
value being localhost in our case. Don’t forget to setup the bean order
to make sure this filter comes in first for every request.
@Configuration public class RestCorsConfiguration { @Value("${gittalent.cors.allowedOrigin:http://localhost}") private String allowedOrigin; @Bean public FilterRegistrationBean corsFilter() { UrlBasedCorsConfigurationSource source = new UrlBasedCorsConfigurationSource(); CorsConfiguration config = new CorsConfiguration(); config.setAllowCredentials(true); config.addAllowedOrigin(allowedOrigin); config.addAllowedHeader("*"); config.addAllowedMethod("*"); source.registerCorsConfiguration("/**", config); FilterRegistrationBean bean = new FilterRegistrationBean(new CorsFilter(source)); bean.setOrder(0); return bean; } }
Thanks to the Spring framework, you only need one configuration class to setup CORS support. As explained above, the origin URL can change. Which means the backend URL can change. So your Frontend must be configurable. Angular2 makes this easy.
In the lifecycle of an Angular app, there are several steps. You first
create it, generate what you need, then you can type ng serve
. What
this will do is build the app, start a web server and serve the build
result. It wll also watch all changes made to the app and provide you
hot reload of changed code to make your developer life easier. It will
do so and use the default environment. Angular environment allow you to
specify different enrionments. They are all specified in the
file, assuming you used Angular CLI for your project.
Under the JSON object apps.enironments, this is what I have:
"environments": { "source": "environments/environment.ts", "dev": "environments/environment.ts", "test": "environments/environment.test.ts", "prod": "environments/environment.prod.ts" }
And this is my test enrionment:
export const environment = { production: false, gittalentBackendURL:"http://gittalentbackend:8080" };
As you can see there are two parameters. One of them being the backend
URL. So now the question is, how to use this particular envionment?
Angular CLI as an environment option. When you build the app with
ng build
, you can specify the environment with the --environment
flag. So if you want to build the app with the test environment you have
to run ng build --environment=test
. And you are all set, now the
current build will use the right test URL. Next question is how do you
use this property in your code?
In the app we have a particular Utility class that regroup calls made to the backend. In this class we import the selected environment as follow:
import { environment } from '../environments/environment'; @Injectable() export class Utility { host: string = environment.gittalentBackendURL;
And as you can see reading from the environment is that simple. Once you did this the follow up question is how to deploy all this?
Often with Spring you will deploy the web app in the same server by bundling it in your application. That’s relatively easy and straight forward. But not super portable if you want to use another backend for instance. So we took the decision of bundling the app into a Docker container. It is completely stateless afer all so it’s easy to move it around, Perfect fit for a container.
Here’s how you can build the Docker image making sure you identified the exact version of the application:
export revId=$(git rev-parse HEAD) docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd)/angular:/project -u $(id -u):$(id -g) metal3d/ng build --environment=test docker build -t gittalent/frontend:$revId angular
Here I use the current git commit ID. Then I use a Docker image for Angular CLI because I was too lazy to install it (and because isolation for build tool is useful). You can see here that use the test environment. Once the Angular build is done, I create the Docker image with revisionId as tag and the following Dockerfile:
FROM nginx COPY dist/ /usr/share/nginx/html
This is a very simple Dockerfile where we just copy the result of the
Angular build in the nginx default folder. Now if you want to run the
container all you have to do is type
docker run -ti -p 80:80 gittalent/frontend:$revId
And with that the website is accessible on http://localhost/ and looking for http://gittalentbackend:8080 as backend. In the next post I will explain how to run integration test on this web app.
During the Keynote we have seen Perry modify the application to support a new field asked by Ravi. You might have noticed that he only modified the backend. He never touched to the database or the front-end. And yet by just adding field to a Java file, the Angular backend and the database were OK with it. What’s the Trick?
We modified only one file, it’s a POJO. It does not do much except define an entity to be used by our Spring Data Repository.
First let’s get the Couchbase part out of the way as it’s the simplest one. Couchbase is a Document Store, it’s schemaless. You don’t have to do anything to support new data structure. More about the wonders of schemaless Can be found here.
Now what about the front-end part? The form did show that a new field was added and it was already functional. How did the front-end became aware of the new field? It’s not automatic. We cheated. It uses a very cool feature of Spring Data REST.
We added à field to an object part of the Developer entity. The Developer Entity is managed through the Developer Repository. This Repository is exposed by a Rest API automatically generated by Spring. And one of the feature of this API is to give an endpoint for the Schema of the Entity. This Schema can be used to create a form on the front-end side. And this is exactly what we did. The developer form changes based on the Developer schema. We only implemented this for the Social part but it could be generalized easily. Here’s the corresponding Angular2 code:
public getDevSchema() { var requestHeaders = new Headers(); requestHeaders.append("Accept", "application/schema+json"); this.utility.makeGetRequest("/profile/developer", [], null,requestHeaders).then(result => { this.devSchema = result; }, error => { console.error(error); }); }
Above code is a GET request on the developer endpoint with an Accept header set to "application/schema+json". This way the Spring backend now we expect a JSON Schema. The result is exposed by the devSchema object of the controller. The following html code levrages the schema to dynamicaly display the social fields:
<div *ngIf="devSchema.definitions && developer.developerInfo" class="row" style="padding-top: 30px"> <div class="col-md-4" *ngFor="let sm of devSchema.definitions.socialMedia.properties | keys"> <strong class="info-title">{{sm.key}}</strong>: <br /> <div *ngIf="isEditing == false">{{ developer.developerInfo.socialMedia[sm.key] | unknown }}</div> <div *ngIf="isEditing == true"><input type="text" [(ngModel)]="developer.developerInfo.socialMedia[sm.key]" [ngModelOptions]="{standalone: true}" /></div> </div> </div>
Again this could be generalize and you could even send your own schema with additional informations like predefined values to populate lists. So nothing magic here. Just a symbiosis between Couchbase, Spring Data and Angular2.
This post is part of a series about GitTalent, an application driven for the sole purpose of giving Couchbase Connect’s attendee an awesome keynote demo. To list all the GitTalent post, please use the GitTalent Tag.
I have already blogged a lot on TestContainers in the past. It’s a great solution to setup tests that work similarly on every platform. This is the setup used for GitTalent integration tests. Here’s how we did it.
The first thing required to use TestContainers is to have a Docker image for what we want to test. In a previous post I explained what we did for GitTalent frontend. Couchbase Docker images are already available. Do the remaining question is how to create a Docker image for GitTalent backend. As it’s a Java application built with Maven, there are different options available to make this easy and automated. Different maven plugin exists and the one I have chose is the one build by Spotify.
It allow you to use your own Dockerfile and support variables for the
name of your build. Among the options of the plugin, you can see a
relative path to the Dockerfile that will be used, some arguments for
the docker build like the final name of the jar, the name of the image
that will be built. You can see here that we use env.revId
. This is an
external parameter as it’s actually an environment variable. So for this
build to work, you need this variable to be set. It’s the current git
commit identifier. You can get it with the following command:
git rev-parse HEAD
<build> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>com.spotify</groupId> <artifactId>docker-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>0.4.11</version> <configuration> <imageName>gittalent/backend:${env.revId}</imageName> <dockerDirectory>src/main/docker</dockerDirectory> <buildArgs> <finalName>${project.build.finalName}.jar</finalName> </buildArgs> <resources> <resource> <targetPath>/</targetPath> <directory>${project.build.directory}</directory> <include>${project.build.finalName}.jar</include> </resource> </resources> </configuration> </plugin> <plugin> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-maven-plugin</artifactId> <configuration> <executable>true</executable> </configuration> </plugin> </plugins> </build>
You will also notice that we use the Spring Boot plugin and set the
executable option to true. It means you’ll be able to use the built Jar
as a service. So once you have setup everything, run something like
mvn clean package docker:build
. This will build your Spring Boot
application and the specified Docker image. Said Docker image is simple,
here’s the Dockerfile:
FROM openjdk:8u102-jre ARG finalName ADD $finalName /gittalent.jar ADD .github /root/ VOLUME /tmp ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar","/gittalent.jar"]
What it does is just add the buit Jar, add the credential file for the Github API used for the import and mount the temporary folder. And that’s it. Now we have Docker images for GitTalent Backend, Frontend and Couchbase. So now we have to wire everything up with TestContainers.
First let’s talk about the variables. The first two are easy to understand as they are username and password for Couchbase. The third one is different. It the tag used for the GitTalent docker images. It’s initialized in the first static block. If there is an envrionment variable called revId, than it will be used as tag for the GitTalent docker images. If not 'latest' will be used.
Then you see a declaration for the Couchbase container followed by a static block. This static block is just here to start the Couchbase Container. The advantage with static bock is that they are executed in the declaration order, one after the other. Which is great when one depends on the other. Traditionaly with TestContainers you would be using JUnit rule to start those Docker containers. But the problem is they would all start at the same time. Which is not good when again they depends on each other. THe running order must be Couchbase first, than the backend which require a Couchbase connection, than the frontend that requires a backend connection, than the Selemium container used for integration tests that requires a connection to both the frontend and the backend.
So first Couchbase, with every services enabled, no sample buckets and a default bucket. You can configure everything using the fluent API. Here we are not using a default GenericContainer provided by TestContainers because we have some specificities. The first and most important one being that a Couchbase container that has started is not ready. You need to configure it first. So what’s happening under the hood is that we first start the container, wait for it to be ready, than configure it through all the options given in the fluent API, then wait again to make sure the configuration has been properly applied. I encourage you to read the previous blog posts mentioned above to get a full understanding of how the CouchbaseContainer works.
After the Couchbase Container, we can start the backend with an almost regular GenricContainer. We are using a LinkedContainer, same thing but with the possibility to Link to another container. Another reason why you need to wait for the linked container to be started already. As it’s a Java app we expose the 8080 port and wait got the server to return a 200 response to be considered started.
Than the next one is the frontent. Only thing to do here is to link it to the backend and expose the port 80.
At that point you have Couchbase, GitTalent Backend and GitTalent Frontend running and linked together. So if you start another container that gives you a web browser with Selenium and link it to both the frontend and the backend, you can run integration tests on GitTalent. Fortunately the TestContainers project gives us a BrowserWebDriverContainer that allows all that. It’s linked to both containers, will startup a Chrome web browser and even record a video of your test! Here’s the full code of the class:
@RunWith(SpringRunner.class) public class GitTalentIntegrationTest { public static final String clusterUser = "Administrator"; public static final String clusterPassword = "password"; public static final String revId; static { if (System.getenv("revId") != null) { revId = System.getenv("revId"); } else { revId = "latest"; } } public static CouchbaseContainer couchbaseContainer = new CouchbaseContainer() .withFTS(true) .withIndex(true) .withQuery(true) .withClusterUsername(clusterUser) .withClusterPassword(clusterPassword) .withNewBucket(DefaultBucketSettings.builder().enableFlush(true).name("default").quota(100).replicas(0).type(BucketType.COUCHBASE).build()); static { couchbaseContainer.start(); } public static GenericContainer gittalentBackend = new LinkedContainer("gittalent/backend:"+revId).withLinkToContainer(couchbaseContainer, "couchbase").withExposedPorts(8080).waitingFor(new HttpWaitStrategy().forPath("/").forStatusCode(200)); static { gittalentBackend.start(); } public static GenericContainer gittalentFrontend = new LinkedContainer("gittalent/frontend:"+revId).withLinkToContainer(gittalentBackend, "gittalentBackend").withExposedPorts(80); static { gittalentFrontend.start(); } @ClassRule public static BrowserWebDriverContainer chrome = new BrowserWebDriverContainer() .withLinkToContainer(gittalentFrontend, "gittalentfrontend") .withLinkToContainer(gittalentBackend, "gittalentbackend") .withDesiredCapabilities(DesiredCapabilities.chrome()) .withRecordingMode(BrowserWebDriverContainer.VncRecordingMode.RECORD_ALL, new File("target")); @Test public void testDeveloperTab() throws InterruptedException { RemoteWebDriver driver = chrome.getWebDriver(); driver.get("http://gittalentbackend:8080/githubimport/developer/ldoguin"); driver.get("http://gittalentbackend:8080/githubimport/status"); while(driver.getPageSource().contains("false")) { Thread.sleep(1000); driver.navigate().refresh(); }; driver.get("http://gittalentfrontend/"); WebElement navbar = (new WebDriverWait(driver, 10)) .until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated(By.id("navbar"))); WebElement myDynamicElement = (new WebDriverWait(driver, 10)) .until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated(By.xpath("/html/body/app-root/div/developers/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/table/tbody/tr/td[2]"))); Assert.assertNotNull(navbar); Assert.assertTrue(myDynamicElement.getText().equals("ldoguin")); } }
The Selenium test here is just an example. It starts by running a Github import and poll until the import is finished. Than loads the frontend and wait for some specific elements to be on the page. Angular 2 app are not the most straight forward thing to test as there is a lot of things happening asynchronously. But now you should have a fairly good understanding of how to test a Couchbase based application.
This post is part of a series about GitTalent, an application driven for the sole purpose of giving Couchbase Connect’s attendee an awesome keynote demo. To list all the GitTalent post, please use the GitTalent Tag.
A question we ask ourselves as application developers is what to we need to do with our data? And these answers will translate into something very practical, what code do we have to write to implement those answers. And you need to ask yourself these questions soon enought because everything will depends on the stack you will choose. So what to we need to do in GitTalent?
We need a CRUD API to Create, Read, Update or Delete objects. Something even better would be to have an API that allow us to modify only some parts of the document, instead of resending the whole thing. For all of these operations you only need the id of the object. And as such operates on only one object. If we want to start listing objects based on some of their characteristics, we need a query language. If we want to search anything in these objects, which is something most users are used to, we also need fulltext indexing. And finally if we want to get some meaning out of all our data, we need a way to run relatively complex aggregation query.
All these assertions describes what you can do with GitTalent. So we need to find the right tech stack, which in our case is obviously Couchbase as it supports all these various needs. Of course there are other solutions, but usually they require different pieces to achieve the same results. And that where Couchbase is so handy. So let’s see how to do each of these things one by one.
Couchbase is first a K/V store. It means you can store any objects as long as you give them a key. We store k/v pairs in what we call a Bucket. It’s like a Schema in SQL server for instance. Usually you have a set of tables grouped under a Schema. In couchbase we have k/v pairs groupped in Buckets. Which means that so far, in a k/v store, there is no particular schema, no table or column to define what you are storing. The granularity level has changed. If you store a commercial order, you know will have several tables to represent it. In a k/v store you only have values accessible with their ids. So you can have only one object ro represent it.
A k/v store becomes a Document database from the moment you can query objects based on the value part. Querying requires an index. An index is another representation of the data stored in a way that will facilitate and speed up the query. So when you hear about multi model databases thAt stores data differently, think about it this way. You have one way to store the data (k/v for Couchbase) and several ways to index them. This results in several ways to query them. This can also be called polyglot databases.
All of the following chapters will outline one particular way of storing or indexing data, usually for a dedicated purpose.
The first thing to do to when working with a database is to acquire a connection to that database. With Couchbase and the Java SDK, this can be achieve using the CouchbaseCluster object:
CouchbaseCluster cluster = CouchbaseCluster.create(Arrays.asList("host1","host2"); Bucket bucket = cluster.openBucket("gittalent");
You can provide the hostname of several nodes of your cluster to initiate the connection. Once you have a CouchbaseCluster object you can oen a connection to a Bucket by giving its name and in some cases the password that protected it. In this example we are opening a connection to the 'gittalent' bucket available in a cluster that contains a node on hosts "host1" and "host2". This cluster might have more nodes, we just requires some seeds to start a connection. Then the client will get what we call the cluster map which hold every information about the topology of the cluster.
CRUD is an acronym that regroups four different operations: Create, Read, Update, Delete. Now that we have a connection to a Bucket we can look at the various method available on that connection. Here’s a short list for CRUD: get, insert, upsert, replace, remove. Take a look at the followng exemple and comment to understand these method differences:
// Create a document and insert it in the database JsonObject jsonObject = JsonObject.create(); jsonObject.put("fieldName","value"); JsonDocument document = JsonDocument.create("documentKey", jsonObject); document = bucket.insert(document); // If a document with the same ID already exist on the server, this // will throw an error, use upsert to update or insert the document // if it already exist or not bucket.upsert(document); // replace will throw an error if the document does not exist bucket.replace(document); // remove deletes the document from the server bucket.remove(document); // get returns the document bucket.get("documentKey");
This is a short overview of what you can do for CRUD operations on whole document. While this is useful when creating or deleting a doc you might want more granularity in some cases. Maybe you only want to modify part of the document. This is where the SubDocument API comes in.
The SubDocument API allow you to send a document mutation to the server. You just need the key of the document to use it. You can send several types of mutation by using the 'mutateIn' method.
Map newFields = new HashMap<String, Object>(); bucket.mutateIn("documentKey") .upsert("aNewField", JsonObject.from(newFields),true) .execute();
The example above will create a new field called "aNewField" with the given object as value. There are other types of mutation available. You can remove or replaceparts of the document, append, prepend or add a unique element to an array… You’ll find the complete list in our documentation.
Subdocument API allow you to modify a document without having to send its entire content back to the server. This is particularly handy in some cases where you only have the Id of the documents and some of its fields because you did a N1QL query returning only the fields you wanted.
All the operations we have seen so far only use the k/v part of Couchbase and as such only apply to particular documents. What about the queries?
AdHoc querying is the ability to run any query without having to create its indexes in the first place. To that end Couchbase created N1QL. It’s SQL for JSON. The first mandatory step to use N1QL is to create the PRIMARY index. Once you have it you can run any N1QL query you want. This can be achieved in several ways, With our Java SDK it would look like this:
Statement primaryIndexQuery = Index.createPrimaryIndex().on(bucket.name()); bucket.query(primaryIndexQuery);
Once you have the primary index, you can run a N1QL query. There are several ways to do so. The most basic one is to provide the query String directly:
N1qlQuery query = N1qlQuery.simple("SELECT * FROM default"); bucket.query(query);
There are more advanced usage like using parameters:
JsonArray params = JsonArray.create(); params.add(developerId); N1qlQuery developerWithContacts = N1qlQuery.parameterized("SELECT customer.*, (SELECT contact.* FROM `" + bucket.name() + "` AS contact USE KEYS customer.contacts) AS contacts, (SELECT ticket.* FROM `" + bucket.name() + "` AS ticket USE KEYS customer.history) AS history FROM `" + bucket.name() + "` AS customer WHERE customer.type = 'developer' AND customer.id = $1", params); bucket.query(developerWithContacts);
This query retrieves a Developer profile and all it’s associated tickets stored in other documents. You can run an EXPLAIN of this query and figure out which secondary indexes you need to create to speed up that query.
There are other type of index you can create that correpsond to other use cases like fulltext querying.
Couchbase FTS allow you to run fuzzy search, supports facets, scoring and results highlighting among other things. This is possible because it uses a special kind of index called inverted index. These indexes can be created from our web UI or from a REST API. I invite you to read the following documentation for more information on FTS features. If you are using the Java SDK, there are similarities with N1QL queries. You start by creating a SearchQuery with the terms you are looking for and the index you want to query. Then you can specify query options like the fields you want to be returned or highlighted, the maximum number of results, the offset, etc…
QueryStringQuery queryString = SearchQuery.queryString("some words"); SearchQuery query = new SearchQuery("all", queryString); query.fields("type", "id", "repositories.mainLanguage", "repositories.fullName", "repositories.repoName", "developerInfo.email"); query.addFacet("Main Language", SearchFacet.term("repositories.mainLanguage", 10)); query.highlight(HighlightStyle.HTML, "repositories.mainLanguage", "repositories.fullName", "repositories.repoName"); query.limit(form.getPageSize()); query.skip(form.getPageSize() * form.getPage()); bucket.query(query);
So far we have been using k/v, SQL like indexes and inverted indexes. There is more. What if you want to run complex aggregation in real time? N1QL is in memory and real-time for most queries. But you mught have higher response time for queries accessive massive amounts of documents or when they are not supporte by a seconday index. This is often the case when using a visualization tool for instance. Couchbase Analytics is here to save the day.
"" Couchbase Analytics is designed to support truly ad hoc queries in a reasonable amount of time, even when scans are required. Because Analytics supports efficient parallel query processing and bulk data handling, Couchbase Analytics is still preferred for expensive queries, even when those queries are predetermined and might therefore be supported by an index. ""
Analytics is in Developer Preview, take a look at the full documentation. You can download it from Couchbase download page under the extensions tab. It’s a separate executable for now but will be integrated to Couchbase Server in the future.
As of now, it is now integrated to the Java SDK. But it’s not a problem since it’s accessible from its REST API on port 8095. Here’s an example:
private String excuteCBASQuery() throws Exception { String query = "SELECT l.name, COUNT(1) as numberOfRepo, SUM(l.`value`) as totalBytes FROM developers developer unnest repositories as repo UNNEST object_pairs(repo.languages) as l GROUP BY l.name ORDER BY totalBytes DESC LIMIT 10;"; URL url = new URL(getCbasURL()); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setDoInput(true); connection.setDoOutput(true); connection.setRequestMethod("POST"); connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); connection.setRequestProperty("ignore-401", "true"); String encodedQuery = URLEncoder.encode(query, "UTF-8"); String payload = "statement=" + encodedQuery; DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(connection.getOutputStream()); out.writeBytes(payload); out.flush(); out.close(); int responseCode = connection.getResponseCode(); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream())); String inputLine; StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer(); while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) { response.append(inputLine); } in.close(); return response.toString(); }
This will of course return a JSON answer, much faster than N1QL would have based on the different Indexes created for Analytics and its query engine.
And with that you have seen the 5 ways to query Couchbase used in GItTalent.
This post is part of a series about GitTalent, an application driven for the sole purpose of giving Couchbase Connect’s attendee an awesome keynote demo. To list all the GitTalent post, please use the GitTalent Tag.
In the many things we wanted to showcase in the GitTalent demo, one of them was FTS. It brings fulltext search to Couchbase. This has been brought up several times on this blog already. If you don’t know what fullltext is you can read those posts. To sum up very quickly, think of google search. You enter some words and you get some search results in oder of pertinence. If you make one or two typo in the word, the search engine is smart enough to give you approaching result. And yes you can do something similar with Couchbase, here’s how.
A Fulltext Query can be created just like any other Couchbase queries
from a static class. In this case it’s the SearchQuery class. It’s
expecting search terms. The documentation for the supported synthax is
available on
Bleve's website and
there is a very good reason for that. Bleve is the search engine used by
FTS. It is developed by Couchbase but can also be used in other Go
project. It’s community is qutie active and already received significant
contributions. Once you have your query, you need to choose on which
index you want to run it. Here I am using the all
indwx. From that
query you can start defining options that will impact the result. The
result is a JSON document, which means no schema which means great
The first option configured is the fields returned by the query. By
default it will only return the id of the document. You can use it to
specify additional fields you need in the query result. The second
option is defining a facet. Here it will be facets for the field called
type with a maximum of 4 results. Which is the number of type of
documents available in GitTalent. The third option will return to you
snippet of text with the search termed highlighted. This is quite
usefull especially for bigger String field. Than we setup more classical
options like the number of maximum results and the offset.
You will also notice that we are using a rawQueryExecutor. It’s different from the traditional method as it returns the JSON string directly. The answer is not wrapped in traditional results. Upside is it’s straight JSON, great when working with Javascript application. Downside is you might miss valuable metadata about your query. In our case we just need the result so it’s fine.
public String executeRawQuerySearch(SearchForm form) { QueryStringQuery fts = SearchQuery.queryString(form.getQueryString()); SearchQuery query = new SearchQuery("all", fts); query.fields("type", "id", "assignedId", "developerInfo.lastName", "developerInfo.email", "developerInfo.username", "developerInfo.firstName"); query.addFacet("type", SearchFacet.term("type", 4)); query.highlight(HighlightStyle.HTML, "title", "repositories.mainLanguage", "repositories.fullName", "repositories.repoName"); query.limit(form.getPageSize()); query.skip(form.getPageSize() * form.getPage()); return rawQueryExecutor.ftsToRawJson(query); }
For all thoses options to work appropriately, you need to create the right index.
There are two ways to create FTS index. You can do it from the UI or you can use the REST API. The most important thing to do in creating the query index is to make sure the fields previously configured are stored in the Index. It’s an option, easy to spot on the UI. Here’s the JSON string you need to POST to create that index:
{ "type": "fulltext-index", "name": "all", "sourceType": "couchbase", "sourceName": "default", "params": { "mapping": { "byte_array_converter": "json", "default_analyzer": "standard", "default_datetime_parser": "dateTimeOptional", "default_field": "_all", "default_mapping": { "display_order": "0", "dynamic": true, "enabled": true, "properties": { "assignedId": { "dynamic": false, "enabled": true, "fields": [ { "analyzer": "", "display_order": "3", "include_in_all": true, "include_term_vectors": true, "index": true, "name": "assignedId", "store": true, "type": "text" } ] }, "closedAt": { "dynamic": false, "enabled": true, "fields": [ { "analyzer": "", "display_order": "1", "include_in_all": true, "include_term_vectors": true, "index": true, "name": "closedAt", "store": true, "type": "number" } ] }, "developerInfo": { "display_order": "0", "dynamic": false, "enabled": true, "properties": { "email": { "dynamic": false, "enabled": true, "fields": [ { "analyzer": "", "display_order": "1", "include_in_all": true, "include_term_vectors": true, "index": true, "name": "email", "store": true, "type": "text" } ] }, "firstName": { "dynamic": false, "enabled": true, "fields": [ { "analyzer": "", "display_order": "2", "include_in_all": true, "include_term_vectors": true, "index": true, "name": "firstName", "store": true, "type": "text" } ] }, "lastName": { "dynamic": false, "enabled": true, "fields": [ { "analyzer": "", "display_order": "0", "include_in_all": true, "include_term_vectors": true, "index": true, "name": "lastName", "store": true, "type": "text" } ] } } }, "id": { "dynamic": false, "enabled": true, "fields": [ { "analyzer": "", "display_order": "4", "include_in_all": true, "include_term_vectors": true, "index": true, "name": "id", "store": true, "type": "text" } ] }, "status": { "dynamic": false, "enabled": true, "fields": [ { "analyzer": "", "display_order": "2", "include_in_all": true, "include_term_vectors": true, "index": true, "name": "status", "store": true, "type": "text" } ] }, "title": { "dynamic": false, "enabled": true, "fields": [ { "analyzer": "", "display_order": "0", "include_in_all": true, "include_term_vectors": true, "index": true, "name": "title", "store": true, "type": "text" } ] }, "type": { "dynamic": false, "enabled": true, "fields": [ { "analyzer": "", "display_order": "5", "include_in_all": true, "include_term_vectors": true, "index": true, "name": "type", "store": true, "type": "text" } ] } } }, "default_type": "_default", "index_dynamic": true, "store_dynamic": false, "type_field": "type" }, "store": { "kvStoreName": "forestdb" } } }
To create FullText Index, use the UI or run the follwing command assuming the JSON above is in a file called indexFts.json, that a Couchbase node with FTS enabled is running on localhost and that the user is Administrator and the password asdasd:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d @indexFts.json --user Administrator:asdasd http://localhost:8094/api/index/all
With that we have a working fulltext query. Next step is to integrate it with the webapp.
GitTalent frontend is an Angular2 application and as such uses REST endpoint to fetch data. So we are going to add a controller to the backend for that purpose. A Controller in Spring is defined by adding the @Controller annoation on the class. You can inject beans in that class, which is why the constructor as a Bucket and a RawQueryExecutor as parameter. Once you have a controller you can add @RequestMapping to any method. If you specify a "/fultext/" as path and POST as method on the @RequestMapping annotation, every POST request to the server made on http://serverURL/fultext/ will execute the annotated method.
If you take a look at thye searchTicket method, it’s executed for each POST request on "fulltext/ticket". You will notice we have the class TickerSearchForm as @RequestBody as parameter. This means that for each request, the body of the request will be mapped to the TicketSearchForm class automatically by Spring. This class is a POJO representing the different search parameters for the search.
@Controller public class FTSSearchController { private Bucket bucket; private RawQueryExecutor rawQueryExecutor; public FTSSearchController(final Bucket bucket, final RawQueryExecutor rawQueryExecutor) { this.bucket = bucket; this.rawQueryExecutor = rawQueryExecutor; } @ResponseBody @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, path = "/fulltext/ticket") public String searchTicket(@RequestBody TicketSearchForm form) { QueryStringQuery queryString = SearchQuery.queryString(form.getQueryString()); SearchQuery query = new SearchQuery("all", queryString); query.fields("type", "id", "assignedId", "title", "createdAt", "status"); query.addFacet("status", SearchFacet.term("status", 3)); Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(); now.add(Calendar.MONTH, -1); double monthOld = now.getTimeInMillis(); now.add(Calendar.MONTH, -2); double threeMonthOld = now.getTimeInMillis(); now.add(Calendar.MONTH, -3); double sixMonthOld = now.getTimeInMillis(); now.add(Calendar.MONTH, -6); double yearOld = now.getTimeInMillis(); now.add(Calendar.YEAR, -20); double tooOld = now.getTimeInMillis(); query.addFacet("createdAt", SearchFacet.numeric("createdAt", 5) .addRange("1 month old", monthOld, (double) Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis()) .addRange("1 to 3 month old", threeMonthOld, monthOld) .addRange("3 to 6 month old", sixMonthOld, threeMonthOld) .addRange("6 to 12 month old", yearOld, sixMonthOld) .addRange("more than a year", tooOld, yearOld)); query.highlight(HighlightStyle.HTML, "title"); query.limit(form.getPageSize()); query.skip(form.getPageSize() * form.getPage()); return rawQueryExecutor.ftsToRawJson(query); }
The complete code is available on the Github Repository. You can see in details the different search available in GitTalent as well as the different POJOs backing up each search.
And with this you should know how to propose fulltext search from your Couchbase backend application.
This post is part of a series about GitTalent, an application driven for the sole purpose of giving Couchbase Connect’s attendee an awesome keynote demo. To list all the GitTalent post, please use the GitTalent Tag.
Part of our mission for GitTalent was to test our new analtics solution with a healthy amount of data. While the Github API is very useful to browse existing developers, organizations and code repositories, it’s still king of a manual process. Gathering a certain amount of data can be a little cumbersome and slow. Fortunately for us there is a great website called GithubArchive. It allow you to gather all public events available on Github since 2011. That’s plenty of data :) This post will explain how to import all that data into Couchbase.
One thing you want to do before importing data somewhere is figure out where it is, how to get it and how does it look like? So head to the GithubArchive and start reading. You can download every Github events per hour. From the website:
Activity for 1/1/2017 @ 3PM UTC
wget http://data.githubarchive.org/2017-01-01-15.json.gz
This will get you a gzipped file that you can uncompress with
gunzip 2017-01-01-15.json.gz
which gives you 2017-01-01-15.json
Let’s see what’s inside this file with head -1 2017-01-01-15.json
{"id":"5089347908","type":"PushEvent","actor":{"id":10555786,"login":"wangguansong","display_login":"wangguansong","gravatar_id":"","url":"https://api.github.com/users/wangguansong","avatar_url":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/10555786?"},"repo":{"id":69135458,"name":"wangguansong/wangguansong.github.io","url":"https://api.github.com/repos/wangguansong/wangguansong.github.io"},"payload":{"push_id":1479647009,"size":1,"distinct_size":1,"ref":"refs/heads/master","head":"a7f1ded2a9c2c3f98f134c7199ab060f5320f76c","before":"190831414d93f5435579f3f44b42848ca67752e3","commits":[{"sha":"a7f1ded2a9c2c3f98f134c7199ab060f5320f76c","author":{"name":"Guansong Wang","email":"[email protected]"},"message":"[en|zh] Update 2007, 2008, 2009 photos.","distinct":true,"url":"https://api.github.com/repos/wangguansong/wangguansong.github.io/commits/a7f1ded2a9c2c3f98f134c7199ab060f5320f76c"}]},"public":true,"created_at":"2017-01-01T15:00:00Z"}
Seems like there is one JSON document per line. To determine the number
of line/documents: wc -l 2017-01-01-15.json
24639 2017-01-01-15.json
Now you know that there are 24639 JSON documents that likely all have an
id and type field. That’s enough to start importing documents in
Something I like to do for import is to use a scripting language. No compilation needed so it’s super easy to adapt to any sources. So for this one I decided to use Groovy as it’s the natural script option when you already use Java. There is support for RxJava used in our SDK through the RxGroovy project. No need for a separate file for dependencies, you can use Grab at the top of your script:
@GrabResolver(name = "OJO", root = "https://oss.jfrog.org/artifactory/repo") @Grab("com.couchbase.client:java-client:2.3.3") @Grab("org.assertj:assertj-core:2.5.0") @Grab("io.reactivex:rxgroovy:1.0.3") @GrabConfig(systemClassLoader = true)
This configuration will make sure you have the Couchbase SDK and RxGroovy. Now something to do is make sure you can read a JSON gzipped file line by line. This is what the following code does. It returns a Stream of String which can be easily changed into an Observable.
public static Stream<String> lines(Path path) { InputStream fileIs = null; BufferedInputStream bufferedIs = null; GZIPInputStream gzipIs = null; try { fileIs = Files.newInputStream(path); // Even though GZIPInputStream has a buffer it reads individual bytes // when processing the header, better add a buffer in-between bufferedIs = new BufferedInputStream(fileIs, 65535); gzipIs = new GZIPInputStream(bufferedIs); } catch (IOException e) { closeSafely(gzipIs); closeSafely(bufferedIs); closeSafely(fileIs); throw new UncheckedIOException(e); } BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(gzipIs)); return reader.lines().onClose({ closeSafely(reader) }); } private static void closeSafely(Closeable closeable) { if (closeable != null) { try { closeable.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // Ignore } } }
Something else we have to do is make sure we can read from files and write JSON to Couchbase Bucket. This needs very little setup. First instantiate a JsonSlurper. JSON slurper parses text or reader content into a data structure of lists and maps and this is ecatly what you need when manipulating JSON. Then you need a connection to a Cluster and a pointer to the json.gz file. For some reason I had to create a new Iterable from the stream Iterator to make sure it could be converted into an Observable.
public static void main(String[] args) { def jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper() def cluster = CouchbaseCluster.create(args[1]) def asyncBucket = cluster.openBucket(args[2]).async() File f = new File(args[0]) Stream<String> stream = lines(f.toPath()) Iterable iterable = new Iterable() { @Override Iterator iterator() { return stream.iterator() } }
Now that we have an Observable of String, each of them representing a JSON document, and a connection to a Bucket, we can start the import. The first flatMap function will transform the JSON string into a RawJsonDocument. In our case since we alreaady have an encoded JSON string, using a RawJsonDocument will avoid unnecessary marshalling work. The second flatMap is more interesting. It does the upsert and then uses a RetryBuilder. It allow you to define retry strategy when for particular Exception.
Observable.from(iterable) .flatMap({ String s -> def json = jsonSlurper.parseText(s) Observable.just(RawJsonDocument.create(json.id, s)) } as Func1<String, Observable<RawJsonDocument>> ).flatMap({ RawJsonDocument jsonDoc -> asyncBucket.upsert(jsonDoc) .retryWhen( RetryBuilder .anyOf(RequestCancelledException.class) .delay(fixed(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) .max(50).build()) .retryWhen( RetryBuilder .anyOf(TemporaryFailureException.class, BackpressureException.class) .delay(fixed(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) .max(50).build()) .onErrorResumeNext({ t -> Observable.empty() } as Func1<Throwable, Observable>) } as Func1<RawJsonDocument, Observable<JsonDocument>>).toBlocking().last() }
The complete script can be found here. Make sure you have a JVM in yourt PATH as well as Groovy to make sure you can use it. Here’s an example:
groovy script.groovy file.json.gz localhost default
This command will import the file called file.json.gz in the default bucket of a cluster available on localhost.
With that you now know how to import data from the GithubArchive or from JSON files more generally.
This post is part of a series about GitTalent, an application driven for the sole purpose of giving Couchbase Connect’s attendee an awesome keynote demo. To list all the GitTalent post, please use the GitTalent Tag.
During the keynote you have seen some wild aggregation queries ran on a 250millions document database and answering in real-time. This was possible because we used CBAS, our new analytics service. CBAS has been designed specifically to run massively parallelized queries. It uses the SQL++ language. It is slightly different than N1QL but both will be identical in the future.
Analytics is in Developer Preview, take a look at the full documentation. You can download it from Couchbase download page under the extensions tab. It’s a separate executable for now but will be integrated to Couchbase Server in the future.
To start it, simply extract the archive you have downloaded and run:
This will start a Couchbase Analytics node on your machine. If everything
went well, you can access the UI with your browser by going to http://localhost:8095/
And you should see something like this:
So now you need to tell Couchbase Analytics where are your data. If you want to query data on the gittalent bucket hosted on localhost you need to execute the following queries:
create bucket gitTalent with { "bucket": "gittalent", "nodes": "" }; create shadow dataset developer on gitTalent; connect bucket gitTalent with { "password": "" }; create bucket dev with { "bucket": "default", "nodes": "" }; create shadow dataset developers on dev; connect bucket dev with { "password": "" };
This will make sure all mutations happening on the gittalent and default bucket are forwarded to the Couchbase Analytics indexes.
All developers profile stored in GitTalent are stored with the list of their public repositories. Would you like to know what is the most used languages out of all these repositories?
First we need to look at the current datastructure. Here is an example of the repositories field:
repositories": [ { "createdAt": 1441826090000, "size": 569, "languages": { "Java": 128261, "Shell": 164, "Go": 299, "Python": 371 }, "repoName": "algorithm", "subscriberCount": 0, "fullName": "mincong-h\/algorithm", "description": "Learning Algorithm with LeetCode & HackerRank", "mainLanguage": "Java", "updatedAt": 1484505371000 }, { "createdAt": 1477998333000, "size": 1875, "languages": { "Java": 53346 }, "repoName": "algorithm-princeton", "subscriberCount": 0, "fullName": "mincong-h\/algorithm-princeton", "description": "Coursera - Introduction to Algorithms", "mainLanguage": "Java", "updatedAt": 1478465061000 }, { "createdAt": 1446655080000, "size": 936, "languages": { "Java": 109845 }, "repoName": "esig-android", "subscriberCount": 0, "fullName": "mincong-h\/esig-android", "description": "Course ESIGELEC - Android Developpement", "mainLanguage": "Java", "updatedAt": 1472320496000 }, { "createdAt": 1428010483000, "size": 2188, "languages": { "C#": 36777 }, "repoName": "esig-csharp", "subscriberCount": 0, "fullName": "mincong-h\/esig-csharp", "description": "Course ESIGELEC - C# programming.", "mainLanguage": "C#", "updatedAt": 1472320205000 }, { "createdAt": 1424105673000, "size": 232, "languages": { "Java": 24469 }, "repoName": "esig-java", "subscriberCount": 0, "fullName": "mincong-h\/esig-java", "description": "Course ESIGELEC : Advanced Java, part 1.", "mainLanguage": "Java", "updatedAt": 1472246324000 }, { "createdAt": 1425482260000, "size": 4312, "languages": { "Java": 6105271, "CSS": 1230522, "JavaScript": 2812, "HTML": 511626, "XSLT": 5266 }, "repoName": "esig-javaee-farm", "subscriberCount": 0, "fullName": "mincong-h\/esig-javaee-farm", "description": "Course ESIGELEC - Advanced Java, part 2.", "mainLanguage": "Java", "updatedAt": 1472319955000 } ]
As you can see this is an array of objects. The field languages in these objects is also an array of object with the name of the language as name of the field and the number of bytes written in that language as value. It's interesting because it means we can't predict what will be in those objects. It's like having a column in SQL that you would not know its name. We are talking really Schemaless here. But we can get our way through thiss Here is the query to get the 10 most popular languages:
SELECT l.name, COUNT(1) AS numberOfRepo, SUM(l.`value`) AS totalBytes FROM developers developer UNNEST repositories AS repo UNNEST OBJECT_PAIRS(repo.languages) AS l GROUP BY l.name ORDER BY totalBytes DESC LIMIT 10; results": [ { "numberOfRepo": 403, "name": "C", "totalBytes": 1012683307 }, { "numberOfRepo": 745, "name": "Java", "totalBytes": 783514423 }, { "numberOfRepo": 290, "name": "C++", "totalBytes": 362514970 }, { "numberOfRepo": 808, "name": "JavaScript", "totalBytes": 351660189 }, { "numberOfRepo": 55, "name": "Erlang", "totalBytes": 250080237 }, { "numberOfRepo": 447, "name": "HTML", "totalBytes": 173274702 }, { "numberOfRepo": 458, "name": "Python", "totalBytes": 137949798 }, { "numberOfRepo": 346, "name": "Go", "totalBytes": 114832686 }, { "numberOfRepo": 104, "name": "PHP", "totalBytes": 101042411 }, { "numberOfRepo": 487, "name": "CSS", "totalBytes": 68472061 } ]
There are two very important keywords here. First UNNEST that takes an array and flatten it. Then OBJECT_PAIRS that will transform an object with unkown fields into something useable.
Here is an example:
SELECT OBJECT_PAIRS({ "Java": 128261, "Shell": 164, "Go": 299, "Python": 371 }) [ { "$1": [ { "name": "Go", "value": 299 }, { "name": "Java", "value": 128261 }, { "name": "Python", "value": 371 }, { "name": "Shell", "value": 164 } ] } ]
This is how we can group by language name withouth knowing the content of the fields. This query also work with N1QL. Interesting fact. If you have a small amount of data it will be faster with in-memory N!QL indexes than using Couchbase Analytics.
Couchbase Analytics really thrives when querying massive amount of data.
During the keynote, you can see Perry answering Ravi’s demand by adding à new field in the application. À part from the fact that it requires a very minimal amount of code, when he pushed that code to the server the whole project was automatically built, tested, packaged and deployed to production. This is called Continuous Integration(CI) and Continuous Deployment(CD). In the digital economy era if you want to keep up with change you need CI and CD. To give you some numbers Github deploys to production several times a day, Facebook does it pretty much continuously. This post will explain how to setup a simple CI/CD pipeline for GitTalent using Jenkins.
Jenkins is an automation server. It’s one if not the most common CI/CD server available. It is already installed on many companies and as such is the one we will use today. You will find several alternatives like Travis, Bamboo or Circles CI.
First download and install Jenkins. For a quick test I had to do the following.
I have downloaded the war, I created a jenkins folder in my home
directory and from there ran java -jar Jenkins.war --httpPort=9090
It’s not the right way to install it for production but is enough for this post.
I am using the port 9090 mostly because I often have something running
on port 8080.
Now go to localhost:9090 and follow the tutorial with all the default option and created an admin user.
We are now ready to setup our different jobs. We will make sure that the jobs are started automatically each time there is à new commit pushed to Github. The CI job will build Docker images. Then if everything went well and the CI is sucessful, we will move to the CD part.
This is an Angular2 app and as such requires nodejs to be built. You need to have it installed on your CI nodes. If you have Docker you can get away with it by using a container that runs npm for you. So first make sure you have either npm and angular-cli or Docker installed. Docker is mandatory for the next step anyway.
When you create a new Jenkins job you have several choices. The more generic thing to do here is to choose a freestyle job. We are not going to use any particular plugins. We’ll stick to the default so you understand everything that is needed. No usage of magical plugins that do all the work for you. You should probably use them but in our case it’s simpler and easier to understand what is going on without any plugins.
For the configuration there are two important steps. The first one is to tell Jenkins where is your source code. Under Source Code Management select Git and paste the URL of the github repository:
The second step is to tell Jenkins what to do once this code has been checked out. In my case I don’t have npm insgalled so I’ll be using Docker to run npm:
This is the version with Docker:
export revId=$(git rev-parse HEAD) echo $revId docker run --rm -t -v $(pwd)/gittalent-frontend:/project -u $(id -u):$(id -g) --entrypoint npm metal3d/ng install docker run --rm -t -v $(pwd)/gittalent-frontend:/project -u $(id -u):$(id -g) metal3d/ng build --environment=test docker build -t gittalent/frontend:$revId gittalent-frontend
And the version using npm annd angular-cli directly:
export revId=$(git rev-parse HEAD) echo $revId npm install ng build --environment=test docker build -t gittalent/frontend:$revId gittalent-frontend
The first two commands are here to assign the current commit ID to an environment variable and echo it in the logs. This variable will be used as tag for the Docker Image built at the end of this job.
Than the following two commands are here to installed the node modules needed for the app and to build the app with the test environment. This environment is configured to use a particular backend URL. The one that the backend will have during the integration tests.
Than the last command builds a docker image for the frontend. The Dockerfile is very simple:
FROM nginx COPY dist/ /usr/share/nginx/html
It uses the default nginx image and copy the result of the build in the image. It will be served with the default configuration and so accessible on port 80.
Now to test this build you need to click on the Build Now button. This is a manual process, let’s see how to automate this.
A GitHub Webhook will trigger a build automatically when a commit is pushed to a particular repository. To setup a Github integration go to the settings of your repository and go to Integrations and services. Add a Jenkins Service:
Configure the Jenkins Service by setting the URL of your Jenkins Server.
Yes this means that your server needs to be publicly accessible for Github to send a request to the endpoint you just specified.
Now go back to the setup of the Gittalent Frontend job. Under the Build Triggers section, tick the GitHub hook trigger option and save your changes. From now on, every commit pushed to the github repository will trigger a build of this job.
Now let’s see how to build the backend.
The backend is a Spring Boot application using Maven as build tool. So you need to make sure that Maven is installed on your Jenkins instances. We are going to use the same project than before and change the build steo.
First we create a particular configuration file needed during the docker build. This file is used by the data importer of the application. It connects to Github and retrieve application data.
Than we build the project and its Docker image:
You need to add the following code:
cd gittalent-backend echo "login=yourLogin" > ./src/main/docker/.github echo "password=yourPassword" >> ./src/main/docker/.github mvn clean install docker:build
The Docker image is built thanks to the Spotify plugin:
<plugin> <groupId>com.spotify</groupId> <artifactId>docker-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>0.4.11</version> <configuration> <imageName>gittalent/backend:${env.revId}</imageName> <dockerDirectory>src/main/docker</dockerDirectory> <buildArgs> <finalName>${project.build.finalName}.jar</finalName> </buildArgs> <resources> <resource> <targetPath>/</targetPath> <directory>${project.build.directory}</directory> <include>${project.build.finalName}.jar</include> </resource> </resources> </configuration> </plugin>
Notice that we still use the current commit ID as tag for our
Docker image thanks to the Maven property ${env.revId}
. Talking about
Docker, here is the image used:
FROM openjdk:8u102-jre ARG finalName ADD $finalName /gittalent.jar ADD .github /root/ VOLUME /tmp ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar","/gittalent.jar"]
At the end of this build you have an image for the backend and the frontend. The next step is to test their interaction with integration tests.
We keep on modifying our job and adding a new step to run the integration tests. It’s a maven project so all we have to do is make sure it’s ran.
cd ../gittalent-integration-test mvn clean install
At that point each time you push a commit, a test build is created for the frontend and backend and is tested through a Selenium integration test. If everything is succesful, we can start building the production (or staging, pre-production etc… but let’s keep the example simple) artifacts and archive them.
Let’s start by creating a new job starting from the previous one. Instead of triggering a build with a Github Push, this Job will be triggered when the previous GitTalent job has sucessfuly finished:
Now this is the time to change how you build the frontend and backend by making sure they are build with production settings. Here I am modifying the build environment for the frontend and the password and login for the backend. Of course you could modify or add more changes here.
It’s also the time to add a Post-Build action that will archive some files. Here I am archiving a zip of the frontend code and the backend JAR.
At this point a minimal CI chain is completed. There are of course lots of other things you would do like setting up appropriate version numbers or possibly building artifacts for more environment than the production one. We will however assume that this is enough for this post.
At this stage we have a CI pipeline. It builds, tests and packages everything. This is the Continuous Integration phase. It’s great but not enough. Now we need to deploy this to our server. This is the Continuous Deployment phase.
In the previous step you saw we archived a zip containing the website and a jar containing the backend. Our goal is to deploy all this to a remote machine in the cloud. So we need to make sure that this machine is ready. We will run on the same machine for the sake of the example an nginx server and a Spring Boot application. So first make sure you have Java and nginx installed.
yum install nginx java-1.8.0-openjdk
Once they are installed we need to configure them. First let’s take a look
at the nginx configuration. Go ahead and open the /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
and replace it with the following content:
user nginx; worker_processes auto; error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log; pid /run/nginx.pid; # Load dynamic modules. See /usr/share/nginx/README.dynamic. include /usr/share/nginx/modules/*.conf; events { worker_connections 1024; } http { log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" ' '$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" ' '"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"'; access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log main; sendfile on; tcp_nopush on; tcp_nodelay on; keepalive_timeout 65; types_hash_max_size 2048; include /etc/nginx/mime.types; default_type application/octet-stream; include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf; server { listen 80 default_server; listen [::]:80 default_server; server_name _; root /usr/share/nginx/html; ## # Gzip Settings ## gzip on; gzip_http_version 1.1; gzip_disable "MSIE [1-6]\."; gzip_min_length 256; gzip_vary on; gzip_proxied expired no-cache no-store private auth; gzip_types application/hal+json text/plain text/css application/json application/javascript application/x-javascript text/xml application/xml application/xml+rss text/javascript; gzip_comp_level 9; #Static File Caching. All static files with the following extension will be cached for 1 day location ~* .(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|ico|css|js|svg)$ { expires 7d; add_header Cache-Control public; } # Rewrite rule location / { try_files $uri$args $uri$args/ $uri/ /index.html =404; } }
Most of this configuration is default settings. The more interesting part starts from the GZIP settings. It’s role is to make sure all the static resources will be send gzipped by nginx, resulting in better performances. Then we have the Cache headers that will tell the web browser to keep some files in its cache for seven days. Finally you have the rewrite rule to make sure nginx can work with a single page application using hashbang for navigation.
Now that nginx is setup, let’s talk about the Spring Boot application. First thing
I do before creating a new service is create a user for that service: adduser gittalent
Then comes the service creation. Create and edit the file `vim /ets/systemd/system/gittalent.service ` and add the following content:
[Unit] Description=gittalent After=syslog.target [Service] User=gittalent ExecStart=/var/opt/gittalent/gittalent.jar SuccessExitStatus=143 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target
This is basically a Systemd service. You can see that the execution part is simple as it is just executing the jar file located here: /var/opt/gittalent/gittalent.jar This works because JAR created by our Spring Boot project are executable services thanks to the maven Spring Boot plugin we use.
Now to enable that service you need to type systemctl gittalent status
For all of this to work you need to create the gittalent folder and add the right
mkdir /var/opt/gittalent chown gittalent /var/opt/gittalent chgrp gittalent /var/opt/gittalent
Now your application will require a particular configuration. By default the Spring app will pickup the application.properties file in its working directory. So create this file as user gittalent:
su - gittalent vim /var/opt/gittalent/application.properties
In this file we specify the Couchbase nodes addresses, the port used by the server, the URL of our nging server for CORS configuration, the level of consistency we are after, some compression settings to make the API result smaller, and anything else you might want to configure for the backend.
spring.couchbase.bootstrap-hosts=ec2-52-4-12-105.compute-1.amazonaws.com,ec2-52-1-86-211.compute-1.amazonaws.com,ec2-54-82-132-50.compute-1.amazonaws.com server.port=8080 gittalent.cors.allowedOrigin=http://ec2-52-20-157-174.compute-1.amazonaws.com spring.data.couchbase.consistency=eventually_consistent server.compression.enabled=true server.compression.mime-types=application/json,application/hal+json,application/xml,text/html,text/xml,text/plain
As this application is using Github to import data, you also need to create /home/gittalent/.github
to store credentials:
login=githubLogin password=githubPassword
Now that this machine is setup, we can move to the deployment phase.
This step will require you to install a plugin. It’s very simple to do. Click on Manage Jenkins than Manage Plugins. Here click on the Available tab and search for SSH. The first plugin you should see coming up is Publish Over SSH. Go ahead, install it and restart Jenkins.
At that point you need to configure the remote host to which you want to deploy the latest build. If you go into Manage Jenkins than Configure System, at the end of the page you sill wee the Publish Over SSH configuration.
Now create another Job that will be built automatically after the previous one. You can also leave the trigger option alone and trigger the build manually if you don’t want every build to be pushed to production.
Add a new step to execute or send a file over ssh. We are going to download the latest public build and put them in production. The necessary steps are as follow:
wget http://yourJenkinsServer:9090/job/GItTalent-production/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/gittalent-backend/target/gittalent-backend-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar wget http://yourJenkinsServer:9090/job/GItTalent-production/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/gittalent-backend/target/gittalent-front.zip systemctl stop gittalent cp crm-couchbase-backend-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar /var/opt/gittalent/gittalent.jar chown gittalent /var/opt/gittalent/gittalent.jar chgrp gittalent /var/opt/gittalent/gittalent.jar systemctl start gittalent rm -rf dist unzip ./gittalent-front.zip rm -rf /usr/share/nginx/html/* cp -r dist/* /usr/share/nginx/html/
And with that you have a job that takes the latest archived artifact for your backend and frontend and deploy them to a server. This is the Continuous Deployment part.
Now of course most of these steps are very simple and necessarily realistic. But this should give you a good idea on what is necessary to achieve a CI/CD pipeline. It’s also worth mentioning that a lot of this can be simplified by Jenkins plugins, that we could also publish resulting Docker images to a Docker repository and deploy them to production from this repository. There are as many solutions as there projects and developers. Just pick the one that fits best to your current setup.